Big Brother 18 Nicole And Corey

Big Brother 18 Nicole And Corey


Big Brother 18 Nicole And Corey

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Nicole Franzel and Corey Brooks are about to be greatly outnumbered if things continue down the current course for Big Brother 18 . They’re likely about to lose their only ally in Paulie and face a very difficult game ahead especially after the next Care Package arrives.
With Nicole out of the running for the Co-HoH care package only Corey is eligible from their shrinking alliance and that leaves a big threat to the couple hoping to persist in the season or even survive through next week.
Only Victor won’t be able to compete in the upcoming HoH which means Nicole and Corey will face Paul, James, Natalie, and Michelle in their bid for control and safety, but even if one of the couple wins it this probably won’t be a safe week.
We know something these HGs don’t. The next care package gives away half the HoH’s power letting the Co-HoH (ACP’s recipient this week) share safety and make one of the two nomination picks. Here’s where things get ugly fast for Corey and Nicole.
Let’s say Corey wins HoH on Thursday night. He’s going to think both Nicole and he are safe for the week. Nope. When that next package drops from the sky I’m willing to wager Corey won’t be even close to winning that prize. Nicole is out of the running and really this would have been the week for her fans to save for her to win, but that’s spilt milk.
When either Michelle, Paul, or Victor wins the Co-HoH Care Package then they’ll have the power to pick the second nom so up Nicole will go on the Block even with Corey as the HoH.
Even if we flip things around in the scenario with Nicole winning HoH we’ve still got the same issue of the other going up on the Block when that Care Package hits the backyard.
If Nicole is HoH, noms Victor, and Corey goes up on the Block after, for example, Michelle wins ACP then that leaves Michelle, James, Natalie, and Paul to all vote out Corey. Yes, we could be watching Corey get voted out under Nicole’s HoH reign next Thursday. Yikes!
Now why don’t I think Corey has a snowball’s chance of winning this ACP? He is second to last in our poll for who should win it with only Paulie behind him. Then if you go to our Popularity Poll, he’s the lowest active HG in last week’s rankings . He’s just not a popular HG and that’s exactly what this ACP twist requires. A few readers have suggested Nicole’s fans could rally to vote for Corey instead, and sure, it’s possible, but I don’t see it happening in the volumes necessary to impact the outcome.
Should someone other than Nicole or Corey win HoH then I think we’ll end up seeing both of them on the Block together with the two noms combined since that’s the latest majority’s group decision and then Corey would be on out the door. There’s really just no best case scenario for the couple under what we see in the game right now.
Of course if this Friday mystery episode presents a returning Juror competition or some other sort of outside forces overrides the game next week with another twist then things may still work out much differently than I’ve detailed above. And that’s what it will probably take to protect Nicole and Corey from being split up next week and they don’t even know it yet.
What do you think might happen? Can you see a likely scenario where the pair could avoid one being evicted next week? Share your thoughts below.
Side note : Yes, of course one could win Veto and save the other. I’m more looking at them likely facing a situation where one is on the Block with the votes pending against them to be evicted.
Big Brother 18 Popularity Poll – Week 8
‘Big Brother 18’ Live Feeds Week 8: Tuesday Highlights
As long as one of them goes, it will be a good week.
With two HOHs next week, does that mean those two can’t compete for HOH the following week? That could get interesting!
Good question. No, I don’t think both can’t compete since the Co-HoH didn’t win the comp, they won a twist power. I expect the Co-HoH to still play in the next HoH competition.
I surely hope they can play the next week, that’s BS if they can’t
I don’t care if they can’t play. Don’t like either one of them
I think neither HOH should be able to play. Since the HOH and the co HOH both hold safety and the power to decide one nom. Neither should be able to play just to be fair
Maybe they can both half-play: HOH plays first half of the competition, Co plays the other half.
Interesting idea but I doubt it – doubt they would do another co-HOH, which is what would happen if they won
Itd be interesting for both HOHs to fight for who cant compete for HOH the following week.
I assume since Viktor (HoH this week) is in the running for the care package, that it would mean the care package receiver isn’t under the same restrictions as the regular HoH.
