Bet that the alleged measles virus does not exist!
translated by Corona InvestigativeAuthor Dr. Stefan Lanka - September 4, 2014
On 24.11.2011, I distributed a newsletter via the internet, offering to pay € 100,000 to anyone who presented a scientific publication proving the existence of the alleged measles virus and indicating the diameter of the virus.
As an indispensable prerequisite for being able to claim the price by legal action, I have stated the conditions of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG) and, on the basis of this law, I have justified why the requested publication must come from the federally owned Robert Koch Institute¹ (RKI): The RKI has been obliged by this law since 1.1.2001 to conduct independent research on the causes of the alleged infectious diseases and to publish it.
As an expert in this field with a doctorate and myself a "virus" discoverer - I isolated the first giant virus² from the sea, from which we now know that the cell nuclei of our cells have emerged - I knew that the RKI could not carry out such studies, because disease-causing viruses do not exist and, with knowledge of biology, cannot exist.
The background to the process is that I have been asked several times by the federal judiciary what can and must be done to prevent the measles vaccination that is regularly required. A public prosecutor, who realised that the infection theories were wrong and dangerous, asked me to revive an old idea of mine, to create a competition about the existence of a disease-causing virus.
Reprint of the competition of 24.11.2011
The measles virus
100.000 € reward!
The diameter
Dear Sir or Madam!
The background to the current wave of publicity for the idea that measles is caused by a virus and that vaccines should therefore be implanted is the fact that in September vaccine expenditure fell by 19% compared to the same month last year.
As the most expensive sub-market, flu vaccines, has fallen by as much as 29% because swine flu is still having a negative impact on sales, the German government has decided to promote measles vigorously.
At first, it flooded the population with hundreds of thousands of brochures "Vaccination protection for the whole family", the main purpose of which is to promote measles vaccination, arguing that the virus is fatal and dissolves the brain.
Immediately after the brochure was distributed, the WHO began advertising measles and claiming 26,000 confirmed cases since 1/1/11 in 53 countries, of which 14,000 would be in France. This has fuelled fears of an imminent pandemic coming from France.
The prize money
Subsequently, in early November, the German government announced that the vaccine licensing authority, the PEI, had succeeded in proving that the measles virus would spread via the trachea. In addition, it was planned to use attenuated measles viruses in cancer therapy, as the "particles shrink tumours".
On 9 November, it was claimed that 164,000 people die of measles each year and 55 million become infected. In mid-November it was claimed that measles cases in Berlin had doubled and severe courses were occurring.
Then the Berlin Health Senate issued a measles alarm: "The current situation requires a review of their previous scepticism towards vaccinations, especially among enlightened people," says the current Health Senator Katrin Lompscher (Die LINKE)³.
So if German researchers are working with measles viruses on behalf of the federal government, there must be documentation of this research, especially as these viruses are to be used to make vaccines and these particles are to be used in cancer research. It is obvious that the first scientific criterion must be the diameter of these viruses.
100.000 €
Since we know that the measles virus does not exist and cannot exist with knowledge of biology and medicine, and since we know the real causes of measles very well, but fear is increasing ("Not vaccinating is child abuse", "It's not dying, but wasting away", "The measles virus destroys the brain of the infected child over a long period of time"), we want to use the prize money to achieve
- that people are educated and
- that the educated people help the ignorant, and
- the educated in the sense of the law to influence the actors.
It is in fact forbidden to claim falsehoods, thereby violating the dignity of human beings and on this basis, through vaccinations, harming physical integrity and the right to life.
In Germany, the Federal Government has commissioned Dr. Mankertz to conduct independent research into the causes of measles within the framework of the law, i.e. the Basic Law and the Infection Protection Law (IfSG). Since she herself claims to be breeding measles viruses, she must know the diameter of the measles virus.
She must be asked about the diameter of the measles virus, as she is responsible for the measles virus.
Her address:
PD Dr. Annette Mankertz Robert Koch Institute National Reference Centre for Measles, Mumps, Rubella Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin Tel: 030 / 18754-2516 or -2315, Fax: 030 / 18754-2598 e-mail:
The prize money will be paid out when a scientific publication is presented in which the existence of the measles virus is claimed and proven and its diameter is determined.
