Best Porn Twitter Accounts

Best Porn Twitter Accounts


Best Porn Twitter Accounts

Since we started the Houston Press , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

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The Houston theater community started putting some meat on those old bones.

Photo by Max Burkhalter; props courtesy of The Wilde Collection / Photo illustration by Susie Tommaney and Sarah Wood

Support the independent voice of Houston and
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Matthew Amendt and Dylan Godwin's in the Alley Theatre's production of Born With Teeth .

Theatre Under the Stars had a winning musical in Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific.

Actors Dylan Godwin and Matthew Amendt held the stage in Born With Teeth.

Patricia Duran and Bryan KaplΓΊn in The Book of Grace

Crystal Rae, shown here with Kevin Daugherty in a 2019 Dirt Dogs Theatre production, was called to fill in at the last minute for a sick actor in Clybourne Park.

Wesley Whitson in Gloria at 4th Wall Theatre

Malinda L. Beckham and Trevor B Cone in Clybourne Park

Choreographed stage movements and dancing up a storm in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee .

Anthony Quinn Berry as Benji, shown with Jordan Merritt in Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them.

Kasi Love, top, in Hurricane Diane .

Derrick Brent II as Albert, Malinda L. Beckham as Bev in Clybourne Park.

Malinda L. Beckham as Olympe de Gouges and Jasmine Renee Thomas as Marianne Angelles.

Donald Corren in Hook's Tale at Stages .

Philip Lehl and Kim Tobin-Lehl in A Doll's House, Part II.

A Steady Rain - with Trevor Cone and Kevin Daugherty - benefited from a winning sound design and score.

Born With Teeth wins best new production in 2022.

Stages debuted a splendid new musical with McGyver .

Caroline Bowman as Elsa in Frozen .

Director/choreographer Mitchell Greco helmed a production that ran like a fine Swiss watch.

T Lavois Thiebaud in 4.48 Psychosis

Since we started the Houston Press , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

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Jumping for joy at the Houston Ballet and the chance to Buy One Get One Free tickets

Photo by Houston Ballet

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help keep the future of the Houston Press free.

Since we started the Houston Press , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

The Houston Press is a nationally award-winning, 33-year-old publication ruled by endless curiosity, a certain amount of irreverence, the desire to get to the truth and to point out the absurd as well as the glorious.

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local news and culture

Craig Hlavaty

October 13, 2010


Some people follow pro athletes and musicians on Twitter. Some people follow porn stars. Like we do. They lead interesting lives, with their careers running relatively short, dealing with high public and moral scrutiny, all the while trying to sell themselves and their products--video and otherwise.
Women in porn don't have extremely long careers. Guys can pretty much act as long as they can, you know, perform on camera adequately. Girls have to keep up their looks as long as possible: hair, implants, tattoos, whatever happens to be the draw of the day. You can fake everything else.
Both sides of the porn debate get called out for being immoral and evil, or even ugly, on Twitter. Followers will routinely castigate an actress for being in porn, leading to the actress in question to go on a long screed of updates explaining that they're proud of what they do, have no shame, etc. You get the idea. This happens at least once a week, from what we can surmise, to some of the most popular ones.

Reviews For The Easily Distracted: Glorious

5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

Before You Negatively Review Bomb She-Hulk …

D.L. Groover, Jessica Goldman and Margaret Downing

August 22, 2022


5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

Before You Negatively Review Bomb She-Hulk …

Review: Shakin' The Blue Flamingo at Dirt Dogs Theatre

Houston Press

August 22, 2022


5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

Before You Negatively Review Bomb She-Hulk …

Review: Shakin' The Blue Flamingo at Dirt Dogs Theatre

Since we started the Houston Press , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

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The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent. As the leading platform for native advertising and content recommendation, Revcontent uses interest based targeting to select content that we think will be of particular interest to you. We encourage you to view your opt out options in Revcontent's Privacy Policy
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The Houston theater community started putting some meat on those old bones.

Photo by Max Burkhalter; props courtesy of The Wilde Collection / Photo illustration by Susie Tommaney and Sarah Wood

Matthew Amendt and Dylan Godwin's in the Alley Theatre's production of Born With Teeth .

Theatre Under the Stars had a winning musical in Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific.

Actors Dylan Godwin and Matthew Amendt held the stage in Born With Teeth.

Patricia Duran and Bryan KaplΓΊn in The Book of Grace

Crystal Rae, shown here with Kevin Daugherty in a 2019 Dirt Dogs Theatre production, was called to fill in at the last minute for a sick actor in Clybourne Park.

Wesley Whitson in Gloria at 4th Wall Theatre

Malinda L. Beckham and Trevor B Cone in Clybourne Park

Choreographed stage movements and dancing up a storm in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee .

Anthony Quinn Berry as Benji, shown with Jordan Merritt in Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them.

Kasi Love, top, in Hurricane Diane .

Derrick Brent II as Albert, Malinda L. Beckham as Bev in Clybourne Park.

