Bestiality With A Boar Porn Stories

Bestiality With A Boar Porn Stories


The dream really began one cold November day when, as a college girl, she went to an Agricultural Fair with her first real boyfriend and a few other young couples. As they strolled through the fair, loading up on corn dogs, popcorn, fudge, cinnamon rolls and all manner of fun junk food, they came upon the Livestock Barn. They were more interested in all the carnival rides and music than livestock, but they decided to go in and take a quick look. They came upon a display of hogs; sows with their piglets (who were so cute!), and in a separate pen, a huge boar. Looking at a boar for the first time in years brought back fond memories of working with her father.
The strange and vaguely uncomfortable feeling began to form as they looked at the 400 lb. Boar with its huge balls between its legs. As the boys began joking and teasing them about the boar’s big balls, one of them spoke of how boars had a long, thin cock that was like a corkscrew. All the girl laughed, and poked the boys and told them to quit making things up. But the memories of helping her father with the breeding of the hogs came flooding back, and she knew that the boy was telling the truth. She felt a warm sensation in her belly but shrugged it off to all the junk food. They continued through the display, the boys acting like juvenile jerks, pointing out the huge cocks the horses and bulls ran out. The warm feeling in her belly came back as she remembered the boars mounting the sows and the times they used the breeding rig to collect boar semen for use in Artificial Insemination, or for use by the large boars when servicing smaller sows.
During the following week, she could not stop thinking about the boars and their cocks. She wondered what the other girls were feeling, but was afraid to ask. She had dabbled with playing with her Rottweiler dog, Rock. She had begun touching his cock and pulling back the sheath so that the pink tip of his cock was exposed, dripping pre-cum. It made her feel wicked doing that, but it was also kinda cool. One day she was playing with Rock’s cock when she acted on a sudden impulse and laid down and licked the tip of his cock. A thrill shot through her loins and her pussy became instantly wet. Rock’s cock lengthened and thickened, and, acting on another impulse, she took his cock in her mouth. An instant orgasm tore through her, and she began frantically sucking on the engorged cock. Rock began to cum, pumping his cum into her mouth as she swallowed as much as she could, while it overflowed her mouth and ran down between her tits, over her belly, into her pussy and then ran down the crack of her ass. The metallic task of the cum and his cock was not at all unpleasant to her.
She fell back gasping, horrified at what she had just done. She lay there panting for a long time while Rock circled her and nudged her, confused at her strange behavior. She could not keep her thoughts off how the cock had felt and how his cum had tasted. Unconsciously, she pulled up her skirt and felt the sodden mess in her crotch. Rock came over and sniffed at her. Virtually in a trance, she pulled off the panties, pulled up her knees and spread her legs, offering her hot, dripping wet pussy to the dog’s tongue. He licked at her wet slit and asshole, and also licked her clit as she had multiple orgasms. She rolled away and drew up into a fetal position, shocked at what had happened. She was no virgin, having been fucking and sucking boy’s cocks while at college. Eventually, she staggered up, let the dog out for a bit, and then stood in the hot shower to wash off all the dirt, sweat and cum. She then fell in bed and slept, emotionally exhausted, till the alarm rang for work.
In the days that followed she moved through life with a zombie-like feeling, examining what she had done… and what her body was telling her she wanted to do. She wanted a dog cock pounding into her pussy. She wanted the long wiggly cock of a boar working its way into her womb. She wanted one of those huge horse cocks in her! What on earth was WRONG with her? She tried to put it all from her mind and concentrate on her job, but it was a wonder she did not get fired before the week was out. She was useless doing anything but daydream about sucking animal cocks or having them pound her pussy.
After agonizing about it all week, she admitted to herself that this was something that she had to explore. That she would explore! And she was going to start by having Rock mount her and fuck what was left of her brains out! She had found and looked at some videos, and damn it, she was just going to DO it!
