Best Service Chris Hein Solo Violin

Best Service Chris Hein Solo Violin


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Home > Virtual Instruments > Chris Hein Solo Violin EXtended

Loy Wesselburg,
award winning German film composer. („Deutscher Filmmusikpreis 2015)
"I am really impressed how perfect the Chris Hein instruments are working for me. The natural sound and especially the IN PHASE TECHNOLOGY are truly different to anything else out there. I just finished a CD production were I had recorded a classic string quartett at our studio facilities of „loyproduction“ for Frank Schätzings new music CD release.
With the Chris Hein Solo Violin I doubled some lines, and even added voices to give the arrangement some thickness and to open up the general sound. The subtle details oft he programmed violin are impressive and integration into the live recording was very easy for me. Thank you Chris, I can´t wait for a „Solo Viola“, or a „Solo Cello“."

Przemyslaw Kopczyk
is an all-round composer and sounddesigner located in Vienna.
Coming from a musical background, he has worked as a composer for several companies.
His most recent work includes composing product demos for leading sampling library developers
and sound design for television
" The Chris Hein Solo Violin is an amazing virtual instrument boasting with features, flexibility and great sound . Its ease of use and the possibility to customize it any way you like, is what makes it a neat and versatile tool for many situations you could possibly need."
AAX native, AU, KontaktPlayer powered, Mac, NKS support, Standalone, VST, Win
Download Size: 9,22 GB
Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended outshines all previous violin libraries. Never before, a sample library of this extent has been dedicated towards a single string instrument: Recorded with greatest care and endless details, precisely edited and merged into a practical and musical instrument for NI's Kontakt Player offering an elaborated custom-tailored user-interface with comprehensive scripting. Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended features high-grade sound quality and incredible realistic articulations. This library offers everything you have been missing with previous virtual string instruments.
Chris Hein - Solo Violin is a bundle of four fantastic sounding Solo Violin Instruments. The four instruments in CH-Solo Violin have been recorded with great care and detail and handpicked instruments, all with a unique sound and played by professional studio musicians. Their virtual counterparts have been further optimized for playability and performance (EX instruments), thus saving your computer resources and still granting you access to all required articulations for authentic performances.
Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended delivers outstanding, detailed and highly expressive results as a solo instrument or as part of an ensemble – in all relevant genres ranging from classical music and film scores to gypsy-jazz, folk and pop ballads.
And there is even more: Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended provides sound-designers, composers of film- and game soundtracks and experimental musicians with special effect-sounds and uncommon articulations with partly exceptional dynamics, such as flautando, flageolets and ponticello. Therefore, the pitch range of the virtual instrument has been expanded in comparison to the original violin. The special effect sounds are further supported by the internal tenfold DSP-effects-rack. Feel free to create complex sound clusters, dense atmospheres and surreal sound worlds out of a single violin for incredible moments of suspense.
By using the Ensemble Maker, the solo instrument can easily be turned into an ensemble being able to take advantage of all available articulations. Or you use the Multis with enembles created by Chris Hein with pre-set stereo image and fine detuning for an intense ensemble effect.
Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended equally serves demanding string instrument enthusiasts as well as composers needing more than just excellent sounding samples but also comprehensive details, a full offering of articulations and a versatile adaptation to their preferred workflow.
On one hand, the instrument offers a comprehensive full sample set with all articulations being ready to play on the keyboard. Thanks to the library's modular approach on the other hand, significantly reduced variations may also be called up with fast load times and low memory requirements.
By using the clean start configuration, the instrument is initially loaded in a sustain variation while further articulations and functions can simply be added at any time if needed. This way, you may as well work fluently and efficiently on compact and mobile production systems using a lot less memory.
Chris Hein - Solo Violin EXtended reproduces the sound of internationally renowned violinist Naomi Binder and her excellent instrument. Thanks to her incredible hearing and unprecedented precision, paired with artistic discipline and routine, it was possible to accurately capture the viola across its full pitch range (up to G5) in all its dynamic facets from most gentle to loudest tones.
Naomi Binder plays the violin and viola in classical concerts as well as in crossover projects. In numerous solo performances in the Cologne Arena, Dortmund Philharmonic Hall and many other venues in Austria and Japan, she enchants the audience with her virtuosity, empathy and a broad musical range, varying from classical music to pop and jazz.
As with all his productions, Chris Hein decided for a close mic'ing in a dry recording environment. Combined with the twin impulse response based reverberation sections, the intentional dry sound of the library allows adapting and fitting the instrument perfectly into variable contexts. Dedicated convolution engines for the instrument's body and the room itself allow creation of a nearly arbitrary acoustic environments ranging from intimate closeness to large concert halls. In difference to the fixed acoustics of several competitive products, Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended is sonically exceptionally variable and additionally easy to combine with almost any other library being offered.
