Beyond Two Souls Ellen Page Uncensored

Beyond Two Souls Ellen Page Uncensored


Beyond Two Souls Ellen Page Uncensored
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Ellen Page's CGI counter part in the game is nude, or is she really? The media got this all wrong, and actually made it worse by censoring the original images, inflating the truth.
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Ellen Page's CGI counter part in the game is nude, or is she really? The media got this all wrong, and actually made it worse by censoring the original images, inflating the truth.

First of all, here is a Google search leading to the correct uncensored image . And for those with no interest in seeing it, let me describe it...: The character Jodie Holmes is in the shower nude, we can see nipples, that's it.
And if you are wondering what nipples the look like, look at yourself in the mirror, they look the same whether you are male or female except that females have slightly larger ones.
The fuzz is due to a few things, first of all somebody with a developer kit version of the PS3 used debug features in a pre-release version of the finished game to change or move the camera so that angles not seen in the finished game's shower scenes could now be seen.
Sites began posting about it, and Sony management had a panic attack and began to tell sites to remove the images. And this with some falsehoods and misinformation caused this to blow up bigger than it should have.
Because of a few reasons and lots of mistakes:
Not sure. But my guess is that at some point they wanted the option of topless, possible the shower scene. Additionally certain clothing that may be partially transparent might benefit from having some shadow/color showing through beneath the fabric texture, like in reality. They seem to use subsurface scattering on the skin otherwise so textured nipples would not be that odd for added realism.

In America nipples is controversial. In Europe and many other areas of the world nobody would have made a fuzz about this. The game rating would have remained at Teen here in Europe. In America a shown nipple would almost guarantee a Mature rating, never mind all the people you actually can kill in the game.
If you want an answer to why the nipples was textured, ask Quantic Dreams' art department lead, he probably holds the answer to that, anything else is pure speculation.
Not said a word until they had managed to talk to Quantic Dreams about it first, with all the money a developer pays to Sony for the privilege to be on the console and the dev kits/tools the least that Sony could do is call or email the developer before blurting things out to websites around the net.
Nothing, that's not her body, those are not photos of her, she did not model nude. She wore a fitting motion capture suit, you can see that in the "making of" or "behind the scenes" videos.
Research maybe? Most of the media/press these days are just regurgitation of what others report. Usually you can track down most news to one single source these days.
The media should have tried to contact the developer for comment.
Failing that or waiting for a reply they could also have contacted a 3D model artist for some insight into how models are made or a animator on how a real time cut scene is made. Or a game developer on how a game engine and 3D models and texture layers works .
Maybe do an article on the work involved to create a good quality modern 3D character like Jodie Holmes. Such an article would have been great on Gamasutra for example. (Quantic Dreams devs, Gamasutra staff, you folks reading this? Make it happen! A nice "Post Mortem" article for example.)
Did you look at the original images? Or did you just skip that? In either case. Done and done. And then just shake your head in disbelief at all this noise about something unreal that no player will ever see when playing the game, and as you can se, there really anything to see in the first place. I see worse things when looking at my face in the mirror every morning instead.
No idea. But I was serious about the idea of a Post Mortem being posted here on Gamasutra. It would at least let Quantic Dreams explain things on a technical and artistic level, both things that was completely ignored in all this noise currently.
I spent a lot of time writing this. Hopefully I explained things well enough, if not then somebody else do so please. What I can not believe is that no media or journalist sites actually spoke the truth on this. Maybe just maybe if you dig into the comments on sites you may see somebody saying that there is actually no genitalia, and maybe point out some of the things I mentioned above.
But the original articles out there remain unedited or not updated to reflect reality, which is worrying. Even Ars Technica which I consider a serious site fell into the tabloid trap on this one.
Roger Hågensen considers himself an Absurdist and a Mentat , hence believing in Absurdism and Logic. Has done volunteer support in Anarchy Online for Funcom. Voicework for Caravel Games. Been a Internet Radio DJ with GridStream . Currently works as a Freelancer, Windows applications programmer, web site development, making music, writing, and just about anything computer related really. Runs the website EmSai where he writes a Journal and publishes his music, ideas, concepts, source code and various other projects. Has currently released 3 music albums .
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Ellen Page's Naked CGI Body in Beyond: Two Souls
A Reddit user gained access to a nude character on Beyond Two Souls.

They didn't "keep it". It's a friggin model. That's what they use to make games "realistic" right? Did people expect Quantum Dream to use a floating head and arms and hands with no body?

Well what people are saying is that they used the nude model and then from there blacked or "censored" parts of it. So people are saying they should have then removed the unedited or uncensored part of it. Of course they can use model to make it realistic. .. that's not the argument. The argument is that If they wanted to censor it then they should have removed that unedited uncensored version of it from system.

Not to say it is the most thorough method, but I would expect that the 'censoring' was most easily done as a different object or layer. This method would let you quickly place something over the model without having to edit it. I haven't seen the actual game footage, but I suspect the censor is something more subtle than black bands like tape over the generic model's unmentionables.

I find the tone most people are taking with this a bit ridiculous. These pictures are more comparable to erotic fan art or photoshopping than to nude pictures.

