Big Booty Brazilian Mom

Big Booty Brazilian Mom


Big Booty Brazilian Mom

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Miss BumBum contestants put on a VERY cheeky show in 2017
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Published: 15:12 BST, 23 April 2018 | Updated: 16:08 BST, 23 April 2018
The founder of Brazil 's Miss BumBum competition has called on women to stop trying to copy Kim Kardashian , claiming the trend towards ever bigger bottoms is 'a cause for national concern'.
Cacau Oliver, owner of the hugely successful best butt competition franchise, claims Brazilian women have become 'so obsessed' by the American reality star that most 'style their own bum on hers'.
And he appealed for them to be more 'patriotic' and avert a crisis by preserving the natural beauty of the iconic Brazilian bottom famous around the world.
Cacau Oliver, the found of the Miss BumBum contest has said Brazil is facing a 'national crisis' over the size of women's bottoms, with constant pressure to make them bigger
Mr Oliver urged Brazilian women to be 'patriotic' and keep their natural curves, rather than using surgery to enhance their features
The annual 'best bottom' contest is now in its eighth year and is Brazil's most popular beauty pageant, with women who are crowned Miss Bumbum becoming overnight celebrities.
But last year the competition changed its rules to ban contestants whose backsides exceeded 43 inches in diameter - the same as Kim Kardashian's famous asset.
Mr Oliver, speaking on the eve of the launch of his autobiography, 'Make Celebrities', said the Kim effect risked turning Brazil into a nation of 'unslightly, exaggerated bottoms'.
He said: 'Unfortunately Kim Kardashian's bottom has redefined parameters in the nation of the bumbum.
'Over recent years we have seen how the Kim effect had changed what is considered a beautiful body, and especially a desirable bottom.
Las year Mr Oliver took the step of banning bottoms bigger than Kim's - 43 inches - from the competition in an attempt to make it 'classy and elegant'
Mr Oliver said Brazil risks becoming a nation of 'unslightly, exaggerated bottoms' unless the Kardashian trend could be reversed
'Certainly when it comes to bottom aesthetics, she has become the only reference in Brazil. Every woman wants their bum to look exactly like hers, it's almost an obsession.
'Among Miss Bumbum hopefuls it has almost become a rule that every bottom needs to look like Kim's.'
But he says the socialite's huge success in the South American country threatens to 'take the beauty out of the Brazilian bumbum, which would be a tragedy for us.
'Brazil has always been known as the land of the beautiful, sexy bottom. But now they are getting too big to be naturally beautiful and that should be a cause for national concern.'
He added: 'I would ask Brazilian women to think again before trying to achieve a bottom like Kim Kardashian's. 
'I would ask them to be patriotic and instead of trying to copy an American bottom, strive to preserve Brazil's image around the world.'
More women have their bottoms surgically enhanced in Brazil than any other country, with more than 64,000 butt lift procedures carried out every year. 
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Serbian-Swedish influencer Natasha Crown will soon undergo her sixth Brazilian butt lift in her quest to have "the world's biggest bum." And while she may have racked up millions of followers on Instagram, she says her enormous asset has hindered her from finding a boyfriend.
Both: Caters News Agency

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This beauty’s booty is butting in the way of romance.
A Serbian-Swedish woman with a “supersized booty” says she’s struggling to find love because men are “afraid” of her surgically enhanced posterior.
Natasha Crown, 27, has undergone five Brazillian butt lifts in a bid to have “the biggest bum in the world” — but the operations haven’t helped her entice a long-term lover.
“My last relationship was seven years ago,” Crown candidly confessed in a recent “Truly” interview . “I am pretty extreme, so I think people are afraid of me.”
BBLs, or Brazillian butt lifts, have exploded in popularity in recent years, with many women coveting Kardashian-style curves. Crown has also garnered more than 2 million Instagram followers thanks to her enormous asset, so it’s surprising to learn she is lonely.
“It’s scary for men. You have my personality, and then you have my body and then you have everything else on top of that,” she stated. “It’s extreme.”
The Gothenburg, Swedeb-based influencer recently appeared on “Truly’s” series “Hooked on the Look,” where she was set up on a blind date with Swede Adam.
Just as Crown predicted, the man was turned off by her bountiful booty, and he had no interest in going on a second date.
“I understand. It’s too much for him. It’s too much to handle all the thickness, all the curves,” Crown sadly stated after the disastrous date. “It didn’t work out, we’re moving on, and hopefully I will find someone.”
Despite her enormous posterior scaring off potential love interests, Crown said she has no plans to stop with the enhancements.
She has spent close to $150,000 on her first five Brazilian butt lifts, and is ready to schedule her sixth procedure.
“I’m going to have the world’s biggest bum. That’s my goal and I’m going to reach it,” she declared. “When I was 20 years old, I did my first surgery . . . and soon I will have my sixth.”
The model has also had a range of other cosmetic enhancements, including breast implants and lip fillers. However, her posterior is her favorite part of her body.
“I just love the feel of having a big bum. When I walk, I feel all the jiggling, jiggling, jiggling, and I start to feel horny with myself,” she told the Sun back in 2017. “That is the best feeling, I think. My bum makes me feel sexy and makes me feel powerful.”

