Best Love Match For Pisces Man

Best Love Match For Pisces Man


Best Love Match For Pisces Man

Who Is the Best Match for Pisces Man? Which Signs Fit Him Best?
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Have you got a bit of a tasty crush on a delicious Pisces man but aren’t sure if your zodiac sign aligns with his? What are the signs that work really well for the Pisces man? Keep reading to find out who may be the best match for Pisces man.
The first sign to consider for any sign is someone of the same sign. For Pisces man, that would be Pisces woman . They understand each other, they can communicate without words quite often and just are in tune.
They are both emotionally driven people and if their moods conflict then there could be issues but generally speaking, they are great at empathizing with one another therefore able to get through just about anything.
Looking outside the spectrum of the same sign comfort ability, the Pisces man is compatible with a few other female signs that may prove to be a partner worth keeping for a lifetime.
One of those dynamic matches is with the Scorpio woman . She’s also someone who is highly empathetic and in tune with her spirituality. That said, these two are efficient at connecting on a deep level.
They have a lot in common and they connect on many fundamental relationship levels. The only area they may have troubles in is when it comes to trust. Scorpio woman trusts no one. Pisces man is leery of most.
If they learn to totally open up to one another instead of acting mysterious or secretive, the two can actually have a very close knit and long lasting love.
Another sign that suits Pisces man quite well is Cancer woman . She’s also another water sign that deeply feels, sees, and lives the same types of values as the Pisces man.
They’re both highly passionate, use their intuition to make decisions, and they’re both dreamers. The two can come up with one heck of a life goal together as well as a wonderfully close family life.
Another sign that really works well with the Pisces man is the Capricorn woman . These two are very different and yet they complement each other in many ways. Capricorn woman can teach Pisces man how to be more grounded.
The Pisces man can show Capricorn woman how much care she’s worthy of having for all her hard work and loyalty. Pisces man normally wants to take the lead but when he’s with his Capricorn queen, he will let her take the lead.
Taurus woman may be a nice match for the dreamy Pisces man. She’s stability, security, and someone who will stay at his side through the good times and bad. He’ll love her beauty and her charming ways.
She will love how loving he is with her and how he makes her his priority in life. They will lift each other up and give each other much support throughout life. Sex will be fantastic and family life will be quite content.
Aquarius woman may be a good match for the Pisces man if she learns to communicate with him without insulting him. She sometimes doesn’t have a filter and will blurt things out. It may be the truth but it may still hurt his feelings.
Pisces man is very sensitive. He will also have to realize that to obtain and maintain an Aquarius woman’s heart, he will have to put in a heck of a lot of work. He may or may not think she’s worth it and so this relationship is a 50/50 possibility. It’s work but he may decide she’s someone he wants to invest in.
Depending on where she is in life, a Sagittarius woman could do very well with a Pisces man. If she’s still young and full of adventure then she won’t want to settle down which is exactly what he wants.
If she’s more mature and is ready to take a leap of faith with a Pisces man thus allowing herself to stay home with her guy, she’ll succeed quite well with him. She has to be ready to stay in one place, cut back on travel, and be stable
For some Sagittarius women, this may be a problem. However when the Sagittarius woman is ready to marry, have children, and stay tethered to her partner, Pisces man could prove to be a lovely match.
If your sign isn’t in this list, it doesn’t mean that you have no hope. It means that there are challenges between your sign with the Pisces man. He’s very emotionally driven, he’s a day dreamer, he has a hard time staying grounded, and he can be flaky.
He falls in love very quickly and wants a partner who will show him great care, compassion, and understanding. The other signs in the zodiac don’t exactly line up with him very well.
However, if you have a moon or rising sign in any of the signs I’ve mentioned here then there is still the possibility that you could work out with him. The truth is, it’s really best to get to know Pisces man as best as you can.
Not all Pisces men are exactly the same and while one of them may not work well for you at all, another one may be absolutely fantastic. Remember, his moon and rising sign could play a role in his character as well.
When you keep this in mind, do not rule yourself out if your sign isn’t listed in this article. This is a very basic look on what the Pisces man sun sign is most compatible with. There is always some wiggle room so don’t you worry about that.
Keep in mind what your heart feels, how well you get along with your Pisces guy and how much you two understand each other. Problems can be overcome if the love is strong enough.
If you’re ready to find out who is the best match for Pisces man click here to learn more about Pisces Man Secrets .
Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).
Wishing you all the luck of the universe
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,
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This is really amazing and accurate. I’m a capricorn woman, dating a pisces man. From my experience I began realizing that any struggle can very much be connected with our degree of emotional intelligence. If we, Capricorns, have any insecurities that leads to unhealthy attachments and distrust, this will certainly drive them away. However, if we completely own who we are and understand our strengths, this draws the pisces in. The only question I have, which sign would prefer to say the three little words first? Since I’m a stubborn capricorn, I would prefer the other to initiate it. Although if it’s the capricorn that must take the lead, my only fear is if I’m sharing it to soon. Any thoughts? We’ve been together for three months and each time I’m holding back from saying it first. So instead I say it wholeheartedly in my head to stop me from speaking it. I’m being a hypocrite by not owning this feeling, but I don’t want to frighten my fish.
I would suggest waiting until he says it first. I know it may feel hard to wait longer and perhaps even hard to stop yourself but in my experience, it’s better when the guy says it first because then you know that you’re sure about the relationship and it feels like a relief to say it back. If you say it too soon, it may scare him a bit. Trust your intuition!
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My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer.
Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man.
If you’d like, you can learn more about me on this page here .

