Best Way To Milk Prostate

Best Way To Milk Prostate


Best Way To Milk Prostate

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Carina Hsieh
Sex & Relationships Editor
Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 

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For starters, it's not called milking because semen looks like milk.
hen it comes to butt play for guys, it's normal to be a lil' intimidated. After all, heading around back is a mainstream enough act that you know it can feel pleasurable for men, and yet, actually trying it can be anxiety-inducing if you have no idea what you're doing back there.
In that case, here's everything you need to know about milking a guy's prostate, which is accessed through his bum, to give him a next-level orgasm.
1. The prostate is highly sensitive. The prostate, which is located inside a man's rectum, has a ton of different nerves, says Dr. Michael Ingber, MD , a board certified urologist. There are small sensory nerves, parasympathetic nerves (that come into play with erections), and sympathetic nerves (that come into play with ejaculation), which make it incredibly sensitive and responsive to gentle touch... in the best way.
2. Although it's rare, some men can orgasm through prostate play alone. This tends to be a learned technique, says Dr. Evan Goldstein , CEO and founder of Bespoke Surgical . What's more common is to combine prostate play with oral or manual sex for a more intense orgasm.
3. It's probably a good idea for your guy to go to the bathroom and try to empty his bowels before diving into prostate play. Goldstein notes that if your partner has a regular bowel schedule and is eating a lot of fiber, they'd likely be ready for a prostate massage without much pre-planning. Since the prostate is located close to the opening of the rectum, this area is usually void of any stool, especially if someone is pretty regular. However, for extra peace of mind, Goldstein suggests having your partner hop in the shower and inserting a well lubed finger or toy into himself. If it comes out clean, you're good to go, otherwise, have him try to go to the bathroom or perhaps raincheck the prostate massage for another day.
4. Cut your nails! Seriously, think about how nasty it is when dudes don't do this for you.
5. You're gonna need to use plenty of lube. Unlike the vagina, the rectum doesn't self-lubricate, so you'll need lots of lube if you want to enter butthole territory. Goldstein recommends water-based lubricant since you can use it with toys and it doesn't stain fabric. But many people prefer silicone lube (which, note, is not compatible with silicone toys) as it tends to last longer and stay wetter than water-based lube.
6. You'll know you've hit the prostate when you feel a "walnut." Insert one or two very lubricated fingers slowly into your partners rectum while facing them. You'll want to reach your fingers as if you're trying to touch their belly button with your fingers fully extended, says Goldstein. Try to touch for the prostate using your finger pads. It should feel like a walnut and your partner should feel increased sensitivity in the penis when you touch it. 7. There are two lobes to keep in mind when giving a prostate massage. The prostate has a left lobe and a right lobe (hence the walnut analogy). "It’s best to start working the left lobe from left to right, deep to superficial, and then the do the same for the right lobe," says Goldstein. Repeat this as your partner wishes, but make sure you're not going for hours or really jamming your fingers up there as it'll obviously cause pain.
8. It might take a few minutes. Just like how you can't be expected to orgasm after 30 seconds of oral, guys can't be expected to just magically orgasm after 30 seconds of prostate play. Every body is different, and while some might say that within seconds of starting a prostate massage they'll orgasm, know that it usually takes a few minutes before anything starts feeling good. Be patient, and communicate with your partner throughout to make sure they like it, of course.
9 . Don't stress if it doesn't seem like anything's happening on the first try. If you and your partner are comfy with trying again, try again! "There is for sure a steep learning [curve] to prostate massage," says Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt , MD, a Urologist at Orlando Health. So don't stress if it's not the magic ejaculation button you thought it'd be in three seconds or less. Goldstein adds that since the sphincter is naturally tight, it makes sense that someone might take a few tries to fully relax and get comfortable with the idea before it becomes pleasurable.
10. This move is called prostate "milking," but it's not because semen looks like milk. It more relates to the movement: Just like how milking a cow requires manual manipulation of the cow's udder, you're using your hand (or more specifically, finger) to stimulate a man's prostate, says Goldstein. Also, what you are actually milking from the prostate prostatic juices. Semen is just a small fraction of ejaculate, while the prostatic juices make up the majority.
11. There can be health benefits to prostate play. When done correctly, prostate milking (or massage) can help decrease localized inflammation like prostatitis (picture a clogged drain with a ton of pressure building up behind it), says Goldstein. Dr. Brahmbhatt adds that doctors may sometimes perform prostate massages to obtain fluid samples when assessing for prostatitis.

Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate

MLA Style Citation:

Ducat, Joseph "Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate."
Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate .
29 Jan. 2007
10 Jul. 2022 <­By-­Step-­Directions-­for-­Milking-­the-­Prostate&id=435808 >.

APA Style Citation:

Ducat, J. (2007, January 29). Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate .
Retrieved July 10, 2022, from­By-­Step-­Directions-­for-­Milking-­the-­Prostate&id=435808

Chicago Style Citation:

Ducat, Joseph "Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate." Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate .­By-­Step-­Directions-­for-­Milking-­the-­Prostate&id=435808

Joseph Ducat  |  

Submitted On January 29, 2007

The prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system. It is not found in women. Its primary function is the production of seminal fluid, and it also stimulates orgasm in males. The prostate gland can be affected by disease, including infectious inflammation or prostatitis, and prostate cancer, the second most deadly cancer among American males. Many people recommend milking the prostate regularly as a preventative treatment against prostate cancer and prostatitis.
Prostate milking is also referred to as prostate massage. It is a fairly simple procedure and you can do it yourself if you want to. Here are the steps to take in milking the prostate on your own:
1. Perform urination or a bowel movement in order to maximize the relaxation of the area.
2. Make sure that your fingernails are trimmed and have no jagged edges jutting out.
3. Clean your body and your hands thoroughly. Then put on a sterile latex glove on your hand. Dab a little water-based lubricant on your fingers.
4. Carefully insert your finger or fingers into your anus. Move them gradually upwards and to the back, along the area of the rectum towards the front of your body. Your fingers should be moving in roughly the direction of your navel.
5. You will feel the prostate gland, which is like a small, round bulb about the size of a large walnut. Gently massage it with a light waving motion along its sides, taking care not to press hard on the central area, where the sensitive nerves are located. Avoid touching the prostate gland with your fingernails.
6. You may experience a disconcerting sensation that makes you feel like going to the bathroom although you do not have to. Try not to let it affect you, and continue with the procedure.
7. After a few minutes, the prostate gland may be stimulated enough for ejaculation to occur. You are also likely to experience sexual pleasure or orgasm. However, the procedure does not always successfully bring about ejaculation.
Prostate milking when used as a preventative treatment may carry a few risks. It is a technique that is not recommended for men who have a disease of the prostate or acute prostatitis, an acute inflammation of the glandular tissue. The problem in such cases is that the act of milking the prostate may cause the infection to spread to other areas of the body.
If you are looking for more information about milking the prostate [], check out my other tips and articles at []
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If you’re a guy, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve never heard of prostate milking before, and you might be okay with that. Most of us have heard of the prostate gland of course, but the term ‘prostate milking’ can produce some mental pictures that might make a lot of guys squirm!
It might be easier if you replace the term ‘ prostate milking ‘ with ‘ prostate massage ‘ – because that’s basically what it is. We have endeavored to put together a full review of prostate milking, its health benefits, and why you might want to consider it. One of the reasons you might think about prostate milking is due to the added pleasure it can provide to your sex life!
There aren’t many guys who wouldn’t choose more intense orgasms if they could – and one of the benefits of prostate milking is the ability to produce more intense orgasms – even without penile stimulation. We’ll say that again – prostate milking can be so sexually stimulating that it can cause men to achieve climax with absolutely NO touching of the penis !
By definition prostate milking is an internal stimulation of the prostate gland located inside the male rectum. This is also referred to as prostate massage.
This technique is commonly used around the world, and it’s getting increasingly popular in North America and worldwide. Further in the article we discuss the different massage techniques available, and how to get the most out of each one.
