Big Black Mama Destroys Lil White Girl

Big Black Mama Destroys Lil White Girl


Big Black Mama Destroys Lil White Girl
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The Hate Crimes Reporting Gap is the significant disparity between hate crimes that actually occur and those reported to law enforcement. It is critical to report hate crimes not only to show support and get help for victims, but also to send a clear message that the community will not tolerate these kinds of crimes.
Reporting hate crimes allows communities and law enforcement to fully understand the scope of the problem in a community and put resources toward preventing and addressing attacks based on bias and hate.
This morning a brutal and racist video surfaced. The video is filmed in a Little Caesars restaurant in Augusta, Georgia! Police are now searching for 25-year-old Brittany Kennedy. As the woman savagely attacked her victim, 22-year-old Emily Broadwater, the six-year-old daughter attempted to pull her off.
In the video, Kennedy is brutally beating the woman and dragging her like yesterday’s trash before literally stomping on her head.
It’s funny how everybody assumed the child was the attackers’ kid as you can see from the racist comments in the video above, in reality, the kid was trying to save mommy from getting killed. But I’m sure the white girl got labeled as a white supremacist even though that’s clearly not the case.
In the second video below, victim asks about her child … indicating that the biracial child is hers.
NY POST A woman wearing a face mask was attacked at a Chinatown subway station after allegedly being called a “diseased bitch” — in what police are treating as a possible hate crime sparked by coronavirus fears. Shocking video shared by the NYPD’s hate crimes unit shows a violent confrontation…
CBS Local: Police say an attack on a Hasidic Jewish man in Brooklyn was just an attempted robbery, but members of the community say it should be investigated as a hate crime, too. Surveillance video shows two suspects approached the man from behind around 10:40 p.m. Thursday on Barlett Street…
Sacramento Bee: A California lawmaker wants to make it illegal to make discriminatory 911 phone calls. Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, announced that he is introducing legislation that would make it a hate crime to make a 911 phone call motivated by another person’s race, religion, sex or any other protected…
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This little thug gets the beating of a lifetime by his large and in charge woman.

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With her children as witness (and one screaming in fear) this chain continues into another generation. For Mother to pummel a helpless much smaller man, to continue his humiliation, bodes ill for her offspring, their hate will breed. Ghetto or not, morals, self-respect, charity and decency can be wrought even when living in poverty. Because you're in poverty it's all the more reason to rise above your situation and shine for your children by example. This woman is impoverished far, far more than she realizes. There's nothing funny for me in this video but a sadness perpetuated and behavior on the lowest rung of the ladder. I feel sorry for them and their society because even the more moral of their race looks down on this and they have a name for it. Take a guess.

Wow, that's some deep shit dude... I got a lump in my balls just reading that.

Um, the guy probably started it. Good for Momma to give her girls a lesson in not taking that shit.

"please don't show me that at this point in time"....fucking priceless!

good way to perpetuate the cycle, whata role model for the kids

drunk or high, only explanantion. and who taught a negro to use a video camera?

with the kid crying of course fukin porch monkeys i do love obama though

That's how they do it in the Carter...

fight back,,fight back,,,,,,lmfao ,the fuckin cops drove right by ,,the guy holding the cam is having a blast ,, this clip is one of the best

and reflexes faster than a Hungry Hungry Hippo.






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ABC’s “What Would You Do?” hosted by  John Quinones is known for creating uncomfortable situations with everyday people and capturing their reactions.
Last week’s episode featured “Rachel,” an actress playing a hairstylist at Harlem barbershop Denny Moe’s who is flirting with a Black male patron. When his White girlfriend walks in, she immediately begins loudly criticizing him and making snide comments about her. Hidden cameras capture the reactions—ranging from those who ignored “Rachel’s” shenanigans to those who called her out for being “ignorant” and “racist.”
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The video has gone viral and sparked interesting social media conversations about race relations and the controversial claim of “reverse racism.”
Check out the video below and tell us in the comments or on our NewsOne Facebook Page : “ What would you do? ”
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Female bullfighter is mounted by young bull
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Published: 00:06 BST, 11 January 2017 | Updated: 21:55 BST, 13 January 2017
A bull fight took a horrible turn when the beast began mounting the female bullfighter.
Disturbing video footage shows the bull knocking the woman down in the middle of a fight before lying on top of her and thrusting.
The bull fight took place in Spain and initially the woman - a dwarf - proves a match for the animal as she wields a brown cape.
The bull fight took place in Spain and initially the woman bests the animal as she wields a brown cape
When he slows to a standstill she stamps in front of him, goading him on. However, he suddenly springs into action and charges at her and trips her up
When he slows to a standstill she stamps in front of him, goading him on.
However, he suddenly springs into action and charges at her and trips her up.
She falls to the ground and the bull instantly mounts her from behind and begins thrusting, visibly aroused by the presence of a female. 
She falls to the ground and without a moment's delay the bull mounts her from behind
The beast begins thrusting on top of her body, visibly aroused by the presence of a female
Shrieks of horror can be heard from the crowd, before two others rush to the woman's help
Shrieks of horror can be heard from the crowd, before two others rush to the woman's help.
One forcibly drags the bull away while another helps the bullfighter to her feet.
It's unclear whether she sustained any injury from the traumatic incident.
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