Malinda L. Beckham as Olympe de Gouges and Jasmine Renee Thomas as Marianne Angelles.

Donald Corren in Hook's Tale at Stages .

Philip Lehl and Kim Tobin-Lehl in A Doll's House, Part II.

A Steady Rain - with Trevor Cone and Kevin Daugherty - benefited from a winning sound design and score.

Born With Teeth wins best new production in 2022.

Stages debuted a splendid new musical with McGyver .

Caroline Bowman as Elsa in Frozen .

Director/choreographer Mitchell Greco helmed a production that ran like a fine Swiss watch.

T Lavois Thiebaud in 4.48 Psychosis

Since we started the Houston Press , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

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The Houston Press may earn a portion of sales from products & services purchased through links on our site from our
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Houston Press, LP. All rights reserved.

Houston's independent source of
local news and culture

Craig Hlavaty

September 7, 2012


In late 2010, I wrote about five porn stars that you should follow on Twitter. It was no easy task. A lot of the bigger actresses aren't much fun to follow (boring valley-girl pap), or worse, they pump followers to buy them stuff on Amazon by tweeting links to their "wishlists," which can get annoying.
Hawking their own Fleshlights is okay, though.
Even more interesting now has been watching the aftermath of the syphilis outbreak unfold, as actors and actresses talk back and forth about how they are dealing with the industry basically shutting down.
Two of the five girls I listed are now out of the sex-movie business, leaving behind the game for greener and more clothed pastures. The others are still rocking and rolling, and some even have Instagram accounts now.

Reviews For The Easily Distracted: Glorious

5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

Before You Negatively Review Bomb She-Hulk …

D.L. Groover, Jessica Goldman and Margaret Downing

August 22, 2022


5 Ways to Fix the Final Boss Fight in Elden Ring

Before You Negatively Review Bomb She-Hulk …

Review: Shakin' The Blue Flamingo at Dirt Dogs Theatre

By Molly Mulshine β€’ 11/18/13 4:29pm

Every straight girl's favorite porn star has quite the active Twitter account. Follow Mr. Deen for musings like "do whales masturbate?" and "Veruca salt was *such* a brat!!!!!!" as well as explicit photos of his, er, colleagues.
Billed as "modern erotica for vintage souls," Indie Romance Novel pokes fun at the love and sex lives of the Mason jar and kale set. Sample tweet: "Addison circled him like a shark. A shark who preys on bearded guys who wear plaids and boots." Betabeat can relate, tbh.
If you're a visual learner who likes the male form as beefy as possible, this is the account for you. Try not to check this one at work, though. It's beyond full frontal.
If you're in the mood for a little sex ed, Dr. Morse regales her 62,000 followers with podcasts on BDSM and solid advice like, "Mesh is rarely a good choice." Her mission in life is "for more women to experience more orgasms." Follow her for her podcasts and 140 character pep talks.
Ms. Von Teese offers close ups of beautiful vintage lingerie, and peeks into her glamorous life. Follow her for fashion and beauty inspiration with a lot of sex appeal.
Your best bet for charming vintage softcore (by today's standards) nudes. Behold the soft bodies and lax attitudes toward hair maintenance of the good ol' days.
Sure, why not? This account, curated by a "UK Male" who's into buxom grandmas, proves that you're never to old to act naughty.
This blogger curates the best lingerie from all over the Internet. Her tweets, which usually include photos, will remind you that sometimes it's hotter to leave a little to the imagination, especially when lace is involved.
The "occasional porn star, occasional writer" has crossover appeal. She sometimes writes for Vice about birth control, condom use in porn, and why "Natural Beauty Is Just a Marketing Tool." Follow her for insight into the adult film industry.
The coitus obsessed print mag (we've all seen the HOT SEX TIPS cover lines) recently beefed up its web presence, with sex editor Anna Breslaw and other staffers uploading steamy but lighthearted content throughout the day. @Cosmopolitan will distract you from work with links to stories like, "Rich People Have More Sex" and "Saving Your Virginity Won't Save Your Dignity." And you don't even have to wait a whole month for more.
Fornication's funny girl Karley Sciortino blogs about her experiences in love and provides advice to readers who ask questions like, "Am I fulfilling my slut potential?" Her Twitter feed is chock full of one liners like, "Is sex gluten free?" and "I feel too fat to scissor." She also contributes to Vogue.
If this sonnet a day feed doesn't make you fantasize about seducing a hot English professor, we don't know what to tell you.
Can you think of three better topics to read up on? Some of the advice offered in this feed falls under the category of a no brainer: "Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. No pop tarts or doughnuts." Other tweets will give you inspiration to work out or bang: "An orgasm is actually a powerful painkiller. So having a headache is actually a bad excuse not to have sex." Okay, if you're gonna twist our arm!
Ms. Prickett tweets about life as founding editor of Adult Magazine, and her love for Rihanna. Follow @AdultMag too for the whole package.
This manically titled account delivers all the titillating trivia you could ever want. Did you know th
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Cocaine Lorraine Sextape

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