1:03 bb cacalls for an outside lockdown. Victor says it’ll be about 45 minutes. Well I guess if productions going to swap Pollys envelope and giving the round-trip now
Oh stop. They’re not going to swap cards. Paulie has a 1:8 chance.
When was the surprise Friday show revealed? Is it plausible that production knows who has the round trip ticket based on where it was selected in the Paris room and they realize that it will not be used and have scheduled the returning guest via the impromptu Friday plan B… If so, then we can surmise that Paulie definitely doesn’t have the ticket
I believe I actually read here somewhere that production knows exactly who has the RT ticket because they were numbered…not just by where they were placed(?). I do hope that it is not Paulie holding the RT ticket.
I’m sure they know, and I bet it’s Paulie
Yep, each envelope had a number on the back.
These producers will find any way possible to get that loser DaVonne back in the house. They miss her hoardes of fans, good DR and dirty looks.
Yes she does. She keeps it in her open window on those warm Summer nights to keep cool.
Friday’s episode has been scheduled for a couple of weeks.
Thank you, Matthew. I’ve wanted to say that for weeks to people. I haven’t only because things I say quite often don’t come out well, so I was afraid it would be taken as a personal attack on the person posting the comment. I’m so tired of people talking about setups and production, etc. etc. Again, Thank you.
This is TV and ratings are what the producers want. Paulie having RT ticket would boost ratings and bringing DaVonne back in some way would bring back her fans. I hate both, so I hope you are right.
Matt! I’ve been posting on here for six years now you know me, that was a joke.
No, they’re changing the table size right now.
They’re back inside. Indoor lockdown has been called.
No..the switching of envelope will be done by Julie Chen during the live eviction…Rumor said, she practiced sleight of hand with a magician.
You know if you laugh at Cy, he gets better and better, or worse, according to your sense of humor. ;)
Why would CBS rig the show to keep the least popular housemate, by far, in the house?
You people keep crying wolf about rigging and refuse to answer this question.
Isn’t the obvious answer because he causes drama/tension which makes for a much more interesting show? I don’t think it’s rigged either but that would be the obvious answer.
I see your point, but Paulie isn’t someone viewers ‘love to hate’. He’s someone they just hate.
He’s also a huge threat to Natalie and James, who viewers adore. If Paulie has the ticket it’s not because of rigging.
I don’t adore the whiny hypocrite or the can’t make my own decision coward.
Me neither-ugh! Who would adore those two but to each their own I guess.
I was with you until I got to the viewers who adore Nat and James
What’s to disagree with? The viewing audience loves Natalie and James. It doesn’t mean you or I do. There’s quantitative data that shows this.
Like it or not, Joe is correct here.
We won’t though. Because even if Paulie DOES have the round-trip ticket (he has a 1 in 8 chance after all) it doesn’t mean production rigged it.
I wasn’t talking about Paulie and the return ticket being rigged
Oh okay. What was the “Well we’ll get to see” in reference to?
CBS is not going to take the chance of having their broadcast license revoked or suspended ,and any kind of switching of envelopes or pushing for a favorite would be a fraud and the FCC would be all over it,CBS owns too many channels to risk their license ,so these idiots who think its rigged are just full of hot air.
They keep these types of HG because they’d do anything for ratings. They kept a racist and a drug addict on the show, so why not an asshole?
What exactly do you mean by ‘kept’? As in the producers actually went out of their way to interfere with the game in order to ensure a contestant remains in the game when they otherwise would have been voted out?
By “kept” I meant that any honorable network would have REMOVED those people from the show. The racist remarks that were ongoing by one HG were disgusting, and the drug induced bullying of another HG by one very sad HG was unconcionable. THAT is what I meant by KEPT!! Is that clear enough for you?
Whoa, why are you getting so upset? I asked an innocent question very politely. You made a serious accusation in a forum where opinions are discussed. If you weren’t prepared for someone to respond to your accusation, then you shouldn’t have made it.
Big Brother is a social experiment. Some people are racist. It sparked a national discussion about race, which is pretty cool if you ask me.
Big Brother is not a Miss America pageant. It’s a game. If we called for the producers to remove every single contestant we personally disagreed with there would be no one left.
You’re right. I did over react. Just one of those days. My apologies.
