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Connecting people through photography.

Blueberry Power Play Jeans and Boots
Moon Elixir x MUSE Miss Behave Choker
There is a place to go for incredible healing...
There is a place to get your bearings straight...
There is a place for calm serenity to shower over you...
There is a place to find your happiness again...
There is a place to place lay down your anxiety...
There is a place to let go of your anger...
Now there you go again, you say you want your freedom
It's only right that you should play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness
In the stillness of remembering what you had
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
They say women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
Now here I go again, I see the crystal vision
It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
In the stillness of remembering what you had
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
They say women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean you'll know
Thunder only happens when it's raining
Ooh-ooh, players only love you when they're playing
They say women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean you'll know
Ooh, when the rain washes you clean you'll know
(click to enlarge for more details)
Including Gazebo, Table, Chair and wine bottle (C,M)
FITS FOR Maitreya - Freya - Legacy - Reborn
FITS FOR M Lara - M Petite - Freya - Legacy - L Perky - Reborn
SHOES & STOCKINGS : Leah Heels " by : EUDORA 3D
═.♡.♥.♡.══ AMELIA'S COASTAL TREASURES ═════════════
══════════════════Amelia's Coastal Treasures══.♡.♥.♡.═
═.♡.♥.♡.══ RAPTURE ═══════════════════════════
═.♡.♥.♡.══ EUDORA 3D ══════════════════════════
═══════════════════════════Eudora 3D══.♡.♥.♡.═
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Staging, Pose and Picture by : PB Picture Studios
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Safe within the darkness of the Shadow... Our power grows with the collective outpouring of the hive... Each little hiveling increasing our power incrementally...
Give into the hive mindset... Let the shadow and the darkness in my child...
We are Rosemary... We are calling you...
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
In doing so you unwittingly opened a door...
And she now inhabits the wreckage you left behind...
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
Hi!!! My name is Charlie... Do you want to be my friend?
Have one of my pop tarts, they are really good!
So recently I discovered another AWESOME Indie wrestler by the name of Charlie Kruel. I think she is super cool and really hope she goes far in her career. So I though i would do my next Second Life wrestler Tribute to Charlie Kruel.... She was featured on AEW Dark facing Ruby Soho but has an extensive library of matches now on youtube from the independent scene...
Please google her, and find some of her awesome matches on youtube...
and Follow her on TWITTER ------>
SPONSORS: Le Fil Casse & [WellMade]
Adventuring deep into the Hunros Mine nobody can escape the wrath of Rosemary the Demon Assassin. Long long before we stepped into the wrestling ring of Impact Wrestling we were already responding to the commands of the shadow furthering the reach of the Hive over the face of the earth... Give up your will hivelings and join us... It is much easier to do so voluntarily but you will become part of the Hive one way or the other. It matters little to us... Become part of the family... part of the hive!
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
Once I thought the most important thing was the destination...
Now I have come to believe it is the path we are on right now...
Things that are helping me on that path:
One of my DEAREST friends in SL just went and paid to make me a Pro member. So... I likely will be posting some more of my more moderate shots. I still do think I will explore safe shots more since I think that will be where the lion share of SL activity will go now. But THANK YOU to my good friend. That was totally unexpected and a huge huge surprise!
OK... So Flickr has decided that all of us who like to post our nawty photos must pay to play...
I'll be posting safe photos on Flickr from now on. I'll find some alternate way to feature my more scandalous photos. I'm just going to take it as a challenge to feature different kinds of photography on my stream.
This photo is an oldie but a goodie and very relevant as a Tribute to the new AEW Women's World Champion!!!!
Congrats to the most badass wrestler on the planet!!!
Blood & Glory - Thunder Rosa Entrance Music AEW
Tribute to The Demon Assassin Rosemary
Impact Wrestling Legendary Knockout
"The Hive has always been a place that we’ve encouraged people to come when you’re feeling lost, when you’re feeling confused, when you’re feeling like you don’t belong somewhere. The Hive has always been a place of belonging for those who don’t belong anywhere else. In this time, that is obviously a feeling that has expanded to far more people. So without being too transparent as always wanting more souls for The Shadow, The Hive is open to you, children, and feel free to join..."
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
Taste the lips of Deaths sweet kiss
SOMEONE Bom Lates Heart Pasties & Gloves
The last 3 years were quite the emotional rollercoaster
Bellisseria no longer brings me happiness
But this chapter of Second Life is over for me
hopefully of a happy memory of the past long forgotten
Eva & the Very Nice and Very EVIL Slenderman
The burning is so low it's concerning
'Cause they know that when it goes out
Why no one ever comes back with details from beyond
But this year, though I'm far from home
The most realistic BoM Skins in a package for different amazing age mature looks.
