Best Lesbian Sex Scenes In Movies

Best Lesbian Sex Scenes In Movies


Best Lesbian Sex Scenes In Movies
By Preston Max Allen and Tracy E. Gilchrist
Sex scenes between women in movies are relatively rare compared to the total number of movies out there in the world, so we definitely tend to claim our favorites among the ones that exist. From as far back as the mid-‘80s to 2015, we’ve carefully curated some of the most erotic, sensual, authentic love scenes between women that have ever graced the big screen. We have our favorites, which means you do too. Feel free to comment on the placement of any of the scenes, or which scenes you would add! Sex scenes between women in movies are relatively rare compared to the total number of movies out there in the world, so we definitely tend to claim our favorites among the ones that exist. From as far back as the mid-‘80s to 2015, we’ve carefully curated some of the most erotic, sensual, authentic love scenes between women that have ever graced the big screen. We have our favorites, which means you do too. Feel free to comment on the placement of any of the scenes, or which scenes you would add! 
Annabelle, the titular Buddhist badass, charms straightlaced Simone in all sorts of ways, including a public serenade session during a school dance. And we all know that no matter how unconventional the relationship may be, once someone gets up and sings you a song at the school dance, there’s a pretty good chance sex will soon be involved. 
If you haven’t heard of this movie, you’ve definitely at some point stopped to study the title on a few must-see queer films lists. And in that case, you’ve probably turned on the movie. And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, there’s a super hot/super loud hotel sex scene that definitely earns it a spot here. 
I Can’t Think Straight certainly isn’t about to win any awards for subtly in a title, but it does win the award for most upbeat sex scene montage! This film is adorable, if not exactly a masterpiece, with a bubbly ending that will leave you smiling unless you hate happiness. 
Did this sex scene between Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman happen in the film's actual reality? No. Did it happen onscreen? It definitely did. Celebrate. 
Concussion teaches us that sometimes getting hit in the head with a baseball can really open you up to an entirely new lifestyle. Specifically for somewhat average lesbian housewife Abby, this involves becoming a sex worker whose unexpected but familiar client brings out some of the film’s sexiest moments.
Lost and Delirious tells the tragic tale of two girls in boarding school whose affair goes terribly wrong, but it's also a cult classic that features many sexy scenes between leads Piper Perabo and Jessica Paré. If only things had gone well for these two. 
Naomi Watts and Laura Elena Harring pause for a love affair amidst attempting to unravel a Lynchian mystery. It’s quite the lengthy detour, but we're here for every moment of this sexy, slightly funny scene. 
Girltrash: All Night Long is a musical that basically leads up to a much-anticipated sex scene, so when it happens it's pretty awesome and adorable. Even moreso because it's between characters played by Gabrielle Christian and Mandy Musgrave, who you definitely remember as the iconic couple 'Spashley' on South of Nowhere. 
Room in Rome definitely wins the most accurate title award, because it is literally an entire film about two women who have an affair in a hotel room in Rome. And that’s basically it. That's the movie. 
Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey made their film debuts in Heavenly Creatures, playing two young girls who get into some gruesome business. Eventually, the girls consumate their relationship in a scene that involves just as much "Fourth World" weirdness as it does sex. 
In Henry and June, Anais Nin (Maria de Medeiros) has affairs with both Henry Miller and his wife June (Uma Thurman), but the sex scene between the women in this historical first-ever NC-17 movie is truly breathtaking. 
This film is about two actresses who were once dating but have since broken up who must reunite to re-shoot a sex scene. Oh, the drama. Oh, the sex scenes.
TV stars Katie Cassidy ( Arrow ) and Tracy Spiridakos ( Revolution ) made one damn cute couple for a few minutes in the midst of a dastardly plan to get back at those who wronged them. These scene came out of nearly nowhere, but immediately went down in history as one of our all-time-favorites.
Written and directed by Lisa Cholodenko and starring Radha Mitchell and Ally Sheedy, High Art features a palpable depiction of a woman’s first time with an experienced lesbian. It's both erotic and emotional.
Catherine Denueve as a vampire seducing a willing young scientist (Susan Sarandon), complete with gauzy lighting and billowing curtains. It's a total classic
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love is a beautiful, touching, funny coming-of-age story with a heartfelt and honest 'first time' scene. It also gets bonus points for starring the ever-watchable Nicole Ari Parker and Laurel Holloman, who of course you may know now as Tina on The L Word. 
Bound is a lesbian love story starring Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon wrapped in a mob/heist/revenge film and featuring a really hot sex scene. Do you need to know more? Probably not, but you definitely do need to see more. 
It’s Swedish! Everyone’s attractive! It’s about a girl falling in love with her future stepsister! Unfortunately, said girl is presently engaged to her male business partner, and therein lies the conflict. The girls first bond while on a trip together, and soon a sexy swimming session hook up becomes very long, very intimate, and very realistic. 
Yes, there was a lot of unfortunate gossip around how the actual, intensely graphic scene was made, but let’s put that aside for the sake of cinema and just applaud Léa Seydoux and Adele Exarchopoulos for their hard work and dedication. Hats off to you and this endless scene, ladies. 
It was iconic in 1985, and it's pretty much just as iconic today. This sexy, sensual scene between Vivian (Helen Shaver) and Cay (Patricia Charbonneau) is close to the our top prize, and Desert Hearts as a whole, will always remain a queer cinema fave in our hearts. 
Based on Patricia Highsmith's benchmark novel The Price of Salt , Todd Haynes' exquisite film adaptation made us wait a long time before Carol (Cate Blanchett) and Therese (Rooney Mara) consummated their love in that roadside motel in Waterloo, but when they finally let go, so did we in a way. And it was good! Carol marks the closest a lesbian-themed film has ever come to landing Oscars, and it will forever hold a place in our hearts. For us, there was no doubt that Carol's long-time-coming love scene had to be our #1. 