Over a research period of several months, all samples have been fully aligned in phase. Accordingly, the instrument offers perfect seamless transitions of dynamic layers without sonic degradation.
The combination of long and short notes is a major problem in sample-libraries that often fail to deliver authentic sounding results. With real musical instruments, the note length often influences the attack behavior as well as the note end. Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended addresses these aspects by its "Note Head Designer" which has been significantly expanded for this library. It offers a selection of 102 attack shapes. This allows calling up twelve matching short sample variations (Shorts) along with each sustain-articulation. These shorts not only offer the corresponding correct attack-behavior but also a note-end that perfectly matches the note length.
These user-defined selections of short-note-variations are available in eight dynamic layers each and can be combined with the corresponding sustained phases, leading to astonishing realistic results that cannot be achieved using random round-robin based selections. Of course, the shorts are also available as individual articulations.
Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended offers true legato in up to four dynamic layers for short and long note variations. The corresponding in-depth recordings and edits result in unexpected realistic sounds with perfect note-transitions. At the same time, it is possible to combine these realistic combinations with additional artificial inserted legatos.
The performance-data of Chris Hein – Solo Violin EXtended directly reflect the immense investment in recordings and configuration possibilities. The 2 full instruments are build upon 22,000 single samples, up to 38 articulations and up to eight dynamic layers. The EXtended version adds 2 more EX instruments with a total of 12,000 additional samples. This makes the library one the most in-depth sampled violins currently available.
The custom-tailored user-interface of the Kontakt Player not only offers numerous functions to adapt the library's sound character and articulations but also provides immense configuration choices to live up to specific demands and workflows. At the same time, due to pre-programmed key-switch-presets at the lower part of the keyboard, the library can also be effectively played without any need for deep edits. Thanks to four "Dynamic Modes", the "Note-Head Designer", "Key-Vibrato", "Hot-Keys" and the revolutionary concept of articulation-presets, the user-interface will give you the impression to really play this instrument live.
Kontakt Player 5.6.8 or newer required.
Library size ~ 9.4 GB
Solo Violin by Artist, Taylor Davis
The most expressive virtual violin of all time
The legendary solo strings of Vienna Instruments
Im Vergleich zu allen erschwinglichen orchestralen Streicher-Sektionen ist die Artikulationsvielfalt von Chris Hein Solo Violin natürlich extrem hoch, aber auch zu anderen Solo-Violinen verhält es sich ähnlich. Das Keyswitch-System ist angesichts der komplexen Vorgänge, die da gesteuert werden überragend einfach einzurichten – aber man muss sich Projektbezogen damit auseinandersetzen, um aus diesem Instrument das Maximum heraus zu holen..........
Chris Hein Solo Violin ist ein Werkzeug für Profis und stellt die Grenze dessen dar, was im Moment mit virtuellen Instrumenten erreichbar ist.......
Die Demos auf der Produkt-Website zeigen, wie unglaublich nahe man damit einer ununterscheidbaren, differenzierten und ausdrucksstarken Violinen-Performance kommen kann......
Chris Hein liefert eine außergewöhnliche lebendig und fließend spielbare Geige, die in dieser qualität einzigartig untger den samplebasierten Violinen ist
+ breites Angebot an Artikulationen
+ authentische, ausdruckstarker Klang
+ produktionsfertige Presets für den Schnelleinstieg
....Chris has put me in a difficult position here. This instrument is simply so good that I’m not sure what to even write. Carefully listen to a demo on Bestservice site with quality headphones, comparing a real player with a recreated take with Chris Hein Solo Violin instrument through MIDI controller. If you are really picky, you will notice few tiny spots where the virtual instrument hits its limitations. But in general, if you asked me if this is a real performance, I would tell you without any doubt that it is just that......
ESSENTIAL for: This is a true, real violin player playing through your fingers on your keyboard. I know you haven’t thought to use any virtual violin parts in your composition, but this is not a virtual violin anymore. Definitively a new standard in the field of sampled instruments.
Solo Violin ist ein bemerkenswert ausdrucksstarkes Instrument, dessen Spiel erlernt werden muss. Wer die nötige Geduld mitbringt, sich eingehend mit den gebotenen Einstellmöglichkeiten und Spielparametern auseinanderzusetzen, wird mit einer der flexibelsten virtuellen Solo Violinen belohnt. Klanglich fühlt sich die Sample-Bibliothek in zahlreichen Stilrichtungen von Klassik und Filmmusik über Gypsy-Jazz und Folklore bis zu Pop zuhause
Chris Hein’s popular horn, wind, guitar and bass collections are some of the most deeply sampled products on the market and show a remarkable eye for musical detail. The veteran producer has now released Chris Hein Solo Violin, a 2.73GB instrument which runs on the free Kontakt Player (included with the library) and the full version of Kontakt 5.
The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.
Basically good to very good. Nor all the different violins have all the same articulations. (like non vibrato)
highly flexible library with lots of articulations and the ability to customize. fantastic sounding instruments.

