Better Sex Guide

Better Sex Guide


Better Sex Guide

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The Lovers' Guide | Get better at sex & relationships| Positions, oral sex and masturbation techniques | The world's no. 1 for sex and relationships
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It is widely accepted that there is a huge gap between the sexes in the percentage of times each achieves orgasm. Heterosexual males score a whopping 95 percent of the [ … ]
Lovemaking involving time spent on intimacy and arousal makes for a solid foundation for satisfying sexual relationships. But, on occasion, there’s a great place for spontaneous passion, instantly satisfying your [ … ]
Many people think of scissoring as involving lesbians enjoying vulva on vulva action. And it does – with over 40 per cent of women identifying as lesbian, bisexual or queer [ … ]
Sex is a crucial part of life. Let’s face it – sex is crucial TO life: none of us would be her without it. The average person has sex about a hundred time a year so – given most losing their virginity around the age of eighteen and are sexually active well into old age – that’s thousands of times during our lives [ … ]
When stuck together – and many of us tending to overeat – can you use your intimate encounters to keep yourself trim? We know that getting fit can help you have a better sex life, but can having a better sex life help get you fitter? Now, we don’t mean to kick this off negatively, but it is clear that anyone  who believes that sex could be a more effective form of exercise than, say, jogging is sadly mistaken. Of course, that’s leaving out the pleasure factor, where surely sex wins hands down [ … ]
An often overlooked but highly erotic set of sex positions are those where you are standing up. Actually, they open up a wide range of opportunities going from the quick, [ … ]
This sex position, in which the woman is on top, is fairly difficult but allows for shallow penetration and stimulates the underside of the penis. To achieve this position, the [ … ]
In the difficult years we’ve all faced, many relationships have been tested to the limit. A great number of partners have been forced together in the same space 24/7, 365 [ … ]
Do you see the summer – glorious sunlight, tanned and toned skin and wearing skimpy clothing – as being the sexiest months? Or do you see you and your partner [ … ]
Whether you have been together seven weeks or seven years, doubt can creep into your relationship. But how can you tell if your doubt is normal or a sign of [ … ]
Lost your appetite for sex? Sometimes you’re not in the mood for sex when he is and vice versa. Whatever your level of desire, follow these simple tips to help sustain love-making. We might wonder at times how often we should be having sex, as if we’re somehow failing if we fall behind a probable national average [ … ]
It is widely accepted that there is a huge gap between the sexes in the percentage of times each achieves orgasm. Heterosexual males score a whopping 95 percent of the [ … ]
For some, the thought of sex in a heatwave is just too steamy, sweaty, and stinky. Truth is, though, that when the weather heats up so does our libido. Summer [ … ]
What would you think is the best sex position for ensuring the woman achieves her orgasm? Could it be face to face, male on top ( missionary ), face to face, female [ … ]
From willy-worries AKA penis-size issues (or not) to a man's most tingly-sensational erogenous zones - how much do you know about your partner's body-bits, or your own? 
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How do you feel about online dating? Couples can still be a little reluctant to say they met online. From now on, though, they should shrug off any lingering social stigma, [ … ]
Casual sex or a committed relationship? Some people believe casual sex hook ups are easy and have no complications, but sex is loaded with emotions and often you can receive [ … ]
What draws us, even compels us, to love and desire one person rather than another? There will, no doubt, be a range of superficial similarities: points of connection, looks, attitudes and interests shared. But that’s the case with our friends as well – and we do not usually look at our friends in the same way we regard our lover. One convincing theory is that we see in our gay lover [ … ]
Usually when we fight, and especially in relationships, it is our own internal anger and conflict we are expressing. Yes, there are times in life when we need to stand [ … ]
There’s a strange, common misconception that all gay people do is have sex – girls get together and you can’t move for clothes flying off, then they come up for [ … ]
Vaginal fisting is somewhat of a taboo still amongst lesbians. The term itself has quite aggressive connotations, but when done correctly can actually be enjoyable and exciting whether it be [ … ]
Growing up gay as a young teen can be a lonesome prospect. Do the math and even in a big school there probably aren’t too many of us there and, of those, several might be struggling. Our Enlightened Times have a way to go yet. Issues, issues, issues – home, religions, other guys – even straight guys worrying over who they are sexually [ … ]
Al fresco gay sex is great fun! (Disclaimer: legalities might be entailed; don’t scare the natives!) Sure, for some there’s the trundling around – sorry: cruising – the bushes of your local common – the name of which for others says it all. (And who said romance was dead?!) For the more loving among us, for ourselves and our partners, it’s just nice to get out somewhere, with the breeze and the scent of wild heather [ … ]
My sex problem: When I have sex with my man, I like to ride him. Why? Because that’s the only way I have had an orgasm. I want to know how he can give me an orgasm without playing out that position [ … ]
Are you addicted to porn ? Instead of enjoying beautiful sexual activity with a loving partner, are you alone watching porn or are you turning away from your partner to watch porn? Pretty much everyone watches porn online – that in itself is no reason to worry. If you are asking: What is porn addiction? What are the signs of porn addiction? How to break a porn addiction? [ … ]
The answer would seem to be obvious – men. They think about sex way more, have double the sexual urges, fantasize more, masturbate more – and it is all triggered [ … ]
Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion of fluid from the urethra that is different from urine. The fluid is described as looking like watered-down fat -free milk, tasting sweet, and usually about a teaspoon (3–5 cc) in volume. The biological phenomenon of female ejaculation has been a normal and pleasurable experience of many women’s sexuality. Aristotle was probably the first to write about female ejaculation and Galen is said to have known about it in the second century [ … ]

