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Best Pornstar In World


Best Pornstar In World
LUXE LIFE I live in a five star hotel - I'm trolled but it actually saves me money
JUST FINE Supercars worth MILLIONS left outside luxury London hotel slapped with fines
SHARK SCARE Shark savages swimmer in waist high water in 2nd attack at same beach in 1 week
HUNT FOR ALEXIS Note left by dead ex-boyfriend of missing woman has clues to find her body
HOSTAGE HORROR Terrifying details after therapist 'tortured and raped by client for 15 HRS'
MISSING RIDDLE Mystery as family vanish on camping trip after last being seen at Walmart
HOLD COURT I was kicked off jury due 'inappropriate' outfit but don't see why it's wrong
HOUSE ABOUT IT We were sick of renting so bought a mobile home for £4K & live mortgage free
A SHOCKED hotel guest filmed two randy couples romping openly in their hot tubs below his balcony - and now HE could face jail.
The man said he got out his camera to aid law enforcement, but now he could fall foul of indecency laws in Hong Kong.
The footage shows the view from one of the balconies at a tower block hotel in the North Point area of the former British colony.
One floor below, a half-naked woman is seen tucking into a bowl of noodles while sitting on the edge of their open-air jacuzzi.
Her partner submerged in the water appears to perform a sex act on her.
Meanwhile another randy pair are getting steamy on the balcony hot tub next door.
The woman can be seen writhing up and down on the man's lap.
Both couples can be seen and heard by other guests, while families splash in the swimming pool below.
The man who filmed it denied he was spying on the lovers.
He said they should not have been romping in the outdoor jacuzzis and intended to pass the footage to police
He said: "The rooms were not private. They were aware that other hotel guests could see them.
"This is why I recorded their inappropriate behaviour. I did not expect to see people doing this when I stood on my balcony."
Hong Kong barrister Albert Luk Wai-hung said people having sex "in public view" could be jailed for up to six months.
However, anyone who films it could also land in hot water.
The lawyer told local media: "A person who, without lawful authority or excuse, in any public place or in view of the public, indecently exposes any part of his body, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction of a fine and imprisonment for up to six months."
He added: "Further to this rule, the video taker may have also violated the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance and could be duly punished."
In 2019 pedestrians got an eyeful when a couple started having sex in a glass-sided hotel pool in Sweden.
A crowd on the street below gathered to watch and began heckling the lovers.
Another couple were caught romping on Ibiza hotel balcony in front of partygoers during David Guetta DJ set.
In February we told how a brazen couple were seen having sex in a city centre fountain in Perth, Australia.
Shark savages swimmer in waist high water in 2nd attack at same beach in 1 week
Note left by dead ex-boyfriend of missing woman has clues to find her body
Relentless Church pastor John Gray hospitalized with pulmonary embolism
Terrifying details after therapist 'tortured and raped by client for 15 HRS'

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