Bethany Benz Breaks Dick

Bethany Benz Breaks Dick


Bethany Benz Breaks Dick
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If this article doesn’t make you wince at least three times, we haven’t done our job
You’re delivered all sorts of warnings about STDs and pregnancy during your first Sex Ed classes, but nobody brings up the fact that it’s possible for you to fracture your penis, do they? After all, the penis may not be a bone , but you can still snap it like a pencil. ( And here's what can make it more likely to happen —seems like something you should know.)
Anyway, while we imagine most people would try to keep such a gruesome experience to themselves, nine brave souls shared their experience to give us the worst penile fracture stories we could dig up. If this article doesn’t make you wince at least three times, well, then we haven’t really done our job.
Here’s the cliff notes version of the story of Prince Yahshua , who may go down in history as the unluckiest man to ever work in porn. You see, in 2010, Prince sustained an injury that was thought to be “career ending” after his penis snapped while he was having sex with newcomer Bethany Benz (you may remember from her brief stint on VH1’s For the Love of Ray J.)
Yahshua says their "rhythm" wasn’t in sync, and when he went to talk to her what resulted was a “crunch," followed by blood spraying out like a garden hose. He says the resulting mess looked similar to what would result if five or six people had been massacred in the room.
Though the initial outlook was pretty grim, doctors managed to fix his member so he could resume work in 60 days. Then, in 2013, the scene played itself out again as he snapped it for the second time . After that happened, his agency tried to raise $32,000 to get it fixed. And though they only received a little more than $3,700, they were still able to patch it up.
What are the odds of lightning striking for a third time? Don’t ask.
Snapping your penis is a worldwide menace, meaning it could happen to you on a seedy Santa Monica porn set, or it could grab you on the other side of the world. Such is the case for an anonymous 32-year-old man in New Delhi, India, whose busted member landed him in the BMJ Case Reports .
According to doctors who treated him, he was having “vigorous sex” when he heard a “snapping sound.” What followed was an immediate jolt of severe pain and an erection that went away like air coming out of a balloon.
However, his pain is your gain, as the doctors who compiled his report advised anybody who has a similar experience to get to the emergency room as quickly as you can. After all, getting in there as soon as possible could be the difference between laying future pipe or suffering from ED for the rest of your life.
Every once in awhile you may see something in porn and say “I’m gonna try that.” And that’s exactly what a pair of Vietnamese men did back in 2014 . The two men, both from Ho Chi Minh City, shattered their dicks after each of them tried to pull off moves with their respective girlfriends that they witnessed through Internet porn. Both men fractured their penises and ruptured their urethras.
Sometimes you just got to leave things to the professionals, or at least the professionals that aren’t named Prince Yahshua.
We’ve already heard about incredibly cringe-inducing incidents in America, India, and Vietnam. So why don’t we continue our world tour of cracked penises by stopping in Ireland to hear about the case of Alan Parke ?
Just like all our previously-mentioned men, Parke heard an audible snap that interrupted him in the midst of intercourse with his girlfriend. From there, it actually interrupted their neighbors, because his screaming was so loud.
“I’ve never known pain like this, It was absolutely excruciating,” Parke recalled. “I was jumping around with the pain.”
Parke ended up being bedridden for eight weeks, but that wasn’t the worst part (although we’d love to hear the phone call to his boss when he had to explain why he needed to miss two months of work). No, the worst part was being ridiculed by fellow hospital patients after his post-surgical dick had to be put in a sling.
There is no empathy among the wounded, apparently.
Let’s stay in Europe for this one, shall we?
Steve Horden is a 37-year-old Englishman who also had the unfortunate experience of snapping his ding dong in half in 2016 after also having “vigorous sex” with his girlfriend. As he describes it: “The whole penis is bruised and bent and horrible. We were doing doggy style. It was a little bit too frantic. I think we overdid a little.” We’d argue you could take the “think” out of that last sentence.
In case that didn’t give you a visual, his girlfriend, Kiera, added, “I feel a bit guilty as I think it was my thrusting backwards that was half the cause of it....But I stuck by him, helped him clean up, use the toilet, I’ve been there all the way."
And, in case still don't get the picture, you can actually see it for yourself because Horden took a picture of it and shared it with the world. ( Check out the NSFW image on Metro 's website , if you're so inclined.) You can also just take my word that it kind of looks like a swollen eggplant connected to a pair of testicles.
Here’s the story of a man whose broken pecker became a tool for doctors to learn about penile fractures. We’re sure he’d agree that it was more than worth suffering such a horrific injury for the betterment of science.
The image of his wood, which was injured after he accidentally stabbed his lover’s perineum, was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2014 . Along with it was a description of what happened, which includes the usual symptoms (a snapping sound, severe pain, etc.) but also featured the disturbing mental image of blood rushing out of his urethra.
The surgeon who operated on the man also told The Huffington Post that he had to remove the skin around the mushroom of the penis to fix the crack with stitches. He also says that he sees similar injuries every month or two. If that last sentence made you bust a sweat, you're not alone.
In case you’re wondering who’s liable for a broken dick between a man or woman, there’s actually some legal precedent for it. The case of Doe v. Moe , which took years to make its way through the Massachusetts court system, saw a man suing his ex-girlfriend for allegedly splintering his rod while she was on top of him in 1994.
Doe contends that Moe made a slight variation to a position they had done many times before, which had caused the injury. In 2005 (freakin’ 10 and a half years later), a jury ruled in the woman’s favor, saying that her actions were neither negligent nor reckless. Oh, and she even got a summary judgment on top of that, pun intended.
Ray Elbe was a contestant on the ninth season of the reality show-slash-MMA competition that was The Ultimate Fighter . This would seem to suggest that his pain tolerance is pretty high. And yet a penile fracture was so painful it made him instantly pass out .
Elbe had to get 10 stitches at a Malaysian hospital back in 2012 after his girlfriend “bounced a little too high” and cracked his boner. As he puts it, “blood was everywhere.” Unsurprisingly, emergency surgery was necessary to both seal up the wound and fix his urinary tube. After the surgery ended, the ordeal didn’t, as he says he could feel his dick throb with pain with every heart beat. He also had to take pills for two weeks to keep himself from getting hard. Afterward, he vowed to never let his girlfriend back on top. He also added that she promised him a threesome to make amends. Still doesn’t sound even close to worth it, though.
In 2012, a 29-year-old Texas man looking to enhance his sexual experience by taking VirilisPro, a supplement that claimed to do just that, alleges that the product caused his dong to fracture after a round of rough sex during a planned rendezvous at a motel . Whew, get all that?
He astutely realized something wasn’t right when he had “significant pain” and saw blood squirting out of his penis and onto “sheets, walls and [a] mirror.” In the ER, he claimed doctors had to remove the skin to fix his penis, and repair his completely separated urethra.
He also said in his lawsuit that he would probably never again be able to have sex, which means he’d also never be able to have children. “It was pretty horrific to view the pictures,” his lawyer said, which we believe.
His doctor also backed his claim by saying that the injury was “directly linked” to the product during a follow-up exam. However, urologists who spoke to ABC News didn’t seem to buy that argument, with the chief of urology at Atlanta’s Grady Hospital, Jeff Carney, calling his claim “[T]he most absurd thing I have heard of in my life.” Carney further added that he believes the plaintiff took his very real experience and spiced it up with overly dramatic details (such as saying the skin was removed in the ER, as well as the claim that blood was squirting everywhere). Given what we've heard in the rest of these stories, though, the man's experience doesn't sound completely far-fetched.

