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Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Live PTR Краткая информация. Добыча артефакта для Консорциума Груда духов Астрала Астральный налетчик Несаад Запрос о содействии Изъятие по праву Аудиенция у принца Триангуляция: точка первая Триангуляция: точка вторая Полный треугольник Специальный груз в город Шаттрат В погоне за технологиями Что одному демону мусор Коготь Рока? Вырвать с мясом! Предупредить Зону 52! Вомиза, доктор псевдотехнических наук Ты, робот Обратно к командующему! Комментарии Комментарий от Alice 71шп, убила соло. Комментарий от Nozdorm Координаты Юзаете выданный вам рог. Если вы уже прокачиваете репутацию с Крылья пустоты то перед началом вызова поставьте галочку противник во вкладке реппутация. Иначе вы не сможете атаковать моба. Реппутация с Крылья пустоты за выполнение квеста и за убийство Вераку не уменьшается. Комментарий от expMethod 69 мути рог, элементарно блайнд толстому дракончику, отпинал мелкого, ивейжн, кидни-бинты - павнед. Комментарий от Airoona Вызывается рогом возле скелета координаты 72,43 Пустоверть. Элитный, но не сложный. Комментарий от LonelyA убивала тотемом магмы, по скольку сама ударить не могла никак с крыльями у меня дружелюбие, а вот у моего тотема, видимо, нет: Но без галочки в репе даже тотем не мог атаковать. Комментарий от Lime Хочу добавить что при убийстве квестового моба репутация с крыльями пустоты НЕ отнимается. Комментарий от atsovskiy идиотизм. Комментарии Комментарий от Summon the dragon at 72, Hits for about on cloth. Down in under 20 sec, no need to heal elemental. Комментарий от Soloed as lvl 70 rogue combat swords. You can gouge him, stun him, slow him. Dire Bear tanked, used demo roar, and just mauled and mangled him. Popped natures grasp in bear form, then stepped away to heal, and jumped right back in to gobble him up! Комментарий от maejsh Soloed at 70 mage, used mana emerald, else quite easy, even had an add hitting on pet.. Комментарий от Confirmed, soloed as a 70 hemo rogue. Комментарий от mooette ok im fairly decent geard lvl 68 feral druid i will attempt to kill him now will post if it workd or not and how i did it if i succsed. Комментарий от mooette i did 2 pulls to try bear and cat both work fine to get him down, a note is not to rely to nature. Комментарий от Pretty easy as a shadow priest also Комментарий от Easily soloed as a balance druid: Root, Moonfire, Insect Swarm, repeat as they wear off. Комментарий от Easily soloed as Warrior, just use intimidating shout and bandage, or if you got Deep wounds on mob, just hamstring and run a littlebit and shout then and bandage :. Just send in pet and nuke. Scatter shot, run and mend pet and just keep nuking. Make sure that you are at war with Netherwing before you try this. Shield your self before you summon him. Start out with a smite, SW:P, smite, smite, fear, smite ect. Комментарий от Poppa rofl 3 man quest? Make sure the area is clear first, then summon him. Snares and slowing effects work on this dragonkin as well as stuns Frost Nova, Frostbolt Rank 1, Ignite etc. I then followed up with Slow then Fire Blast, and began kiting him around. Slow can be a bit heavy on mana, though, so you need to finish him as quickly as possible. With my spec, I stacked up some Scorches on him while kiting, so that my Fireballs and Fire Blast would do more damage. Killed him with about mana left, no pots or mana gems used. Комментарий от Sometime i wonder if Blizz plays as half of thier classes soloed this with a 70 demon lock with adds and didnt even need fear this boss is a joke for locks. Комментарий от soloed as 70 frost mage he didn even hit me ones very easy cause u can slow him. Комментарий от Soloed as 70 feral druid Комментарий от soled with lvl 70 shadow priest Did lose hp and half mana.. Not a single healthpoint lost during this fight. Комментарий от frmorrison Like many others, soloed as a 70 Affliction Lock. Комментарий от soloed as 70 shadow priest Комментарий от Done as a 70 Disc Priest surprisingly easy. Used Shadowfiend and PI obviously.. Was pretty easy, actually, even with a agi debuff. Комментарий от After reading on here that there is a fair chance to solo for a holy paladin, I gave it a try. Summoned him at 72,43 You will see a dragon skeleton on the ground Worked very fine, judged him with wisdom and just kept attacking, tossing some heals in etc. He only once critted me for about so all in all easy :. Комментарий от It is not showoff thingie but that dragon, last in chain, is rly easy to solo with lv70 average geared player. So give it a try. Good luck. Some classes have ranged, some stab you in the back. Комментарий от Easy Peasy solo as a 70 Rogue. Used one super healing pot. Of course you need to use evasion and adrenaline rush helps a lot too. Комментарий от