Lesbian Scenes – 40+ Sensual & Steamy Sapphic Love Scenes

40+ Lesbian Scenes

Sensual & Steamy Sapphic Love Scenes

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Lesbian Love Scenes

in Movies

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Carol is one of our favourite lesbian Christmas movies.

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31. Orphan Black – Delphine Saves Cosima

32. Orange Is the New Black – Alex & Piper Have Angry Sex

33. The L Word – Shane and Carmen First Make Out

34. Sense 8 – Nomi and Amanita Get Married

35. Wynonna Earp – WayHaughts Most Sensual Kiss

36. The Haunting of Bly Manor – Dani & Jaime Kiss

37. A-Typical – Casey & Izzie’s First Kiss

38. Gypsy – Jean and Sidney Play Truth or Dare

39. The L Word – Shane & Cherie Have Sex by the Pool

40. Orange Is the New Black – Poussey and Soso Get to Know Each Other

What’s Your Favourite Lesbian Scene?

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Home » LGBT+ LIFESTYLE » Lesbian Scenes – 40+ Sensual & Steamy Sapphic Love Scenes
Looking for the best lesbian scenes in movies and on TV? I’ve got you covered. In this article, I’m sharing 40+ of my favourite lesbian love scenes of all time.
Let’s face it; we all look forward to a juicy on-screen lesbian scene. I’ve been craving them since I was a mere, closeted teenager, at a time when lesbians were fiercely underrepresented.
I remember watching Cruel Intentions too many times to mention just for THAT lesbian kiss. Other than an iconic music video by t.A.T.u , there was little else to ignite my gay awakening.
In fact, I would happily watch the worst trashiest uncreative productions if it meant getting the slightest bit of lesbian action. And I know I’m not alone on that one.
Fast forward twenty years, and thankfully, we have seen heaps of progression in this area. While, of course, there’s still a long way to go, LGBTQ+ representation on our screens is at an all-time high.
Of course, we must continue to advocate for better lesbian representation both in cinema and TV; however, for now, let’s take a look at some of the iconic lesbian scenes that have helped shape lesbian culture today.
So let’s get to it. Here are our 40+ favourite lesbian scenes of all time. Enjoy!
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Before we get started, I should mention that I include links to view the lesbian scenes on Youtube and links to stream the movies online. Some of the links for streaming might not be available in your region so I would recommend using a VPN such as Surfshark .
Alternatively, you could sign up for a 30-day free trial with Amazon Prime by clicking here . This means you have 30 days to decide whether or not it’s worth the money. Sweet!
One of the most intimate and intense lesbian movie scenes takes place in the 2002 movie Frida.
Based on the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, the film charts Frida’s passion for her work, her controversial lifestyle, and naturally, her complicated relationships.
We learn in the movie that Frida, played by the beautiful Salma Hayek, is sexually fluid. Many of her affairs involve other women.
In this particular scene, we witness Frida win a dance with Tina in a drinking competition. The dancing itself is mesmerising. But the chemistry between the two women is what makes this lesbian love scene so captivating.
Easily one of the best lesbian movies on Netflix right now, The Half of It follows Ellie, the high school nerd who’s popular for all the wrong reasons.
When Paul hires Ellie to write love letters to his crush Ester, Ellie ends up falling for her herself. Born into a traditional Chinese family, this is a tough realisation for Ellie.
Ester, on the other hand, is carrying a heavy burden due to her religion. This becomes apparent in the intimate scene between Ellie and Ester in the hot springs.
Never have I wanted a kiss to happen as much as I did during this scene. The conversation, the setting, and the music all suggest it’s going to happen, but it never does.
