Best Homemade Fake Pussy

Best Homemade Fake Pussy


Martin Moore on October 28, 2020 June 29, 2020
It’s no secret that pocket pussies and Fleshlights are the best-selling male sex toys. No surprise here, they’re extremely pleasurable, compact and easy to use. However, if you find yourself lonely and without a Fleshlight by your side, you can always make a homemade pocket pussy.
I used my imagination and internet resources to make a list of 30 DIY Fleshlights and homemade pocket pussies. Most of them don’t require any special tools or gadgets, so you’ll be able to make them straight away.
While a homemade Fleshlight can be exciting, it doesn’t even come close to the real deal. If it’s the price of the Fleshlight that bothers you, there are some cheap Fleshlights that you can get. They’re compact, discreet and, of course, the price doesn’t bite.
Now, let’s go back to our topic and discuss how to make a pocket pussy at home. After reading these 30 ways to make a DIY Fleshlight, you will discover that nearly anything can become a homemade pocket pussy. It’s only your imagination that limits you.
There is no one answer to how to make a pocket pussy. There are various everyday objects that can serve as a Fleshlight.
However, there are several things that you need to know before you start constructing. These rules will make your life easier and give you a better overall experience.
First – get yourself some latex gloves. You can find them in nearly any grocery store or pharmacy. Make sure to get extra. After you try the homemade Fleshlight, I’m sure that you will want more.
TIP: get the largest size latex gloves available. This way you will have more surface area to use.
Second – get some lube. I would recommend you water-based one. It has a thin texture which is ideal to mimic the body fluids. Other lubes can be pretty viscous, so your whole DIY Fleshlight experience can turn into a big unusable mess.
Third – don’t be afraid to experiment and switch one object for another. For example, a towel can be switched for a pair of socks and vice versa.
While there are hundreds ways to make a pocket pussy, there are only some that actually are worth your attention.
In this category you will find 10 recommended ways to make a homemade Fleshlight. Each of these options are good, so simply choose the one you like best and have the tools to make.
Towel DIY Fleshlight is the ultimate homemade pocket pussy classic. In order to make it, you will need:
The classic towel Fleshlight is very easy to fold and always does the trick. There are two simple ways to make this homemade pocket pussy.
Overall: both sock pocket pussies are super basic, yet they’re one of my favorites. Based on the amount of time you spend on them and the outcome you get – they’re the #1 regular day homemade Fleshlight when you’re not looking for something fancy.
This DIY Fleshlight is very similar to the one before. However, instead of a towel, you will use some socks. Here’s what you will need:
Tip: for best results use socks with thicker soles. This way you will have more grip area.
Overall: making this DIY Fleshlight is very easy and requires very little effort. It has less stability then the one made with a towel, yet is a decent substitute.
This is another way to make a pocket pussy at home from everyday materials. Since sponges are more textured and rougher, this homemade pocket pussy will be more rough.
There are two ways to make this Fleshlight. One requires a Pringles can and the other one doesn’t.
The couch pocket pussy is the all time classic. I am sure that you’ve already tried it if you sleep on a foldable couch.
In general, it doesn’t require anything, however, you need to be careful when you shoot.
Simply find the place where the mattresses meet and stick your privates inside.
Tip: to avoid making a mess, consider wearing a condom when you try this.
Another quick and easy way to have a homemade Fleshlight is using a toilet paper roll. Similar to previous options, it requires very little materials and time to put it together. Here’s what you’ll need:
Tip: for best results use a half-used toilet paper roll. It makes the grip a lot easier and more comfortable.
Overall: the experience with the toilet paper homemade pocket pussy was good and similar to the one with socks involved. What I noticed is that the softness of the toilet paper plays a key role in the whole experience. The softer the paper, the better the sensations.
Making a male masturbator out of cushions is one of the all time classics. It’s pretty similar to the Couch DIY Fleshlight. Yet, this one is even easier to make, especially if you don’t have a couch.
Overall: it’s a very simple way to enjoy yourself when you don’t have any supplies. However, make sure to use the cushions designed for decorations, they hold their shape better. Doing it with a regular pillow won’t really work.
If you don’t enjoy the classic homemade pocket pussy ideas, I have something more exciting for you.
While I haven’t tested all of these methods yet, some of them sound pretty exciting.
Each DIY Fleshlight listed here is at random order. So, use it as an idea generator, check what supplies you have and, of course, what turns you on.
If you don’t have any latex gloves or rubber bands around but enjoy cooking, there’s a chance that you have everything you need for this DIY Fleshlight:
Overall: honestly, I failed at making this pocket pussy. I tried different ratios, different microwaving temperatures and duration.

So, I can only tell that if you’re curious and have time to play around in the kitchen – you should try making this homemade sex toy.
This is one of the easiest to make DIY Fleshlights. The only two things that you will need are:
Overall: watermelon has one of the best textured flesh to be used as a pocket pussy. However, make sure you keep let it warm up to room temperature before you stick your penis in.