Loy Wesselburg,
award winning German film composer. („Deutscher Filmmusikpreis 2015)
"I am really impressed how perfect the Chris Hein instruments are working for me. The natural sound and especially the IN PHASE TECHNOLOGY are truly different to anything else out there. I just finished a CD production were I had recorded a classic string quartett at our studio facilities of „loyproduction“ for Frank Schätzings new music CD release.
With the Chris Hein Solo Violin I doubled some lines, and even added voices to give the arrangement some thickness and to open up the general sound. The subtle details oft he programmed violin are impressive and integration into the live recording was very easy for me. Thank you Chris, I can´t wait for a „Solo Viola“, or a „Solo Cello“."

Przemyslaw Kopczyk
is an all-round composer and sounddesigner located in Vienna.
Coming from a musical background, he has worked as a composer for several companies.
His most recent work includes composing product demos for leading sampling library developers
and sound design for television
" The Chris Hein Solo Violin is an amazing virtual instrument boasting with features, flexibility and great sound . Its ease of use and the possibility to customize it any way you like, is what makes it a neat and versatile tool for many situations you could possibly need."
This product requires the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!
The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers website.
If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.
Q: Can I use the included Kontakt Player for playing other libraries in Kontakt format (.nki plus .wav files)?
A: No, they only work in a 15 minutes demo mode
Q: When trying to "Add Library" my Kontakt shows a message "No Library found"
A: Then this is not a protected Kontakt library, but an open Kontakt format. You can find additional hints for Kontakt Libraries in that Sounds & Gear Video
This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.
To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.
An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product. 
Please sign in with your login credentials

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Home > Virtual Instruments > Chris Hein Solo Violin Update
You already own a Best Service Library and you´re considering an Upgrade or even Crossgrade?
Then it's worth taking a closer look at this offer, because until August 29th you will save e.g. 30% on The Orchestra Complete Upgrades and Alpine Volksmusik Crossgrades, 45% on the Halls Of Fame upgrade, as well as up to 50% on many other Upgrades and Crossgrades.
Additionally, during the promotion period, you have the opportunity to purchase temporary Upgrades and Crossgrades, which we normally don't offer!
Among these temporary products you will find Crossgrades for Eduardo Tarilonte's Dark ERA and Celtic ERA as well as many Up- and Crossgrades for Chris Hein Winds, Brass, Guitar & Bass libraries.
Please note that this offer only applies to the download versions of our products!
AAX native, AU, KontaktPlayer powered, Mac, NKS support, Standalone, VST, Win
Download Size: 9,22 GB
Expand your Chris Hein Solo Violin Library with three more violins, all with a unique sound and played by professional studio musicians have been recorded with great care and detail. Their virtual counterparts have been further optimized for playability and performance (EX instruments), thus saving your computer resources and still granting you access to all required articulations for authentic performances.
* FREE for registered owners of Chris Hein Solo Violin 1.2 (2 Violins) and Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete (Violin+Viola+Cello+ContraBass) - as a download in your customer account!
The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.
Basically good to very good. Nor all the different violins have all the same articulations. (like non vibrato)
highly flexible library with lots of articulations and the ability to customize. fantastic sounding instruments.
This product works with the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!
The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers wesite.
If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.
Q: Can I use the included Kontakt Player for playing other libraries in Kontakt format (.nki plus .wav files)?
A: No, they only work in a 15 minutes demo mode
Q: When trying to "Add Library" my Kontakt shows a message "No Library found"
A: Then this is not a protected Kontakt library, but an open Kontakt format. You can find additional hints for Kontakt Libraries in that Sounds & Gear Video
This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.
To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.
An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product. 
Please sign in with your login credentials

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