Whether in a group or solo setting there are some useful things to know. I can confirm that he is stunnable, blindable, and you can snare him with crippling poison as a rogue. In earlier comments that are now rated down, it was also noted that druids are able to sleep him and mages can use their slow spell on him. Additionally, he was capable of hits in the range and melee crits around on leather. He has no noteworthy abilities. Hopefully this helps :. Комментарий от zanark haha I soloed this to easy with my HOLY 70 pala just use conescration and hit him thats all. I started out in cat form, got 5 quick combo points on him, ripped, and then backed away. By this point, he had me at half life. I rooted him, backed off, healed, and went bear form. Комментарий от This guy is a joke, can be feared, stunned and whatnot. Was down in no time as 70 Destro Lock with mediocre gear. Комментарий от Does completing these parts of the chain decrease any positive Consortium Rep you have gained? I am curious since it tells you to kill one of them who you would have recently done a quests for. Комментарий от metalx66 soo friken easy! Комментарий от Agree with above, easy to solo - 70 BM hunter. Tanked with a kitty, spammed heal pet between arcane shots and multishots. Комментарий от ktharsis Easily soloed as a 70 enhancement shaman with earth elemental. Just DoT it, use Death Coil when he came back, shadowbold during the trance Lvl 70 Afflic Lock. Комментарий от Easily completed with 70 Beast Master speced Hunter. Had to heal pet 1 time. Комментарий от Soloed as 70 lvl protection warrior, a really weak 70 elite. Just watch mobs around even if you have neutral with netherwing. Clear the area, summon him, back off away as far as you can before he spawns, open up with scorches, then launch a POM pyro, freeze, blink, fireball, and finish him with instants and scorches. Basically just mend pet and dps in between. Trapped when pet was low, bandaged him. Scatter shot works as well. Not too diffucult actually. Комментарий от Storms Extremely easy as a 70 mage with a 70 shaman at my side. Died in under 1 minute. Комментарий от Porter Add 70 Shadow Priest to the list of classes that can solo him. Fear, Shield, and Mind Flay are your firends. Комментарий от Ellemie He was a piece of cake for me as a combat rogue. Комментарий от too easy ima lvl 70 elemental shaman soloed in like 30 secs and didnt take 1 single hit layed down searing totem, wrath of air, mana spring, and earth elemental totems earth elemental tanked the sucker and i only had to pop him 3 big heals and in between i just shot him with lightning bolts pretty easy, give it a try, good luck. Комментарий от MelindiAgamaggan yup easy as easy gets done him solo as mutilation rogue and i didnt even use poison stun mutilate evasion stab stab stab Комментарий от is there a follow on to this quest? Комментарий от VinnieDaMac Easiest level 70 elite ever. Комментарий от Solod as a 70 Arcane Mage. Arcane resistant, so avoid arcane missiles and arcane blast. He died after a few crits, pretty easy. Комментарий от Is this guys soloable? Комментарий от This bloody quest! I didnt have my 'At War' enabled to i wasted a 25 min cooldown and couldnt enable it in combat! As i aggroed it as soon as it spawned surely it should be a red mob, not a nuetral?! Комментарий от iino Indeed very easy to solo as a feral druid. Комментарий от alphamale It is very easy to solo. Should not be a group quest. If you know how to play your class you should not have any problems. Комментарий от Deadvine No followup? Комментарий от Suhov He got 19k Hp and guess can be soloed by most classes. Комментарий от Very easy fight. Soloed it as a 70lvl hunter, marksman spec. I was not even close to dead. Комментарий от dunno about you guys but I had adds, clear the area!! I read one of the above comments stating not needing to and when i summoned i got 2 nether drakes tagging along. Комментарий от bartjje Summon him 72,43 with the Challenge of the Blue Flight i soloed him as lvl 70 feral druid in full tanking gear Side Note: I got 18g 26s for completing this quest 70 and neutral to Netherwing. No rep penalty for killing dragons June 17, Therefore, soloable by anybody ;-. Shield slam and revenge, with demo shout and TC up I took 2k damage over the course of the fight. You shouldnt even have to conc blow, pop trinkets, or pots. Комментарий от Sunreaver Definitely not hard. The 65 elite worm in The Bone Wastes is waaaay harder. Комментарий от mgibson As a 70 Shadow Priest, this was extremely simple to solo, hits for around ish after Touch of Weakness is applied, and VE should heal you well between fears. Комментарий от Facikul 70lvl mage can kill One. Комментарий от this is not a three person quest, i just soloed it as a 69 retribution paladin in mostly greens with some