Best Position For Penetration

Best Position For Penetration


Best Position For Penetration
Deep Penetration elicits arousal and gratification in women. For deeper sex and improved sexual efficiency, try these ultimate sex positions.
Deep Sex Positions. Shutterstock Images.

By Michael Wight Reviewed by CHD Expert Team
Updated: 2021, May 22

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For a very small amount of women, reaching orgasm through sexual penetration is possible – this is a pleasurable experience that helps them ease their minds and relaxes their entire bodies.
Unfortunately, for the majority of woman, or 75% of women to be specific (as reported by ABC News ), reaching orgasm is not possible through sexual intercourse alone – for these women, additional stimulation is usually required to help them reach orgasm. There is also a large number of women, as much as 15% to be specific, who are unable to have orgasms at all.
While sexual disorders are often to blame for sexual dissatisfaction and the inability for a woman to have an orgasm, other factors like a small penis or not penetrating the woman deep enough can also play a part in reducing the effectiveness of the man’s abilities in the bedroom thus causing the woman to find it more difficult to have a great time and orgasm at the end of their session.
To help men out, we are going to share some excellent deep sex positions that will help them really get “in there”.
Sexual intercourse has been associated with quite a large number of health benefits for both partners participating in a particular activity. While it is commonly known and experienced that sex has the ability to allow a person to experience a great deal of pleasure, a lot of people do not realize that the benefits of sex stretch far behind that instant satisfaction they feel during sex, and once they reach orgasm.
The benefits that sex can offer people are great. Whether a couple participates in wild, deep penetrations, or rather in a more passionate session of love-making, there are many ways a person’s wellbeing can benefit both mentally and physically from these activities.
According to WebMD , sex helps to relax the entire human body – both the mind and the body – and also reduce stress levels. Sex also helps to keep the immune system healthy and running, which helps to protect the body against infections and even the common cold.
Other benefits include better sleep, a boosted sex drive, and an impressive reduction in blood pressure amongst people who suffer from high blood pressure . Amongst women, there is also the benefit of an improvement in their bladder control.

