Bi Wife Stories

Bi Wife Stories


Bi Wife Stories

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Wife made out with another woman.






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Learn how to make a woman want you sexually! In today's video we're talking about sexual attraction and how you make a woman want you! We're going to be discussing some useful tips you can put to work to get a woman interested in you and building that sexual desire. Often men think they know exactly what women want, men in sports cars with big houses a big wallet and a bad boy attitude. This might be what the ladies want in movies but not in real life it's very different. To know what a lady wants you need to understand what you need to do to make her want you sexually. Imagine if you knew the secret formula to do this, the one that tells you exactly what women want sexually. The formula would let you know exactly what you need to do to get a woman to fall into your arms, sounds too good to be true right? Well it's not! It's as easy as being mindful of your own behaviour and adopting steel-proof boundaries. Want to know some more? Well don't move an inch.

You’re falling in love with your man deeper every day, but you don’t know if he feels the same way for you. It’s natural to want to know his feelings for you. What happens when he doesn’t say it or he’s not the type to say that? His actions tell you he loves you, but you could be wrong, right? So how do you know when he’s really in love with you? It’s not always so easy, but it’s not impossible either!


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Mark Rosenfeld , March 28

Knowing whether or not someone is “into you” can be incredibly difficult if they don’t explicitly say it. In this video, we will be looking at some psychological secrets of attraction.

If you grew up with neglect and abuse, you've needed time to talk about what happened, and how parents and others treated you. But THEN what? Once you've acknowledged the past and gained an understanding of how you developed symptoms of trauma, how can you overcome those symptoms, and move forward with building a happy and fulfilled life? In this video I teach about the two general categories of comments I see on my channel, and what that suggestions about the commenter's readiness to heal.


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Crappy Childhood Fairy , February 22

I want a girlfriend. Have you ever found yourself thinking "I want a girlfriend" but you're not quite sure if you're actually ready for one? Before you go about doing anything else it's important to make sure that you actually need a girlfriend right now.

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So my my wife and I have been together for almost 7 years. About a year ago she told me she has been curious and may want to see what it is like to be with another woman. She say she has had these feelings since high school but never came out with them. I tell her if she wants to act on em let me know first about the other woman and please let me her first. I realize that if she wants to be with another woman than that is something that I can not satisfy her with and she wants to find a woman for her needs than I am fine with it as long as she doesn't hide it. She tells me she actually wants me involved in the relationship and wants her, me and the other woman to have threesomes( as long as there is no contact between the other woman and I). Naturally I was very aroused by this and told her when she finds a woman let me know.

The other night she goes out dancing and drinking with some of her friends, and one of them is a bisexual woman. My wife told me about her and they have ben good friends about 6 months but my wife says she is not attracted to this other woman at all. My wife comes homes about 6 in the morning yesterday (clubs here don't close until 5), still drunk and stumbles in. She lays down half asleep and say don't be mad but this bisexual woman and I made out at the club and fooled around more on the party bus ride back home. She didn't go into much detail about what happened at the club or how anything happened or how much happened on the ride back home. My wife has acted very quiet and weird the past couple of days and wont even look me in the eye. At first I wasn't mad but it has been eating at me a couple days for a few reasons. I know like many people after a few drinks she gets very horny, and my wife is a horn dog to say anyway so after a couple drinks she is dragging me to the bedroom. So is this first time she has got out dancing and drinking when I wasn't around and had some sort of a one nighter before. We both usually go out and enjoy a couple nights on the town with friends and without each other a month, but then I think about the times i don't even know she went out. I used to be in the military and went overseas, I used to go out for a month when i was deployed with no phone, limited mail ( I mean we weren't showering for month we were so for out and about). Even today since I left the military, I cant talk a lot about it, but I leave for several weeks at a time and I am not always at a place where I can call my wife. This is just making me wonder how many times has she gone out and did this sort of thing with another woman, especially if she has been attracted to other woman since high school, or how many time has she gotten drunk and found another guy? When I always leave its not like I am out drinking for a month, Im doing my job and its demanding and there are reasons I cant always call.
My question is what are the chances this was her first time doing this, she only told me because she was drunk. Since then she wont talk about it.
While I don't think she has gone off with another guy, I would think maybe she has done this with a woman before. If she does hook up with women, do you feel like it's cheating or are you ok with it?
It depends to me, if she hides it or is only willing to say when she so drunk so she wont remember the conversation then yes i would. I she would let me know there is another woman beforehand than no i wouldnt.
I think you're doing more damage to your marriage than you realize, or the fact that you have been apart for such long periods of time. That you've grown apart? Possibly your wife thinks that this is just a jerk off fantasy for you, nothing more. That you don't really care if she sleeps with other women because you are aroused by that, but would feel cheated upon if it were a guy because that prospect isn't arousing. I think that could be the reason why she doesn't want to talk to you about it.

