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"I heard my dad whisper, 'Oh, it's really hard, alright."
"It still haunts me to this day, all that jiggling."
"When I asked what was happening, my mom said, 'Oh, nothing — I dropped my earring on the bed, and your father and I are just looking for it. It's just really hard with a bed this big.' So I just left the room, shook, and as I did, I heard my dad whisper, ' Oh, it's really hard, alright .' Canada Day has never been the same."
"I should note, if you think a 19-year-old should have known better, I had lived alone with my mom since age six, and she didn't get married until I was 18. So I was not prepared for this kind of thing."
"She eventually had to explain that sometimes grown-ups have sex just for fun."
"My mom just laughed, 'Your father and I have sex. It's not the worst thing in the world.' But to this day, I will not unpack anyone's bags but my own."
"It went on for so long that I actually texted my mom to tell her we could hear them. Then she came out of the bedroom and told that what we were hearing...was her talking in her sleep . I was so embarrassed."
Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.
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Want top of the line adult toys for the bedroom? Recommending them is our pleasure.
Well, your pleasure is actually what we care about. Adult toys can be a taboo subject, but in today’s day and age more of us are reclaiming our sexual needs and making sexual health a priority in 2022.
Since there are a plethora of sexual wellness companies flooding the market, we wanted to do a deep dive into reviews to see which brands are worth a try, also looking into which products have their users begging for more.
Even better, many brands can be found on sites like Amazon with discrete packaging, and other retailers you may not expect like Sephora, Bloomingdale’s and more.
Both men and women can benefit from adding a helper or two into their closed-door activities, so we’ve included brands that cater to all types of lovers, be you alone or coupled up.
Read on for our roundup of the best sex toy brands to shop in 2022, with gadgets and gizmos to scratch any itch and tickle any fancy you may have in the bedroom.
Show your body some love by checking out the selection of toys at Lovehoney. The site is one of the best for variety, as they have bestselling products for him and her, including the top-rated Fifty Shades of Grey Greedy Girl G-Spot Rabbit Vibrator that has over 1,000 reviews and counting. The site also uses discreet shipping and products can be found on either the Lovehoney site or on Amazon.
This device has a cult-following, and the reviews will show you why. The Womanizer is a suction-based device, using their unique Pleasure Air technology to offer various strengths and patterns of suction.
“This womanizer does what it promises in a way you have not experienced with any other toy before!” reads a glowing review on Amazon. “Conclusion: Instead of buying a huge number of cheaper other sex toys, just buy this one and you won’t need any of the others.”
For luxury sex toys and wellness devices, LELO is one of the top brands that satisfies that title. They have racked up awards year over year from the XBIZ Awards as well as the Adultex Awards and the reviews reflect the same.
Their bestseller page has options for all genders, including the highly-rated GIGI 2 with an average recommendation rate of 93%.
“I bought this recently and it’s changed the game. It’s as quiet as it advertises and the battery life has never been a problem,” reads a review. “If you’re looking to spice things up it’s a great beginner friendly product, 10/10 recommend.”
This site is great for both those that are experts in the bedroom and for those that are just now venturing into the realm of sex toys. For the latter, consider taking their quiz , taking your personal (or couple’s) needs into account and helping you find the best device to try.
Otherwise, the bestsellers page is a great place to start, showcasing the Eva wearable for couples that has nearly 1,000 reviews, as well as the palm-sized Pom vibrator with a 4.7-star average rating.
If your vibe is smart, wearable sex toys and devices, this is a great brand to check out. We-Vibe sells items for individual use as well as for couples , many of which can be controlled via their app for hands-free play.
The We-Vibe Sync is one of these bestselling devices, designed for couples, coming with an app as well as a remote, a 2-year warrantee and discreet, free shipping.
If you simply can’t decide on a specific brand to try, head to Ella Paradis for a selection from the top brands all in one place. Many of the brands are already on this list, like LELO and Dame, but there are far more to discover, such as Better Love and their bestselling Rose Vibrator or the classic Hitachi Magic Wand brand.
“Founded in 2015, Ella Paradis has one mission: make the world a better place by delivering pleasure,” reads the site. “We have developed a discreet, online boutique offering everything necessary to explore and improve your intimate relationships. Our curated selection of over 2,000 quality brands provides a unique shopping experience which allows our customers to shop comfortably and securely.”
Similar to the above, Adam & Eve has a lot more to offer than just a brand or two to try. Instead, browse their selection of adult toys that span every need, from those designed for women , men , couples and all of the accessories needed to enhance the experience including lingerie and lubes .
Have you heard of sex tech? Lovense knows everything about this cool new industry, combining pleasure and technology to enhance your bedroom experience. They sell wearable devices controlled by Bluetooth for play on the go, like the bestselling Lush 3 remote control vibrator with a magnetic charging port and five-hour battery life.
This toy store is adults-only, fully stocked with items for all. Like some other online stores, Babeland is a warehouse that sells a plethora of other brands, including bestsellers like Hitachi and We-Vibe.
The site offers discreet shipping, free on orders over $69… we see you, Babeland. To fill your cart, check out each section of the site, including pages for beginners , couples and even for fetishes and desires.