decent blues, only had to use two holy lights, really weak against magic it seems. Комментарий от Easily done as shadow priest. Do clear the area first. I did get him the second time, but I blew all my cooldowns, and with Preparation, blew them again, but I got him solo. Very doable, he might just evade bug if you vanish, lookout for that. Комментарий от Gogey Very easy solo, even as a survival hunter. Trap the dragon and keep mend pet up. Keep mend pet up , but this time feign death to wipe your aggro. Congrats on the kill! Комментарий от blessed Soloed it with mostly green full prot warrior. Very easy for an elite. Комментарий от really easy solo with moonkin he can be put to sleep and rooted i pretty much wrathed him down while he was rooted and put him to sleep when i needed to heal. Комментарий от well soloed this quite easily with 69 frost mage.. Комментарий от Solo as 70 Ice Mage Cake. Комментарий от Definitely soloable. Just do the starting attacks, i. Stick a rip on it and go bear. Комментарий от make sure you check at war before you summon him, I didnt and by the time I went through my rep and got it I was basically dead. The other drakes did attack me too even though I am netural with netherwing, so clear the few drakes around first and leave at war ticked. Комментарий от Michie Soloed as a spriest. Had low low hps roughly 17k when I killed it. Комментарий от fighterpilot2k1 Soloable as a warrior. I did it with my lvl 70 human warrior. I did not have my 30 min cooldown.. If u do just use retaliation or recklessness.. Комментарий от Soloed Lvl 70 Elemental Shaman. Would suggest you clear the area of other dragons as they will help him. Also make sure you have 'At war' ticked in Netherwing rep. No penalty rep on Netherwing for killing him. Комментарий от I thought this was gonna be hard with my level 69 BM hunter with a level 68 ravager but he was as squishy as the rest of the dragons around there. I dont really have any special gear either, mostly greens and 2 epics but they are both level 60 pvp rewards. Комментарий от Sniff Soloed as a 70 Fire Mage, he only it me once for dmg. Just opened with pyroblast, fireball then fireblast and kite him with ice lance and fireblast. Use blink and frost nova, he is not immune for it just like all other roots. Only had one add but he ran away. Комментарий от eDGe87 Very soloable as a lvl 70 holy paladin. Even with a full set of healing gear. Just be sure to clear some surrounding mobs first. Did not need to pot or anything like that. He didnt hit hard as u expect an elite to do, and his HP is not high at all! Комментарий от pytman Very easy to solo as aff lock lvl Used 1 major healing and then he was dead Комментарий от Joshmaul Soloable as a Holy paladin. Yes, a HOLY paladin. Though I think Prot would have better luck Keep the Judgment up by smacking the hell out of him, and refresh the seal. He is stunnable, so that helps some too. It requires a bit of smack-smack-Holy Shock-smack-smack-stun-heal, though not necessarily in that order. Dead in about three minutes. Though I must say that was actually kinda fun Very easy. No pots or cooldowns. Just sunder down and keep shield block up. Finished with half health. Easiest 18g ever. Used the horn, he came at me. Judged Crusader, then put up Seal of Righteousness. Judged Righteousness whenever it was up, and dropped consecrates about seconds after they ran out. Kept Holy Shield active throughout. Hammer of Justice and bandage to nearly full. Really easy. Was very low on mana at the end. I could have eased this by using Seal of Wisdom or Seal of Light, and judging one of them as well. Could have also done without the consecrates and saved some mana. Also, he was easy to solo as an s priest with average gear shadow damage. Комментарий от For mutilate rogues: Put on Crippling Poison rank 2 on one or even both daggers. Rinse and repeat. If the snare from crippling went off you can always gouge. Evasion and Sprint are there if you need em too. He has the health of a regular everyday elite, just hits a lil bit harder. And as others mentioned he only has his physical attack, no specials. Комментарий от Athene Soloed as 70 retri pally. No pots used, no healing, no bubble, just stunned and popped Avenging Wrath. Very easy, no need to make group for this:. Комментарий от sneakygnome Agreed, I check every group quest on wowhead and these comments help alot. Many many quests are soloable, and its nice to know how to do them beforehand without eating a few gold in repair deaths. They tended to resist all my stuff but this guy was dead in 5 sec. Elemental, nova, ice lane, my nova, ice lane, coldsnapp, nova, ice lane and so on. Didnt even have to make a new elemental. Just make sure you clear residents and patrols as they will be agroed into the fight. And always follow