Best Health insurance for young adults in NZ?

Best Health insurance for young adults in NZ?

I had been in a vehicle accident that has been identified to become 100% my fault. Crash itself wasn't too poor -- the front of different car bumper(one area) dent. So how much can I assume my insurance?

"I live in Tennessee and moving down at age 16 as well as in Tennessee to California in early July you will get a certificate called Advanced Limited Driver License which merely has more limits a 17 year old and less restrictions then a 15 year old/ permit. I am uncertain if Florida has these kind of permits but at the age of 16 having a Tennessee Intermediate Restricted Permit"I presently dont have insurance and theyre badgering me to get car insurance but i cant manage it today and that I was compelled to move back again to my parents home. Should they set insurance on my vehicle under their title"I make 60K per year and also have no costs besides paying $500 per month for book

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