The prize money will not be paid if the diameter of the measles virus is determined only by models or drawings like this one (the original was printed with a funny graphic).
The way forward
If it turns out that Dr. Mankertz claims measles viruses without having any scientific proof, her behaviour - pretending that there is a measles virus - is unacceptable.
Her superior, to whom a complaint must then be made about Dr Mankertz, is:
Prof. Dr. Martin Mielke Head of the Department of Applied Infection and Hospital Hygiene Robert Koch Institute Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin Phone: +49 / (0)30 / 454 722 33 Fax: +49 / (0)30 / 454 734 19 e-mail:
If it turns out that Prof. Burger knows that Dr. Mankertz is working without a scientific and therefore legal basis and knows that Prof. Mielke is also working without a scientific and therefore legal basis with regard to the measles virus, a complaint about Prof. Burger must be lodged with the responsible person at the Federal Ministry of Health.
Please send me your enquiries and answers, which we will publish so that they can be effective.
Cause, prevention and therapy of measles
For those who would like to know in detail how measles is prevented and treated, we recommend our book "The Measles Scam". In this sense, all the best! Yours, Dr. Stefan Lanka"
(end of the reprint)
Opportunity and risk of the process
The chance of the process lies in the fact that it can lead to a reformation of medicine. We all need scientific medicine that serves human beings, not historically grown dogmas, constraints and interests. Many doctors see this need, but have not yet found a solution as to how this can be done without loss of reputation and income.
Many fear this loss of reputation and income, so it is not surprising that the media has reported negatively and completely distorted about the process. After all, there is a lot to be said for it: if the idea of the measles virus collapses, there is a likelihood that all so-called disease-causing viruses such as HIV, Ebola, influenza etc. will be recognised as inventions and control instruments in the process. Then vaccination would also no longer be justifiable.
Hundreds of recipients of the newsletter of 24.11.2011 wrote to the RKI and asked PD Dr. Annette Mankertz, who is responsible for the public assertion of the existence of the so-called measles virus, for scientific proof of the existence of the measles virus and its alleged diameter.
A hundred times Dr. Mankertz failed to inform the sovereign, the citizen, about the measles virus. Only one journalist replied at a time, claiming that the RKI only produced in-house, unpublished studies on the measles virus. The RKI also refused to publish these alleged studies.
In further correspondence on the measles virus evidence, the RKI admitted that the diameter of the measles virus could not be determined because the particles considered to be a virus had very different diameters. In the meantime, the Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded on 10.12.2013 has made it clear that it is quite normal vesicles of the cell nucleus with which the cells export and import, which were previously misinterpreted as disease-causing viruses.
Although the RKI also admitted in the context of these enquiries that the vesicles, which were misinterpreted as measles viruses, consist of endogenous substances, it did not make public the consequence that the cell-specific vesicles, which had previously been issued as viruses, cannot be viruses. Disease-causing viruses are supposed to be something foreign to the body, against which the body's own immune system would produce defence bodies, so-called anti-bodies. Since the components of the cell that are misinterpreted as viruses are the body's own transport vesicles, for the research of which the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded in 2013, vaccinations cannot have any positive effects.
The management of the RKI, the senior officials in the Federal Ministry of Health and the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag (lower house of parliament) have been contacted several times and asked to act according to the facts and the legal situation in order to immediately stop mass bodily harm caused by the vaccinations. To this day, however, they are still trying to maintain public claims about the existence of measles and other disease-causing viruses by remaining silent and doing nothing. Here, a positive turn of events for us can lead to a landslide change.
The risk of the trial is that we will be even more denigrated in the media and forced into financial abandonment by unnecessary and many legal actions.
Background to the trial
The fact that a young doctor, David Bardens, has filed a lawsuit in order to receive the €100,000 tendered, increases the likelihood that the topic of "betting that there is no measles virus! The non-expert doctor, who has never conducted independent laboratory research and has no doctorate, claims to have been outraged at the questioning of the existence of the measles virus and to have vaccinated himself with non-recommended vaccines.