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From initially intriguing us with her exotic accent on For the Love of Ray J to spreading it like “Caviar” in adult films, we’re pleased to welcome tonight’s guest Bethany Benz into Inside the Adult Actors Studio . Here, we confer all facets of her porn career, what constitutes the best sex and an incident that left a co-star with a broken penis. Yes, a broken dick. We caught up with the Nigerian Russian-Ukrainian starlet, who splits time between Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami, while she was on hiatus from the bright lights, sweat and loud moans, as she’s currently planning her very own adult website. This is great news. Without further ado, this is Bethany Benz in Spread it Like Caviar. Action! : What’s the best part of shooting porn?
Bethany Benz : You get paid for things people do for free. And it doesn’t kill you, so I don’t care.
A lot of drama, people talking. Shady people. It depends how you take it in. The stalking too. I have a lot of stalkers. I’ve gotten death threats.
Wow. Getting back to the bedroom, though, what’s your favorite position?
My Favorite position? I don’t have a favorite. It depends on the person.
Do you have any restrictions while shooting on set?
Restrictions? I won’t do DP (double penetration), double anything, I won’t do anal. I won’t do gangbang.
I’ve done two guys . . . kinda at the same time [laughs].
Uh ha! Ever shot a scene with just you and a girl?
I haven’t done a girl-girl scene. You never know. I might. I like both.
Oral sex or straight sex – Which do you prefer, giving or receiving, more on film?
Depends on what scene and who it is with. I like the warm-up, oral sex. But either or. It varies.
XXL : Tell us about the infamous “broken penis” situation with co-star Prince Yahshua last year.
Prince – I don’t know what to say. It was just an accident. When it happened . . . it was his fault. He was going too fast and he knew it. He missed the spot that’s his problem. I was supposed to be on top and that happened. It like . . . broke. That’s the craziest thing, a real bloody scene. It does happen, though. Jeez louise! That said, I don’t know if it’s safe to ask my next question: Are you opposed to shooting a porno with a fan, a regular guy? Of course, I’m not asking about myself, but ehh . . .
[Laughs]. I’m always open to requests. I never done it with someone other than an actor. Definitely a possibility.