concusion with heroic strikes while mob is dazed. Комментарий от Soloed as Feral Druid 70, all the time on cat form no need of heals. Комментарий от druid 69 easy bear form one time stuned then heal again bear and is down. Комментарий от thecomicrelief If any frostmages out there are worried about this quest, due to the normal mobs in the area having high resist rates, breath easy, because at least for me, he didnt resist nearly as much, making this quest an easy solo for frostmages. Remember as a lock you have 3 different fears which can all bu used at the same time and they wont drop a fear off another target. I do have instant Howl so it does make it easier. Комментарий от This elite was a joke. Комментарий от Mucked it up on first go as Enhancement Shaman. Summoned the boss, as the boss came along I summoned my Earth Elemental. Attempted to run away but inevitably died, along with my Elemental disappearing. Комментарий от sorceressdee Very easy solo aslvl 70 frost mage. Just ice barrier, water elemental, freeze him and bolt the crap outta him : Have to find those dragon bones to summon him, and i recommend you clear the area just south of them so u can run around there. Комментарий от Adding in another 'soloed' comment Fairly decent geared raid fire specced mage spell damage soloed. It was difficult though and I used a potion. Use frost nova and blink to your best advantage, and pop everything you got. Greater Rune of Shielding never released so I lost no health. As previously mentioned be careful with AoE as it will bring others into the fight. Total fight time was less than a minute. Комментарий от this is a damn easy quest.. Комментарий от Psykopatmullvad Soloed as a Holy Pally. Easy as a normal mob. Didnt use any survivalthings as bubles and pots. Really really easy. Solo was very solo and then I did Solo. Got Soloed but then I cast Solo on Solo! All in Solo, very Soloable This thread has reached a second page of these comments, so I just added mine! Started off in bear form, just swiped him to death, did not take long. Комментарий от Soloed as a lvl 70 prot tank pally. Комментарий от As a 70 prot pally, this was an easy solo. I did not need to use any potions or bubbles or lay on hands. I stunned and cast Holy Light once. Комментарий от Infiniti Easily soloed as a restoration shaman with my earth elemental. Комментарий от Soloed as a prot specced warr with mostly blue gear. Trust me if i can solo it anyone can - no need for group with this guy. Only got me to half health. Just send in pet, put on mend, start autoshot and go to watch TV Just refresh mend whenever the CD is ready. True story! I swear! Комментарий от Soloed as a Kara geared prot paladin. Judged with light and used Seal of Vengeance, judged when it was up. Went in expecting a fight, accidentally pulled an add and was down maybe hp by the time he was dead. Комментарий от Soloed him as a 70 Enhancement Shaman. Used Earth Elemental to tank, had to heal him occasionally, poped Heroism and kept up the dps. Комментарий от Soloed as BM hunter 69lvl. Just make sure you clear the area before hand. I was bored so I made a vid of the kill with zdsoft game recorder and put it on youtube Комментарий от Easily soloable as a lvl 70 enhancement shaman with decent DPS gear. I actually screwed up by placing a Stoneskin Totem and thus despawning the Earth Elemental that I was going to use to tank, but I was able to kill him anyway. So if you actually use your elemental this must be somewhat trivial. Комментарий от Aillen new compensation is 18g 28s. Комментарий от Easy as a walk in the park for a Hunter in crappy greens.. He has The fight was quick and simple, probably the easiest 70 Elite in the entire game. Комментарий от Easely solod without fearing as a destro warlock with tier eq items and i even had a nether dragon and a nether drake on me, i used 1 healthstone to heal me. Комментарий от Battlecow Enhancement Shaman here. I pulled out my Fire Elemental totem and had no problem taking him down at Some blues, mostly greens. Only one purple, my S1 main hand mace. A self-heal here and there and I stayed healthy through the fight. You might want to clear all the little dragons out of the area before you start though! Комментарий от More of the same for me. Easy solo as a 70 ele. Neat little chain, though. He will go straight for you even while invisible so premed asap then drop out of stealth. Комментарий от easily soloable with 70 prot war, just keep tc, demo and shield block up and u wont have to use any bandages or pots :P. Комментарий от Zirekyle Seems fairly easy as a mage, just kite and nuke, pretty simple. Keep an eye on your surroundings. Also, if you need an easier start with him, summon him and then vanish or use invisibility to drop combat. I just put my usual totems with the exeption of