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Deep Throat Techniques - 7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat

MLA Style Citation:

L, Jane "Deep Throat Techniques - 7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat."
Deep Throat Techniques - 7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat .
4 Jan. 2011
2 Jun. 2022 <­Throat-­Techniques-­-­-­7-­Practical-­Steps-­To-­Learn-­How-­To-­Deep-­Throat&id=5662288 >.

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L, J. (2011, January 4). Deep Throat Techniques - 7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat .
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L, Jane "Deep Throat Techniques - 7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat." Deep Throat Techniques - 7 Practical Steps To Learn How To Deep Throat .­Throat-­Techniques-­-­-­7-­Practical-­Steps-­To-­Learn-­How-­To-­Deep-­Throat&id=5662288

Jane L  |  

Submitted On January 04, 2011

Mastering different deep throat techniques will certainly get you on your way to some sexy deep throat love. And with the instruction you can create an incredibly erotic visual and a heightened sense of pleasure on the underside of your partners shaft.
But if you've only ever seen images of a woman's throat expanding and contracting as a penis bulges in and out. Then it's only natural to be thinking, what's really in this for me other than a strong throat constitution and avoiding the taste of semen?
Whilst it's definitely not for all women, if you love to be in control, have a sense for adventure and already thoroughly enjoy giving head, chances are with the right techniques you might just get a kick out of performing it.
Starting out, deep throat love can appear a daunting task but if you want to learn to deep throat you must first acknowledge that it's a process that is practiced in stages. You're not going to achieve the results either of you desire with you closing your eyes and hoping for the best and him being over eager, thrusting away with you choking on the other end. No one wants deep throat choke, so take the time to learn the proper deep throat techniques that will make performing it a lot easier to swallow.
Your correct positioning is one of the most important techniques, especially when starting out. The best way to learn is with him lying on his back with you on your side dictating when and how far you can comfortably go. Only when you have become totally accustomed to the sensation of deep throat and can control your body's natural reflexes, should you consider trying a more submissive position such as lying on your back with your head hanging off the back of the bed. (irrumatio)
There will definitely be no deep throat love if your mouth and throat are totally dry. So it's very important to acquire the right deep throat techniques to ensure your mouth is well lubricated in assisting his penis sliding in to your throat. Regular sucking can tend to dry your mouth out after a while but if you press his penis as far back in to your mouth as you possibly can and hold it there for a few seconds, the back of your throat will begin to lubricate with thick saliva. Continue to do this a few times. Suck then hold, take a breath, then suck and hold again. This is known as the deep throat suck and with persistence, gradually your mouth will become a super slippery, deep throat friendly environment.
It goes without saying that in order to perform any sort of sexy deep throat you are going to have to open your mouth really wide, but there is even a savvy deep throat technique for this. You may have noticed during fellatio the back of your throat prevents the penis from going any further. In order to get passed this, the trick to successful deep throat is opening your mouth wide enough (like a yawn) and titling your head back far enough to allow the penis to slip into your throat. This is easier said than done and will take some practice. Essentially you will need to try to create one long straight line between your mouth and throat. If you don't get this straight line with your head tilted back, his penis will get stuck at the back of your mouth and won't be able to move down your throat.
Stage 4 - Prepare For The Gag Reflex
Once you have practiced the head tilt, you should now be ready to take him in your mouth. As he enters, a good technique is to flatten the back of your tongue to help the muscles in your throat open.
At this point you should also prepare for the gag reflex. Unfortunately, there is no avoiding this, so when it occurs, try to be calm, pause, and hold him there as long as possible. Gagging is uncomfortable and can take a while to get used to but if you can repeat this step as many times as you can, eventually you should be able to suppress this feeling and gradually be able to take him in further. A good trick to help with this is to also try breathing out while taking him in to help stop the gagging reflex.
When you take it upon yourself to learn to deep throat, you must be prepared to be persistent. So when you get to the point where his penis hits the beginning of your throat it will be normal to feel a little resistance. In this case, you will need to flatten your tongue to open the back of your throat and create the flat straight line again. A little push from your partner is another deep throat technique that can help, as long as you're aware it's coming. You can also try to pull his penis in further using your tongue as a lever, to draw it in then push it back out. With a little persistence you should be able to take his penis in deeper to the point where you can take the entire length of it over your tongue and down in to your deep, deep throat.
