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Your manufacturing, warehouse, or distribution facility can run more efficiently and comfortably with Big Ass Fans’ reliable airflow solutions. Learn more about how Big Ass fans can help reduce energy costs and keep workers safe, efficient, and comfortable.
Our commercial solutions are an energy-efficient upgrade to your restaurant, gym, sports facility, or office space. With countless applications, Big Ass Fans has what you need to make your commercial space comfortable..
Innovative, stylish designs bring smart comfort to your home. Whether you need a fan for your living room or outdoor patio, a custom combination of Big Ass Fans cooling, lighting, and design can transform your space.
“ Big Ass Fans help us cut down on our air conditioning load and our utility bill. We cut 15 percent off our bill at a time when everybody else is seeing a 20 percent increase.”
“The fans allow our line to run at 100% capacity. Our entire team, from the technicians to the engineers, is thrilled with the results. Anyone that works with hot products should use a setup like Big Ass Fans provided.”
“ Big Ass Fans are the complete package. They’re energy efficient, whisper quiet and they look great. They work so well we rarely have to turn them up past 25 percent speed.”
Whether by stifling heat, numbing cold, or choking humidity, discomfort can strike anywhere. Its effects cripple workers’ morale and productivity and act as kryptonite for customers, so in 1999, a fledgling HVLS fan company set out to do something about it.
Our products are proven to significantly increase indoor air quality. This means a more productive workforce, happier customers, and lower energy bills. Not only that, but our products have the durability to stand the test of time plus timeless style that will make them a beautiful fixture of your home or business for years to come. We promise that your investment in air quality will last far into the future because we demand the best from our manufacturing process, parts, suppliers, and staff.
Address your employees’ comfort and productivity needs before sweltering summer heat sets in. Sign up for our SWAT program today to get a complimentary site visit, product overview, and custom airflow recommendation from Big Ass Fans.
There are fans…then there are Big Ass Fans! There are blogs…then there is the Big Ass Fans blog! Our blog posts are designed to tell you everything there is to know about Big Ass Fans. We write practical, informative posts about a wide range of fan-related topics such as air circulation, cooling and heating large buildings, the science behind different types of fans, and much more—with new content every week.
Give us a call at 877-244-3267 , or request a quote to learn more about the most efficient comfort solution for you. Or shop our online store today!
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Copyright 2022 Delta T, LLC. All rights reserved

Tourism Promotion & Regional Integration
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Verse: (The universe your character belongs to. Can be original or fanfiction. [Ex: Original : The name of your book, movie, game or whatever. Fanfiction: Pokemon, Star Trek, Naruto, ect.) Date: (The date this sheet was completed.) Full Name: (Self explanatory) Pronunciation: (Self explanatory) Nickname/Alias: (Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.) Meaning: ([Ex: Emily means "admiring" and William means "protector"] If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning.) Origin: (How did you come up with your character's name?) Title: (Do have a title along with their name? [Ex: Sir, Captain, Ms.]) Pet Name: (What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things. ID Number: (A number that may also be used to identify your character, such as tournaments and prison settings) Signature: (What is their handwriting like?) Gender: (Self explanatory) Gender Role: (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?) Orientation: (Ex: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual) Real Age: (How old your character is in years) Age Appearance: (How old does your character look? This is mostly for immortal creatures such as deities, but can be used with anybody. [if someone looks older or younger than their age) Birthday: (Self explanatory) Deathday: (May not have one yet) Birthplace: (Where was your character born?) Astrological Sign: (Western) Zodiac Sign: (Eastern) Immediate Family: (Who was your character raised by?) Distant Family: (The ones they don't see every day) Parenting: (Were their parents strict or fun-loving?) Upbringing: (What morals and ideals were your characters raised with?) Infancy: ([0-2] What was it like when your character was a baby? Were they nurtured or dropped at birth?) Childhood: ([3-12] What was it like for your character growing as a kid ?) Adolescence: ([13-17] Teen years) Adulthood: ([18+] When your character has fully matured. If your character isn't yet an adult, plan what would happen to them in the future.) Coming of Age: (When and how did your character "grow up"?) Evolution: (How has your character changed since they were younger?) Species: (Human, animal, or a fantasy race) Ethnicity: (Self Explanatory) Blood Type: (Self explanatory) Preferred Hand: (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?) Facial Type: (Ex: Oval, heart, square, round, ) Eye Color: (Self explanatory) Hair Color (Self Explanatory) Hairstyle: (Self explanatory) Skin Tone: (Self Explanatory) Complexion: (Self explanatory) Makeup: (If any) Body Type: (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?) Build: (Long legs, chubby cheeks, or muscular arms?) Height: (In inches) Weight: (In pounds) Cup Size: (Self explanatory) Facial Hair: (If applicable) Shoe Size: (Self Explanatory) Birthmarks/scars: (Self explanatory) Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out) Health: (How healthy is your character?) Energy: (How much energy does your character have on a daily basis?) Memory: (How well does your character remember things, and what do they remember?) Senses: (Are any of your character's senses better or worse than others?) Allergies: (Self Explanatory. May be optional.) Handicaps: ([Ex: A limp, deafness, missing an eye] May be optional.) Medication: (What meds do your character take, if any?) Phobias: (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.) Addictions: (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance) Mental Disorders: ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.) Style: (The overall style your character shows, not just limited to clothing. Ex: Punk, Goth, Nerd) Mode of Dress: (Don't describe their clothes here. Describe how they wear their clothes. Two people can wear a suit, but each will wear it differently. [Ex: Is the shirt tucked in?]) Grooming: (Well-kept or messy?) Posture: (How does your character present themselves? Ex: Stiff, slouchy, suggestive) Gait: (The speed and style which how your character moves) Coordination: (How physically fit is your character? Also add things like reflexes, ect.) Habits and Mannerisms: (Any nervous ticks or unconscious habits your character might have. Ex: Nail biting, crosses arms, or twirls hair) Scent: (What does your character smell like? Good or bad? How strong?) Mood: (What mood are you most likely to catch your character in?) Attitude: (How does your character interact with others?) Stability: (How emotionally consistant are they?) Expressiveness: (Do they hide emotion or let it out openly?) When Happy: (Ex: Whistles, sings, skips) When Depressed: (Ex: locks themself in their room, listens to music, hugs a stuffed animal) When Angry: (Ex: Punches walls, screams at people, trolls online) Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions. Current Residence: (Where does your character live right now? May or may not include a geographical location) Community: (What does the general population act like where your character lives?) Family: ([Ex: Parents, children, siblings] Include stepfamilies if it applies, and label as such.) Friends: (Who does your character like to hang out with?) Enemies: (Who does your character despise?) Bosses: (Who does your character answer to) Followers: (Who answers to your character?) Heroes: (Who does your character look up to?) Rivals: (Who are they competing with?) Relates to: (Who is similar to your character?) Pets/Familiars: (Describe a pet your character owns, real or fantasy and give it a name.) Wardrobe: (Describe your character's closet. What is their formal, casual, or other kind of wear?) Equipment: (Refers to tools or weapons your character may use. [Ex: A sword for a warrior] Accessories: (Tattoos, piercing, jewelry, glasses, ect.) Trinkets: (Applies to but not limited to good luck charms, purses, watches, or any other items they carry with them almost all the time.) Funds: (How much cash does your character have on hand, and how much at home/in the bank?) Home: (What is your character's house like? Describe it's overall appearance, [Ex: Shabby, fancy] type of house, [Trailer, mansion] and describe things such as the yard, wallpaper, or any other information. Things like bedrooms count as your character's home.) Neighborhood: (What are the people and places near your character like?) Transportation: (How does your character get around? [Ex: Car, bus, bike]) License Plate Number: (Can be regular numbers, or something more creative. Adjust for your country.) Collections: (Does your character like to hoard or collect anything?) Most valuable possession: (In money) Prized Possession: (What object does your character value above all else?) Lovers: (From childhood crushes, to exes, to a married partner, who does your character love?) Marital Status: (Ex: Single, Taken, Dating, Available) Sex Life: (Pretty self explanatory) Type: (Eros/ragma/Banquet/Mania/Ludus/Storge) Turn-Ons: (What does your character want to see in their ideal mate?) Turn Offs: (What tends to make them back off) Position: (Dom/Sub) Plays: (Bondage, roleplay, ect.) Fetishes: (Self Explanatory) Virginity: (How many times have they "done it"?) Element: (Fire/Water/Air/Earth) Occupation: (Self explanatory) Work Ethnic: (How hard does your character work? How do they feel about their job?) Rank: (How high up are they on the corporate ladder?) Income: (How much money do they make?) Wealth Status: (How well financed is your character? Ex: Upper, middle, or lower class) Experience: (Include things like pasts jobs, or things that contributed to current occupation.) Organizations/Affiliations: (Who does your character side with?) IQ: (Self explanatory) Education: (How good is their education?) School: (What was their school like?) Grade: (What grades would they get?) Special Education: (Did they ever get held back or get honor role?) Social Stereotype: (ex: nerd, goth, punk) Degrees: (What degrees did/would they earn in school?) Intelligence: (Linguistic/logical/spatial/kinesthetic/musical/interpersonal/intrapersonal/naturalist) Extracurricular Activities: (Such as P.E. or art) Religion: (Self Explanatory) Morals: (What does your character find morally right or wrong?) Crime Record: (Relationship with authority, laws broken, and