Prostate milking has been medically recognized to provide valuable benefits to men of all ages . It is a safe practice usually performed by a trained practitioner that stimulates the prostate gland, although you can definitely learn how to do proper prostate milking yourself.
There are several ways to milk your prostate:
As you can see – there are many methods that men can use to milk their prostate. Keep in mind that in addition to the sexual benefits that prostate massage can provide – there are other health benefits as well.
Self-prostate milking can be performed in the privacy of your home. You can do it alone, or with the help of your partner / spouse. If you’re going solo, make sure to trim your nails and wash your hands and body beforehand. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:
Being the male G-spot, now you know how to stimulate your prostate. So let’s discuss some helpful tips for doing a proper prostate milking:
Use natural castor or almond oil for massaging the area. Simultaneously you may do your prostate exercises. Squeeze the pubococcygeus muscle (or commonly known as the stop pee muscle). This combination proves very powerful. It will bring many benefits of the internal prostate massage.
Find your male G-spot. Note again; it is around 1 inch below your rectum towards the scrotum. If stimulated during sex, it gives you double pleasure. It can be used to stop ejaculation if pressed deeply just before the tipping point.
Do the massage gently at first and increase the pressure as time passes. Then deeply massage, all while doing the prostate exercises.
After sometime increase the pressure gradually. Always allow the anal muscles to relax as you push firmer till your finger starts entering. It is just about the right angle for finding the best way in. Once you find the right angle, it will slide right in if you have enough lubrication.
Now just try to relax and breathe deep while your body tries to adjust. This may sound simple, but don’t overlook it to get the most benefits.
Being very gentle is very important. Too much pressure can injure very delicate internal structure of prostate membranes. So always try and be gentle, never vigorous. The idea is to give a gentle massage. This will increase the blood flow and remove the stagnant fluids.
Often during or after the massage, your penis will excrete some fluid. Let it go. Do not worry about it. Some men with a healthy prostate will expel quite a good amount of prostatic fluid. And this can happen without any erection or orgasm. This is very healthy. Let this happen. This is why it’s called ‘prostate milking’. Many men will achieve orgasm during prostate massage – even without any actual contact with the penis!
Okay, so now you know that prostate milking can have several health benefits for you and your prostate. And in addition, it can be very erotic and lead to some incredible orgasms – even without any additional sexual stimulation.
But we are willing to agree that many guys will not quite be comfortable with this concept – even if it can lead to some mind-blowing climaxes! So knowing that there will be a certain amount of guys who ARE NOT comfortable with prostate milking – we should mention that there are natural “climax intensifiers” that will help increase your orgasm intensity – AND increase your semen output as well.
So, for the faint of heart that are not OK with the idea of prostate milking – here is a ‘cheat sheet’ of products that can also help improve your orgasms.
If you’re not quite ready for prostate milking, consider one of the products above to start enjoying stronger orgasms and bigger semen loads. Maybe over time you’ll become more comfortable with the idea of prostate milking and consider giving it a try – either alone or with some help from your partner.
Prostate milking is really just the act of stimulating your prostate glands . Although you may never have heard of it up until now, prostate milking is proven to have many important benefits, and can add a very enjoyable new twist to your sex life. One of the great things about prostate milking is that it benefits men of all ages.
We encourage you to explore this website for other resources and tips on improving both your overall sexual health and especially your semen production and sperm health. There are many things you can do to help improve your sexual pleasure – and shoot more semen, enjoy stronger orgasms, and enjoy improved erections. Check out this website and find out how you can elevate your sexual performance right now!
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