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Contrary to popular perception, pet names aren’t exclusively meant for ladies. Men also love to be called with those adorable names from time to time. A nickname for your boyfriend is an excellent way to strengthen the bonds of love and intimacy between the two of you. And the fact of the matter is that if you don’t call your boyfriend with unique, sexy names often enough, you could eventually lose him to someone else who does.
The good news is that there are thousands of nickname ideas for boyfriends out there. But since he’s the special one in your life, you don’t want to settle for any other name. He deserves something that’s both unique and cute.
1. Adorable – This is a simple nickname that reminds your boyfriend of how much you adore him. 2. Amore Mio – Italian for ‘my love.’ 3. Angel – Perfect for a sweet boyfriend. You can use variations like My Guardian Angel, My Only Angel, Angel Face, etc., depending on the intended meaning. 4. Apple – A perfect fruity nickname for boyfriend. 5. Babe – This classic boyfriend nickname has never lost its appeal. 6. Baby – Not to be confused with Babe, Baby is a nickname for a boyfriend you look out for. A popular variation is Baby Boy.
7. Baby Doll – An excellent pet name for a cute boyfriend. 8. Bad Boy – Ideal for a rebellious boyfriend. 9. Bear – If your boyfriend is big and powerful, then you won’t go wrong calling him a bear. 10. Beloved – Simply means the loved one. 11. Boo – Another classic pet name for boyfriends. 12. Bun – A short, unique, but cute nickname for boyfriend. 13. Button – This nickname can refer to the cuteness of buttons but it can also be sexually suggestive, like you want him to unbutton your pants right away. 14. Buzz – Ideal for a simple boyfriend. 15. Captain – Calling him Captain means that you’re entrusting your life and destiny in his hands. 16. Casanova – Ideal for a sweet and romantic boyfriend. 17. Charming – Self-explanatory. 18. Cherub – Perfect for a sweet, romantic, and cute boyfriend. 19. Chief – If your boyfriend loves to take charge of the relationship, Chief would be an apt nickname for him. 20. Cookie – As sweet as a cookie.
21. Cowboy – Appropriate for a wild and rugged boyfriend. 22. Cuddles – Appropriate for a boyfriend who loves to cuddle. 23. Darling – Another classic and straightforward nickname for boyfriend. 24. Dearie – You can call him Dearie if you don’t want to sound too cute. 25. Doll – Ideal for an unbearably stunning boyfriend. Doll Face is a common variation. 26. Dumpling – Ideal for a tasty boyfriend. 27. Ecstasy – Resonates with feelings of ecstasy. 28. Emperor – Nearly similar to Captain or Chief. 29. Foxy – Foxy is a great name for a truly inspirational boyfriend. 30. Giggles – Perfect for a boyfriend who’s always happy. 31. G-man – Simply means gorgeous man. 32. Gorgeous – Self-explanatory. 33. Handsome – Another self-explanatory yet still sweet boyfriend pet name. 34. Heart Throb – Does his presence make your heart skip a bit? Then this is the perfect nickname for him. 35. Hercules – A great name for a strong boyfriend. 36. Hero – Is he brave enough to catch a grenade for you? Then he’s definitely your hero. 37. Honey – A classic boyfriend nickname that means sweet and charming. 38. Honey Badge r – A sweet boyfriend who also has a dark side. 39. Honey Bear – He’s sweet and charming but he’s also huge and powerful. 40. Honey Bee – If he’s cute and cuddly but also fairly industrious, then Honey Bee will suit him.
41. Hot Stuff – Ideal for an incredibly hot boyfriend. 42. Hun – One of the shortest but cutest boyfriend nicknames ever. 43. Jammy – Ideal for a lucky dude. 44. Jellybean – Perfect for a boyfriend who’s sweet and adorable, just like Jellybean. 45. Jock – If he loves sports, Jock is a suitable name for him. 46. Knave – Perfect for a naughty boyfriend. 47. Knight in Shining Armor – This boyfriend nickname may be a bit long but it’s still very impactful. It refers to a man who will always rescue you from distress. 48. Knock Out – An excellent name for a stunning boyfriend. 49. Love – Love may sound plain but this nickname is deep. Other variations include Lovey and My Love. 50. Mi Amor – Spanish for ‘my love’ 51. Monkey – This boyfriend pet name may come across as mean, but monkey is perfect for a cheeky and naughty boyfriend. 52. Mr. Right – If he’s the guy after your heart, then he’s definitely your Mr. Right. You can even choose to abbreviate this as M.R. 53. Muffin – Means he’s the first thing you want to encounter each morning. 54. My All – Call him using this nickname if he fulfills all your needs. 55. My World – If your world literally revolves around him (or the other way around), then this name would be apt. 56. Naughty – Yes, he’s naughty but you love it that way. 57. Oreo – Suitable for a charming boyfriend. 58. Pancake – Who doesn’t love pancakes? 59. Peachy – This is a welcome alternative to Honey. 60. Popeye – Suitable for a strong and powerful boyfriend.