Nonetheless, the emotion and chemistry between the actors is magical, which is why it’s one of my favourite lesbian love scenes of all time.
Based on the book of the same name, Tell it to the Bees portrays a beautiful lesbian love story between two women from a small town in Scotland. (Click here to Read the Book)
Set in the 1950s when being queer was taboo, the movie was a good representation of what it might have been like to be ‘different’ in those days.
To be honest, I wasn’t big on the ending of this film. But I would still say that the movie is worth a watch. One of my favourite scenes is when the boy, Charlie, encourages Jean and Lydia to dance.
While there is no sexual contact, it’s a pinnacle moment in the film as they both seem to acknowledge their mutual attraction.  
Emma Stone plays the protagonist in this biographical sports film, which follows renowned tennis player Billie Jean King.
King, whose most famous for her defeat against Bobby Riggs, was also one of the first athletes to be publicly outed. She has since gone on to say that it wasn’t easy at a time when “being gay was a big deal”.
The film follows King as she struggles with two monumental battles. The one which would lead to her defeat over Briggs. And the one that sees her trying to come to terms with her sexuality.
There are some beautiful and sensual scenes throughout the movie with her and Marilyn. But I love the car scene in particular when they agree to be “just friends”.
Set in the 1950s and derived from the lesbian novel The Price of Salt , the lesbian movie Carol is a timeless and flawless production. The story follows aspiring photographer Terese, who falls for Carol after meeting her in a department store.
The pair embark on a romantic love affair. But with Carol going through a tricky divorce, they are playing a dangerous game. Which, naturally, only makes their affair all the more exciting.
The scene in question; however, follows after Carol and Terese decide to take a festive road trip together. We observe the sexual tension build between them before they kiss and have sex for the first time .
The scene is sensual, intimate, and doesn’t feel tacky at all. And kudos to the actresses for both portraying their roles flawlessly. (Click here to Read the Book)
Freeheld is a beautiful and heartwarming story, but it’s also going to break your heart. You have been warned.
Julie-Anne Moore and Elliot Page star in the movie, which chronicles the true story of a New Jersey police detective.
After being diagnosed with terminal cancer Laurel wishes to leave her pension benefits to her domestic partner, Stacie. What follows, is a heart-wrenching battle for equal rights.
In this scene, we witness one of Laurel and Stacies happier times as they frolic on the beach. Seeing the couple carefree and in love is as touching as it is devastating when you know what’s to come.
Many critics have criticised the lead actresses portrayal of the story, but I thought it was a tremendous effort on both parts.
One of the older titles on this list, Desert Hearts is a groundbreaking movie for its time.
The storyline charts a New York professor as she leaves her home divorces her husband and starts an affair with another woman.
Made in the 80s but set in the 50s, the movie features numerous iconic lesbian scenes. However, the one that sticks in my mind is the first kiss, when Cay kisses Vivien in the rain.
There’s just something so romantic and sexy about kissing in the rain, albeit cliche AF.
In this cult classic lesbian movie , Megan is sent to a conversion therapy camp after her parents suspect she might be a lesbian.
Megan, having never questioned sexuality is naturally surprised. But when she meets out and proud lesbian Graham, she starts to question whether her parents were right after all.