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Sie sind sich nicht sicher, ob Ihnen das Bad in einem Whirlpool überhaupt gefällt? Sie sind blutiger Anfänger, wollen aber trotzdem ein Outdoor-Whirlpool für den Gebrauch im Sommer – mit kühlendem Wasser und im Winter mit warmen Wasser?
Dann können wir Ihnen außer den nachstehend angeführten günstigen Einstiegsmodellen einen weiteren Tipp mitgeben: testen Sie doch einfach das Whirlpool-Feeling! Sehr witzig werden nun einige sagen. Soll ich mich einfach bei einem Hausbesitzer in der Straße, der bereits ein Whirlpool besitzt einladen. So, da bin ich und will mal ihr Pool testen. Das ist vielleicht für eine handvoll von unverfrorener Typen eine Masche, die aber sicher nicht immer gut ankommt – und den meisten von uns auch peinlich wäre.
Unser ganz einfacher Tipp: besuchen Sie eine gute Therme und verwenden Sie dann eines der Whirlpools im Außenbereich (oder aber in der Halle) um sich einmal genau anzusehen, ob Sie es wirklich als angehm empfinden in den prickelnden Fluten zu sitzen. Es gibt Menschen, die es absolut hassen, wenn ihnen Wasser ins Gesicht spritzt. Und das kann im Pool doch ab und zu passieren. Oder wenn die Haare nass werden. Speziell in der kalten Jahreszeit, wenn die Temperaturen einiges unter Null sind, kann dies unangenehm sein im Freien….
Natürlich lässt sich so ein Besuch im Whirlpool einer Therme nicht ganz mit dem Bad im eigenen Pool vergleichen. Warum? Weil es bei Ihnen daheim viel angenehmer ist. Die ganze Sache freilich viel intimer und ruhiger ist, als mit einigen anderen (fremden) Menschen nahezu auf Tuchfühlung zu gehen.
Hat Ihnen dieser Test in der Therme nur so halbwegs gefallen und Sie sind sich immer noch nicht ganz sicher, so empfehlen wir Ihnen den Kauf eines aufblasbaren Outdoor-Whirlpools – sofern man die Möglichkeit zum Aufstellen hat.

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AH hello:) Asskicking little beauty with eyes and lips to die for. And she is Ted's daughter. Still unknown mother though.

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