61. Prince Charming – Call him this nickname if he’s the dude who stole your heart. 62. Pudding Pie – Another perfect name for a sweet boyfriend. 63. Pumpkin – A simple yet adorable boyfriend pet name. 64. Quackers – Appropriate for a boyfriend who’s sweet but somewhat weird. 65. Randy – Means horny, which makes it quite suggestive. 66. Romeo – Perfect for a romantic guy. 67. Sexy – Ideal for a sexually-seductive boyfriend. 68. Shortie – A sweet boyfriend nickname that’s popular in North America. 69. Soul Mate – Means you’re destined to be together. 70. Sugar – Sugar is appropriate for a sweet boyfriend. Sugar Lips is a variation for a great kisser. 71. Sunshine – Means he literally lights up your life. 72. Superstar – He’s the hero you’ve always been looking for. 73. Sweetie – This is one of the most classic pet names for boyfriends, and the meaning is self-explanatory. 74. Teddy Bear – Means he’s the dude you’re always dying to hold tight in your arms. 75. Tiger – Call him Tiger if he satisfies you sexually. 76. Ultimate – Means he embodies everything you could ever want in a boyfriend. 77. Winkie – Ideal for an incredible adorable guy. 78. Wonder Boy – Means he’s cute and a little mysterious. 79. Yummy – You just want to ‘eat’ him anytime. 80. Zorro – Appropriate for a strong, silent boyfriend. 81. Stud Muffin – coined by comedian Lily Tomlin. 82. Tater Tot – Hit or miss on this one. 83. PIC – Stands for “Partner In Crime!” 84. Maverick – Perfect if he’s an independent thinker. 85. Pookie – Perfect for the boyfriend who’s just too cute!
Looking to spice things up a little more? Well here is a little bonus treat for you as we give you 40 more cute, fun, and sexy nicknames for your boyfriend or husband below: 
A perfect nickname for your boyfriend should be one that reminds him how deeply he’s loved and appreciated. Above all, he must love the nickname too. Otherwise, the name will lose its intended vibes.
Igor is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams.
When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Igor spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games.
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Flirty Names To Call Your Boyfriend
Sexy Man Names For Dominant Boyfriend
Sexy Nicknames For Boyfriend With Meaning
Sexy Names For Boyfriend In Your Phone
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If you are a girl in need of hot and sexy names to call a guy, you are in luck, we have excellent sexy nicknames for your boyfriend. 
You just need to follow one rule when it comes to looking for sexy nicknames to call your boyfriend , make it masculine !
Most men love to be called by nicknames that are manly and strong, if not sexy and hot! And, these are suitable kinky names to call your partner in bed as well.
Furthermore, a flirty, hot, and sexy nickname for a boyfriend is a great way to increase the level of intimacy between you and your boyfriend.
Or, if you have a crush on a guy then you should try these freshly made flirty and sexy nicknames for guy crush in 2022.
So no further waiting, check out below the list of extremely sexy nicknames to call your boyfriend and enjoy!
Here are some of the best flirty nicknames for a boyfriend for hot and heavy moods or in other words, romantic. Have a look and pick an ideal hot and dirty nicknames for guys.
These sexy nicknames for boyfriend are suitable for dominant boyfriends. However, you can still try these dominant names to call your boyfriend whether he is or not, because men like to be called masculine.
Here are sexy names with meanings if you are looking for flirty nicknames for guys. Moreover, choose 2-3 sexy pet names for boyfriend to try based on sexy habits or things he does.
These boyfriend nicknames are ideal for contact names on your phone to save dirty nicknames for your boyfriend on phone. Therefore, check out and pick suitable sexy nick names for him.
