Best Porn Sites For Ps3

Best Porn Sites For Ps3


Best Porn Sites For Ps3
Home Gaming Here’s how to stream porn to your PS3

Here’s how to stream porn to your PS3

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It’s okay you’re allowed to admit it, the only thing you still feel the PS3 is missing is the ability to stream full length adult movies directly to it to enjoy during BF3 matches right?
No? Well I’m sure someone feels that way as SugarDVD has just released an application that will enable just that.
According to their site, which is obviously NSFW , all their DVD rentals plans now include unlimited streaming to your PS3. So not only can you sit in your dark study and enjoy the pleasure of living in a free country but now you can do so in your lounge as well.
Granted you’ll need to sign up for an account, the options of which really made me wonder. The basic account is $9.99 and allows you 1 movie at a time or you can upgrade to a standard account for $17.95 that allows 2 movies at a time.. for dual screen pleasure I guess.
Or you can go all the way up to the extreme plan that offers 8 movies at a time for $43.95.
Seriously people, why would you ever need more than 1 porno at a time, I’ve not got the cleanest mind around but I just don’t get that.
Anyway, this was your public service announcement for the day. If you’re into this sort of thing then great else if you’re not then maybe you want to make sure your kids haven’t loaded SugarDVD onto the PS3.
All the details on how it all works can be found here