(Also availiable with Omega appliers in another package)
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Infos & Credits < < < < < < < < < < < < <
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Pose and picture by : PB Picture Studios
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The meeting together, mixing, and intermingling of men and women in one place, the crowding of them together, and the revealing and exposure of women to men are prohibited by the Law of Islam (Shari'ah). These acts are prohibited because they are among the causes for fitnah (temptation or trial which implies evil consequences), the arousing of desires, and the committing of indecency and wrongdoing.
Among the many proofs of prohibition of the meeting and mixing of men and women in the Qur’aan and Sunnah are:
Verse No. 53 of Surat al-Ahzab, or the Confederates (Interpretation of the meaning); "...for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs..."
In explaining this Verse, Ibn Kathir (May Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Meaning, as I forbade you to enter their rooms, I forbid you to look at them at all. If one wants to take something from a woman, one should do so without looking at her. If one wants to ask a woman for something, the same has to be done from behind a screen."
The Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) enforced separation of men and women even at Allaah’s most revered and preferred place, the mosque. This was accomplished via the separation of the women’s rows from the men’s; men were asked to stay in the mosque after completion of the obligatory prayer so that women will have enough time to leave the mosque; and, a special door was assigned to women. Evidence of the foregoing are:
Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) said that after Allah’s Messenger (May peace and blessings be upon him) said "as-Salamu ‘Alaykum wa Rahmatullah’ twice announcing the end of prayer, women would stand up and leave. He would stay for a while before leaving. Ibn Shihab said that he thought that the staying of the Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) was in order for the women to be able to leave before the men who wanted to depart." Narrated by al-Bukhari under No. 793.
Abu Dawood under No. 876 narrates the same hadith in Kitab al-Salaat under the title "Insiraaf an-Nisaa’ Qabl al-Rijaal min al-Salaah" (Departure of Women before Men after the Prayer). Ibn ‘Umar said that Allah’s Messenger (May peace and blessings be upon him) said: "We should leave this door (of the mosque) for women." Naafi’ said: "Ibn ‘Umar never again entered through that door until he died." Narrated by Abu Dawood under No. 484 in "Kitab as-Salah" under the Chapter entitled: "at-Tashdid fi Thalik".
Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) said: ""The best of the men’s rows is the first and the worst is the last, and the best of the women’s rows is the last and the worst in the first." Narrated by Muslim under No. 664.
This is the greatest evidence that the Law of Islam (Shari'ah) forbids meeting and mixing of men and women. The farther the men are from the women’s rows, the better, and vice versa.
If these procedures and precautions were prescribed and adhered to in a mosque, which is a pure place of worship where people are as far away as they ever are from the arousal of desire and temptation, then no doubt the same procedures need to be followed even more rigorously at other places.
Abu Usayd al-Ansari narrated that he heard Allah’s Messenger (May peace and blessings be upon him) say to the women on his way out of the mosque when he saw men and women mixing together on their way home:
‘Give way (i.e., walk to the sides) as it is not appropriate for you to walk in the middle the road.’ Thereafter, women would walk so close to the wall that their dresses would get caught on it. Narrated by Abu Dawood in "Kitab al-Adab min Sunanihi, Chapter: Mashyu an-Nisa Ma’ ar-Rijal fi at-Tariq."We know that the intermingling, mixing and crowding together of men and women is part of today’s unavoidable yet regrettable affliction in most places, such as markets, hospitals, colleges, etc., but:
· We will not willfully choose or accept mixing and crowding, particularly in religious classes and council meetings in Islamic Centers.
· We take precautions to avoid meeting and mixing of men and women as much as possible while at the same time achieving desired goals and objectives. This result can be achieved by designating separate places assigned for men and women, using different doors for each, utilizing modern means of communication such as microphones, video recorders etc., and expediting efforts to have enough female teachers to teach women, etc.
· We show fear of Allaah as much as we can by not looking at members of the opposite sex and by applying self-restraint.
There follow some of the results of a study on mixing undertaken by some Muslim social science researchers.
When we put the following question: What is the Islamic ruling on mixing as far as you know? The results were as follows:
76% of respondents said “It is not permitted.”
12% said, “It is permitted” – but moral, religious, etc. restrictions apply…
If you had the choice between working in a mixed workplace and working in another where there was no mixing, which would you choose?
The responses to this question were as follows:
76% would choose the workplace where there was no mixing.
15% would accept any workplace which suited their specialties, regardless of whether it was mixed or not.
