Best Of Taurus

Best Of Taurus


Best Of Taurus

1. You Will Never Doubt Your Relationship

2. They Are Clear About Their Values

5. They Are Stubborn...But In A Good Way

13. You Can Always Ask Them For Advice

14. They Want The Best Things In Life

Taurus (April 20 - May 21) is the zodiac sign that looks like a bull. They might seem standoffish and hard to figure out. But you're missing out if you think that's why you could never be friends. Tauruses are actually the best sign for a few simple reasons.
One of the best things about a Taurus is their loyalty. The "bull" sign symbolizes being steadfast. A Taurus values your relationship and will stick through it no matter what. That's not to say they won't end a relationship if it's not a positive one. It just means that a Taurus wants to make things work. They'll do whatever it takes to get there.
Tauruses have a well-ingrained sense of justice. They have spent their lives focusing on what matters most. Tauruses love learning, so they've figured out the difference between right and wrong. They're not afraid to share that. The best part? They're super gentle about it so you never feel forced to agree with them. It just prompts you to think carefully, too.
This sign loves clever humor. They never take themselves too seriously. You won't be able to stop laughing whenever you're with them. A Taurus will help everyone enjoy the funny things in life, just as much as the serious ones.
Tauruses aren't known for being super judgemental. That said, if you ask them for honest feedback, they never hold back from giving it. That doesn't come from a negative place though. It's just because they want to be supportive of you. You can feel safe with a Taurus.
One of the most famous criticisms of a Taurus is their stubbornness. It's probably their best-known quality. But it also means that they want to make things happen. If you're tempted to give up on your dreams, keep your Taurus friend in mind. They're not going to let that happen. They believe in you!
A Taurus has really figured themselves out. They like to keep exploring themselves. They know that it takes some alone time to accomplish that. It's for this reason that a Taurus sometimes likes to be left alone. Don't take it personally because a Taurus wants to strengthen their positive qualities. When they "come back," you'll notice that self-improvement has really happened.
You might feel like you're always messing up. If you're down, you wonder why anyone would want to put up with you. That's where a Taurus comes in. They are such great listeners. Tauruses want to help you solve your problems.
Life is spinning out of control - but not for a Tauruses. When the chips are down, a Taurus just keeps on truckin'. They have a positive outlook that can carry them through anything. A Taurus isn't into silly drama. They're more mature than that.
A Taurus deals in reality not in fantasy - they're very straightforward. They never hold back on telling the truth - even if it makes them seem cruel. A Taurus is just committed to knowing straight-up facts. They won't hesitate to blurt them out. (But only at the most appropriate times...a Taurus never wants to ruin the party for anyone.)
Tauruses value their relationships above all else. When you've got a Taurus for a partner, hold onto them! A Taurus won't let anyone hurt their loved ones. They're ready to defend you from harm.
Tauruses might seem very guarded. They are protective of their own hearts, just as they are of yours! Tauruses value honesty and reliability so they're not just going to tumble into the first relationship they see. They want to make sure it can last. If you're true with them, they'll respond in kind.
Tauruses will always stick to their guns. If they have a clear goal in mind, they'll outline exactly what it takes to get there. They will tirelessly work towards what makes them happy. It's their sense of focus that makes a Taurus the best zodiac sign.
Tauruses are incredibly trustworthy. They'll tell you exactly how it is. This makes them a great resource. If you're ever having a problem, go to a Taurus. They'll help you figure out how to solve it.
Tauruses have very high standards. They don't put up with bull**** if you know what we mean! A Taurus wants quality over quantity. If you hang out with a Taurus you should feel special. They've chosen you because they know you meet those standards.
Do you have a Taurus in your life? If so, do they show these characteristics? Let us know what you love about the Tauruses in your life and be sure to pass this on to them to show them how much they mean to you!
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Taurus: Traits, Dating, Friendships And More Explained