my fire elemental and watched my health. Just make the aggro go back and forth between u and the summon. Комментарий от Soloed as a lvl 70 Prot Pally, only lost 6k health and used 1 mana pot. Комментарий от Pretty easily soloed as a 70 hunter, my pet nearly died about 3 times, but I had no buffs besides aspect of the viper. Комментарий от yatesl Very easy as a 70 BM Hunter. Stood there taking hits from an add he pulled as he came towards me although freezing trap works , whilst I MisDirected on my pet cat, blew my Bestial Wrath cooldown, and just went to town. Комментарий от Soloed this one with a 69 feral druid. Did not have to use sleep he have pretty low hp. Full prot tho. Комментарий от Rammstein Soloed him with 70 ench Shammy. Summoned him, droped Earth Elem totem, and dps Was down in 5 minutest tops. Had to throw a couple of heals on the elemental though. But, as stated above, easy as pie :. Комментарий от I have a level 70 rogue who has this quest and, for me, it shows the cash reward is 18g 28s. Комментарий от Biarritz As a ret paladin with literally the honored pvp gear from reps and a few random epics and gasp healing pieces I just literally respecced I soloed this without much problem. Using a crusader strike -seal of command rotation I went to half health, used a potion, then went to low health, bubbled and bandaged-- after that I did a downranked flash of light after every rotation. Комментарий от I had a lvl 69 rogue and soloed him. It took me a first try where i died, but the second one i gotted him. Комментарий от ady Soloed as a Lvl 68 Elemental Shaman. Had to heal the elemental times. Pretty easy, not even close to fail. Комментарий от Just as a note you can not go back a do this quest after you are Barely lost any HP at all. Somehow doing this all after spending 2 weeks grinding my netherwing rep and while actually, in fact, mounted on a netherwing dragon, it all just seemed so wrong. Комментарий от For Rogues, use Fan of Knives to kill Veraku, so you will definitely need a throwing knife. Very easy Elite here. Комментарий от Just to make a few things clear to other ppl on this quest. Комментарий от Do I remember correctly that it was a blood elf who is the evil buyer of eggs in the Netherwing quests? Go to Reputation tab, and look for Netherwing. Комментарий от Blaix If you cannot attack this NPC when you summon him he will just rest on the ground, looks like he is friendly change your reputation with Netherwing to 'At War'. You should be able to call him again and he will attack you. Комментарий от janan2 Just a note. You need to stand on the mound that has a dragon skeleton to use to horn to summon the dragon. Easily soloed on my 74 ret pali after getting rid of nearby adds before summoning. Комментарий от multiversekyle Easily soloed as a lvl 74 BM Hunter Veraku was laying down until I walked up to him and started shooting Комментарий от thesnake I confirm. Just soloed it as level 74 Hunter with Outland gear. Easy peasy. The dragon died after only a few shots with the pet keeping him busy. Комментарий от LadyB I give up! I have had this with the Stranglethorn one too and now I cant complete all the quests there - not a happy bunny - help? Once that was done and I blew the horn again, he appeared ready to fight. If you are, click Крылья Пустоты and check the box 'At War. When this happens, kill Вераку. Any ideas? We no longer have the 'at war' choice. Any help would be appreciated. Победите его и возвращайтесь к Тири и Джораду, ожидающим на Небесном Гребне. Удалось ли тебе вызвать на бой Вераку и победить его? Хорошая работа, Букинист, поистине хорошая. Сначала драконы Пустоты не примут в свою среду синего дракона, однако со временем, при жесткой демонстрации моей власти, они придут под мое крыло. Они разъединены, разбросаны, у них нет решительного лидера. Мы должны быть бдительными, чтобы не дать им пасть под натиском злых сил. Необходимо постоянно следить за ними. IsQuestFlaggedCompleted Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! Желаете узнать ответ на свой вопрос как можно скорее? Посетите канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. Написать комментарий. Для загрузки изображения воспользуйтесь приведенной ниже формой. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Перед загрузкой скриншота, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с требованиями, предъявляемыми к скриншотам! Пожалуйста, введите ссылку на видеоролик в поле, указанное ниже. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии! Серии 1. Нескромное предложение. Убейте Вераку 1. Рог вызова Синих Драконов Прилагается 1. Рекомендуемое количество игроков: 3 1. Блистающие лазурные сапоги. Эполеты драконьего гребня. Наручи с золотыми сцепками. Вороненые стальные рукавицы.

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