Best Kombucha

Best Kombucha

Before you can even start to think about brewing your own kombucha tea, you need to acquire a kombucha starter culture to begin the process. Kombucha tea is made by fermenting a mixture of tea and sugar with a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. Often referred to as kombucha scoby, it is this important mixture of yeast and bacteria that starts the vital fermentation process.

The combination of kombucha starter, tea and sugar is left for up to ten days to allow for full fermentation. Just like beer, the scoby forms a heat trapping layer on top of the liquid and releases a highly potent mixture of acids and nutrients into the tea. Once the process is complete, the culture can be removed and the liquid drained and consumed. At this time, the scoby is still a living organism that can be kept and reused for future brewing. Read more at

Although widely brewed in the Eastern World, Kombucha tea is becoming increasingly popular amongst the curious west. Renowned for its health benefits, the west is currently undertaking medical studies to determine the exact health benefits of kombucha tea. Many users claim that drinking kombucha tea helps them combat illness and restore health, although this is yet to be proven. However, recent studies in Germany have discovered that when fermented, kombucha releases a high level of natural antibiotics that when consumed may be beneficial to our immune systems. If using kombucha tea for the first time, it is important to moderate your consumption. If at all worried about using kombucha tea, always seek the advice of a medical practitioner before you begin.

Kombucha starter kits are now widely available to purchase on the internet. Delivered in a dry form, the kombucha starter can be rehydrated and used to produce a never ending supply of kombucha tea. It is important to remember that your scoby is a living and breathing organism that requires the upmost care. kombucha starter cultures are prone to developing mould and should always be kept covered in a layer of water. If your culture shows any signs of mould it is best to discard the culture and best kombucha start form scratch. If you look after your scoby you will be able to generate a new culture after every brewing process. A cheap initial purchase can often give you a life time of home brewed kombucha tea

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