Best Minecraft Server Hosting UK

Best Minecraft Server Hosting UK

Are you consenting to us using any mods or server jars that we would like to use?

Yes you can install any mods or server-jars you like and get complete FTP access to your server via the control panel. There is a file manager in your game's panel that allows users to select custom modes and Jars. You can either upload it manually and install it, or call our support team for assistance.

Here's a step-by step guide on how to upload and install Minecraft Modpacks:

1. Download the server file for the Modpack. 2. Unzip the .zip file on your computer and upload the entire contents within it to your server. 3. Change the name of the file from modpack.jar to custom.jar 4. Configure your server to use a custom.jar. Click on the option called "change your server type", then click "change to the selected jar". 5. Minecraft servers Click on Save to add a new game to the control panel. Mods can be used to improve your gaming experience, such as changing the generation of the world or ore-spawning.

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