If we didn’t tell you, you may not even know these streamlined toys were this kind of “toy.” The items at Maude are sleek, affordable and designed for all bodies, making it a great brand to start with for newcomers. However, looking at both press coverage and reviews, many stick around and choose Maude nightly.
“Absolutely amazing, worth every penny!” reads one of over 800 reviews of the vibe . “It’s big enough so it won’t slip when wet, yet not so big that it’s overwhelming, different speeds for different moments, but perfect for every occasion.”
Sex should be fun, and these toys are here to help. Fun Factory has a number of adult toys to choose from, starting with their bestsellers with great names like Manta or Bootie .
“Me and my partner picked this up for Valentine’s Day. I was super impressed immediately,” reads a Feb. 14 review of the Manta toy . “Not only is this a great solo toy this is even better with a partner. This is our second toy from this company and will not be our last. If you are on the fence do not think twice worth every penny.”
Sex toys are no longer taboo, but they are Tabu. This company is specialized for those going through menopause and wanting to embrace and enhance their sexual wellness. The Kit comes with everything you need to get started, including a personal massager and organic lubricant to go with.
“I cannot say enough good things about this company and product,” reads a review from a 71-year-old user. “The products are just as described and wonderful. The customer service it gives you is beyond compare. Thank you Tabu for all you do!”
If you still giggle at the eggplant and peach emojis, this company is for you. Emojibator brings the silly back to sex, embracing the fun nature of the adult activity. As promised, their classic Eggplant Emojibator is an affordable vibrator with a fun look and 10 vibration settings. They also carry accessories and bundles , should you want a full fruit basket of toys.
If Gwyneth Paltrow has it on her site, we figure it’s worth a try. Head to her wellness site for some of her top picks. There are choices from her favorite brands like Womanizer and LELO, already on this list.
However, Goop also has their own toys, like the Double-Sided Wand Vibrator and the Ultraplush Self-Heating G-Spot Vibrator , each coming with a one-year warranty and a travel lock and storage pouch.
Check out New York Post Shopping for more content.

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In September 2000 my daughter was nearly 13 and had just started secondary school. She had always got on well with other children and worked hard. But after a couple of months things began to change. She started wearing lots of make-up. The school was a stone's throw away, but friends began calling for her as early as 7.30am. Next my older daughter spotted her hanging about in the local park with some lads from school who introduced the girls they befriended to older boys and men. I was very alarmed. Then she started missing certain lessons, sometimes whole days.
When she started disappearing overnight, I trawled the streets looking for her. I had no control over her. Sometimes she would say she was going to have an early night, then she'd turn on the shower and climb out the bathroom window. Once when she disappeared, I went through the park looking for her and asked a teenage boy if he'd seen her. I was horrified when he said, "Yes, all the prostitutes hang out by the bowling green."
I confronted my daughter. "That's not true," she said. "Those boys are my boyfriends."
As far as she was concerned, she was doing what she wanted to do and I was hindering her. Money didn't seem to be changing hands, but the girls were getting drink and drugs and mobile phones. The men flattered them into believing they loved them as part of a process of grooming them to have sex with lots of different men, some in their 30s and 40s. People ask me why I use the word "grooming" rather than referring to them as paedophiles, but most of these men haven't been convicted.
I felt as if my daughter was sliding away from me and I'd never be able to get her back. Every minute of every day became a nightmare. I couldn't eat, sleep or function properly, and I could see no way back. Every time she disappeared, I thought I'd never see her alive again. If a girl is over 13, she has to be the complainant in a case of sexual assault. Because this was happening outside the house, there was nothing I could do. The worst thing, as a mother, was not being able to prevent my daughter from being abused.
At the end of 2001, a year after her first disappearance, I put her into care. She didn't want to go, but I could no longer cope. My lowest point was the first time I visited her. Seeing her and having to walk away was unbearable. Everything exploded while she was in care, and I had a breakdown.
My nephew killed himself unexpectedly during this time. My daughter and I attended the funeral, and were both extremely upset. Afterwards, I took my daughter firmly by the shoulders and said to her, "You'll never know how many times I thought I'd be going to your funeral."
Then I walked away. She seemed to turn some sort of corner that day, and so did I. She started to realise what she was doing to herself and I could see for the first time that she needed me. I think I had to feel as low as it was possible to feel before I found the strength to fight what was happening to her and other girls.
I started campaigning with Ann Cryer, the MP for Keighley, for a change in the law to make hearsay evidence admissible in grooming cases, a change we secured last year. I'm proud of what I achieved and my daughter is proud of me, too.
After two years in care, she came back to live with me, went back to college, got qualifications. At times she feels down about what happened to her, which she now recognises as abuse. Last year Channel 4 made a programme about the grooming issue in this area and, although some white men were involved, the BNP hijacked it as a race issue: Asians exploiting white girls. I was furious because this is not a race issue.
The men live locally and we see them from time to time. They call my daughter names, and me, too, if I'm with her. I say to them, "I'm not frightened of any of you." My daughter calls out, "I've moved on with my life and it's a shame you can't move on with yours." Our relationship is better than it has ever been. We talk to each other and if she goes out with friends, she leaves a note on the fridge telling me where she's gone and when she'll be back. It's fantastic to get those notes.
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