When you have gotten this far just remember you don't need to hold him in your throat for too long. Good deep throat techniques include practicing comfortably bringing him in and then letting him out, giving yourself a break when you need it. Deep throat does not have to mean leaving his penis in your throat.
No one wants a deep throat choke so always remember to breathe! It may sound obvious but it's actually very easy to get lost in the process and tighten up as a result of a large foreign object pushing into your throat. It's important to relax and take your time and learn to maintain a normal breathing level.
Perfecting these techniques will take practice and perseverance. Follow the stages slowly and at your own pace to help you progress to where you can comfortably and confidently move on to the next stage. With practice your movements will become smoother and faster.
On a final note, if you get through all the stages you will want to know if he his planning or hoping to ejaculate down your throat. Some women do not like the taste of semen and deep throating gets around this. However having a man ejaculate directly down your throat in a restrictive position may be confronting and not desirable to some women. It is not absolutely necessary for you to have to deep throat swallow so discuss your partners intentions beforehand to ensure good, mutual happy deep throating!
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Last Updated: February 8, 2021 Bella Pope
What every man needs before committing to a relationship
Sex is all about giving. It’s a two-way street, really. And that means if you want your man to do a little something for you, you’ll want to get great at giving head and learn how to deep throat.
One of the best ways you can make a blowjob feel amazing is to deep throat. The thing with this is that it’s not always easy for us ladies. The whole gag reflex thing can really put a damper on an otherwise fun and pleasurable thing for our men.
But you can learn how to deep throat without gagging. If you’re willing to work for it, your man will thank you in all the ways you desire.
The idea behind deep throating is to give your man a blowjob and then take him as far as you can into your mouth and the back of your throat. The sensation of this is unique to a man and it often feels better than almost anything else you can do.
That’s why it’s so popular. Whenever a guy wants a blowjob, they’ll always want you to deep throat him if you can.
The only hang-up with this is that if you’re a woman with a sensitive gag reflex or a well-endowed man, it’s always harder. It’s not fun for you if you’re constantly gagging on him.
And if it’s not fun for you, it’ll be less pleasurable for him.
Some people might not even think deep throating is worth it. Those people have clearly never seen the immense joy a man gets out of it.
Learning how to deep throat without gagging can help you connect more to your partner and spice up your sex life . It’s an act of selfless pleasure you can give to him.
Not only will he be really appreciative of it, but he’ll be down to reciprocate – excuse the pun.
Ultimately, it’s about give-and-take. Being selfless and giving toward your partner is a way to help the relationship last. The more you’re willing to give, the better your relationship will be.
It’ll take some time but it’ll be worth it in the end. Here’s how you can learn how to deep throat without gagging in order to give your man the best blow job he’s ever had.
One of the main reasons women struggle with deep throating is because they expect that it won’t be fun. They go into it with the mindset of gagging and being miserable.
So, of course, it isn’t fun when they go to do it. You have to remember to put yourself in the right mindset.
You have to remember that it will be fun. The more you dread it, the tenser you’ll be. That means your gag reflex will be super active because you’re not relaxing.
So think of it as a fun time . Remember how much your man will love it and get into a positive, sexy mindset. The naughtier you feel, the more you’ll want to deep throat and that’ll make it a hell of a lot easier when you get down to do it.
You’ve got to give yourself some time to ease into the deep throating. If you just go right to it the second he’s in your mouth, you’ll struggle with gagging.
Your throat has to get used to having something hitting it. That means you have to just slow yourself down and work up to the deep throating.
The benefit of this isn’t just for you either. Your man will love the slow progression to something so erotic and pleasurable. So take it easy.
Start with your typical blowjob and progressively go deeper and deeper while controlling your breathing.
The biggest thing you have to remember about learning how to deep throat without gagging is to relax. If you’re full of tension, your throat will be extra sensitive and you won’t give a good blowjob.
That means when you start the blowjob, focus on consciously controlling your gag reflex. The second you feel like gagging, stop and breathe.
This will help your body remember that something going that deep shouldn’t make you want to gag. Over time, this will stop the gagging altogether so focus on this above everything else.
You can’t try to breathe quickly or your body will tense up. As you already know, this will make it even harder to deep throat without gagging.
Focus on slow, controlled breaths through your nose as you ease into the blowjob. Keep it light and easy until you feel comfortable breathing that way.
This will not only make it easier on you, but your body will relax the slower you breathe. One of the best ways to do this is to start giving the blowjob slowly and time your breaths as you move up and down.