I for one welcome our future robotic overlords
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L6RD7BLU3 3868d ago Show Replies(1)
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If there’s one thing missing on the PlayStation 3, it’s an adult video app. Or, that’s at least what SugarDVD believes. The company’s new unlimited TV streaming service plugs that lack-of-adult-video-content hole on the PlayStation 3. SugarDVD fill the gap in PS3 adult entertainment via its streaming service, which is also available on Roku, Boxee, and Google TV.
Do i sense a heat sensation on this article??:D
The heat sensation of a hundred horny teenage video gamers. I thought porn was free. Isn't it paid for all of us by suckers with small willies and a credit card? lol
Faye Reagan's image on a video game story. Could anything better happen today? And how funny that I know her by name. (revealing)
I'm on my youtube I go. The 2 people that disagreed with SilentNegotiator is a sucker with a small willie, and pays for porn.
I know the name of the girl in the pic... does this mean i watch too much pr0n?
Faye Reagan, #2 hottest porn redhead. Sorry but Nikki Rhodes takes the cake. Anyways porn is free so why pay for a ps3 app?
Heat sensation? Definitely. I'm also not surprised by this as the Japan store has some adult content. I do however sense some lawsuit waiting to happen
The girl on the front is so ugly, who would sign up to that.
is it wrong that i've seen the porn actress before...
Why would it be wrong? It's Faye Reagan dude!!
I will sign up for this.... Porn is great!
Still not as good as the "step into manhood feeling" you get when you get your porn from the curtain off "Adult" section of a mom n pop owned video store! .........until you get to the counter in front of a bunch of Soccer moms and the clerk yells out "Spank fest 14.....greasy granny girdles we just got that in"..
No...but i do sense a sausage fest!!! :D
Japan already has porn on their store.
We already have Youporn via the browser. Or so I've been told...
Thank You all, i Like That Crazy Japanese Public Nudity, Great Times
From the sound of their press release it actually sounds like this is nothing more than a browser based streaming unlike Youtube or Youporn given their is nothing to download or install... basically this press release is nothing more than a "come visit our site via your PS3 browser" ad.
I've also been told Redtube is accessible via ps3 browser...
pretty much any site that has adult vids on can be accessed by the ps3 browser if they are formats that can be viewed on it...or so i heard lol has had a PS3 specific site for years now. So I'm told anyway.
Who's your favorite little rascal? Alfalfa or SPANKY? is like this... or so I have been told.
Well, isn't PornHub ALSO available? Hell, I'll still settle for RedTube. Good times, good jacks. Um, at least that's the quality that my... friends... talk.. abo- SHUT UP.
yea youporn totally works ... because i watch it all the time is what a friends told me
8tube is accessible Or so i've been told....
I'm pretty sure it's tube8 as I can admit of going there more times than I can c- I've said too much already. :)
XVIDEO is also accesible. And no, I haven't been told, I KNOW ROM FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. Literally.. LOL!
wont see this on xbox 360 bc that would be selling porn to underage kids since xbl doesnt have many adults also them kids wouldnt know what to do
360 is for easily impressionable kids. Which is why kinect sold 10mil first 2 months then nothing after that ... kids beg their parents for toys that are heavily marketed.
Well, that's what happens when you take your product and add half a billion dollars worth of advertising. Sad thing is there's still no compelling reason/game to buy this device.
If you ever wanted proof that this site is run by Sony fanboys, just read look at the agrees above. Nonsensical B.S
So your saying that xbl dont have alot of kids? your saying kinect selling a ton in a short amount of time and little afterwards wasnt the cause of heavy marketing ? Obviously fanboys if you ask me /s
All I hear is that cod is for kids and since cod is the highest selling game on the ps3 I guess that means their is alot of kids on the ps3 aswell.
I guess the people that are playing cod on the ps3 are adults and the ones that are playing on the 360 are kids. Got to love ps3 fanboy logic
@Siren30 cod is for kids? nothing like a good comrade killing, terrorist infested,grenade fest to get your child off to a fresh start at elementary school. i could tell you paragraphs worth of fanboy logic fail on BOTH sides of this "Console War"...
@young juice "i could tell you paragraphs worth of fanboy logic fail on BOTH sides of this "Console War"..." You're a fanboy No you're a fanboy No you're a fanboy ugh
It don't matter. They are to busy rubbing one off to Master Chief to even bother.
... no wonder you have one bubble IGNORANCE!
The PS3 has porn, the Xbox 360 DOESN'T have porn, the PS3 is therefore the superior console!
Cross game chat doesn't seem quite as important now does it? Haha
Don't like streaming music from ur computer and having the music play in the background with the game effects either? Porn is more important than cross game chat? Nothing like party chat, with 6 ppl all playing different games. All listening to streaming music. Thing's You cant do on the "superior" system.
Wow you really, REALLY can't take a joke can you?
lol, missed the funny... Imagine 6 people all listening to different music, chatting and playing different games. That's my idea of gaming hell.
Gaming hell? LOLOLOLOL. Ya, playing team based multiplayer games in complete silence is much better. Don't get me wrong. I love my PS3. I'm just saying cross game chat is nice to have. I dont have to imagine 6 ppl all listening to different music chatting and having fun while playing games. I do it eveyday. It's so much fun, its Hellish.
Take out the listening to 6 different songs at the same time and I'd completely agree with you.
On Xbox, You can stream ur Itunes music from ur PC to ur Xbox. So, U can shut off the background music of the game, and listen to music. It doesn't have to be loud. Just in the background of, say, Madden 12. U wouldn't like to listen to ur favorite band in the background? While playing the game? U'd rather listen to the stock game background music all the time? I like options. I like having a choice. I only have that choice with Xbox.
Good option, but you made it seem like I'd be listening to 5 other peoples favourite bands too which would be awful...
i can stream music and vids from my pc to the ps3 too so whats your point Euthanasia
Do it while playing a game and party chatting with 6 ppl Mr Magoo. Not in some stationary position where all you can do is listen to the music. I'm talking about replacing the games music with ur own soundtrack. It's fairly easy. Idk what the misunderstanding is? U can't stream music while playing a game on PS3. I'm not knocking my PS3. I'm just saying that if I want to stream my zune collection in the background of FIFA while playing online, I can only do that on xbox. For consoles that is.
I got a good laugh out of ur comments. Thank you.
Please make Euthanasia78 get mad even more, just so he'd run out of bubbles and shut up already. Geez.
how does this euthanasia douchebag have that many bubbles? are you kidding me? also music? Madden?? party chat? Euthanasia confirmed for 12 year old.
LOL @ N4G. This is by far the most divided and hateful communities online. This is the cesspool of videogame discussions. Why do I even bother? I'll pose elsewhere. I won't miss it. All ppl do here is fight. No matter what anyone says, its a fight. N4G has a terrible reputitation as a community. I'm sure ppl will say its because of ppl like me, but idgaf what anyone thinks. LOL.