Taurus: Traits, Dating, Friendships And More Explained

By Elizabeth S. Mitchell / Updated: Oct. 29, 2021 1:12 pm EDT

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
Every astrological sign has its positives and its negatives. And if you happen to be born under the sign of Taurus , then you probably already know some of the bigger-picture parts of your zodiac sign (like your innate sense of stability and your stubbornness). But there are several more nuanced traits and habits associated with being a Taurus that you might not know about. 
Of all the astrological signs , Taurus (born April 19 to May 20) is considered to be the anchor of the zodiac (via ). Chalk it up to this Earth sign's ability to be smart, reliable, and trustworthy; Taurus is one of the most grounded, down-to-earth signs (see what we did there?). Taurus is also known for seeking out meaning and depth in all of its relationships, so if a bull loves you, you'll have a friend (or partner) for life.
When it comes to work, you definitely want a Taurus on your team. They pride themselves on doing a good job, and never shy away from a daunting task (via Elite Daily ). In fact, them seem to find a boundless reserve of energy and motivation when they come up against a challenge they want to overcome or a goal they want to achieve. 
In their home life, they are very in-tune with the physical world and do like things organized or decorated just so . They are committed to creating a home and space that truly represents themselves, their lifestyles, and their own comfort (via Costar Astrology ).  
For all their best characteristics, Taurus has some tough ones, too. For starters, Taurus is an extremely stubborn sign. Once they get something stuck in their head, it's hard to get it out (via YourTango ). For someone to get a Taurus to change their mind, they likely have to literally "take the bull by the horns" and nearly force them to see things from another perspective.  
Additionally, since Taurus likes comfort (and is fearful of change), they can get stuck in a toxic relationship or a toxic workplace easily, thanks to that blinding loyalty of theirs. They're also easily possessive of those they love, which can be attributed to their not-so-subtle jealous streak (via Elite Daily).
Taurus is known for loving the finer things in life, and material possessions are what a Taurus strives for. But at some point, they can become a little too self-indulgent and want to have beautiful things around them at all times (via Astrology.Care ), which isn't always realistic or healthy. 
Taurus' best and worst characteristics appear to be two sides of the same coin. As a Taurus, you know that you might be stubborn and headstrong, but you're also insanely loving, honest, and are an excellent partner, too. 
Speaking of partnership with a Taurus, it's worth knowing that Taurus is super passionate (via Bustle ). Because they are so grounded in the physical world, Taurus is highly sensual, and loves being touched — and touching back. But because it's a fixed sign, Taurus isn't one to play the field. In fact, Taurus makes an excellent partner because of their innate desire for stability and focus on long-term relationships. And while it might take a little longer for a Taurus to fall in love, once they do, it's for life .
A Taurus is likely to pay attention to even the smallest things about their partner, from the way they part their hair to the way they take their coffee. They are attentive and caring, and you can always count on them to hold your hand or give you a hug (via Bustle ). Taurus can, however, get pretty set in their ways once they become comfortable in a relationship, and so you might notice that your Taurus partner is always taking you to the same restaurant at the same time on Friday nights. This doesn't mean they don't care, it's just that they like routines that they know work. 
As we mentioned earlier, Taurus can occasionally become possessive or jealous, which is the less-great side of the passionate/earthly coin. Be sure to set clear boundaries from the start about what will and will not be tolerated in this regard.  
While saying "friends forever" might feel very middle school, where it comes to being friends with a Taurus, it's quite literal and quite real (via Horoscope ). It might take a long time to get into a Taurus's inner circle, as they take trust and loyalty very seriously, but once you do, you're there for life. A Taurus is not only a caring, loyal, and loving friend, but they are reliable in every meaningful way, from being able to ground you in a tough time to remembering your birthday and other important dates.
If a Taurus loves you, they will never shy away from showing it. They'll congratulate you on accomplishments, always find something about you to celebrate, and shower you with love. They are loyal and trustworthy friends. In order to stay in their good graces, simply be yourself and be honest. They are very perceptive and have little patience for lies or deception of any kind. Be loyal and honest with them, and you can be assured that will always be returned to you in kind. 
Taurus also has a witty, fun side that can keep you entertained and laughing, and while they do like their routines, they are happy to go with you if you want to show them something you love to do.  
Because Taurus is so grounded, logical, dedicate, and thorough, they make truly excellent managers and high-level overseers (via Monster ). Even in high-stress, fast-paced environments, they remain composed, on-top-of-things, and organized. As such, they do an incredible job managing restaurants or bars, and manage to be hospitable and welcoming while still now allowing nonsense or shenanigans to get out of hand. They would also do well as bankers, chefs, or artists that deal a lot in the physical world, like makeup artists or photographers. 
They thrive best in an environment that trusts them to use their clear judgement, level heads, and logical planning to make the bigger picture the clearest and most successful it can be. They will not enjoy jobs that belittle their skills or that create chaotic environments they aren't allowed to take control of. It's one thing for them to come into a crazy environment and have the authority to manage it and help it run smoothly, and an entirely separate thing to be dragged powerlessly into the chaos. 
Several celebrities were born under the sign of Taurus, and once you learn who they are, it will probably make sense how their warmth, charisma, and steadfastness earned them their careers (via Insider ). Famous models Miranda Kerr and Gigi Hadid are both Tauruses, as are powerhouse singers Barbara Streisand and Kelly Clarkson. Actors Renee Zellweger and Channing Tatum are both bulls, and phenomenal performers Lizzo and Jerry Seinfeld were also born under this sign. 
Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot, is a Taurus, as is decades-famous country artist Tim McGraw. Even celebs who got their start as professional wrestlers, including The Rock and John Cena were born under the sign of the bull. 
Rounding out this list are stars with incredible staying power in their respective industries like Adele, George Clooney, and David Beckham. Indeed it seems as loyal as Tauruses are, their fans are equally as loyal, and for life. 