After the week she’d had she was very tired, and stayed in Friday night and went to bed after an early dinner. She was going to implement her new plan in the morning. She went to sleep, feeling calm now that she had made her final decision about the lifestyle she was going to pursue. When she woke in the morning, she found Rock sitting by the bed, staring at her, with his leash in his mouth, tail wagging.
“You and I are going to have a big day, Pal. Just as soon as I have had my coffee.”, she said, and swung her long graceful legs out, jumped up and padded to the bathroom to pee.
Rock followed her to the bathroom and sat in the door watching her, head cocked. For some reason, it made her slightly uncomfortable as he stared at her. She tore off a few squares of toilet paper, reached between her shapely thighs and wiped her pussy. Flushing the toilet, she rose, gloriously naked, stretched, and pulled on a pair of old jeans over her naked bubble butt, and an old sweatshirt over her firm pointed tits.
“Let’s go,” she said, hooked the leash onto his collar, and they walked out the door together.
When they returned, she locked up, took a deep breath and walked to the hall closet and pulled out a towel, which she draped over the edge of the couch. She dropped her jeans to the floor, kicked them away and sat on the towel. She spread her legs, and one could readily see the moisture gathering in the slit of her pussy. Her thick bush of red hair matched that on her head.
Her green eyes gleaming out of her pale face, she spread the lips of her pussy and said, “Here Rock! Lick, lick…”
Doing like on the Discovery Channel!
He trotted over and stretched out his neck until his cold, wet nose touched her rapidly soaking pussy. The pink lips shone in the light, and Rock sniffed and then moved closer and starting licking her hot wet pussy. She came immediately, and holding onto Rocks collar, laid back and gave herself up as the long wet tongue probed and licked. She didn’t know how many more times she came, but it was a lot.
Her eyes practically crossed in pleasure, Tina moved to the next part of her plan. Sliding to the floor, she reached under Rock and pulled the sheath of his cock back, exposing the dripping pink tip. She licked and sucked on his cock for a few minutes as more and more of his cock became exposed. Getting on her hands and knees, she started crawling around, keeping her ass in the air and aimed at Rock.
“Rock! Mount, mount…” she said, coaxing him to her with words of endearment.
He false mounted a few times, getting excited, but she kept her ass in the aim and aimed at him. After a bit, he got the idea and mounted her, his forelegs locked around her, and humping at her. She reached between her legs and guided his now huge cock into her dripping opening. With a jolt, Rock thrust into her, his cock filling her, He humped her pussy like crazy with rapid and powerful thrusts, driving his 9-inch cock into her mercilessly.
She saw stars and began to moan and cum, while feeling his 2 in knot grow inside her. Then, miraculous, they were tied, now and forever, something she had read was highly unlikely at this stage. Rock was cumming inside her!
Waves of pleasure swept through her as she stood like a Bitch in heat, head down as his knot pulsated against her g-spot, panting just like Rock was, having continual orgasms. She had no good idea how long they stayed tied while he periodically tried to dismount and pull his knot out. She resisted, squeezing her pussy muscles to hold him in.
At length, his swollen knot went down, and his cock pulled out as he tugged once more. Their cum poured out of Tina’s freshly inaugurated Bitch’s Cunt, most onto the towel she had managed to be over. She collapsed on the floor and Rock licked at her pussy for a bit, and then moved off. Shortly she heard him lapping up water. Her pussy throbbed, her heart sang. She dozed off, curled up on the floor like a stray Bitch, cum slowly dripping out of her throbbing, swollen pussy.
That was a year ago, and she had fucked many dogs since then. She has also had an encounter with a horse. She had gotten naked, stroking and petting the horse, brushing the equine and talking to it. She had ridden the stallion around an indoor arena, naked and bareback, like Lady Godiva.
The feel of the stiff horse hair and the horse’s backbone rubbing against her pussy made her cum. After her ride, she had played with its cock and was astounded at the length and thickness of it as the horse ran it out. She tentatively licked the head and also rubbed the head of the huge cock against her pussy. She knew that she could never take even a small amount of that huge cock in her pussy, she was a small woman. She stroked and licked the cock, attempting to fit it in her mouth but could not.