The scene where Megan and Graham have sex for the first time is beautifully portrayed. The camera focuses on the girl’s faces rather than their nudity, capturing the raw emotion and intensity of the moment.
By far, one of the most iconic lesbian movie scenes of all time.
One of the most influential lesbian films of the past 30 years, Go Fish follows Max, who leaves behind her girlfriend to attend a college in Chicago.
She later meets Ely, an unconventional older woman, and there is an obvious attraction between them from the get-go.  
The scene when Max and Ely kiss for the first time is incredibly cute. Well, that is until they are awkwardly interrupted by a phone call from Max’s girlfriend.
I loved how this movie challenged lesbian stereotypes . And how rather than orchestrating it to be easy on the eye, it was an accurate representation of your average lesbian and their relationships .
Imagine Me & You was one of the first lesbian movies I ever watched. I remember feeling awakened by the movie, like, this is what I want from my life. But it took several more years until I had the courage to embrace that truth.
Anyhow, the storyline centres on Rachel and Luce, who fall for each other after meeting at Rachel’s wedding. Yep, that’s right. Rachel is newly married. To a man. So, as you can imagine, it gets kind of messy from there.
*Spoiler Alert* – If you don’t want to know how the story ends, move on to the next film now.
It’s a captivating storyline, and there are some unforgettable romantic scenes. However, none can compete with the final five minutes.
When Rachel chases after Luce to tell her ‘I can do this’, well, be still my heart. The moment when they run into each other arms gives me all the feels. And it was a delight to see the girl win the girl after all.
Cloudburst is likely to be one of the lesser-known titles on this list, but deserving of a spot nonetheless.
In this comedy-romance, a lesbian couple of 31 years escape from a nursing home, after old age and a selfish granddaughter threaten to tear them apart.
Their goal is to reach Canada, where they can get married. Along the way, they pick up a male hitchhiker, and the three embark on a wild adventure.
The protagonists, Stella & Dot, are # lesbiancouplegoals . They joke about lesbian porn, carry vibrators, and the love they have for each other couldn’t be more obvious.
There’s a lovely scene where they share a kiss in the rain which is sure to warm even the coldest of hearts.
Another firm favourite of mine thanks to its typical British humour, I Can’t Think Straight centres on a blossoming relationship between two women from very different backgrounds.
Tala is an upper-class woman from Jordan due to be married, while Leyla is a British Indian woman from a traditional family.
The pair form an unlikely connection, and in this memorable scene during a weekend getaway, they end up having sex. Unlike the novel of the same name, the sex scenes are not explicit. But they are sensual, passionate and erotic.  
Of course, the women begin to fall in love, but will cultural differences keep them apart? You’ll have to watch the movie to find out! (Click here to Read the Book.)
Based on the 2001 lesbian book of the same name, My Summer of Love focuses on the lesbian love story of two young women from different classes and backgrounds.
Tamsin, played by a young Emily Blunt, is from an upper-class family; however, upon meeting working-class Mona, there is an immediate attraction between them.
Emily Blunt is super-sexy in the movie, and the kissing scene in the waterfall is hot (it’s that water again!) Well, it is until it’s not, and you’ll only know what I mean if you’ve seen the film.
Unfortunately, the cute and sexy love story takes a twisted turn. But, will it be a happy ending, that’s the question?
In this French lesbian movie, Carole and Delphine meet and fall in love in Paris, during the early 1970s.
When Delphine has to return to her family in the countryside, Car
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