Have any embarrassing situations ever happened to you because of mixing?
Among the embarrassing moments mentioned by respondents in this study were the following:
I was at work one day, and I went into one department where one of my female colleagues who wears hijaab had taken off her hijaab in front of her female colleagues. My entrance took her by surprise and I was very embarrassed as a result.
I had to do an experiment in the lab at university, but I was absent on the day of the experiment. I had to go to the lab on the following day, and I found myself the only male among a group of female students, in addition to a female teacher and a female lab technician. I was very embarrassed and felt very awkward with all those female eyes glaring at me.
I was trying to take a feminine towel out of one of the drawers when I was surprised by a male colleague standing behind me, who wanted to take something from his own private drawer. He noticed that I was embarrassed and he left the room quickly to avoid my embarrassment.
It so happened that one of the girls at the university bumped into me when turning a corner in a crowded corridor. She was walking quickly, going to one of the lectures. As a result of this collision, she lost her balance, and I caught her in my arms, as if I was embracing her. You can imagine how embarrassed I and this girl felt in front of a group of careless young people.
One of my female colleagues fell on the stairs in the university and her clothes fell open in an extremely embarrassing fashion. She landed upside down and could not help herself; the young men standing nearby had no option but to cover her and help her to get up.
I work in a company and I went in to give some papers to my boss. When I was going out, my boss called me back. I turned around and saw him with his face turned away. I was waiting for him to ask me for a file or for more papers, and I was surprised by his hesitancy. I turned away to the left side of his office, pretending to be busy with something, and he spoke to me at the same time. I thought that this boss would say anything except what he actually said, which was to point out that my garment was stained with menstrual blood. Can the earth open up and swallow a human being at the moment of making sincere supplication? For I prayed that the earth would open up and swallow me.
Umm Muhammad, a mature woman over the age of 40, tells her story.
I lived a life of modest means with my husband. There was never any closeness and harmony, and my husband did not have the kind of strong personality that a woman would hope for, but his good nature made me overlook the fact that I was the one who was responsible for most of the decision making in the family.
My husband often used to mention the name of his friend and business partner, and he would talk about him in my presence, and I often used to meet with him in his office which was originally part of our apartment. This went on for many years, until circumstances led to us exchanging visits with this person and his family. These family visits were repeated and because of his close friendship with my husband, we did not notice how the number of visits increased and how many hours a single visit would last. He often used to come on his own to sit with us, me and my husband, for long visits. My husband’s trust in him knew no bounds, and as days passed I got to know this person very well, and saw how wonderful and decent he was. I began to feel a strong attraction towards this man, and at the same time I began to sense that the feeling was mutual.
Things took a strange turn after that, when I realized that this man was the kind of person I had always dreamed about. Why had he come along now, after all these years? The more this man’s status increased in my eyes, the more my husband’s status diminished. It was as if I had needed to see the beauty of his character in order to discover how ugly my husband’s character was.
The matter between this person and myself did not go beyond these persistent thoughts which were occupying my mind night and day. Neither he nor I ever voiced what we felt in our hearts… until today. Yet despite that my life is over and my husband is little more than a weak man with no self-esteem. I hate him and I do not know how all this hatred towards him started to boil over. I wonder how I put up with him all these years, bearing all these burdens by myself, facing life’s problems on my own.
Things got so bad that I asked him for a divorce, and he divorced me at my request. After that he became a broken man. Even worse than that is that after my marriage was wrecked and my children and husband were devastated, problems arose in this man's family. His wife, with her feminine intuition, realized what had been going on in his heart of hearts, and his life became hell. She was overwhelmed with jealousy to the extent that one night she left her house at 2 a.m. and came to attack my house, screaming, weeping and hurling accusations. His marriage was also about to collapse.
I admit that the lovely gatherings which we used to enjoy gave us the opportunity to get to know one another at a time that was not appropriate at this stage in our lives.
His marriage has been wrecked and so has mine. I have lost everything, and now I know that my circumstances and his will not permit us to take any positive step towards coming together. Now I am more miserable than I have ever been, and I am looking for illusionary happiness and lost hopes.
My husband had a group of married friends, and because of our close friendship with them, we used to get together with them once a week in one of our houses, to enjoy an evening of chat.
Deep down in my heart I was never really comfortable with the atmosphere in which we would have dinner, sweets, snacks and drinks of juice accompanied by waves of laughter because of the jokes and chit-chats that often went beyond the bounds of good manners.
In the name of friendship, the barriers were lifted and every now and then one would hear suppressed laughter betwe
Fat Girl 3some
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Amature Boob Shots

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