A good frank discussion is in order about what it is that your marriage means and what you mean to one another.

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Joyanima posted a blog entry in Youtube , March 28

Mark Rosenfeld posted a blog entry in Youtube , March 28

Psych2Go posted a blog entry in Youtube , March 28

Crappy Childhood Fairy posted a blog entry in Youtube , February 22

Joyanima posted a blog entry in Youtube , February 22

I kept waiting, expecting it to happen at the exact right moment. In the end, maybe it did happen at the right moment...but it was so different than what I had always imagined.

I expected to be with a guy. I expected to live a heterosexual life because that's what would work. It would work for my family's sake, for my public image, for my religion, for so many things.

Nadine entered my life in an unmiraculous way, but later I would consider this event as life-changing and a miracle by definition. Her name literally means hope. I didn't know this. I didn't know God's plans either, but I knew he was concocting something. I always knew that much.

I can't say her yoga pants, adorable laugh, and kind personality didn't attract me instantly. The thought actually crossed my mind that she might be the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. Not just for her outer appearance - which was beautiful, but flawed like the rest of us - but for her mind and her heart, which she made evidently transparent.

Her humility shocked me. Her intelligence and self-confidence drew me in. When she sat next to me, after my friends introduced us and they sat nearby, I could not stop glancing her way. It was like I was trying to capture a mental picture.

I dreamt about her that night. Dreampt about her long dark hair. Dreampt about her gentleness. The effect she had on me was frightening.

I had a plan. But one night of meeting her had changed everything.

It wasn't that I was never attracted to women. I was, in fact. This wasn't new. What was new was her . I was fine with being with a man. I expected it.

Yet, Nadine saught me out when I ran in the opposite direction. We encountered moments of sheer mystery, where God or the universe shoved us together in the same space. I couldn't ignore her.

In my dream, my brain couldn't conjure her face, like my dream self was refusing to look her in the eye. But in reality, when we grew closer and spent one evening in the back of her parent's van, I saw her face.

I saw her dark eyelashes flutter against her cheeks shyly as I felt her fingers touch my arm. In that moment, nothing mattered. No rules, no doubts, no other people in the world mattered.

She inched closer. I remained as still and silent as a fearful mouse. My heart thudded in my chest and yet, I could hardly breathe.

The hand on my arm moved to my face and she leaned in. It was remarkable - the feeling of her lips on mine. Her hair tumbled over us and tickled my neck. Her hand was hot, overheated. Then she moved on top of me and I was lost to the world. Her university hoodie was in my view - the bold red lettering came closer as I sat up to meet her.

I can't say how long we remained like that. How long we kissed, exploring, lovingly tender with one another, her sitting in my lap with her legs on either side of me.

It doesn't matter how the story ended. What matters is that it happened. She happened. She changed everything.

Inspired by:
Heard this song and was instantly inspired. © 3 years ago , Holly  lesbian • bisexual • love • hope • romance
Like ( 2 ) 1 Nicely written Keep writing Clever write Like ( 2 )
I kept waiting, expecting it to happen at the exact right moment. In the end, maybe it did happen at the right moment...but it was so different than what I had always imagined.

I expected to be with a guy. I expected to live a heterosexual life because that's what would work. It would work for my family's sake, for my public image, for my religion, for so many things.

Nadine entered my life in an unmiraculous way, but later I would consider this event as life-changing and a miracle by definition. Her name literally means hope. I didn't know this. I didn't know God's plans either, but I knew he was concocting something. I always knew that much.

I can't say her yoga pants, adorable laugh, and kind personality didn't attract me instantly. The thought actually crossed my mind that she might be the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. Not just for her outer appearance - which was beautiful, but flawed like the rest of us - but for her mind and her heart, which she made evidently transparent.

Her humility shocked me. Her intelligence and self-confidence drew me in. When she sat next to me, after my friends introduced us and they sat nearby, I could not stop glancing her way. It was like I was trying to capture a mental picture.

I dreamt about her that night. Dreampt about her long dark hair. Dreampt about her gentleness. The effect she had on me was frightening.

I had a plan. But one night of meeting her had changed everything.

It wasn't that I was never attracted to women. I was, in fact. This wasn't new. What was new was her . I was fine with being with a man. I expected it.

Yet, Nadine saught me out when I ran in the opposite direction. We encountered moments of sheer mystery, where God or the universe shoved us together in the same space. I couldn't ignore her.

In my dream, my brain couldn't conjure her face, like my dream self was refusing to look her in the eye. But in reality, when we grew closer and spent one evening in the back of her parent's van, I saw her face.

