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Home | Blog | Big Balls On Men – Are Large Testicles Really Desirable?
Big Balls On Men – Are Large Testicles Really Desirable?
FREE EBOOK ​ The 3 step process I used to triple my testosterone , Increase Testicles Size and Fire Up Erections!
Testicle Facts That You Need To Know! Interesting Testicle Trivia
Use HER Body Odor To Spike YOUR Wood
How To Increase Penile Girth With Natural Methods
Do Women Prefer Girth or Length? The Absolute Truth
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The 3 step process I used to triple my testosterone , Increase Testicles Size and Fire Up Erections!
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Are big balls on men desirable to the ladies?
Is this something we should focus on as much as we do penis size?
I say an emphatic YES to all of the above. Why?
It’s a masculine thing, because when they’re big, you know for a fact that testosterone is ruling the roost in your gonadal environment.
If it wasn’t, estrogen would have the upper hand, and in this scenario you wouldn’t have big balls – you’d have little ones.
Funny thing is, this transition from big to small can take place so fast, it will make your head spin.
If you ever blow it and go on an alcohol binge – do a testicular examination the next morning to watch this transition in living color…
Because a booze binge, especially a big one, does several things that ensures this shrinkage will happen extra fast.
For one, it causes your estrogen levels to jump up way beyond the testicular safety zone, and estrogen will shrink your testicles down faster than you can say the word atrophy.
And this problem gets compounded by the fact that a heavy binge will also send your T levels down for a week or more .
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Not only that, but when you go to bed the night of the party, you won’t fall into your normal REM sleep cycle because this is another side effect of excess booze consumption.
And when you miss out on REM sleep, you also miss out on your late night anabolic hormone fix, because your body produces your nocturnal hormones while you’re in REM sleep.
But this jump from big to small isn’t just an alcohol thing, because there’re hundreds of other things that can take you out.
One of them gets you in your bathroom every morning when you get your daily dose of Phthalates & Parabens from your soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc…
Because these two testicle toxins are strong estrogen mimics. They’ve been described as Castration Chemicals for a very good reason…
Because they lower sperm count , decrease testosterone and can cause blatant infertility if your exposure is high enough.
And lets not forget about the airborne stuff, from the perfume stinking up the elevator to the diesel fumes you suck in on the freeway 5 days a week.
Of course, we can’t end this conversation without talking about food ….
Because the fuel you put into your body has a huge impact on your testicular size.
And it’s not just the bad things you put into your body that count, it’s also the good things you’re not putting in.
In other words, a junk diet can do some serious damage, and if you’re eating these foods without consuming others that feed your testicles nutrients, you’re going to get hit twice as hard .
Now that we’ve covered the how, let’s talk about the why….
Because there are dozens reasons why you want to make sure your testicles remain large.
One of the most motivating is the fact that big balled men have more sex than men with little balls, because bigger means more T, so that’s just the way it goes.
If a guy with large nuts gets involved in an altercation with a small testicle guy he’ll likely come out on top, because testosterone is the great equalizer when it comes to physical confrontation.
The man with the bigger package will be more territorial, more aggressive, and more confident when challenged, and in most cases will shut down the bad behavior from the other guy before it even starts.
Because the extra hormones that a bigger set will produce guarantee you’ll win more in life, because a testosterone dominant man has a way of coming out on top when it comes to competition.
If I were to rank the two best decisions I ever made in my life, number one would be the day I decided to sign the contract with my wife and lock her down for good.
Number two would be the day I decided to reverse my testicular atrophy so I could take advantage of the sweet things this girl has to offer.
And when my testicles are working in overdrive, we’re both happier because a woman wants to be sexually attractive to her mate, and she wants that mate to take her sexually as well.
Healthy testicles will ensure that both of these things happen, so when you’ve got this going on, everybody wins.
There are plenty of things you can start doing today that will help increase the size of your balls. Every one of these methods is directly aimed at increasing your testosterone levels.
Increasing your T levels is the main thing you can do to make your balls bigger. This has been confirmed by a long list of scientific studies over the last 20 years.
One study on sheep found that animals with the largest testicles had T levels more than two times greater than those with the smallest testicles. (source)
Studies on bulls (source) , deer (source) , and ducks (source) have also come to the same conclusion.
So the science is clearly there to back this up. But what can you do to make this happen?
I mentioned sleep above related to binge drinking, but poor sleep in general is a testosterone killer.
One study compared two groups of men who slept for about 4 hours and 8 hours per night, respectively.
When their T levels were tested first thing in the morning, results showed that the men getting 8 hours of sleep had more than double the amount of testosterone in their bodies than the men who slept just 4 hours. (source)
Earlier in this article I also mentioned a few chemicals to avoid – but that’s just scratching the surface.
You should also try to avoid Teflon-coated cookware. That’s the non-stick coating developed by Dupont that is found on many frying pans.
A study from 2019 found that exposure to chemicals in Teflon resulted in lower sperm counts and caused testicles to shrink. (source)
When you’re dehydrated, your body is put under stress. This causes the body to produce a hormone called cortisol which blocks testosterone production.
This was confirmed in a 2008 study. Results of this study showed that as subjects became more dehydrated, cortisol levels spiked while T levels plummeted. (source)
It should be pretty clear to you now that higher testosterone levels are directly related to having bigger balls.
