Bicycle Striptease

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Published: 16:53 BST, 9 June 2019 | Updated: 11:41 BST, 10 June 2019
Brighton bikers stripped off yesterday to celebrate pedal power in the 14th annual Brighton Naked Bike Ride, one of the many nude events taking place across the world this weekend to highlight the sustainable transport.  
The ride is hoped to shine a light on cyclists' vulnerability on the roads as well as celebrate the power of the human body and how it can be used to power transport in a renewable way. 
Hundreds of naked cyclists took part in the bike ride through central Brighton - the full nudity is permitted in agreement with Sussex Police. 
The route saw cyclists bike through Brighton town centre, then along the seafront to Hove and finishing at Brighton naturist beach for a picnic.
Over two dozen police officers on bikes and in vehicles helped guide the cyclists safely though the city centre and seafront.
'Love Nature' reads body paint on woman's chest as she flies the Extinction Rebellion flag while a man wears a viking helmet
Some chose not to go fully nude but rode along in support of the cause. A woman wears rainbow flag body paint on her thigh
A woman raises fist for her cause of cycling safety and environmental damage caused by cars as she passes a group of spectators 
A group of naked cyclists enjoy the ride, some wearing body paint and flowers while others fly flags for their causes
A couple ride along side each other as crowds cheer on the unusual group of cyclists while taking photos
'Reduce traffic and stop the air pollution' reads a sign taped to the front of one rider's bike. Another reads 'Keep calm and world naked bike ride'
'Me ca** en su Brexit' reads one man's body paint - Spanish for 'I sh** on this Brexit' - while others display the Extinction Rebellion sand timer logo
A flowery pair of ladies have adorned themselves with petals and flowers as they joyfully bike through a Brighton park
This is the 14th annual Brighton Naked Bike Ride as part of the World Naked Bike Rides which has been running 16 years to celebrate cycling in the nude
A woman keeps her clothes in her basket while she bares all for the cause with glitter in her hair and flowers painted on her body
'Can you see me now' reads one woman's body paint in a slogan adopted by the group to highlight cyclists' safety on the road
A dapper man holds his hand out for a high five from the crowds with a waist coat and a top hat. Crowds look entertained by the spectacle
A woman blends in with a nude bra while riding public shared bike. A police man rides behind and is fully clothed
Over two dozen police offers on bikes and in vehicles helped guide the cyclists safely though the city centre and seafront
One rider displays the sign 'Global warming is not a trumped issue' as bikers travel past other Brightonians sitting in the park
The bike ride went through Brighton town centre, then along the seafront to Hove and finishing at Brighton naturist beach for a picnic
A couple cycle through the town centre past the pier as onlookers stop to take a look at the procession of naked cyclists
A pair splattered with paint bare all in support of the cause while another rider looks cheerfully on with a pink bike, pink ribbons in her hair and pink boots
Two women with glitter covering their bodies do the Brighton Naked Bike Ride to celebrate cycling in the nude and cyclists visibility 
A woman wearing heart shaped glasses and a large brimmed hat looks cheerful as she cycles along the sea front in Brighton
Being naked didn't stop many people from wearing colourful costumes as they took part. One woman can be seen wearing all pink while another man appears to have decorated his bike with an ivy plant
'Go vegan' reads one man's chest as many chose to champion their own causes at the diverse and accepting ride
A group of friends go topless as crowds of beach goers watch from the usually busy Brighton Pier 
A biker wearing an orange wig and neon orange fish net gloves takes high fives off on lookers while displaying a distinction rebellion flag
So why are they allowed to be naked in public when...
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Naked cyclists, some wearing face masks to protect against the spread of coronavirus, riding through ... [+] Madrid's downtown during the Naked Bike Ride 2020,
The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an international, summer, clothing-optional cycling event that usually takes place in as many as 80 cities across 20 countries.
This year was no exception, however due to the coronavirus and lockdown restrictions in many locations, the 2020 version saw a more modest turnout.
“This year, in order to stay within coronavirus social distancing guidelines, the revealing cyclists traveled the city in small packs,” reported the Times Picayune about the ride in New Orleans in June. “Many wore face masks and at least one rider took the opportunity to express allegiance with the Black Lives Matter movement.”
A naked cyclist wearing a face mask rides through downtown Madrid during the Naked Bike Ride 2020.
London, which every year hosts one of the most popular naked bike rides, opted for a virtual edition that included discussions by zoom, photo contests and even an online after-party.
Toronto which also held a smaller version of the event, featured its ride under an irreverent logo: “Less Gas, More Ass.”
The Spanish logo in Madrid this year was ''Naked before traffic.''
Naked Bike Ride cyclists in Spain wearing face masks also covered genitals with protective masks.
Toronto's 2020 Naked Bike Ride slogan: Less Gas, More Ass
Getting ready to take part in the annual Naked Bike Ride in Cape Town which this year took place ... [+] just before South Africa went into its national lockdown.
Participants in the annual Naked Bike Ride strip off their clothes to symbolize the vulnerability of cyclists on the road, to celebrate freedom and to protest car culture. Or, as the organizers explain, “to put a stop to the ‘indecent’ exposure of people and the planet to cars, pollution, and violence.”
The International naked bike ride in Thessaloniki, Greece, took place in June 2020.
What to wear? Do not fear, advise the organizers: "The World Naked Bike Ride , dress code is "As Bare As You Dare" and it can include people riding skateboards, roller skates or running. “How bare is that? How dare is that? It's all up to you. You decide what you are comfortable with. No one is excluded or discriminated against based on levels of clothing, body paint, or anything else for that matter!”
A man gets ready to ride through the streets of Mexico City during the World Naked Bike Ride day,
These are the objectives of the World Naked Bike Ride #WorldNakedBikeRide movement in the words of the organizers:
Cyclists take part in the annual World Naked Bike Ride in central London in 2019. This year the ... [+] event was online.
Cover photo of WNBR' facebook page.