Also, another bonus of this homemade Fleshlight is the size. If you accidentally make a hole that is too big – you can easily start over.
This pocket pussy is also super easy to make. If you’re in a hurry – this is a perfect solution. To make this Fleshlight, you will need:
Overall: using a banana as a Fleshlight is a good idea, especially since the part of the flesh that remains inside can serve as lube. Also, since the banana has a closed end, just like a Fleshlight does, you won’t make a mess around your place.
This pocket pussy is very similar to the one before. The only difference is that you’ll be using a cucumber instead of a banana.
To make this Fleshlight, you will need:
Overall: using a cucumber as a Fleshlight is a good idea, if you want something firmer than a banana. Also, a cucumber, just like a banana, has a closed end, so, you won’t make a mess around yourself.
Using gummy bears or worms, or any other type of gummys of your choice, makes the whole homemade pocket pussy experience a lot more realistic. Here are three of the most popular gummy DIY Fleshlight ideas. But first, let’s see what you’ll need:
Tip: for best results, you can make a hole at the end of the plastic cup and pull out the fingers of the latex glove to help it hold in place better.
Tip: The smaller the gummys, the more exciting the experience.
Tip: a towel that is approx. 8 x 12 inches big works best with semi-filling the can.
You can watch the instruction video here.
Overall: using gummy candies makes the whole experience a lot more exciting. Gummy candies give the pocket pussy texture, so there’s more stimulation going on. Even though they’re a little complicated to make, they’re worth the effort.
If you saw the American Pie movies – you know how this one goes. So, if you’re a baker and don’t mind baking yourself a homemade pocket pussy – this one is for you.
To make this pocket pussy, you will need everything for a pie recipe. Now, it’s all up to your imagination, whether you want a sponge cake for more texture, or a berry-filled pie for more lubricated experience.
Tip: make sure the pie is cooled down to room temperature before you stick your penis in. Otherwise, you can seriously burn yourself.
A plastic bottle is something you can find in nearly any household. That’s why stuffing it a filling is one of the easiest ways to have a homemade Fleshlight. There are 3 super simple ways to make this pocket pussy. Here’s what you will need:
Overall: these homemade pocket pussies have cases, so they resemble a Fleshlight more. However, grabbing a larger plastic bottle can be slightly uncomfortable, especially if you don’t have big hands.
If you recently purchased something that easily breaks, most likely you still have some bubble wrap around. Not only is bubble wrap fun to pop, it can also become an exciting DIY pocket pussy. There are two easy ways to make them. Here’s what you’ll need:
Overall: bubble wrap homemade pocket pussies are exciting, however, bubble wrap isn’t something people have lying around. The air bubble makes the experience more intense and exciting then when you use a simple towel. So, whenever you have the chance – try this one.
Well, this one is a bit out there but it’s out there. Personally I haven’t tried it, yet, there are people who claim that it’s exquisite.
In general, there’s two ways to go with this one:
Overall: it’s an interesting idea, however, it’s not for everyone.
Fifi is known from prison slang. It’s a very common way to make a sex toy when you’re behind bars. Here’s what you’ll need:
You can watch the instruction video here.
Overall: the prison Fifi is a classic way to pleasure yourself. The warmness of this DIY Fleshlight makes it more realistic. It’s not the most comfortable method though.
If you have some wooden chairs with cushions on them – you’re in luck. They can be easily transformed into a homemade pocket pussy. Here are all of the items that you will need to make this Fleshlight:
Overall: this method is similar to the towel roll, however, a bit more complicated to make. Also, the cushions should be on the narrower side, otherwise you won’t be able to roll properly.
Since every household needs to wash dishes, most likely you have some extra sponges laying around. You can use them to make an exciting homemade Fleshlight. Here’s what you will need:
Overall: it’s a fun experience, since the sponges are worm. However, this homemade pocket pussy can be not very convenient or comfortable if you don’t have a comfortable glass lying around. Also, better choose a plastic glass. If you go to hard, glass made of glass can break and you can end up hurting yourself.
Baggie and mattress in another classic method that most dudes try in their teenage years. Here’s what you will need:
Overall: it’s a good experience,. however, make sure there are no lose springs or wooden frame, or anything else that could hurt your penis. In general, this technique is a bit outdated and better use the cushion method.
If you have a pool, there’s a great chance that you have one of those pool noodles. If you no longer use and need it – turn it into a homemade pocket pussy. Here is a list of items that you will need:
Overall: it’s another creative way to have a DIY Fleshlight. However, a pool noodle isn’t something you may have at home Luckily, there’s plenty more ways to make a homemade pocket pussy.
If you have any plants around the house, you might be lucky to find some floral beads around as well. Here’s the list of items that you will need to make a homemade Fleshlight out of them:
Overall: the experience was exciting. The floral beads give this pretty intense sensations after which, I doubt that you will want to go back to simply playing with your hand.
Using hot water bottles is one of the simplest ways to quickly make a homemade Fleshlight. Here’s what you will need:
Overall: the hotness of the water makes this homemade pocket pussy feel realistic, compared to potential alternatives. However, the shape of it isn’t the most exciting one.
Making a homemade Fleshlight from party leftovers is a great idea. If you have any balloons in stock – time to make yourself a pocket pussy. Here’s what you will need:
Tip: use lukewarm water to fill the balloons. It makes the experience a lot more realistic.
Overall: it’s fun to try this pocket pussy once, however, it’s a little uncomfortable, so I would recommend some of the option above or, instead of air, use some lukewarm water. It makes the experience more realistic.
If it’s the price tag that concerns you, I have several cheap Fleshlight suggestions for you.
These Fleshlights are smaller than the regular sized ones. However, they’re A LOT better than the homemade pocket pussy versions.
Fleshlight Quickshot series currently has 3 models. Their price varies from 35 to 40 dollars.
One of them is even made in collaboration with Riley Reid – a famous porn star that most likely you already know and saw in action. Her Quickshot features orifices that look exactly like her private parts.
All Quickshots are only 4 inches long and open at both ends. This means that they will suit any penis size. They’re crystal clear and super discreet. Also, if after some time you feel like you want a bigger Fleshlight, you can get an additional Quickshot and a special connector to mount them together.
If you’re wondering whether a DIY Fleshlight feels as good as the real deal, then I can answer this question with a strong NO.
The homemade pocket pussies are great sex toys when you’re in that state of life when you simply don’t wan’t to or can’t spare any budget for the real thing. Knowing how to make a pocket pussy is also useful when you’re traveling and want to quickly blow some steam off.
As you can see from all the ways to make a pocket pussy, in most cases you will need a container, a filling for the container, a latex glove to serve as a tube and some lube.
However, the real Fleshlight is a million times better and when you feel ready – explore this detailed guide to best Fleshlight. It covers everything you need to know about these sex toys and how to choose the perfect one that matches your needs size, texture, fantasy, price, discreetness and even color wise.
Hey, I'm Martin Moore and I brought Male Sex Toys website to life. Being a medicine student and a sex toy enthusiast gave me the power to help men around the world make better purchasing decisions. So, no more sloppy fake vaginas that break after a couple of uses. Time to explore what real men play with.
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​Fleshlight & Fleshjack
Deals This Week
Here are the BEST Fleshlight deals:
Perhaps you’re away from home and feeling horny; the idea of using your hand just does not appeal but your favorite Fleshlight is safely stored back in your bedroom. Maybe funds are tight and you can’t afford to buy a Fleshlight right now. Or maybe you’re just a tinkerer and enjoy the idea of creating your own homemade sex toys.
If any of the above describes you at all a homemade masturbator might be the perfect temporary solution for you. I say temporary because, for me, nothing really beats a genuine Fleshlight.
These seven DIY Fleshlights have been super-popular! I've now added 18 more homemade pocket pussy ideas that anyone can easily make at home. Have fun!

