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ICM Registry, the folks behind all those helpful .xxx domains, says its next step is to create a search engine exclusively for porn. It is to launch tomorrow.
It's a filthy nuisance trying to find a movie with three bisexual men and a hula dancer from New Jersey.
It's aggravating beyond acceptance not to be able to instantly discover 5 minutes of rubber-suited short people doing things that may or may not be suited to those above 3-foot-6.

It's not as if Google or Hollywood is fulfilling these needs.
So what joy to those of an imaginative -- or simply needy -- bent that topless men and women on white horses are galloping to the rescue.
For I bring news that tomorrow will see a search engine exclusively for pornography. Yes, tomorrow.
You will be snapped out of your stiff corporate posture to learn that ICM Registry, the people who brought you those very helpful, if still slightly under-used , .xxx domains, intends to launch this Pornoogle.
ICM's CEO Stuart Lawley told Network World that 21 million of the fine .xxx pages have been categorized and are ready to be uncovered on SearchXXX.

In case you might be skeptical, he told Network World: "It's porn, only porn, all porn. There's as much porn there as anyone would need, I'd imagine."
Imagination does tend to reside solely in the hands of the beholder. Still, Lawley promises your experience will be free of viruses.
For this he credits durable products made by McAfee.
Naturally, some might be suspicious that this little wriggling for supremacy might have something to do with Google adjusting its algorithm in order to downgrade porn sites, in favor of more, well, educative sexual matter.
As Lawley put it: "Google, in their wisdom, has decided that's more relevant to what their customers are looking for."
Clearly, anyone who goes to the new .xxx search engine will be in little doubt as to what they are seeking -- relief from life's drudgery.
Lawley promises that the new search engine's experience will be both calm and ad-free. Yes, just like Google, until recent pressures sent it to the commercial dogs .
I know that many will already be experiencing suitable palpitations at the prospect of tomorrow's launch.
For myself, I'm merely wondering whether it'll have an "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

Ex-Google employees created BoodiGo to fight porn piracy.
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Move over, Google. There's a new search engine in town, and it's most definitely not safe for work. BoodiGo allows you to anonymously "search [for] what you're really looking for" -- a.k.a. porn.
BoodiGo is the brainchild of porn producer and director Colin Rowntree, who is fed up with current search engine algorithms. According to Rowntree, sites like Google and Bing bury legitimate -- as in, not pirated -- porn websites in their search results.
Just like piracy is a huge issue for Hollywood, it's also a problem for the adult entertainment industry. When people don't pay for the content they're viewing, it's detrimental to everyone who put work into that content -- regardless of whether it's PG or X-rated.
BoodiGo blocks pirated porn from its results, so users can rest easy knowing that the stuff they're viewing is legal and virus-free. (No, not that kind of virus. Computer viruses, duh!)
The search engine helps people “find legitimate, legal, non-scary, non-damaging content for their adult entertainment needs,” Rowntree told Betabeat .
Interestingly, five of BoodiGo's programmers are ex-Google employees who left the company to help Rowntree build the site. They coded everything from scratch and even added a few perks that most current search engines don't have -- like the fact that BoodiGo won't sell your info to advertisers. This means that your dirty search history won't later creep up in sidebar ads across the Internet.
And as for the site's future possibilities, “We might end up experimenting with some kind of anonymous instant messaging service as an alternative to Skype or Google Chat,” Rowntree told Betabeat . “The obvious name for that will be Boodicall.”
We'll leave you with this classic scene from "30 Rock." Maybe one day, Tracy Jordan will ask Liz Lemon if he can BoodiGo himself in her office.
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By: Tove Marks Reading time: 17 minutes Update: 08-20-2022
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The Best Sites on the Dark Web: A Quick Summary
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The Best Dark Web Sites: Frequently Asked Questions
Tove has been working for VPNoverview since 2017 as a journalist covering cybersecurity and privacy developments. She has broad experience developing rigorous VPN testing procedures and protocols for our VPN review section and has tested dozens of VPNs over the years.
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It’s hard to tell how many dark web sites there are really out there, but a lot of people agree on the most worthy ones to visit. According to our research, these include:
Just remember: browsing the dark web can be exciting, but it’s also a dangerous affair. If you’re not careful and don’t take the right security measures, you risk infecting your computer with malware or spyware.