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An Ultimate Guide to Hot Brazilian Women


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Latina women are a perfect choice for someone who is a fan of exotic beauty and passionate character. When it comes to the most popular Latina women, Brazilian women definitely take the first spot. Today we will tell you everything you need to know about sexy Brazilian girls and how to find the one for you.
In the past few years, the popularity of Brazilian women has skyrocketed, but while you can easily see their charm, there must be something that makes them so special. Here are the 4 qualities that make guys go crazy over sexy Brazilian girls.
You don’t need to be a dating pro to see why Brazilian women attract so many men. Their bodies are probably the first thing you notice, and we don’t even need to get into detail to explain which part of the female body makes Brazilian girls so attractive.
However, Brazilian women also have gorgeous facial features. The secret of Brazilian beauty is the diversity: you will find women with any skin color, hair color, bone structure, and style and makeup, which means there is a perfect Brazilian woman for everybody.
If there is one thing you know about the characters of Brazilian girls is that they are some of the most passionate women on the planet. Brazilian ladies have lots of love to share and they are all looking for the ideal target.
Being in a relationship with a Brazilian woman is like being in the centre of the most intense romance movie. Brazilian girls express their passion both in and out of the bedroom, so your relationship will never get stale.
The thing Brazilian women value the most in life is family. Judging by their amazing bodies and risque outfits, you may think that they are promiscuous, but while Brazilian girls certainly enjoy the attention of men, they only have family on the minds.
A Brazilian bride will be at her happiest when she meets her ideal man and starts a family. From this moment, she will spend all of her time and effort on keeping her family happy and satisfied in every sense of the word.
If you ask a sexy Brazilian girl what she fears the most, she will likely say that it’s boredom. That is probably why Brazilian women are some of the most active and outgoing women on the planet.
Besides an admirable sense of humor, Brazilian women are big fans of traveling. Their weekends and vacations are always filled with fun activities, but they also know how to have a lovely night at home with their soulmate.
There are many qualities that make men all over the world dreaming about dating a Brazilian girl, but while they make fantastic girlfriend, they perform even better as wives for the following three reasons:
There is nothing that makes a Brazilian wife happier than taking care of her house and her family. The homemaking skills of Brazilian ladies are truly remarkable. From cleaning the house and decorating every room to perfection to whipping up a delicious meal every day — it seems there is nothing Brazilian wives cannot do!
While there is a decent percentage of Brazilian girls who don’t want to work and only wish to become stay-at-home mothers after they get married, the majority of Brazilian girls you encounter will want to keep their careers. And given how talented they are in many industries and how well they can combine work and family life, this is going to be a great situation for your family.
At first glance, a Brazilian girl may seem like a carefree person who only dreams about romance and partying. However, all of those women are great and natural mothers. They may be in no rush to have children, but there is no one more loving and caring to take care of your children.
The reasons for looking for sexy Brazilian women for marriage are clear, but what makes these beautiful ladies seek foreign husbands? There are three primary reasons for Brazilian brides looking for a husband from overseas:
The male to female ratio in Brazil is nearly equal, but some of the best men in the country are already married. Plus, not all Brazilian men even want to get married or don’t treat Brazilian girls with love and care they deserve.
Brazil is far from being the poorest country in Latin America, but it doesn’t mean the financial situation of Brazilian women is perfect. Many of them have to work low-paying jobs to provide for their families and believe marriage abroad will improve their situations.
For millions of Brazilian girls, a Western man is an ideal husband. They love the way these men look, behave, and they are very flattered by the way foreign men worship the beauty of Brazilian women.
Brazil is a fabulous country that has a lot to offer to its visitors. However, while you are guaranteed to enjoy your time in Brazil as a tourist, it is very unlikely that you will meet your future wife that way.
The reason for that is simple: Brazil is too big of a country with a vast population for you to discover your soulmate. That is why we believe the most effective way to find a Brazilian bride is to use a Brazilian dating site.
The women there are not only good-looking and sociable, but they also know exactly what they want, and what they want is to get married to a foreigner. They will not reject your advances and will gladly talk to you anytime.
Dating a Brazilian woman is one of the greatest joys a man can ever experience, but if you want your relationship to be successful, here are 5 expert dating tips that will help:
You will make the first impression on your Brazil girl with your look, and these women like their men to look impeccable. You don’t always need to wear a designer suit, but you must look put-together and neat, preferably sporting a trendy hairstyle and wearing cologne.
Brazilian women find it charming that you can’t get enough of their ethereal beauty, but they also want you to like them as a person, and it’s impossible without some deep, meaningful conversation. Ask questions and truly listen to your date!
Brazilian women are confident and powerful, which is why they are looking for a man who will be even more confident than them. You need to project your inner confidence on anything you do, from calling her on the phone to making an order at a restaurant.
Brazilian girls don’t like it when a man plays coy. If you like the woman, you should always let her know. You can use words, hugs, kisses, or body language. Your Brazilian lady will also appreciate a nice gift.
Most Brazilian women hate wasting their time on a relationship that isn’t going anywhere. If you have decided that this is the woman you want to marry, don’t hesitate to move to the next steps — for example, meet her family and introduce her to yours.
The fiery characters of Brazilian girls make it nearly impossible to avoid jealousy, although it never gets violent and is often playful. However, rather than being offended or annoyed by it, you should consider it flattering. It means your Brazilian woman is so enamored with you that she cannot stand the idea of you being with another woman.
If you’re a homebody who has a mild character, you may be worried that you and the outgoing, passionate personality of a Brazilian bride will clash. The good news is that, as we all know, opposites attract, so a Brazilian wife will make you more active and emotional, while you will tame her wild character and teach her how to have fun e
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