Some guys will want to force your head further down but that’s a sure way to trigger your gag reflex. If he wants you to deep throat him, it has to be on your terms.
The surprise and the force of going too deep too fast will always trigger your gag reflex. Make sure you communicate with your man that you’re the one who has to control it or you just won’t do it.
Later down the road, once you’re used to deep throating, he can have his fun with getting rough with you. But when you’re just learning how to deep throat without gagging, you have to be in control.
The main thing you want to do is retrain your gag reflex. Practicing on other objects does this best. So long as they’re phallic, they’ll work.
You can even use a toothbrush if you really don’t have anything available. Bananas work, dildos work , cucumbers, and really anything that’ll hit your gag reflex if you put it down your throat too far.
When you do this, focus on going as deep as you can until you feel your gag reflex triggering slightly. Then, hold the object there and breathe deeply through your nose.
Focus on relaxing your throat until your gag reflex is no longer active. Then pull the object out and repeat it.
Do this repeatedly over a period of time. You’ll find that eventually, you’ll be able to go deeper and deeper until your gag reflex no longer triggers when something is in your throat.
When this happens, you’ll be able to deep throat without gagging a lot easier. Just remember to practice and try to use something that’s the same size as your man .
There aren’t too many ways you can prepare for deep throating. The best thing to do is to focus on changing your mindset and practicing.
When you know you’re going to give your man a blowjob that day, take a few extra minutes to practice relaxing your gag reflex. Use an object and just relax and breathe.
This helps your gag reflex prepare for what’s coming. You can also prepare with a lot of foreplay.
This tactic helps you feel a bit naughtier. When your mind is so focused on being dirty and sexy, it’ll be less likely to worry about something hitting your gag reflex.
Plus, the naughtier you feel, the more you’ll get into the blowjob and that’ll really help you relax while deep throating.
Your man is the real expert here. He knows what he likes and he’ll be willing to tell you what feels good if you just ask.
You can even do this through some dirty talk if you want. Just ask him what he wants you to do for him.
The key to this is making sure you’re both communicating. If he thinks you’re doing something wrong while deep throating, he’ll be more than willing to tell you what should change so you’re doing it right.
Don’t take any of this to heart either. Getting offended about his corrections will only upset you and make you tense up and not want to give the blowjob in the first place.
Just remember that anything he tells you is coming from a place of wanting to improve your sex life. It’s good for both of you. So be open to it and work to listen to him.
This may usually be seen as a more advanced move, but it can actually be useful for beginners too.
While you’re giving him a blowjob, slowly take it deeper until you feel like your gag reflex is about to trigger and then start humming. It might seem silly but this can actually help open your throat and relax your gag reflex.
Not only does this help you not gag, but it also feels a lot better for your man. The slight vibrations will make it all the more sensational.
But first, practice on an object so you can get a feel for just how much you have to hum for it to take effect. Then give it a try on your man and see if it works for you.
The whole point of a blowjob is to give your man a good time. It can be used as a means of foreplay or you can just give
But he won’t really enjoy it if you’re not having a good time. The more you seem like you’re uncomfortable or bored, the worse it’ll be for him.
So have fun with it! Be enthusiastic. You can even get a little silly or you can up the sexy a notch and try to do some dirty talking to make it extra interesting.
Just remember that you don’t need to do this for him. If he feels like he’s forcing you to do it, it’ll lose its appeal.
Relax, have fun, and just try the deep throating. You’ll get the hang of it eventually and seeing how much your man love is will make you want to do it even more.
The first thing you can do is focus on your man’s reactions. He’ll point you in the right direction of what feels good and what doesn’t. You’ll also want to enjoy it.
The worst thing you can do during a blowjob is to look or seem bored. This is something that’s supposed to be fun for both of you. If you want him to enjoy it more, you have to be into it as well.
Another way you can make it even better is to throw some dirty talk in there. That can make anything a whole lot hotter if you know how to dirty talk the right way.
Be open to communicating about what your man wants. He could want something completely different than what you’re doing. Have a chat about it and see what he wants more.
Also, try to give some blowjobs in different places. There are a lot of options for giving your man head when you’re not at home. You can give him some road head, go see a movie, or even take a hike somewhere secluded. The more you get adventurous with it, the better it’ll be.
Learning how to deep throat without gagging can be super beneficial to both you and your man. Focus on keeping yourself relaxed and you’ll easily be giving him the best blowjobs he’s ever had.
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Carina Hsieh
Sex & Relationships Editor
Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 

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