Best Sex Game Apps For Iphone

Best Sex Game Apps For Iphone


Best Sex Game Apps For Iphone


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This is what Apple allows in the App Store. Now see what they DON'T allow.

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Banning pornography and other offensive materials from the iPhone App Store, Apple has tried to limit the smut available on its iPhone to what you can find on the Web.
But while apps featuring actual nudity are forbidden in iTunes, apps with images of people in their underwear are fine by Apple.
Consequently, porny apps are ubiquitous in the iTunes store.
Here's the real surprise: Not many of them are making that much money, however. That's because porny apps seldom make the best-selling list, which is dominated by games.
To succeed, they need to stay on the top 100 list for one of several porn-friendly categories, including "Lifestyle" and "Photography. "(Apple doesn't give adult apps their own category, of course). Ben Cousins, who makes adult apps as well as other apps targeted at 20-something males, says that once an app falls off those lists, "sales can be pretty dismal."
Even holding a place on those lists doesn't necessarily prove lucrative. Ben consistently has multiple apps on the top 100 lists of several categories -- something only a handful of other adult app developers can boast -- but says, "I still work a full time day job and won't be quitting anytime soon."
One rare winner is a free app called "On the Go Girls," which claims well over 2 million downloads a month.
They could do even better if Apple's ratings and policies were more lenient, according to "On the Go Girls" developer Frederick Clarke. He argues that "iTunes sells numerous R movies with significant amounts of nudity, violence, and sexual content." Given that his apps aren't allowed to contain actual nudity, he says the 17+ ratings they garner are ridiculous, when they wouldn't " require even a PG 13 rating" in a movie.
We don't see it happening, even if Apple would be throwing away money if it kept sex out of the App Store altogether.
In the meantime, we've gathered 15 of the most outrageous sex apps available on iTunes, from the straightforward albums of explicit photos to apps that will make you rethink just what sort of toy you're carrying in your pocket every day.
Update : Many of these apps are now gone from the App Store, casualties of Apple's war on porn .
Correction : An earlier version of this post said Frederick Clarke believes Apple should let even more explicit porn into its store. That is not accurate. He does think the policies should be slightly more lenient with its ratings, and that its treatment of apps and movies is inconsistent.
iTunes link Removed Developer : Ben Cousins Price : $0.99 What you're buying : Tight Body Perky Boobs is a good representative of the largest and most basic category of porn app: collections of pictures.
There's nothing more than that to these apps. They work to make the UI as nice as possible, of course, but users are basically buying content and nothing more here. One can download similar images from the web for free, but apparently many iPhone owners would rather shell out $0.99 every now and then.
Since all these apps are essentially interchangeable, success in this space is more about marketing than the product itself. Cousins says, "My strategy has been to cover different items that my audience ... enjoys and use that to cross promote the different apps I have."
iTunes link Developer : Smells Like Donkey, Inc. Price : $0.99 What you're buying : An earlier, breast-oriented jiggle app was removed from the app store by the censors. iJiggles your mom gets around this by letting users jiggle selected portions of any photo -- if they do inappropriate things with it, it's their fault, not the app's.
But we all know what's really going on here, as this YouTuber demonstrates:
iTunes link Removed Developer : Arawella Corporation Price : $2.99 What you're buying : You play poker against a still photo of an attractive woman. Each time you win a piece of her clothing, you get to see a brief video clip of her removing it.
The combination of poker without money on the line and stripping without nudity makes this one of the most unsatisfying apps we're aware of.
iTunes link Removed Developer : Multiinnovation Price : $0.99 What you're buying : Simon, the classic memory game from Milton Bradley, doesn't lend itself to a strip version as readily as, say, poker, because it is a one player game.
But with the iPhone, anything is possible. Remember and recreate sequences of colors and tones to see video of hot women stripping.
iTunes link Removed Developer : BottleCube Inc. Price : $1.99 What you're buying : This app lets you lift the skirts of Japanese girls by blowing into your iPhone's microphone to create a virtual gust of wind.
Or, as the app's description puts it: "Blow on the girls for thrills...see how the PUFF! girls react!" It works on so many levels.
iTunes link Removed Developer : Atrium Designs LLC Price : $0.99 What you're buying : This app gives you a video girlfriend who lives in your pocket. Her hobbies include flashing you her midriff, and saying things that demean women. For instance:
iTunes link Removed Developer : Ketara Software Price : $0.99 What you're buying : Functionally, this isn't much more than another racy pictures app. But evoking the Russian mail-order bride business is a stroke of evil marketing genius.
iTunes link Developer : MyPleasure Price : Free! What you're buying : Want to take your love affair with your iPhone to the next level? There's an app for that.
Thanks to MyVibe, the sexual implications of the vibrate setting are no longer just the subject of cheap jokes.
iTunes link Removed Developer : Overdamped Price : $0.99 What you're buying :
What you're buying : The boob app space is incredibly competitive, so developers need to be imaginative to differentiate their products. Adult Tennis Boobs (hopefully the only product in the Tennis Boobs line) offers three categories:
iTunes link Developer : MountainDev Price : $1.99 What you're buying : As far as on-screen action goes, what you see here is all you get with this app. Instead, Truth or Dare encourages you and your friends to be the porn you want to see in the world.
iTunes link Developer : Jakub Koter Price : $1.99 What you're buying : When people are exposed to two tones of slightly different frequency, one in each ear (via headphones), they hear a single, oscillating tone. Neurophysiologists call these perceived tones "binaural beats".
Researchers have made all sorts of claims about the benefits of listening to binaural beats. They have been put forward as a way to reduce stress, overcome drug addiction, unlock repressed memories, and more.
Jakub Koter says listening to binaural beats on your iPhone via his Sex Drive app will ramp up your sex drive after 10-15 minutes.
iTunes link Removed Developer : On The Go Girls Price : $0.99 What you're buying : You touch the screen, "dirtying" it. A hot girl in skimpy attire "cleans" it from the inside. That's it.
There is a whole genre of apps just like it. And they say we're in a recession.
iTunes link Removed Developer : Giant Mobile Corp. Price : $0.99 What you're buying : The iTunes Store's censors ensure that only fake porn can make it on to your iPhone, but that doesn't mean that legitimate hardcore porn stars can't get in on the action.
This app features 30 classic sliding puzzles made from pictures of porn luminary Tera Patrick. Her day job might be having sex on camera for money, but this family-friendly app garners a 12+ rating.
iTunes link Developer : Chris Alvares Price : $0.99 What you're buying : When robots finally take over the world, their historians will no doubt say that their victory became inevitable the day humans decided to let iPhones be the judge of their sexual prowess.
Lay your iPhone on the bed before you start the deed. Passion uses the microphone and motion sensors to evaluate your stamina and your "activity" level. Weird.
iTunes link Developer : Presselite Price : $0.99 What you're buying : The concept behind this augmented reality app is terrific: Nude It displays the video feed from your camera, but whenever it detects a human face, it superimposes a body stripped down to underwear underneath it.
Sadly, the execution is apparently a disaster. The idea was lifted from the viral video below, in which the software works very well, by dint of being fake. The video's creators say they're working on their own version of the app.