Are you one of those who considers Taurus personalities stubborn? It is not a secret that one of the basic Taurus traits is standing his ground, however, it is not the only characteristic of people with this zodiac sign. You will agree that stars have granted representatives of this sign with different qualities and each of them is important for the development of character. What do you think: which traits dominate Taurus personalities – positive or negative ones?
Look: this article will focus on both types of traits and characteristics possessed by Taurus to understand people of this zodiac sign better.
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People who are born between April 21 and May 21 are called Taureans. The main element of this astrology sign is the Earth while the planet that rules representatives of this sign is Venus. Green and pink are colors and Friday and Monday are days of the week associated with this zodiac sign. People born in this period enjoy cooking, gardening, music. They are romantic and can’t stand insecurity and sudden changes.
People born with the Sun in Taurus want to be surrounded by love and beauty, but what kind of people are they? Stars have provided them with a number of both positive and negative traits and both personalities born between dates of April 21 and May 21 and people who know these individuals should be aware of them. It will help to achieve success in building relationships with these people and contribute to their development as personalities.
It is very important to be aware of the strengths given by nature to people so that they could use them fully. Therefore, Taureans and people surrounding them should remember which traits are considered the best and benefit from them.
Not all people believe in horoscope but it is enough to consider negative traits of Taurus and make a comparison of them with your own drawbacks if you belong to this astrological sign and you will see many matches there. Here are several negative features of Taureans given them by stars.
This range of positive and negative qualities has a great impact on the way Taureans study, build relationships, careers, etc. Here are several examples of how people of this zodiac sign behave in different types of relations and they will be useful to learn both to representatives of this sign and people who surround them.
A person who has affection for Taurus should be very patient. They need time to build trustworthy relationships and let another person in their life. These are romantic personalities governed by Venus. They consider any bonds seriously and need that their life goals were shared by the partner. Otherwise, your love game will be lost.
Being sensual individuals, Taureans want their partners to take initiative in intimate life, but with time, they flourish and get more active in this field too.
The choice of a partner for Taurus is a very responsible task. They never choose occasional people and always check the person’s background such as family, education, interests to understand if this match is perfect.
When it comes to family, Taureans take this life aspect seriously and are very responsible parents. They love children and are fond of spending free time with them. Family holidays are very important for them so they always organize great parties and celebrations. These are affectionate and protective mothers and fathers with strict guidelines, so kids should understand what they can and can’t do to avoid punishment.
If you have Taurus friends, you are a lucky person. These are people who are always happy to give a helping hand, generous and trustworthy. It is not easy for them to make acquaintances so many of their friends are met in childhood and this friendship lasts for years. If they have already built long-lasting relationships with another person, they will do their best to maintain them even if there are any difficulties faced.
Taurus is a diligent student who strives to have only high grades and be praised. These people like working in the team and be leaders there. They always put effort to complete all tasks perfectly and contribute to the final result of the whole group. Naturally, there are periods when representatives of this sign face the fatigue period and get frustrated with studying doubting their abilities.
The pragmatic nature of Taureans makes them perfect fits for careers in the financial sector. These people are considered money managers and they prefer jobs that evolve and set challenges for them. Being emotionally closed-off, they are not suitable for jobs that involve socializing. However, they are punctual, disciplined, and practical employees that often complete tasks assigned and their quality is unquestioned.
Knowing value for money Taureans work hard to earn it. Nevertheless, they do not understand the value of money if they can’t spend it. Therefore, their business ideas may face certain challenges because of that.
Taurus can be successful in many businesses. It can achieve heights in money investment as well as take up agriculture. Artistic professional and trading can be great choices. Taureans would be amazing educators, lawyers, and designers too.
Taurus can be a great spouse, but not for all signs of the zodiac. There are signs in the table that feature the highest compatibility and these examples are perfect for Taurus:
It may be difficult to read between the lines when you can’t understanding the meaning of the horoscope provided by experts. Therefore, we have compiled a list of pieces of advice for Taureans who want to change their negative qualities for their benefit:
When you read the Taurus description, it is not always possible to understand how to relate to these people. Here are several tips to consider:
There are many famous people born with the Sun in Taurus.
Undoubtedly, Taureans are stubborn people and it is one of the worst qualities given to them by stars. But representatives of this sign also have many positive qualities and characteristics that make them good friends, reliable spouses, and p
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