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Все супер как и всегда

Other categories include an enthusiast pick that offers the best combination of price, performance, and features; a value monitor that gives you the best bang for your buck, and the best gaming monitor that for now a lot of money can buy. So, what do you get for your money? Each color space has its own display mode, which is selected through the OSD menu options, and comes with a calibration report. The design is another area where the VPK excels. We get super slim bezels that create the illusion of extra screen space, as well as reducing the gap size in multi-monitor setups. There are couple of minor points: And it gets the seal of approval from two of our editors. Not only is the display bright and offers a clear image, but it is also pre-calibrated at the factory, ships with a dedicated hardware calibration app, and has a ton of features and connectivity options. Average Competitors May Be Better Better ultrawides for gaming, more connectivity options would be welcome. At 34 inches and with a resolution of x , this IPS display hits the sweet spot of being sharper than p without running into the GPU demands and scaling issues associated with 4K. The monitor is a great option for both work and play. Ultrawides are fantastic for productivity, offering so much more screen real estate. Color production is excellent, and there is no noticeable backlight bleeding. Titles that support the ratio look amazing in Connectivity consists of two HDMI 2. As for its design; the glossy enclosure and stylish stand are two of its highlights. Ultimately, the 34UCB is an excellent choice for productivity, gaming, and content consumption, all at a competitive price. Great Differentiating Features The best ultrawide for gaming available right now , G-Sync, maximum Hz refresh rate. The top ultrawide panels right now are either or inches in size with a x resolution and a Hz refresh rate or higher. The best ultrawide display currently available is the Dell Alienware AWDW , sporting a 34' curved IPS panel, good out of the box calibration, G-Sync of course , and a maximum Hz refresh rate when overclocked Hz is the default. Plus the VA panel used in this display is quite good and features an R curve that works well for gaming with such a large, wide monitor. There was a time when every 4K monitor out there came at a wallet-busting price, but those who love x resolutions no longer need to take out another credit card when making the jump to UHD. This inch monitor is a TN display which helps keep the price down. And while you might find the limited viewing angles associated with TNs, the picture is still vibrant and colorful, even with the anti-glare coating. Other gaming-focused features include crosshairs, timers, fps counters, and display modes for different genres of games RTS, racing, etc. Connectivity is supplied via DisplayPort 1. But the standout area for a 4K monitor this cheap is its build quality. It also sports a stylish design and slim bezels. The monitor is an especially good choice for gamers who want a cheap, full HD display. Thin bezels, solid construction, and stylish looks are the order of the day, and it even comes with a small hole for your cable management needs. But this will likely be enough for those who want a cheap monitor. Gaming monitors is such a broad subject that we could write an entire buying guide dedicated to it Great Differentiating Features Incredible value for a 4K monitor with gaming features Good Most Have It Excellent build quality Average Competitors May Be Better Some viewing angle issues associated with TN panels, out of the box color accuracy could be better There was a time when every 4K monitor out there came at a wallet-busting price, but those who love x resolutions no longer need to take out another credit card when making the jump to UHD. Doom Eternal steals the spotlight. Add your comment to this article You need to be a member to leave a comment. Join thousands of tech enthusiasts and participate. Sign up for free , it takes 30 seconds. Already have an account? TechSpot Account Sign up for free , it takes 30 seconds.

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