Doubts about his motivation are justified. The trial was made public via an illegal internet site, long before it became lis pendens. There was information about the trial to left-wing extremist criminals who work anonymously on the internet without an imprint and who, in their forum, demand the murder of people who question vaccination and other dogmas of western university medicine.
The magazine DER SPIEGEL copied from this page and thus made the process public nationwide. The local press has also taken over the topic from the left-wing extremists and managed to make even uncritical people think and research through even more extreme polemics. During this time, the singer Marla Glen jumped to my side and gave a sensationally good benefit concert for the 100,000 vaccination victims in Germany on April 23, 2014, in Montfort Castle in Langenargen, my birthplace and place of work. See our newsletter of 17.4.2014 in the newsletter archive on our website (
We will continue the started fundraising campaign "1,000 for 100,000", which was also the motto of Marla Glen's benefit concert, and will promote it as soon as the DVD of the benefit concert is released. Please see the videos "Marla Glen at Lake Constance" and "The measles lie" on YouTube, an interview with me about the trial.
My impression on the first day of the trial, 11.4.2014, was that the court wanted to reject David Bardens' claim, as the requirements for proof had not been met by a publication of the RKI. When the latter, after including the text of the competition in the court minutes and after consultation, publicly testified that he only read the first page of the competition and that the Infection Protection Act would confuse him, the court could not expose the young doctor and thus orthodox medicine to public ridicule. At the date of the announcement on 24 April 2014, the court then proposed an expert to examine the six publications submitted by David Bardens to see whether they contained evidence of the existence of the measles virus.
I rejected this expert proposed by the court because I was concerned about his bias, which is why the files are now at the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court. This expert is not subordinate to the RKI. The ideal candidate would be Dr. Mankertz of the RKI, head of the National Reference Centre for Measles, who has already admitted that she and the RKI have no scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus.
Thank you very much for your support
When my colleagues wanted to report on the trial on our website, David Bardens immediately had it legally banned, although he himself repeated these statements in interviews later. We were therefore unable to publish the already completed issue no. 3/2014 of our magazine WissenschafftPlus.
We asked for and received support in the newsletter of 14.5.2014 ("Turbulent Times"), so that we can publish this special issue of WissenschafftPlus, continue the process and, after legal review, report on the process again. Many thanks to all donors for their support.
Every legal action in this process is associated with great costs, which is why we continue to ask for support so that we can keep the process financially viable. Please support us with a donation to our account of WissenschafftPlus, account no.: 705 906 800, bank code: 700 100 80, IBAN: DE 7770 0100 8007 0590 6800, BIC: PBNKDEFF
We will announce all further progress in the process via newsletter and document it on our website.
The six publications of David Bardens
David Bardens sent me six publications dated 31.1.2012, claiming that he had thus provided proof of the existence of the measles virus and claimed the €100,000 prize money. I informed him that the publications were not publications of the RKI, that they did not comply with the requirements of the IfSG, that they deeply violated scientific principles and, moreover, that they only described cell-specific components and processes, but no virus.
He then filed a complaint with his oral statement of 11 April 2014, stating that he had only read page one of the three-page competition and that he did not understand the Infection Protection Act (IfSG). In its paragraphs, the IfSG calls upon all parties involved in the field of infection to carry out scientific work at the current state of science and technology and obliges the RKI to conduct independent research on the causes of infectious diseases, i.e. independent research on the alleged measles virus.
However, since the vesicles in the cells that have been misinterpreted as viruses are transport vesicles that are formed to export and import substances into and out of the cells, these vesicles are not stable, vary in size and composition outside of the tissues, making it impossible to isolate these vesicles and characterise their components, including determination of their diameter.
To enable every reader to form his or her own opinion of the "scientific" evidence David Bardens has presented to me and now to the Court, I will quote the titles and authors of the six publications and comment on their content.
Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun;86(2):277–286.
As the title suggests, cells in the test tube were killed by the experiment and the dying of the cells was output as an effect of viruses, which were never seen, isolated, characterised and photographed then and up to now. Anyone can recognise the fraud, as no control experiments were carried out, which are absolutely essential in science.