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No porn. No nudity. Nothing overtly sexual at all.
But that hasn't kept some developers from testing Apple's limits. A lot of apps have been able to get through the Apple censors, and a lot of them have creeped to the top of Apple's most-downloaded charts.
We collected some of the most shocking examples below.
MyVibe makes your iPhone vibrate continuously. The app's description says it's a "stimulating way to spice up your iPhone’s built-in vibration feature."
Let your imagination take it from there.
We can't say much here beyond the app's official description: "A love game for two girls! Keep you and your lover busy for hours. Have the night of your life with the best love game for girls!"
But for $10, it had better be good.
This app claims to jump-start your sex drive by playing a "binaural tone" (whatever that is) that stimulates your brain's sexual desires.
iJiggles is a photo altering app that lets you make photos "jiggle" when you shake your iPhone. It looks like a clean app on the surface, but it's hardly a stretch to imagine what kind of photos most people jiggle around.
Passion claims to rate your sexual performance compared to other people. Launch the app and let it run while you're, uh, doing your thing. It will then rate how well you did.
All the facts about boobs you could ever want!
Shake your phone, and Sex Dice Evolved will randomize some naughty acts to try with your partner. Activities are rated from mild to super wild, so take it at your own pace.
How much do you know about sex? This app will quiz you so you can find out for sure.
Get all the odd sexual laws, stats, and facts in one handy app. Some are rather shocking.
With tips from a guy named "Dr. SexyTime," how could you possibly go wrong? Get a visual guide on new sex positions, tips, etc. You'll be shocked at how thorough this app is.
Oh, Cosmo! How could we ever tire of your endless nuggets of sexual advice. Cosmo's iPhone app is exactly what it sounds like. Learn a new sexual position every day of the week. We just wonder if they'll ever run out of ideas.
This puzzle game lets you discover sexy ladie by dragging your finger across your screen. The better you are, the more you see!
Shake your iPhone. The faster you shake, the better you are at love. At least that's this app's claim. Play with a friend and see who can shake the fastest.
This crudely designed game lets you roll the dice for some clever suggestions to share with your partner. One di names a body part, the other names a sexy act. Let fate decide!
This virtual board game challenges you and your partner to make it to the bedroom. The game gets racier as you progress until you finally arrive in bed. Think of it as an adult version of Candy Land.

Many people say sex and smartphones don’t mix. But hear us out.

Amanda Lauren and Amanda Luz Henning Santiago
 on November 15, 2018

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