Hey, no problem at all. I had one of those days yesterday.
Thanks Joe. I get a little carried away at times lol. My last comment on that post was inexcusable. I’m not usually like that, but I have a 6 month old puppy and he’s literally running me ragged. He’s ADORABLE, but SO much energy!! I feel like someone’s dropped off 10 toddlers at my house lol. He’s sure giving me my exercise. He’s a mini Doberman & such a sweetie. His name is Harley (after Harley Davidson) yea, hubby is a Harley guy lol. Have a great day while I’m dealing with what I call, Harley’s crack attacks lol.
Aww, Dobermans are really cute. I can’t imagine a 6 month old one, though! Way too much energy for me. But I’m sure Harley has great parents.
Don’t worry about your comment at all. Seriously, we all lose our cool every once in a while. If it makes you feel better, I lashed out the day before at someone, so I was due for some back at me. It’s all good! Hope you enjoy the rest of the season.
If you say you overreacted, I will believe you, but IMO what you said was right on. Apologies are never out of order, so I applaud you for that and hope you have a good day today. :)
I apologized for the way I said it, not for what I said. I was kind of bitchy the way I said it in my first reply & that’s what I was apologizing for. I still stand by what I said, even though the delivery was pretty crappy lol. Have a good one.
Good deal – you have a good day, too
Well this is a game observing HG’s locked away for a long time, to see how they react. Aaryn being such a racist was hard to watch, but even one dunderhead told her she was being racist, and she disregarded. Rules of the game and all that. They weren’t taking her out
I had such a hard time watching that Aaryn making those racist comments. I couldn’t believe BB kept her in the house. I DO NOT put up with anyone speaking like that around me. I stopped watching the show because of her that season. Has I been in the house I’m afraid I would have had a hard time keeping my hands to myself, and I’m a very gentle person. I have HAD IT with people being judged by the color of their skin, how much they weigh, or how much money they have. For God’s sake, let’s all take a breath here. People are people, regardless of anything else. Love thy fellow man. We seem to have forgotten that these days. Peace and love to everyone.
When someone is breaking rules and constantly refusing punishment, they wouldn’t ensure that he stays in the house. He’s as good as gone.
I’m pretty sure production hates paulie now after him walking around ignoring the pie bake calls and threatening to quit jury
Nicole has fans? Really? Surprising as all she does is nothing.Other than whining about her game.I hope she never returns.
Here;s my take on why she won saftey. Yes she has fans. But People were splitting their votes between Bridget and Mich. Because which ever one didn’t get voted out was a sure bet to leave this week. They others were safe for the time being. And they were saving Vic and Paul for better acp”s.
She won safety because people like her and voted for her. She’s been in the top on the poll favorites every week.
Exactly! She’s had a HUGE following for 2 years now
Actually she won bc Bridgette wasn’t there so she was actually second
Actually she won. Where’s Bridgette? Oh yeah she’s in jury. Where’s Nicole? Oh yeah she’s in the house safe.
Because the voting happened when bridge was still in the house.. Bridge would have won if she wasn’t evicted. Guess u think being second is the same as winning first lol
What don’t you get? She didn’t come in second she WON! She’s safe isn’t she? Someone else isn’t safe. And there are a ton of polls out there. CBS doesn’t reveal who was second or third, etc. Look at some of the other sites where she’s first.
Either way she’s gone soon you’ll see. Super safe was wasted on her.
Ok well unless you can see the future nobody knows who’s going and when until it actually happens. And when she wins you’ll see.
Don’t worry nicole will be in jury too soon. She wasn’t even a target this week so it was wasted. She had to wear that dumb outfit for nothing
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see who goes to jury. Unless you’re psychic. By the way I thought her outfit was cute and so did she. And as far as wasted nobody is EVER safe.
I voted for her and ONLY so she couldn’t get one of the two subsequent care packages where she could cause some damage.
I think people just voted for her – Victor or Paul better win this week
I think nicole USED to have fans. Hell I used to actually like her. But after this season hell no! I think the only fans that stuck around are ones that aren’t too Bright to see the dumb twat she really is. Lmao. Only thing she knows how to play is Corey’s D under the covers every night.. Oh but Natalie is a skank.. Righhhhht. Team Natalie all the way :))
It boggles the mind she has more than 10 – I’m counting who likely like her in her family
And messes with her hair – that’s it
Why is Nicole always smelling her hair?