I hope you have found pet names from these nice and sexy names to call your boyfriend.
Choose at least 4-5 different hot nicknames for guys because you can surprise him and guys like when girls are naughty.
Hopefully, these using a sexy nickname will help you improve your relationship with your boyfriend .
Make sure you choose a sexy name for your boyfriend but he won’t feel disrespected because that can be a big turn-off.
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30 Hottest Sexting Messages to Send to Your Boyfriend
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This article was written by a professional love strategist. If you want to learn the 7 Little Love Steps, click here .
So you’re ready to step up your relationship and you want to come up with some hot sexting messages to send to your boyfriend. Or maybe he’s asking you to send sexts but you’re still not sure if you want to…or where to start.
If you do wander down the sexting path, you’re far from alone. In a study from the American Psychological Association, researchers found that 88% of respondents had sexted , and 75% of those people had done so in a committed relationship. Those who were in relationships saw higher levels of sexual satisfaction than sexters who were single.
So if it could spice up your sex life…why not try it?
Researchers have found that there are scientific reasons why sexting arouses us . LeslieBeth Wish, Ed.D., a licensed psychotherapist, author, and TEDx speaker, says:
“When you receive a sext, your brain reacts by activating hormones and other neurochemicals of pleasure such as dopamine,” says Dr. Wish. “For women, the attachment hormone oxytocin also gets switched on. This hormone, which is crucial to mothers, intensifies feelings of the joys of closeness. When you combine pleasure and closeness, you can get sexual arousal — even from sexting! For men, hormones such as vasopressin intensify their sexual pleasure.”
Sexting can turn a man on at any stage of your relationship. In this article, I’ll give you some example sexting messages to send to your boyfriend…
Each scenario will have a slightly different approach when it comes to sexting.
This may be the first time you’ve sexted, especially if you’re new to dating all over again . Sexting certainly wasn’t a “thing” the last time you were single! Men simply whispered sexy things in your ear when you were on a date. Texting has certainly changed the dating landscape, hasn’t it?
Let me say if the idea of sending sexy texts to a man completely skeeves you out, don’t do it. You need to be comfortable. But let me also say that sexting doesn’t have to be gross. You can find sexy words without being lewd and still turn on your man. I say give it a try and see how you feel about it. If you hate it, you can stop. But if he encourages you, you might find that you become the Cassanova of sexting!
Let’s move on to those examples of sexting messages to send to your boyfriend!
Ready to hop in bed? Sexting can help!
So you haven’t done the deed yet, but you’re ready. You know it’s going to happen soon, and you’d like to create a little anticipation on his side with some hot texts. Here are some things you can say (feel free to modify to fit your own needs):
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Register for this free training to learn how to find him.
So now you’ve been with this guy, and WOW. It was hot. And positive reinforcement yields positive results. In other words, tell him he did a great job and he’ll be back for more. Let him know you’re thinking about last night and you’ll get him hot and bothered…and ready for another opportunity to make you sweat!
You’re comfortable enough to take your texts up a notch.
So the fires of passion have leveled off now that you’ve been dating a few months. You know each other better both emotionally and physically, and you’re more comfortable with the sexting messages you send to your boyfriend. Now’s the time to get more playful with them! It’s important to keep sending these sexy texts to continue to fuel the fire you’ve sparked together.
You’ve got to work to keep the passion alive in your relationship.
It’s even more important to keep the passion alive after you’ve been together for years because those initial infatuation hormones have worn off. But you’re in the true love phase of your relationship, and that can make your sex life incredibly powerful. Focus on being spontaneous with your texts and taking him by surprise when he least expects it.
After you try out a few of these sexting messages to send to your boyfriend, you’ll become more at ease at using them to heat up your relationship…particularly if he responds positively! And what man wouldn’t? After all, here’s a woman who, in the middle of the day, is telling him how much she wants him! Sexting can help you claim your sexual power and boost your confidence: two things I think every woman really needs!
I hope that these sexts inspire you to come up with your own messages and that they help feed the fires of passion for you.
Share in the comments below: what result have you gotten with sending sexts to your man? Has it resulted in hot sex?
Hi I just sent the following message to my husband “I’ve been a bad, bad girl. Will you punish me?” and his response ; ‘”Huh” what is up with that ????
Woah wait whaaaaat girrrrl maybe he needs punished then ?!?! He should been up with that Xx
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