All hail Faye Reagan! Sexiest ginger ever!
Yes. All hail Faye. Plus...I am glad I am not the only degenerate that recognized her.
Ah, my degenerate brothers. Faye's definitely my favorite ginger.
Ive seen her get demolished too many times. Good times though- .. Good times.
Not a lot of people here go to other websites. It's sad, isn't it?
so go playing around.. don't waste ur childhood in internet. that's if u really 12
It's an expression, I doubt he's 12
Smart move, Sony should embrace and promote this. They don't want to let the BetaMax fiasco happen all over again. *yikes*
my bad... was thinking yo was trolling sony about haw bad betamax was!
what a touchy fanboy lol, so quick to sonys defence...can't believe your other reply was serious. oh my days.
i love this boy. one reply go trolling next reply Apology for his troll and he think the other guy trolling about his system
Kids - Mom can i have $10.00 Mom- For what Kids- i want to watch movies on PS3 Mom - Sure( Moms thinking PS3 is a good system for them because sony would never release adult stuff on ps3) Kids - Look at that A** and Man she got some nice Ti** Meanwhile mom walk in to check on kids Mom- What the hell are you watching Kids - Movies Mom - what kind of game is this. Mom takes away PS3 Mom tell other moms which go on and on and on Meanwhile PS3 sales are down 80% because of an adult app now im not saying this is how it will play out i just hope this is more secure than most easy signup apps. Because this will put a dent in sony ps3 sales if word get out to the public.
Retarded scenario. For one 'movies' is a vague answer. A normal follow up question would be "what movies?" Second of all, wouldn't the kid want to watch one of the many superhero Marvel movies on the video store? LASTLY why would bad parenting (giving away money to your kid to buy shit on the internet, PSN or not) result in angry consumers? Its like getting mad at a video rental store because you allowed your kid to by porn from there.
Fixed: Meanwhile, mom walks in to check on the kids. Mom- What are you watching?! Kids - Movies. Sexy movies. Mom - You're very naughty, young man! I am taking your playstation away! Mom tells other moms. Meanwhile, other moms take away their children's system or buy their own if they don't have one. PS3 sales skyrocket. I almost went with a "wincest" scenario, but I'll stick with the mothers getting off to adult videos which they took from their children.
jaja I also thought you where going that other way... should wash my mind now :0
Get your mind out of the gutter....there's only enough room for mine.
you obviously not a parent. most parents will try not to let other kids get exposed to this. but like said it the last part i hope that is more secure than most apps are.
Dammit you have to pay for streaming.
..some others are paying to play online, imagine :) "Hold on..they still make new games on the ps3?I might just buy one now." someone has to inform the rednecks : ps3 has more "new games", and better, than competition (i know, it's hard to believe, but it's a fact since more than 3 years)
Hold on..they still make new games on the ps3?I might just buy one now.
I could go to my internet search on my PS3 XMB and get to youjizz or xvideos. Why would I pay for this? or :D. *Quickly types them in xD*.
Finally a N4G post with some content I can appreciate. is all you'll ever need when it comes to watching porn on your PS3. :)
Now it is official! The Playstation 3 has won this generations console war, with this war being 6 years in the making the ps3 has won!
I was excited about this until I found out it's a paid site. Useless. I'm sorry but paid porn are only for chronic fapers.
lol no way... fay reagan is hot. your gay.
who needs this with all the free streaming sites nowadays?
Oh God, I've been watching too much porno.
i can easily enter some of these "adult sites"on the web browser dont need a gay app
I don't understand why anybody would buy porn. ....Unless it was Backdoor Sluts 9 of course.
I swear to god I watch it for the stories.
I can watch my porn videos on my PS3 just fine on and two best sites ever created
Ahh, so this is the real reason for Firmware 4.0 .... All makes sense now. LOL
Yeah, I think alot of peoplez' "wares" are going to be "firmer" now.... Lol
PS3 browser and, best site ever.
I think porn adopting the blu ray format was one of the reasons it won out over the HD-DVD format. Nice to see Sony allowing some porn on their console. Although, I didn't think anyone really paid for pron anymore. Just fire up pinklab and you've got more porn than your eyeballs can process.
The only thing the PS3 needs now is the ability to stream videos while a game or the system is downloading a patch.
I didn't even read the title of the article. I just saw Faye Reagan and clicked on it.
That's what I'M TALKING ABOUT! Oh wait, does this cost money? F that, porn's free on the internet yo.
Is it bad that i know the name of the girl on there? oh jeez..
haha, Nope. I did and I'm sure many others did too. However this article does not affect us since we all know (even Faye Reagan) that free Porn is EVERYWHERE.
Dude if i could, i would marry here for ever.
The fact that this is the headline story right now saddens me greatly.
The difference here is that the movies stream HD to your TV. Normal web content looks horrible on a TV. You pay for this because it looks awesome and has full-length new release movies, I know, I've used it!
If someone could assist me...It's been a while since I've gone to sites like youtube with my PS3 but when I did in the past, video would play for a little bit then I would get an error saying "Not enough memory" or something to that effect. Is this something that has been corrected or is there a workaround? I've tried clearing my cache before and it still was a temporary fix. I would really like to watch some sites like boobtube...oops, I mean youtube and such. Thanks for the input!
It's amazing how a story that isn't even related to gaming skyrockets to the top story in a matter of hours...
It's an app for PS3 how is that not related to gaming??
Dude, it's a news story about porn on the PS3. It's about as far away from gaming as a news story is allowed to be on this site...
Its my sex machine and her name is Sony!!!
let's break this down, shall we? tube site on ps3 = looks like dog crap, and is a five minute clip of something i don't want to see sugar = an actual app where i just watched fast times at ridgmont high parody in high quality (well...not the whole thing...but i COULD HAVE watched the whole thing there) call me crazy, but for a few bucks a month i'd rather have a choice of hundreds of real, full movies to watch instead of what looks like 2 pixels humping. i just hope they keep adding parodies... and DEF more Faye Reagan!
This service is weak. Already cancelled. No scene selection and way too much BUFFERING....
... So now you want me to PAY for my porn? What are you, nuts?
OH come on how is this offensive ( . ) ( . ) this is better than what you people talk about on this site
fox news is gonna love this story ps3 browser FTW
bad move liked it or's considered a toy, that means alot of parents will panic and we'll see some soccer mom appearing on FOX trying to make a bigger deal out of it and try to ban the system or something... this move will only bring trouble besides, if you really want to watch porn on it you can either use the browser or use a buy a DVD....
Red Tube people, its all free and you get the desired effect your looking for without busting out a credit card.
wow kinda funny so many of us use the same porn sites. half the ones i see people mentioning are ones my friends tell me they use. lol.
Free porn welcome to the internet sony
Is there a free trial? 2 weeks free? Would like to test out the service before i commit.

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