Does anyone else think it gross
And she’s always scratching up in that big wad of hair on her head. Nicole just looks like she would stink.
I think she is pretty and has great hair
Unlike some in the BB house, she actually showers though.
I’m not quite a Nicole hater…but this gave me a good laugh regardless.
oooooh, I bet she’ll be soooo me-ahhhhd! lmbo
Lololololol I read that in her voice – as irritating as her voice is
I may be the minority this year but I really like Nicole, I hope that if one of them is HOH and one is on the block they win the veto then someone else will go. This is the first year of big brother where I have liked all of the underdogs.
If u liked underdogs then why root for nicole? Shes a veteran been shielded and floater whole show and relies on corey and group of elite guys to protect her. She lies and lies…and lies. She hasnt played the game well and is in lame showmance.
She lies just to lie. Her strategy is to never ever tell anyone the truth. It’s actually a dumb strategy that has never won anyone big brother. So why should she try it if she actually had a clue? The answer is she wouldn’t.
Exactly what she said about DaVonne
Boom!!!! Hate people are just now picking up on the real Nicole.
I picked up on, and disliked, Nicole the first week I watched her. (Didn’t even know BB existed until Season 17 so never seen her before)
You didn’t miss anything. She played same game
Not me – I’ve always said I can’t stand her or James
Gee I believe it was Day that lied and busted up that alliance. Like telling Frank Tiffany was after him and telling Tiffany Frank was after her.
You are so right! Get your facts straight people-ha!
And look where it got her – living large in the jury house
yert every1 lies paul shierlded to!
Who doesn’t friggin lie. At least her lies are about strategy. Like not telling Michelle she’s voting out Day or not telling someone they’re going home. That group of five are the biggest liars in the house. Only difference is they make up lies about people and that’s dirty playing. Michelle even admitted to Paulie she plays dirty.
Paul hasn’t lied? Come on. They all have. Only one I think that has been pretty well straight up is Vic.
Thank you thank you thank you. Been debating back and forth with several Nicole fans. They all seem to think she’s holier than thou and can do no wrong when she is the biggest liar and backstabber in the game right now. Also, can’t stomach her victim mentality.
Have you been watching Natalie, Paul and Michelle? Now those are 3 dirty lying players.
One of the main reasons I don’t like Nicole is because of her fans and their absolute refusal to believe she does anything wrong in the game. It’s always the other houseguests fault and never Nicole.
What does her fans have to do with her. Makes no sense to me. But that’s me. And I don’t think anyone said she’s not doing anything wrong. She’s just not a fake hypocrite.
Like I said before…don’t like Nicole or her fans.
And we don’t like you. Have a nice life. SMH
Good to know the feelings are mutual. Have a great life. Thanks!!!
Good to know the feelings are mutual and I have a wonderful life. Thanks!
james natalie has baitr just like how frank used bridgette!
James has gone on with what the majority decides which is what Corey and Nicole has done and certainly, what Michelle, Natalie has done as well! The big move done was by Victor and Paul to blindside Paulie! The rest has not really done enough to deserve that $500,000 check. Atleast, Paulie and Frank played the game. For this reason, I will root for Victor to win that $500,000 and Paul to get that $50,000 check!
Haha she’s a floater? She’s stuck with Corey and Paulie this entire season. You want to talk about floaters just look at the idiot that wears the duck float all day. He’s the biggest floater.
do you know what floating means? she has ‘floated’ by not doing anything, winning anything, no game moves, and she ‘floats’ with the rest of the house power, which yes, is paulie and corey….what do u not understand about this concept of floating…victoria did same thing with corey and derrick season 16 and she was blatantly a classic floater that went all the way to final 3 by being, um, a FLOATER!! moron…just because you have alliances with the power of house doesnt mean you arent a floater or useless person just going along for the ride–or floating along for the ride…..and every criticism of nicole is true regardless of whatever word you want to use–it’s all just BAD….she doesnt win, she hides behind guys, in a lame showmance, lies all the time and not e
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