crimes committed.) Motivation: (What moves your character? [Ex: Power, money, love)] Priorities: (What does your character place first, second, and third?) Philosophy: (Your character's outlook on life) Political Party: (Ex: Democrat, Republican, Liberal, or Conservative) Etiquette: (How good our your characters manners? Do they bow or chew with their mouth open?) Culture: (Any things your character may do specific to a certain culture. [Ex: Bowing in Japan] Do your research on this one or you could offend people. ) Influences: (Who or what inspires your character to change? Do they influence anyone else?) Relates to: (Who can your character relate to?) Traditions: (Does your character sit around the table with their family? What holidays do they celebrate?) Superstitions: (spilling salt, knocking on wood) Main Goal: (Driving force in the story. May be subject to change.) Minor Goals/Ambitions: (What is your character trying to accomplish?) Career: (What would be your character's dream job?) Desires: (What does your character want?) Wishlist: (What material items does your character want?) Accomplishments: (Did they succeed in any goals?) Greatest Achievement: (Self Explanatory) Biggest Failure: (Self Explanatory) Secrets: (Everyone has at least one) Regrets: (Self Explanatory) Worries: (What do they worry about?) Best Dream:  (What would be the best thing that could possibly happen to your character?) Worst Nightmare: (The worst thing that could ever happen?) Best Memories: (A few stand out memories from the past. [keep it short and sweet]) Worst Memories: (A few stand out memories from the past. [keep it short and sweet]) Hobbies/Interests: (What does your character like to do for fun?) Skills/Talents: (Similar to hobbies, but refers to the level of skill a character has. For example, a character could like playing violin but isn't very good at it or vice versa.) Likes: (What does your character like?) Dislikes: (What can't they stand?) Sense of Humor: (Dark/dry/witty/sarcastic/dirty/childish/sophisticated/ironic) Pet Peeves: (Similar to dislikes, only more relating to human behavior than specific objects. Ex: When people tap on things or when people say "You're not fat!" when you really are) Superstitions/Beliefs: (Does your character believe in conspiracy theories or aliens? Do they throw salt over their shoulder or knock on wood?) Dreams/Nightmares: (What do they dream about? [at night]) Quirks: (The strange little things that your character does to make them unique. Ex: Sleeps with their feet on the pillow or runs their hand along a pole as they walk beside it.) Savvy: (What is your character particularly well-informed of? [Ex: Politically, nature) Can't understand: (Something they just can't get into, such as English literate or obsession with sports) Closet Hobby: (Something that your character likes but isn't too obvious.) Guilty Pleasure: (You know...) Strengths: (What makes them stand a bit above the crowd? [Ex: Courageous, good listener, calm under pressure] Not supernatural abilities.) Flaws: (Refers to negative personality traits, not a weakness. Make sure it's a deep flaw that could actually affect your character, not something trivial like "She can't dance". [Ex: Lies constantly, socially backwards, hot-tempered]) Perception: (How does your character generally see the world?) Conflicts: (What issues make your character want two things, but they can't have both?) Instincts: (What they are unconsciously driven to do) Lures: (What are they inexplicably drawn to be near? Ex: Power, money, the helpless) Soft Spot: (Their vulnerability, what they feel sorry for or have particularly good feelings toward) Cruel Streak: (What makes a character act against their usual morals, and act especially mean? (everyone has something that can do this to them)) Powers/Abilities: (Here is where to put any superhuman powers and other abilities your character possesses. Be sure to balance them out with weaknesses, or your character loses credibility. This section may be optional depending on what genre you write.) Origin: (How did they get their powers?) Source: (How do they use their powers? [ex: shoots fire from hands, can read minds with their ring) Ability: (How adept are they at using said powers? Weaknesses: (Make it something that your character exclusively is weak to, and keep it credible. [Ex: A 4-headed radioactive dinosaur is not a credible weakness.]) Immunities: ([Ex: cannot be burned] Be very careful with this one.) Restrictions: (An absolute necessity for those with supernatural powers. [Ex: Can only breathe fire when angry or can only cast darkness spells twice a day]) Alternate Forms: (Transformations, shape shifting abilities, dark side, ect.) Extra Anatomy: (Such as wings or a third eye) Favorite Colors: Favorite Animals: Favorite Mythological Creatures: Favorite Places: (Ex: Fav City, State, or Country) Favorite Landmarks: (Ex: Eiffel Tower, Mt. Rushmore) Favorite Flavors: (Ex: Vanilla, Sour, Strawberry) Favorite Foods: Favorite Drinks: Favorite Characters: (Not one of yours) Favorite Genre: Favorite Books: Favorite Movies:  Favorite Games: Favorite Shows: Favorite Music: Favorite Bands: Favorite Songs: Favorite Sports: Favorite Stores: Favorite Subjects: Favorite Numbers: Favorite Websites: Favorite Words: Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day) Least Favorite Colors: Least Favorite Animals: Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: Least Favorite Places: Favorite Landmarks: Least Favorite Flavors: Least Favorite Foods: Least Favorite Drinks: Least Favorit
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