Best Tips for Treating Pimples and Blackheads

Best Tips for Treating Pimples and Blackheads

Pimples and blackheads are certainly a terror in the lives of young people and adolescents, as it is at this stage where hormones are more agitated, forming them and leaving marks that will remain permanently on the person's face, unless they know how to treat and avoid squeeze them as much as possible, because that way they will cause a "hole" in the skin layer so they can come out, and this hole is not healing, and they are responsible for the marks on the face.

There are many remedies and treatments that promise to get rid of pimples, but this is not quite true, since medicines and treatments only help to reduce them and also prevent the formation of new pimples, especially in people who have very oily skin and they don't take proper care, in addition to the dirt found in the air we breathe and are eminently in contact, so pay close attention to the tips below for controlling your pimples.

Ointments and moisturizing creams for the skin are a good choice, since there are creams that exfoliate the skin and creams that hydrate it, and for a more effective treatment it is recommended to use the entire line of a given product, just use one or the other will not bring you 100% of the expected results, so if you choose treatment with this type of medication, opt for the full line.

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There are also homemade recipes, which promise to help and really help to control this terrible disease, just have some simple ingredients in your hands and you create a cream that helps to reduce the oiliness of your skin, thus reducing the formation of pimples and "drying" existing ones.

Now check out a highly recommended homemade recipe that is very simple to make:

1/2 of filtered water

5 white rose petals (opt for natural roses, avoid the flower shop, as they contain hormones harmful to the skin)

4 drops of propolis

How to prepare:

Bring the water to the fire, when it is boiled, turn it off. Add the rose petals and cover the container by smothering it for 10 minutes. Then filter the water and add the propolis droplets. Separately add a tablespoon of cornmeal and another tablespoon of filtered water, to form a kind of cream. Apply to well-washed, damp skin.

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