January 22, 2021 September 1, 2021 |
Lekha Menon

Lekha Menon is a journalist who thought she had made a difference but was practical enough to realise she hadn't. A closet romantic, she is accused of being a cynic but she believes she is a realist.
all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love.
If your ideal man is the dreamy, mature, romantic and sensitive kind, we suggest you first ask your date his birthday. If he is born between February 12 and March 20, then you have hit the jackpot. Simply because it means he is a Piscean and the best match for the Pisces man, is a woman who brings out these very qualities in him. Are you the one?
A Piscean man loves from the core of his heart, is rather pure and simple and his behaviour does not change over time. (Think Fred Rogers, Trevor Noah, Daniel Craig and Chris Martin to name just a few famous Pisces celebs)! They all make fantastic lovers, especially if the partner accepts and matches their empathetic personality.
Pisces is the most flexible sign of the zodiac and this mutable personality makes him get into an all-consuming love. If you are the woman who keeps him happy, you will be charmed by his generosity, elegance and strength.
But on the flip side, he is the kind who gets easily offended and tends to clam up. So what sign is Pisces attracted to the most and what signs can never work for him? Read on and decide who the best match for a Pisces man is.
A case of opposites attract? Maybe! But it’s an attraction that won’t last long. The energetic, ambitious, go-getter Aries woman is no match for simple Simon Piscean. She will tend to dominate and control him and while he may not mind it in the beginning, it might all soon come apart.
The fiery Aries woman with her straight-forward talk won’t probably be the best match for Pisces man. They may certainly date and enjoy a cup of coffee or a movie but the stars don’t see a very bright and long future for them together.
Water and earth mix well in this case. A relationship between a Piscean man and a Taurus woman will be marked by fun and great chemistry . They have a lot in common and his refined, charming nature will ensure she doesn’t leave his side.
She loves to spend time home, just like him. The emotional, sentimental core that he brings to the table will elevate her too making her quite the perfect woman for Pisces man. The only disadvantage is that she is more practical than him while he likes to be let loose with his dreams.
On the face of it, these two signs (water and Air) look good together but take a closer look and you will find that a Gemini is not the perfect woman for a Pisces man. The Pisces man loves to listen, the Gemini woman loves to talk. While he is emotional, she may be adventurous and may encourage him to open up a little.
But the problem arises because Geminis can tend to get emotionally distant while Pisceans tend to cling. They will have to be very honest with each other and will need a lot of work to keep them together despite the swings of a Gemini.
A Cancer woman is almost the best match for Pisces man. For one, both are known to be compassionate and have a nurturing side to them. They will thus be emotionally compatible, willing to take on each other’s burdens.
So if a Pisces man gets too sentimental or behaves like he is carrying the weight of the world on his fragile shoulders, a Cancer woman can help him shoulder it. The only problem is that the Cancer woman, when hurt, can retreat into a shell. Nevertheless, for a Pisces it’s a great match. Go for it!
These two zodiac signs can make for a good pair despite being opposites of each other. The strong decisive Leo woman can be a good match for the wishy washy, indecisive, dreamy Pisces man. It is good if the woman takes the lead because this will help the Piscean follow his heart and dreams.
However, the thing to be wary about is each other’s tempers and insecurity. The Leo woman will have a tough time reining in the Pisces man and keep him under control and be practical. Can this lead to a clash though? It’s quite possible to have arguments depending on how sensitive both are to criticism.
For the Virgo woman, a Pisces man can be some sort of a mystery that she is keen to unravel. The relationship has to start more out of curiosity more than anything else because they have little in common ruling out Virgo as the best match for Pisces man.
The Virgo woman loves life at the fast pace, is realistic and analytical and loves her outdoors while the Pisces man has all the opposite qualities. As lovers, they will have an interesting initial period but might run out of steam soon.
Pisces and Libra can make for an interesting combination but it will require a lot of will power, determination and very strong attraction to keep them together. Frankly, they are better off as friends than lovers.
They share a common love for dreaming, music, food and arts which will make their relationship full of great conversations and a lot of fun. The only care they need to take is to not drift too much into dreamland together as this can spell disaster. The Libra woman needs to secure her sense of balance to be the best match for Pisces man.