According to the study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, one out of four men over 30 has low testosterone levels.
VigRX Plus is a dietary supplement that is designed to improve your sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction, it helps to provide you with greater orgasms and enhances your sexual drive.
Having a great sexual intercourse with a partner is important and having a nice fertility is also equally important for the couples. According to the statistics, around 1 out of 6 couples are diagnosed with infertility.
Judging from the prevalence of male enhancement products currently on the market, it can be assumed that men of all ages have a desire to stay as active and virile as possible.
While male enhancement is a vague term that could mean a lot of things, it usually refers to treatments for erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.
Finding the right treatment plan for premature ejaculation can be difficult, especially due to the fact that a wide array of options are available in several different formats.
Sex pill has been a useful tool for improving* overall sexual performance for decades.
There are several hundred male enhancement products being sold today. If you’re in the market for this kind of product,
Male enhancement pills are now more popular than ever. Most people have a misconception that these products are just for men
Some publications claim that sex is good for the body and the more you have sex, the more benefits you can gain, but then there are also the publications that claim too much sex is bad for you and could rather lead to harm than good.
This has caused a lot of confusion amongst sexually active people. Should they limit the number of times they have sex a day or even a week, or rather try to have sex as much as they possibly can?
*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.
USA Today reports that a recent study, conducted amongst over 30,000 sexually active participants, found that those who are the happiest claimed to have sex once every week. For some people, once a week may seem a little on the low side – there are many people who desire sex every day. For other people, it may even sound a lot, as some couples only have sex once a month – or even less.
In the end, a couple should not focus too much on placing a number on their sexual activities. Instead of focusing on having sex once a day, once a week, or once a month, rather let things happen naturally – just make sure they do happen whenever it seems like days are going by without any sexual activity.
It could be a good idea to focus on at least having sex once every week, but whenever it happens more than this, then good for you.
Quite a large number of sex positions have been dubbed perfect for those looking to implement a deep penetration position into their sex lives. These sexual positions can help a lot with enhancing the amount of pleasure the woman and the man experiences and, with the fact that so little woman do reach orgasm during sexual penetration, it could increase a man’s chance of delivering a woman with more pleasure and leading her to orgasm through intercourse.
Let’s look at some of the best sex positions that can be implemented for deeper penetration and intimacy.
Quite a popular sex position that is often loved by those who enjoy experimenting in locations outside of the bedroom – thus dubbed the “countertop” The woman basically lies on her back on a high surface, while the man penetrates the woman in a stand-up position.
Sometimes also called the “happy scissors”, this position helps men get their penis deeper inside the woman. The eagle focuses on helping the woman relax, which is essential for her to have an orgasm during sex. It is also good for delivering more pleasure to the man.
A position that is quite popular, but certainly not for everyone. The doggy style is a very experimental position and definitely not loved by many people, but it does allow for a deeper penetration during sex, delivering more pleasure to both the man and the woman participating in the activity.
*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.
This is probably one of the most intimate deep sex positions you could be participating in. The curled angel is a position where that involves penetration and cuddling in one position and causes the vaginal canal to tighten thus leading to a more fulfilling experience.
The butterfly is also rather good for penetrating deeper. It is excellent for stimulating the woman’s G-Spot and allows the man to penetrate the woman very deeply. To make the position more intense, the woman should close her thighs in a tight way to further deepen the penetration.
When a couple struggles to conceive, they may start to search for ways in which they can improve their chances of falling pregnant and becoming parents. This often leads such a couple of searching for methods like particular sex positions that may help them to fall pregnant easier.
Unfortunately, if the problem lies with the man or woman’s fertility, then changing sex positions or trying deep sex positions might not do the trick.
Thus, couples who have trouble falling pregnant should start by first consulting a healthcare professional to determine if any of the two have problems with their fertility. In such a case, adequate treatment should be administered to assist with boosting fertility and thus, also boosting their chances of becoming parents.
Below we have reviewed the different ways of boosting your sexual life else here are some sex pills to make you last longer in bed.
Sex is supposed to be a pleasurable act shared by two partners, but there are some things that can get in the way of good sex. A small penis or not penetrating the woman deeply enough is often a concern amongst both men and women, especially those women who do not tend to find it easy to experience an orgasm while they are being penetrated.
The five deep sex positions we shared in this post are sure to help any man penetrate the woman in his life better, which leads to better orgasms and a more intimate session.
Michael Wight is a health enthusiast and blogger. He contributes to different websites in the health and fitness niche. He is a compete Read Full Bio
*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.
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Home Sex & Relationships Better Sex 4 Best Sexual Positions for Deep Penetration
So, fellas… Have you ever wondered what the best positions to get extra penetration are? Well, look no further. Here at Bathmate we take pride in giving you the inside scoop and a little bit of extra help when you need it most. One of the many things you can do alongside your Hydropump routine is to look at the all important techniques. No matter what kind of tool you working with – we have got the moves to help you become a master lover in the bedroom.
All opinions expressed here are our own. DX Products may receive compensation for purchases made through links in this post at no additional cost to you. Full disclosure here .
Bathmate are pioneers in male sexual health and performance. Discover real, effective methods of maximizing your sexual potential.
Sexual penetration is the insertion of a body part or other object into a body orifice, such as the vagina, anus or mouth. The term is most commonly used in statute law in the context of proscribing certain sexual activities. Terms such as “sexual intercourse” or “carnal knowledge” are more commonly found in older statutes, while many modern criminal statutes use the term “sexual penetration” because it is a broad term encompassing (unless otherwise qualified) any form of penetrative sex, including digital (meaning with the digits, i.e., the fingers) or with an object, and may involve only the most minimal penetration.
You may be aware that the penis comes in a variety of interesting shapes and sizes, the most common myth you will come across is that bigger is always better. This is simply not the case. Ask any woman and they will say it is all about the form gentleman. No matter what shape or size penis you are packing we have got a position for you that will afford you and your partner the most mind blowing orgasm they have ever experienced.
When it comes to amazing sex – size, shape and position all play a major role in how you perform. We are here to give you the lowdown and gospel truth on what positions will suit your penis shape best for deep penetration every time.
Some of the most common penis shapes are bent, while a slight curve or bend is common you should discuss with your GP if your penis curves within the range of 30 – 60 degrees just in case you have peyronies disease which can be caused by scar tissue. Having either a long shaft or large glans is also very common and it is thought that around 0.6% of the male population has what is medically referred to as a micro penis. To take a look at how you measure up against the average penis size click here .
To make sure you get the best out of every single sexual encounter let’s take a look at what positions best suit your penis shape so you hit the desired spot, every time.
Thin Penis – For the guy with the slightly thinner than average penis you ideally want your partner to try positions that make her vaginal canal as tight as possible, if they are able to keep their thighs closer together this experience will be optimised. Positions such as Doggy style can provide extra pleasure especially when something like the Bathmate Tickle Vibe Ring is introduced to sexual play as it can stimulate the clitoris during intercourse. If your penis is long and thin try positioning your partner’s feet on your chest and knees together whilst they lay on their back.
Larger Penis – For those lucky enough to be considered as slightly larger than the average sized penis you might want to try a variation of Doggy style known as “The prone bone” this position is extremely effective as the females orgasm zone is at the top of the vagina wall, this is the zone where all the magic happens. The prone bone is performed when your partner lies front down, possibly with a pillow to support her waist and keeps her legs close together so yours fit snugly outside/around. Being a position that causes her vaginal wall to naturally tighten and given your above average length and girth – this is a sure fire way to orgasm central.
Curved Penis – If you have a curved penis you may well want to go back to basics, why over complicate things… right? The Missionary position can seem somewhat of a cop out but if your penis curves upwards this will stimulate the females orgasm zone for reasons pointed out in the previous statement. You’ve got curves in the entire right places baby, why waste them? You and your partner will be in full control in the missionary position so be sure to add the Bathmate Vibe Bullet in to your foreplay to spice up this otherwise dated position.
Smaller Penis – If you have a slightly smaller than average penis try something like the Reverse Cowgirl but prop up your mid rift area with a medium sized cushion or pillow, this provides deep stimulation whilst giving you some pretty amazing scenery to look at. With you lying down and your partner positioned on top facing your feet, your partner is in full swing and can adjust their movement as you thrust deeper and deeper. Using a product like the Hydromax X20 designed for a penis no larger than 5 inches when erect may give you added length and girth, increasing both sensitivity and the amount of time you can hold on before that all important, earth shattering climaxes.
No matter what the size and shape of your penis is a little experimentation and creativity is proven to go a long, long way.
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Deep Penetration results in a more pleasurable sexual experience. In this article discover the thirteen best positions for performing deeper sex.
Positions for deep sex. Shutterstock Images.

By Michael Wight Reviewed by CHD Expert Team
Updated: 2021, May 22

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