That’s why it’s crucial you use a solid antivirus and a VPN connection when browsing the dark web. A good, affordable VPN that keeps your data and identity secure is Surfshark.
If you want to find out more about the best onion sites and see our other top picks for the best dark web sites, this article is for you.
When you hear about the dark web in the news, it’s often associated with something illegal. Dark web marketplaces offer anything from fake passports to drugs and weapons. However, the truth about these sites tends to be exaggerated more often than not.
We attribute this to the general “mysteriousness” of the dark web. You need a special browser to access the onion links and the services hidden behind them. Regular search engines can’t take you there without a lot of hi-tech tweaking.
However, the news outlets always skip the positive things you can find there. In this article, we wanted to show you this different side of the dark web . We’ve also included a list of the best onion sites with their respective links.
Whether you’re on desktop or mobile , keep reading if you want to explore the dark web safely and see what all the fuss is about. Below, you’ll find a curated list of the most popular dark net sites . They range from super-silly to serious and very useful.
Though not all destinations are illicit, dark web websites are unregulated . This increases the risk of malware infections and hack attacks . So, you shouldn’t click on such links without some solid security tools .
Good antivirus software and a reliable VPN are absolute must-haves. A VPN will encrypt and anonymize your traffic. This will boost your online privacy and protect you against cybercrime .
To get started, we recommend giving Surfshark a try. For just a couple of dollars a month, Surfshark protects all your private data with heavy encryption . Plus, with a hidden IP address , your anonymity is guaranteed . This prevents governments, your internet service provider, and hackers from monitoring you online. Surfshark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee , so you can try it risk-free. Once you’ve got Surfshark, you’ll be able to explore dark web links in a much safer manner.
Of course, solid antivirus and malware protection is essential for even day-to-day internet use, and you should never venture onto the dark web without it. Norton has emerged as our top all-around pick, but make sure to check out our current list of the best antivirus software to find a program that’s perfect for your needs.
The dark web doesn’t host any traditional search engines like Google , for example. However, it’s still possible to navigate the dark web landscape safely — if you know where to look. A number of the following sites might help you along your way. Remember that you need to open these onion links in the Tor Browser for them to work.
Link to the Hidden Wiki : Access the Hidden Wiki
The Hidden Wiki is a dark web version of Wikipedia that offers links to different websites on the dark web. Being a combination of random numbers and letters, many onion links might seem nonsensical. This makes websites very difficult to find. The Hidden Wiki does a lot of the searching for you. Moreover, they provide informative pages on a range of topics that might be interesting reads.
Be careful, however. A lot of illegal websites are indexed here . So, make sure not to click on something you don’t want to see. The service used to be known for hosting, or at least indexing, a bunch of pedophile websites. This made it the subject of cyberattacks by both the FBI and Anonymous .
We also have many copycats and spin-offs of the Hidden Wiki. Don’t be surprised if you come across multiple versions of “The Official” or “The Uncensored” site. It’s best to stay away from these sites, however. Most Hidden Wiki sites to this day provide links to some parts of the dark web you wouldn’t want to visit. The best way to deal with this is to stick to the categories that are relatively risk-free.
DuckDuckGo is a dark web search engine that’s also available on the surface web. As opposed to similar tools, DuckDuckGo guarantees your privacy . In other words, it doesn’t collect or share any of your personal information . This is an ideal choice if you want to boost your online anonymity.
DuckDuckGo can be used to view dark web websites because it also shows .onion links . Most regular surface search engines don’t index .onion websites. Thus, services like Google won’t bring you anywhere on the dark web, whereas DuckDuckGo will allow you to visit dark websites.
Ahmia is another secure search engine you can use on the dark web. It helps the users of the Tor Anonymity Network discover different useful websites on the dark web. Moreover, Ahmia can also be used to view statistics, insights, and news about the Tor network .
Daniel is an excellent resource to help you explore different dark web links and the Tor browser in general. Daniel’s website lists around 7,000 onion sites , which are categorized for easier browsing. Moreover, it has a built-in status check that lets you know whether a particular website is online.
This takes a lot of “footwork” out of the equation since you won’t have to check every single site manually. This feature might not seem like much, but Tor browser can take ages to load a website. So, you’ll save quite a bit of time in the long run. is a convenient platform that allows you to monitor the uptime of various .onion websites . In other words, it lets you check which popular dark sites are online at any given moment. It also provides accurate URLs verified by PGP . The site operates without any tracking or javascript shenanigans.