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The Secret of Squirting Orgasms: How to Make Women Squirt
China’s Secret Sexual Lovemaking System – Lesson One
Secrets of Superman Stamina Revealed Part 1
Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms Instructional
Forbidden Sex Secrets Erogenous Zones
Forbidden Sex Secrets Superman Stamina
Multiple Orgasm Methods Demonstration

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The Better Sex Guide
Featuring 250+ 3D Sex Positions!

If you were anywhere else, you'd probably think a title like that was just click bait... But SexInfo ain't no magazine!
Performing well is extremely pleasurable for her & for you. Do your homework, be gentle and listen to her responses & you really can't go wrong...
It's not what you say - it's how you say it! A wonderful turn-on, or turn-off. Here are the basics to make sure it is received the right way...
Fellatio, oral sex performed on a man, is a great way to give pleasure; regardless of whether it is for foreplay, after play, or the main event.
Not every female can reach orgasm, but many more could if they relaxed and took the time and effort to explore their body to see what works for them!
Anal exploration plays an important role in human sexuality. Get the full scoop on how to integrate into your sexual repertoire.
Not just dressing-up, this is where you both take on the persona of your roles to really live it out, even if only within the confines of your own home.
Through the use of meditation, consciousness & positions prolong your play - read these sex tips on how to release this potent orgasmic energy.


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Better sex, better orgasms, more fun! 101 of the best sex positions illustrated with free streaming videos, deliciously explicit pictures, and step by step instructions.
With a variety of different sex positions to choose we can guarantee that if mind-blowing, amazing sex is what you crave, Best Sex Positions is the right place!
It’s amazing how much better, and more fun, lovemaking can be with a few small tweaks.
Whether you want to take it slow, make penetration feel a little deeper, or you’re just in the mood for something new, our free sex position guide has all the best moves.
All sex positions are illustrated with free videos and explicit descriptions – so no matter what your level of experience you will easily be able to master our huge range of lovemaking styles.
You really can never have too many sex positions on your best-of list.
Suitable for beginners and experienced lovers alike, at Best Sex Positions you’ll find enough tricks to keep even the most adventurous couples satisfied for a long time.
Some positions may be old favorites, others are classics with a fresh twist, and a few might be completely new to you.
No matter where you are on the sexual spectrum, you’ll find Best Sex Positions is loaded with sexy, inspiring, easy tips to add to your sexual repertoire.

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