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Earlier this month, Reddit user dgmockingjay uploaded screenshots of the shower scene in Beyond: Two Souls. The reason this is a big deal is because the screenshot images show Ellen Page naked. The game's shower scene never shows Page's bare breasts; however, the user was able to obtain access of this by manipulating the game's camera to show the naked body while in debug mode. 
A Kotaku source confirmed that Page's nude body was indeed in the game. The source also noted that although the developers of the game disallowed access for cheats, the free-camera functionality was left enabled! If the nude model had been deleted, hackers like dgmockingjay might not have been able to gain access of the footage in the first place. 
According to Escapist Magazine , a Sony PR rep said that "it's not actually her body." However, Sony also said that this situation is "very damaging to Ellen Page" and that they are trying to remove any postings of the situation, so to "end the cycle of discussion around this."
Although some sources say Page will be suing Sony for this, Page has not publically commented on the situation as of yet. 
Why would Quantic Dream or Sony have the characters nude body in a full-detail? Why wouldn't they delete it so that hackers like the Reddit user don't obtain access to it? Sure, the body may not truly be Page's and instead it may be that her face was placed into the CGI body, but why would they keep this?

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NSFW: Players Uncover A Naked Ellen Page In Her New Video Game
If there's one thing we can count on, it's that some people are interested in seeing naked character models—this is true regardless of the game. In a sense, you could say there was a metaphorical timer starting the second that David Cage's latest game, Beyond: Two Souls, which stars popular actress Ellen Page, was released.
Earlier today, a Reddit thread by dgmockingjay popped up, and it linked to screenshots of a naked Page in M-Rated Beyond.The screens appeared to be from a debug PS3, not a conventional retail system or at least one running in a debug mode. The screenshots come from an actual shower scene in the game—but the scene never shows Page's bare breasts:
What's different in the shots today is that the person who took them was able to change the camera angles, allowing us a fuller view of Page's in-game model. To wit, the top of the screenshots say the game is running with a "QA menu," (as in 'quality assurance') activated and that the free camera is set to "true." With these settings, one can access a free-floating camera in a tester mode—which would allow someone to view Page as she appears in the screenshots (if that's what they wanted, anyway).
A Kotaku source was able to access the game's debug menu and confirmed that the nude Page model is in the game. Furthermore, they noted that while the developers seemed to have disabled a listed "cheat" functionality, presumably for progressing through the game, the free-camera functionality was left enabled. Had it been cut, they speculated, hackers would not have been able to see the full virtual nude model. Still, in case it wasn't clear, the debug mode necessary to do this isn't intended to be accessed by players, period. Most players won't be able to: we don't know about any methods to access the mode from a copy of the game running on a regular PS3 running with consumer firmware.
Of course, that someone went through the trouble to do this isn't surprising: of course they did. What's notable is that Quantic Dream rendered a fully nude Page even if they didn't show it to players. Granted, having a developer include something in a game that a player might never see isn't so uncommon .
David Cage and his studio, Quantic Dream, are known for making games that aren't shy about including sex or nudity, often with the intent of making more mature games. Their game Fahrenheit was edited—some might say censored—of some of its sexual content for its American release. Cage's previous title, Heavy Rain , featured a protagonist that had a fully naked character model for some of the game—and there was even a glitch that rendered said model playable.
Americans who prefer to play uncensored games had to import the European version of the last video…
We've reached out to Sony about these screenshots and will update once we hear back. For now, it's worth noting that Beyond: Two Souls uses the same type of highly-advanced motion capture featured in the movie Avatar. Describing the process of utilizing said technology to Fast Company , Cage said that Quantic Dream "gather[ed] all possible information about the actor’s body.” Additionally, earlier this year the European version of the game was modified such that "the more graphic content is shown from a different angle and not visible" according to Derek Osgood, a marketing manager at Sony.

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Ellen Page 'Beyond: Two Souls' NUDE Shower Scene Stills Leaked By Hackers? (PHOTOS)

By Staff Reporter Oct 23, 2013 11:30 AM EDT

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A shower scene in with Ellen Page's character in the next-gen game "Beyond: Two Souls" has been debugged by a "hacker" to show the actress' digital-self naked.
Sony Computer Entertainment hasn't confirmed that the images that surfaced on Reddit are the actual likeness of Page's nude body, but the tech company released a statement about the "debugged" photos.
"The images are from an illegally hacked console and is very damaging for Ellen Page. It's not actually her body. I would really appreciate if you can take the story down to end the cycle of discussion around this," Sony said in a statement to also explained how a "hacker" managed to get the naked stills from the shower scene in "Beyond: Two Souls":
"Just for clarification, the console that was used to capture the images of Ellen from the game during the shower sequence was not a "hacked" console, but is referred to as a debug unit. These units are used during development for testing and, dun, dun, dun, debug purposes. You can use debug units to help find bugs, glitches and hammer out runtime errors in real-time. Many reviewers have debug units to play preview copies of games; quality assurance testers also have debug units for the reasons mentioned above and developers also have debug units."
Tech site Kotaku also claims the debug cheat wouldn't have been made possible unless the game developers turned it off:
"A [source] was able to access the game's debug menu and confirmed that the nude Page model is in the game. Furthermore, they noted that while the developers seemed to have disabled a listed "cheat" functionality, presumably for progressing through the game, the free-camera functionality was left enabled. Had it been cut, they speculated, hackers would not have been able to see the full virtual nude model."
Still, the alleged hacking seems a bit sophisticated for the run-of-the-mill gamer. Do you think Sony intended for these image to be leaked?
Warning: You can find the NSFW images here . The following video also contains graphic content.

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