At the moment, monitors around 50 websites , including a good number of the ones mentioned here. This is not an overly impressive number, but most of the popular sites are covered. Additionally, you can contact the team to propose new listings . The site doesn’t feature any direct links to protect its users against DNS leaks caused by accidental clicking.
Although not a search engine per see, is a good starting point for any dark web explorer . You’ll find some of the most popular sites here and get accurate links to avoid phishing scams .
The dark web is full of surprising sites. One of them is Facebook. Although we don’t recommend logging in to Facebook for any kind of online protection, it’s striking that this social media has such an enormous presence in the dark. On the dark web, you’ll also find versions and mirrors of news outlets and platforms where whistleblowers and others can safely share information. Finally, many surface web pages also have their dark counterparts. This includes websites about Bitcoin, Q&A pages, sites with metrics, etc.
This is a mirror website of the real Facebook. By creating a Facebook account on the dark web, you can attempt to do so completely anonymously. However, this takes a lot of work, because, as we know, Facebook likes collecting private data .
More importantly, this mirror version of the social network is a way around government censorship . Some regimes censor social media or make them completely inaccessible to their citizens. They do this to eliminate any form of opposition. By using the dark web version of Facebook, people can attempt to stay anonymous and speak freely .
Although Bitcoin has only recently become popular with the general public, it has been the currency of the dark web for years. It will come as no surprise that there are many cryptocurrency sites on the dark web. On sites like HiddenWallet, you can manage your cryptocurrencies, as well as buy and sell them . We also recommend using a VPN for cryptotrading to guarantee your security and anonymity .
Some countries and governments exert strict online censorship and block access to foreign news outlets . The BBC website is a prime example of a news source that isn’t accessible in certain oppressive countries. At least not on the surface web. That’s where Tor comes in.
The BBC has made a special Tor mirror of its news website, which is available on the dark web. The goal is to offer people a way to anonymously access the BBC website without restrictions, regardless of where they live. The dark web copy of BBC News is an international edition . This means it doesn’t primarily focus on the United Kingdom, but instead covers news from all over the world.
ProPublica is an investigative journalism outlet that has a presence on the surface web but also a dark web link. This way, visitors of the website can remain anonymous if they want to.
This could come in handy for people living under oppressive regimes, for instance. After all, ProPublica doesn’t shy away from covering controversial topics , such as child labor and corrupt politicians. ProPublica publishes news stories in both English and Spanish .
On Tor Metrics you can find more information about the Tor Project . If you’re interested in privacy and how the Tor project works, this website will give you some extra insight. Moreover, if you’re researching Tor and the dark web for a school project, this page can help you with statistics.
Among other things, you can see how many people use the Tor browser and how many .onion websites there are. The statistics of Tor users can also give you a good indication of how much activity there is on the dark web, how many hidden services exist, and where most users on the dark web are from.
Hidden Answers can be described as a dark web version of Reddit or Quora . You can ask any question you like, without any censorship . Others in the community will try to answer your queries. It’s also fun to just look around on this platform. Do remember that this is an unfiltered part of the internet and you might come across conversations you don’t want to see.
This is also a great place to ask questions about the dark web if you’re new to this part of the internet. It’s a safer option to visit some dark web subreddits for specific questions on the dark web, however.
SecureDrop is a place where whistleblowers and journalists meet . The dark web is one of the only ways for whistleblowers to share their information while being certain they won’t be tracked. Whistleblowers often have damaging information about a company or government and try to share this with journalists. If they do so on the surface web, they’ll likely be traced and, in some cases, punished.
Secure Drop is a .onion site that protects the privacy of whistleblowers and journalists all over the world. Many important publishers and news organizations have realized the power of anonymous whistleblowers on the dark web and set up their own SecureDrop URL. Some notable examples include:
There are plenty of email providers out there besides Outlook and Gmail. Many of them can also be found on the dark web. Take a look at some of the amazing services that are provided for free.
ProtonMail is a Swiss encrypted email service that is among the very best e-mail clients out there. They use end-to-end encryption and don’t keep any logs . Moreover, you don’t need to provide them with any personal information to create an account. Note that ProtonMail also has a surface web version.
ProtonMail themselves state that using Tor to access (the dark web version of) Proto
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