While trying, the horse came, shooting cum like a firehose into her mouth and face, gagging her. She swallowed as best she could, feeling the hot horse cum flow over her tits, down her belly, over her pussy, then running down her legs. She loved the taste of horse cum and wished with all her heart she could have that cock in her mouth and pussy when the stallion came. But she had to face reality, it was just not going to work with her. After that, she stuck with her dogs, a brief fling with a goat, and thoughts of her true love; a long thin boar cock screwing itself into her and filling her womb with his cum!
Now it was the time to implement the next stage of her dream. She jumped up as she heard her boyfriend’s horn blow outside, said bye to Rock, and ran out the door. Over the year she had cultivated a network of friends from sites like Beast Forum and from her visits to the zoo-oriented nightclub, Sheath. She had made contact with a guy who worked at a hog farm and had arranged at last to be with a boar. Her boyfriend, who was also into bestiality (he loved to fuck her and eat her pussy after Rock had fucked her and cum in her), would be there to protect her and take care of her afterward.
After an hour’s drive, they arrived at the farm. Tina’s friend met them and introduced them to the owner. He looked her over from head to toe, and said, “So you want to fuck my boars?”
She said that yes, she really, really did.
He told her that she was going to have to prove that what she was saying was true. “If you want to get fucked like a sow, you are going to have to act like a sow,” he said.
That worried her a little, but she agreed to do whatever was necessary to prove her desires. The farmer told her to undress and looked over her beautiful body eagerly as she did. He walked around her, feeling her breasts and ass, running his fingers between her legs. Her boyfriend stood by, watching but silent, as she had told him to be.
The man said, “I think you are good enough to be one of my sows, come on.”
He led them to an enclosure full of sows, rooting around in the dirt. It looked filthy in there! He said, “You wanted to be a sow, so get with it!”
Haltingly, she climbed into the pen got down on all fours and crawled around, acting as much like the sows around her as she could, pretending to root. Amazingly, it was really turning her on! Her pussy was hot and dripping wet as she crawled around, grunting. They were outdoors, and the other hands on the farm had gathered around to watch her. That turned her on too! She wanted them to see her become a real sow, and get bred! After some time the owner called her over to a small gate in the pen that adjoined a smaller pen. He opened it and let her in, then closed the gate… and there was her boar! He grunted and nudged at her as she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled around, his snout dripping.
He must have been 300 lbs! She was afraid he was too big for her to support his weight, but she looked fearfully at the owner, and he said “You can do it, trust me. Just hunch your back and keep it hunched.”
She did so and began to move around presenting her ass to the boar, inviting it to mount her. Finally, the Boar did, and she could feel its crushing weight. His snout was dripping onto her, and he was grunting and thrusting at her. She could feel his cock jabbing at her, and for a moment she was terrified he was going to ram it into her asshole, but the cock found her hot wet pussy hole.
She thrilled at the incredible feeling as the wiggling cock corkscrewed up into her pussy, tickling the walls. She screamed as the cock banged very painfully into her cervix, then finding its way through, with a life of its own, into her womb. She felt the boar’s cum filling her womb, and felt her dream being fulfilled, the pain is forgotten. The heavy weight of the boar seemed light as she orgasmed in sync with the boar’s spurts, head down and gasping as the tidal wave of pure pleasure swept over her. Her belly swelled slightly with all the cum he was pumping into her. He was in her for 20 wonderful minutes, filling her full of his cum, while she had multiple orgasms.
As the boar withdrew, she felt the same tickling feeling as his cock reversed its path. Her cervix opening plugged with his thick cum, trapping most of the boar’s cum inside her, which was a wonderful feeling. She would be able to cherish its presence for a while. Her boyfriend came in and helped her up, she felt very weak and was trembling. He helped her to the shower and washed the filth and cum off her as she leaned against the wall, exhausted emotionally, and physically from supporting the boar.
“Let’s go home, baby. You have had enough for one day,” he said.