The control experiment is that the cells in the test tube are treated in the same way, with the same but sterilised liquid. This control experiment must be carried out and documented in order to rule out that the way the experiment is carried out and the chemicals used are not the cause of the death of the cells in the test tube.
If no control experiments are conducted or published, no scientist may ascribe any probative value to his experiment or claim that his statements are scientific. Since science fraud has not been defined as a criminal offence, "scientists" believe they can do whatever they want without being held responsible. From a criminal law point of view, "science" acts outside any control.
Only in Germany is science and scholarship guaranteed by the Basic Law, Article 5, Sentence 3 ("Art and science, research and teaching are free. The freedom of teaching does not release from loyalty to the constitution") is bound by the constitution and thus by the law. This expressly prohibits violations of dignity and bodily harm through "scientific" misleading. This is the reason why I have bound the awarding of the prize to German law, the Infection Protection Act (IfSG) and thus to the Basic Law. In practice, however, some "scientists" and "researchers" behave as if they have only read the first sentence of Article 5 (3) of the Basic Law and believe that they are free of all obligations.
Bech V, Magnus Pv. Studies on measles virus in monkey kidney tissue cultures. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand. 1959; 42(1): 75–85
The authors repeated the same trick of the authors of 1 and did not perform control experiments. In Germany, the performance of control experiments is mandatory in state science; another reason why the criteria for the award of the Measles Virus Prize were bound by German law.
Horikami SM, Moyer SA. Structure, Transcription, and Replication of Measles Virus. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1995; 191: 35–50.
This is a review that only lists the claims of other "scientists" without documenting or naming the scientific evidence. This publication is not from the RKI and dates from the time before the introduction of the IfSG on 1.1.2001.
Nakai M, Imagawa DT. Electron microscopy of measles virus replication. J Virol. 1969 Feb; 3(2): 187–97.
Here, cell-own transport bubbles are photographed in cell cultures, for which the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded in 2013. These vesicles could never be isolated or their composition determined. Such structures were never seen in humans and never in the skin lesions that are passed off as measles. The evidence that these vesicles are independent structures that come from outside is completely lacking.
Lund GA, Tyrell, DL, Bradley RD, Scraba DG. The molecular length of measles virus RNA and the structural organization of measles nucleocapsids. J Gen Virol. 1984 Sep;65 (Pt 9):1535–42.
The authors have cells produce messenger substance (RNA) in the test tube and claim that this RNA comes from a virus that appears nowhere, has been photographed, isolated and its components determined. Only if parts of an isolated virus have been detected and identified could one believe that the same or similar parts could also come from a virus.
However, if the virus and its components are not known, it cannot be claimed that any molecules are components of a virus. The procedure is the same for all claims about viruses that cause illness: You take pictures of bubbles or threads in cells, pass them off as viruses and later produce molecules that are passed off as components of the virus.
Daikoku E, Morita C, Kohno T, Sano K. Analysis of Morphology and Infectivity of Measles Virus Particles. Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College. 2007; 53(2): 107–14.
The authors perform experiments with cell cultures as in publication No. 4, without isolating a virus and determining its components. They all work with cell cultures obtained from the inventors of the measles virus, which are considered to be infected. In fact, such "infected" cell cultures are bought and often claimed without checking whether the package actually contains what is in it.
The authors note that the vesicles they present as measles virus would have a diameter of 50nm to 1000nm. This proves that they cannot be viruses, but rather cell-specific vesicles, which typically have this size.
With the submission of these publications, which in content and form do not meet the criteria of my call for proposals of 24.11.2011, the physician David Bardens has proven that the allegations about the existence of measles viruses are an error up to scientific fraud, as the clearly defined criteria of scientific work were violated by all authors involved.
Remarks of the translator:
¹ The Robert Koch Institute is the German government's central institution for the identification, surveillance and prevention of infectious diseases in the Portfolio of the German Ministry of Health.
² Today Dr. Stefan Lanka no longer claims to have isolated a virus, but has understood that these structures are phages. You can read more about this in the article Misinterpreation of Virus Part 1.
³ "Die Linke" The Left Party is a German communist party that emerged after the fall of the Wall from the SED, the unity party in the GDR.
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