The realistic feel of their Superskin sleeves is like nothing else available and the variety of textures they offer means you’ll never get bored of them. (Can you tell I’m a fan?).
But they are expensive to buy and their bulky size means that they are not always practical to transport.
A simple homemade sex toy can be a cheap and simple alternative in a pinch. This article takes an in-depth look at some of the options and how they compare. 
Delivers mind-blowing orgasms every time.
Very realistic feeling sleeve and a very popular choice; ideal for a first time Fleshlight user.
A fantastic all-round good Fleshlight with a firm grip and constant stimulation.
I have an extensive collection of real Fleshlights and love using them. However, I am always willing to try something new so I set out to find the best options for homemade pussies / masturbators and test them thoroughly (all in the name of science, of course!).
I also compared them to some of my favorite Fleshlight sleeves to see how they measured up.
Before You Start: What You Need to Make These Homemade Masturbators
There are many videos online which show you in detail how to make different DIY sex toys and masturbation sleeves. So many, in fact, that finding the good ones is not easy.
I was looking for masturbators which can be cobbled together quickly and easily with normal household items.
I spent some time browsing the best of the videos on YouTube and selected a handful which seemed to meet my criteria. Then I searched my house for parts, went shopping for the rest, and began.
Fleshlights used as a reference in this article are:
I created each of the DIY pussy masturbators and tried them out myself. Here I will share the results of what is probably the most interesting and enjoyable DIY project I have ever undertaken!
If you are curious about trying out a real Fleshlight then you can find dozens of articles and reviews in the Fleshlight section of Merry Frolics. You should also see the Fleshlight Guide to find out what are the best Fleshlights.
​Fleshlight & Fleshjack
Deals This Week
Here are the BEST Fleshlight deals:
TIP: If you are considering making any of the masturbators described here (or any other homemade sex toys for men) I’d recommend using a good quality lube to make sure you get the best experience. You can buy lube or make your own lubricant by following the instructions here.
TIP: Several of the masturbators described below make use of latex gloves, which can be found easily in most grocery stores – usually next to detergents in the housekeeping aisle. They are likely to be the most easily available item but are not ideal in my opinion; they are usually too short for full penetration. There is also the possibility that poor quality gloves will tear and make a mess.
You can upgrade by using a dentist's latex glove, which is softer and more durable. Alternatively, use a condom (XL size) instead of a glove. The condom is softer and allows deeper penetration.
Towel masturbators are made with just three everyday items: a small towel,
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