Compatibility meter: Not bad at all
When these two water signs come together, there is no stopping them. Of all the zodiac signs, a Scorpio woman is undoubtedly the best match for Pisces man. Be it communication, trust and dependability, intimacy or common values, they share an ace.
Both are deep, emotional and protective about each other. They will also remain committed to each other. The only thing a Pisces man needs to be a bit wary of is the Scorpio woman’s tendency to be a bit jealous and possessive . Otherwise it’s a match made in zodiac heaven.
Don’t even try. The Pisces man would be better off staying away from the Sagittarius woman. They live in two different worlds, seeking two different things. The energetic, adventurous and intelligent Sagittarius woman might get bored by the dreamy Pisces man should they try dating each other.
The result is that she might prove to be someone who is way too much for him to handle. Moreover it is hard to keep a Sagi woman down for too long. She likes to be on the move while Pisces man loves stability. In most cases, their match is going to be an absolute no-show.
The possibilities are immense in the match between Pisces man and Capricorn woman. Her energy and zest for life can inspire the rather cool Piscean. They may not have very similar qualities but will bond over the needs to experience something new in terms of places, culture and ideas.
Also a Pisces man can bring some spontaneity and creativity to a Capricorn’s otherwise staid and structured regimen. Definitely this is a case of two different signs bringing out the best in each other. They will go a long way if they do get married.
Once again it is one of the low compatibility pairs. Sorry Aquarius woman, you can’t be the best match for Pisces man no matter how hard you try! Aside from a few common elements, there is little that will keep them together.
An Aquarius woman is intelligent, analytical, imaginative and creative. A relationship with the Pisces man will definitely work, however he will have to do a lot of work. The Aquarius woman will not quite relate to his spiritual and emotional side so he will have to watch out.
A dream pairing for a pair that loves dreaming! A Pisces woman will be the best match for a Pisces man and the reason is not hard to guess. They will both understand each other perfectly, motivated as they are by the same things. The harmony is just ideal as both are healers in their own way and there will be a lot of concern and care for each other.
The communication generally would be good but at some point, they will have to be a bit wary simply because Pisceans generally tend to struggle to be upfront and straightforward which can cause misunderstanding. If they are honest and candid, then it is a perfect dream relationship. Their relationship would be strong and healthy .
The Pisces man should look for a woman who brings out the best in him. He has some special qualities which should not be subsumed so he should look for a partner who complements his sensitivity and emotional side.
Scorpio and Pisces are both perfect matches for the Pisces man. As water signs, there is greater compatibility and understanding for the Pisces man who is dreamy and sensitive.
A Pisces man should marry a Pisces woman or a Scorpio woman for the best marriage. He will also get along well with a Cancer woman who is as empathetic and sensitive as he would be.
Pisces soul mate would be Scorpio as they are perfectly matched physically and emotionally. Both are water signs and there will be greater understanding than with any other sign.
Pisces will be sexually compatible with Scorpio because the latter is known to be very passionate and intense. Scorpio brings out the best in a Pisces man in every which way emotionally as well as sexually.
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January 22, 2021 September 1, 2021 |
Lekha Menon

Lekha Menon is a journalist who thought she had made a difference but was practical enough to realise she hadn't. A closet romantic, she is accused of being a cynic but she believes she is a realist.
all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. We’re your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love.
If your ideal man is the dreamy, mature, romantic and sensitive kind, we suggest you first ask your date his birthday. If he is born between February 12 and March 20, then you have hit the jackpot. Simply because it means he is a Piscean and the best match for the Pisces man, is a woman who brings out these very qualities in him. Are you the one?
A Piscean man loves from the core of his heart, is rather pure and simple and his behaviour does not change over time. (Think Fred Rogers, Trevor Noah, Daniel Craig and Chris Martin to name just a few famous Pisces celebs)! They all make fantastic lovers, especially if the partner accepts and matches their empathetic personality.
Pisces is the most flexible sign of the zodiac and this mutable pe
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