Higher T levels have a massive range of benefits for a man.
For one, testosterone helps improve your mood and increase your energy levels.
In one study, men with low testosterone were given a survey to judge their overall mood and life satisfaction. After the initial survey, the men were given consistent doses of testosterone for 60 days.
After the 60 days were up, the same survey was given. Overall, the subjects reported lower anger, less irritability, more happiness, a greater sense of well-being, and a significant increase in energy levels compared to the initial survery. (source)
Testosterone is also proven to improve sexual function in adult men.
In a similar study, men with low T were given a survey to determine their sexual function. After just 30 days of testosterone treatment, all the men in the study reported improved sexual function.
Testosterone can also help you increase your strength and lean muscle mass.
In the same study I just mentioned, both muscle strength and overall lean mass were shown to increase significantly after 90 days of testosterone treatment. (source)
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Home | Blog | Big Balls On Men And Women’s Reactions
Big Balls On Men And Women’s Reactions
FREE EBOOK ​ The 3 step process I used to triple my testosterone , Increase Testicles Size and Fire Up Erections!
Testicle Facts That You Need To Know! Interesting Testicle Trivia
Use HER Body Odor To Spike YOUR Wood
How To Increase Penile Girth With Natural Methods
Do Women Prefer Girth or Length? The Absolute Truth
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The 3 step process I used to triple my testosterone , Increase Testicles Size and Fire Up Erections!
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Women notice big balls on men, whether they realize it or not.
If you don’t believe me, situate yourself in front a fertile female sometime and start up a conversation.
If she has a clear line of vision, trust me, she’ll take a peek.
Prior to the invention of polyester suits men left their family jewels exposed at all times.
So women evolved in an environment where visual access to a man’s reproductive potential was commonplace…
And remember, women are easily as sexually minded as men. And when it comes to sexual selection, they blow us out of the water .
What this means is, visual signs of reproductive fitness will always get her fires burning red hot, especially around ovulation time.
This is a fact, because a woman’s primary job according to nature is to breed successfully…
And for this breeding to be successful, her offspring need to be of supreme health and fitness; otherwise, they won’t survive.
This may have changed in today’s world where modern medicine can keep just about anyone alive, but her genes haven’t gotten that memo yet.
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And subconsciously, her body will begin preparing for a sexual engagement with the man flashing those reproductive signals.
She can’t help this, even she wanted to.
A woman will look for several other clues that a man has the genetic stuff to pull this reproduction off, but none is more important than big balls on a man.
Because if a guy has big balls, he’s going to have quite a few other things going for him…
From muscularity to strong healthy bones, he’ll be projecting his sexual fitness from a mile away.
Funny thing is, all healthy women respond like this, even those in long-term relationships who have no plans to make babies.
I get lots of emails in my business, but at least once a week I hear from a man whose girl reached down for feel and noticed that the rocks were feeling a little bigger.
And if you don’t believe that your girl is constantly sizing your package up, you’re living in the dark.
If you’d like to give her a nice surprise in a few weeks, it’s very possible. The only question you need to ask yourself is – how bad do you want it?
There are more benefits to having big balls than just what you (and your lady) see on the surface. Sure, size looks good and gets her going, but there’s more to it than that.
There’s actually some pretty solid science behind why bigger balls are better.
It all comes down to testosterone. Increased production of testosterone is closely tied to bigger balls – and that in itself has a lot of benefits.
One of the biggest sexual benefits of higher T levels is increased sperm production and better sperm quality. The science backs that up too.
In a study done in Scotland in 2011, researchers studied the relationship between testicle size and testosterone levels in a feral population of Soay sheep.
Yes, sheep – bear with me here for a minute.
The findings of that study were clear as day. Researchers found a strong positive correlation between the size of an animal’s testicles and the levels of testosterone circulating through their bodies.
Data showed that the animals with the largest testicles had more that two times higher levels of testosterone that those with the smallest testicles.
In that same study, the researchers were also able to link larger testicle size with increased sperm production. (source)
This is far from being the only study on this in the animal world. Numerous studies have shown that larger testicle size is a good indicator of increased sperm production and better sperm quality.
Over the years, researchers have come to this conclusion when studying bulls (source) , deer (source) , ducks (source) , and many other animals.
In another study, this one done on humans, researchers studied over 1,000 infertile men to determine the relationship of testicle size to sperm production.
This study found a significant correlation between testicle size and sperm production. Sperm counts decreased as testicle size decreased.
The conclusion: the bigger the balls, the more sperm is produced. (source)
Now let’s get back to what’s really on your mind – is she going to like bigger balls?
I can confidently say that the answer is yes.
Even if she doesn’t necessarily like the larger size of your balls, she will like the benefits of increased testosterone levels in your body.
That’s because women are attracted to men with the characteristics that come with high T levels.
One of the main things a women notices about you is your face – and that’s great news if you have high testosterone.
In a study from 2012, researchers found a positive relationship between testosterone and facial attractiveness. (source)
That’s because testosterone helps chisel your jaw, increase the size of your facial muscles, and reduce the amount of fat hanging around on your face.
There are a lot more benefits of high T levels too.
It helps reduce overall body fat levels, helps you build lean muscle, and improves your overall sexual health and performance.
What all of this is saying is that big balls come with big benefits.
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