I saw her dark eyelashes flutter against her cheeks shyly as I felt her fingers touch my arm. In that moment, nothing mattered. No rules, no doubts, no other people in the world mattered.

She inched closer. I remained as still and silent as a fearful mouse. My heart thudded in my chest and yet, I could hardly breathe.

The hand on my arm moved to my face and she leaned in. It was remarkable - the feeling of her lips on mine. Her hair tumbled over us and tickled my neck. Her hand was hot, overheated. Then she moved on top of me and I was lost to the world. Her university hoodie was in my view - the bold red lettering came closer as I sat up to meet her.

I can't say how long we remained like that. How long we kissed, exploring, lovingly tender with one another, her sitting in my lap with her legs on either side of me.

It doesn't matter how the story ended. What matters is that it happened. She happened. She changed everything.

Inspired by:
Heard this song and was instantly inspired. © 3 years ago , Holly  lesbian • bisexual • love • hope • romance
Like ( 2 ) 1 Nicely written Keep writing Clever write Like ( 2 )
She came out from behind her mother’s skirt, that she was grabbing so tightly. Julia was the most beautiful kid I’d ever seen. Black locks falling down her forehead, half hiding her dark piercing eyes on her angel face. I moved closer and she flinched like a scared rabbit. Her black gaze staring at me, franctically trying to figure me out. Her mother smiled.

-Julia was born deaf. She doesn’t trust anybody. If you want to play with her, you gotta kiss her. If you kiss her she will trust you.

I glanced at the group of kids right behind me. Boys and girls, fascinated by the strange creature, adrenaline pumping, mouth watering picturing the hunt. I was charmed. I motioned my arm toward her to touch her and she ran off. That was it. I jumped to the chase, followed by the others. She was fast. She threw herself down the grass hill, crouching and sliding to move faster. I was right behind her. My hand almost gripping her t-shirt and my fingers clawing into the air. My legs were almost giving out for the effort, I shut my mind and kept running. She will get tired, I was thinking, she will have to regain her breath sooner or later. I am going to catch her. The other kids were running too. I heard the sounds of steps and giggles all around me. It was a game to them. Julia dodged every one of them, at one point she started running back uphill. Damnit. I was already exausted, but she should have been too. It was over, all I had to do was covering that final distance, and all for a kiss. Three or four kids followed me up the hill, I paced up, I wasn’t going to lose to any of them. Maybe it was because my desire was stronger. Desire of what, I couldn’t really say. At that point the adrenaline pumping in my brain was the only drug keeping me going. My heart rose up to my throat, it was beating like a freight train. We reached to the top late. She disappeared somewhere.

While the other kids stood there looking around, breathing hard, I got a glimpse of a lock of black hair, flowing with the wind, behind one of the porch post columns. I had to be careful. My thoughts were focused on the challenge. She didn’t see me coming. I grabbed her by the shoulder, slamming her back on the cement wall and pinned her there. She was trapped, shut her eyes hard. Her chest expanding and retreating under my possessive hand, as I leaned over and touched her lips with mine. Light and gentle as the breeze blowing between our bodies drenched in sweat, but strong enough to send a shiver of pleasure running down my back. I won.

I moved back from her. Surprisingly she was smiling. I had her. We laughed. I turned to the other kids that were looking at us.

"I won !" – I cried out so that no one missed it. –"She is mine, y'all got it ?!"

And we were friends. That was the start.

This was when I met her. The girl that would be haunting my dreams in ten years time. © 6 years ago  love • bisexual • first-kiss
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I share my nights between my boys, kiss them both when they walk in from work, and sit in the middle on the couch.
My husband is my life. He is my best friend, my rock, my confidant and an absolutey amazing father to our three children. We were high school sweethearts and spent all of our spare time together. We shared every aspect of our life and I could have never imagined my life with anyone else.
Sexually we were very comfortable, and in our younger years dabbled in the world of swinging. The bond we had enabled us to share ourselves and each other, and trust that our emotions and physical fun could be happily kept separate.
Once the kids were a little older and we were comfortable leaving them with a sitter, we started to re-ignite our social life, and began enjoying our weekends out again.
The mention of visiting a swingers club (where couples swap partners for an evening) had come up a few times, and eventually we decided to take the plunge. We set our rules before we headed in, both extremely nervous, neither knowing what to expect.
The night was fabulous, we met amazing people, loved the friendly relaxed atmosphere and felt more than comfortable ending the night with the intentions we had in mind.
That night pretty much determined our social schedule for the next six months, and we didn’t miss a theme night. Our bond became like nothing we had had before, the days following a night out we would chat endlessly about our experiences and opinions on different couples. We were husband and wife, and
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