But before she left, she secured the permission of the owner to return the following weekend. “You did very well, you passed every test. Next time we will make it both more challenging and more pleasant for you. You deserve my prize boar. You earned him!”
They drove home, with her feeling boar cum seeping out of her pussy. She started getting horny again thinking of her recent experience.
When she got inside, she turned on her boyfriend and demanded that he fuck her, now, while her cunt was still hot and wet with the boar’s cum. He was fired-up himself, so he stripped off her clothes and soon had his thick 8” cock fitted into her willing cunt, and pounded away. His cock felt so different from the boar, thick but not nearly as long. She felt him cum in her as she also did. Now her pussy had 3 different kinds of cum in it!
Her boyfriend pulled his cock out of her and said, “Lick it clean you little Boar Slut!”
She did so, tasting her cum, her boyfriends, and the boar’s in a delicious cum cocktail. She spread her legs, and he dove into her crotch and cleaned her up, licking and sucking the cum out of her bush and her hot wet cunt.
“Did you like the taste of the boar’s cum?” she asked.
He agreed that he had and said that whatever was in her gorgeous pussy he would like! She smiled and cuddled up with him for a nap, but Rock came bounding in and had to lick her pussy too, smelling the strange animal on her and doing his best to lick it off her. She came one last time!
She daydreamed through the week, the boars cum still in her for several days. Since the boar had plugged her cervix, she had to wear panty liners because the pig’s cum kept leaking out of her slowly. She drove out to the farm by herself when the weekend came. She felt safe with the owner now, he seemed a nice guy. This time he led her to a room inside his barn, where there was a breeding pen. The pen was clean, and so was the boar.
It was a small boar, and he said, “This one really likes to have his cock sucked.”
She looked rather doubtful, she had not really thought about sucking the long thin cock, but she was willing to give it a try. She stripped and got in the pen and started playing with the boar’s cock.
It ran out and wiggled in her hands as she massages and stroked it. The boar seemed to really like what she was doing, so she kept on with it for a while, then tentatively started to lick the tip. It seemed to get in her mouth on its own, so she began to suck on it while the long cock wiggled in her hand. She sucked and sucked for she did not know how long, till her jaws began to ache, but she kept at it and was soon rewarded by copious amounts of the boar’s cum shooting into her mouth. It was thick and a bit hard to swallow quickly, but she managed to gulp down a good bit, the rest running over her tits and down her body.
She was really getting turned on now, and as she stood to leave the pen, he said, “You did very well again. Now for the reward, I promised you!”
Something's weird with the animals here?
He led her to another breeding pen, where there was another boar. As she looked closer at the massive boar inside, she drew back. “He must weight 600lbs. I can’t support that weight, it will crush me!” she said.
He told her to look at the bench-like apparatus in the pen. It was a breeding bench, an inclining bench with a canvas top and some sort of pipes sticking out the sides, with an open tubing frame supporting it. He told her to crawl under it, with her ass protruding from the lower end. Before she went in, he told her to bend over and spread her ass cheeks. She did so uneasily, thinking he wanted to fuck her in the ass.
However, he just said, “This is a big boar with a much thicker cock, I’m putting some tape over your asshole, so he does not get in it.”
Gratefully, she complied and felt the tape go on. The farmer kissed and patted her ass and told her to go get some boar cock. She eagerly entered the pen and assumed her position under the breeding bench, her pussy wet and eager. He let the boar in, and it reared up onto the bench, and his cock plunged into her hard and fiercely, thrusting into her and ramming through her cervix and into her womb. She screamed at the intense pain, as he was quite a bit thicker than the one that fucked her before. However, she could feel the boar pumping cum into her, a lot of it, and was cumming multiple times herself, so she forgot the pain.
She was sure it was the best moment of her life! The feelings and pleasure were beyond anything she could have imagined as the prize boar bred her like a sow. She could feel her womb expanding, and when he was finished with her after 30 fantastic minutes and had pulled his wiggly, tickling cock out, she took a long hot shower. As she got out, she looked in the mi
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