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​Selene Yeager
“The Fit Chick”
Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.

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It’s summer, and therefore it’s prime season for joining a World Naked Bike Ride near you
Fourteen years ago, Vancouver-based social activist Conrad Schmidt helped organize the first World Naked Bike Ride, a clothing-optional event to celebrate the power and individuality of the human body while advocating for less oil dependency and more bike-friendly streets and communities.
Since then, the yearly rides have spread to more than 70 cities around the world. Many have specific themes: In this year’s ride in São Paulo, Brazil , participants called attention to an alarming increase in cycling deaths. Others raise money, as well as awareness, for various causes. Groups of as many as 8,000 nude or nearly nude cyclists ride peacefully together (and are generally tolerated, if not even assisted) by local police forces.
June is the month for many Naked Bike Rides here in the Northern Hemisphere, because not too hot, not too cold matters when you’re wearing nothing but a smile. Like any good group ride, there are some basic rules that make it more fun—and safe—for everyone. Here’s what you should know:
This is not World Be Naked Wherever You Please Day. If you ride to the designated starting point in your birthday suit, expect your neighbors to complain and perhaps the police to give you an escort back to your pants. Organizers establish a meeting spot where riders can show up, strip down as bare as they dare, and then roll out on their bikes.
Body painting isn’t just for soused football fans. Body art is encouraged at Naked Bike Rides, so now is your chance to become a member of the Blue Man Group or Mystique from Days of Future Past. Oh, and be kind to your feet. Wear sensible shoes.
Keep in mind this will be a spectacle. People love taking pictures of spectacles. What fun! Until you end up on your boss’ Facebook feed in all your blue-body-painted glory. If this is a minor concern, stick to the center of the pack. If this is a “gee I hope I don’t lose my job” concern, wear pants. No one will shame you for wearing what you want.
Most of these rides are not terribly long and they’re definitely not fast, so chafing isn’t a huge concern. But if bare-butting your bike saddle skeeves you out, make like nudists do and bring a small towel to sit on. The terrycloth surface will also be softer on your skin than your pleather seat.
Real talk: It’s kind of cool and funny to hop on a bike-share city bike for your Naked Bike Ride , but a towel is not optional. You should wipe that thing down with some Purell when you’re done, too.
Naked Bike Rides often take place in the evening, after sunset. Sometimes, however, they roll in the stark daylight, and a whole lot of exposed parts that have spent their lives undercover will be shocked to see sunlight. Protect them by wearing sunscreen . Lots of sunscreen. Everywhere. Especially there.
This is not a casting call for Models Inc. Whatever your size, shape, or age, you won’t stand out (unless you really try). The whole idea is body positivity, and that literally includes every body. Also, don’t stress about being slow or getting dropped. This is a parade, not a pro peloton.
Many rides will have post-event festivities, generally at a local watering hole. You’ll want clothes for that part. Riders often bring (and ride with) a small pack so they can stash their street wear for the ride and slip back into it when they’re done.
You’re riding for a cause, sometimes multiple causes. Organizers typically lead chants and cheers for everything from street safety to environmentalism to body positivity. Be prepared to drop your inhibitions along with your trousers and play along.
Yeah, you’re pretty much breaking the law already by riding naked. But arrests are generally rare. Organizers publicize rides well in advance, and police are often present to provide road closures and rider safety. If, however, any law enforcement officer expresses an issue, the group is expected to oblige.

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