Best Friends Guy And Girl

Best Friends Guy And Girl


I'm so blessed to have both a girl and a guy BFF in my life.
Although the dynamics between the two friendships are very different, I cherish them both just as much.
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I know exactly what I'm getting into when I hang out with either of them, and that's what I love most about our bonds.
Just call me Hannah Montana, because I totally get the best of both worlds.
I'm a passionate advocate in how necessary it is to have both a girl and a guy bestie to go to for advice and different perspectives.
Maybe you only need one, but to truly know what you're missing out on, here are the six differences between having a girl BFF, and a guy BFF.
You should be able run to your BFF for crucial life advice, at all times.
Having a girl BFF: When it comes to having a female forever friend, you can confide in her about things you would never reveal to anyone else, and she won't judge you. In most cases, she's probably going through the same things herself.
For one, you can vent about your periods and guy struggles. The PB to your J understands.
Having a guy BFF: You'll most likely never get into period talk with him, but any other bodily function is totally OK. Unlike having a boyfriend, who you probably want to be super cute with at all times, when it comes to your guy BFF, you really don't need to be.
You both are so close, people often assume you're more than just BFFs.
Having a girl BFF: You're joined at the hip, and maybe even start dressing the same. People will start to think you're sisters.
Having a guy BFF: You're always together, so people think you're dating.
As annoying as it is having to explain to people that guys and girls can be friends and not dating, sometimes this comes in handy when you want to avoid a total creeper at the bar.
You and your bestie have a go-to activity you always do when hanging out together.
Having a girl BFF: This could be going to a favorite store and spending hours just looking around, or getting manicures while sipping bubble tea.
Having a guy BFF: This could be having a game night, drinking beers and watching football, or going to see the latest action film.
When you're in a bind and need help drafting a text to your crush, you go to your best friend. They are your closest resource for relationship advice, and they always know the perfect thing to say.
Having a girl BFF: A girl BFF has similar stories, and can truly relate. Her advice will be thoughtful, emotional, and coming from a place of experience.
Having a guy BFF: A guy BFF can give you awesome advice from the other side. He's more in tune with what the other guy may be thinking.
He knows exactly what he would like to receive from a girl, and can relay that extremely important info to you.
Having a girl BFF: Girls share their wardrobes. If you need a dress for a last-minute wedding invite, you can raid your girl BFF's closet and find something you'll love.
Having a guy BFF: You share things like comic books, or even movies he says you “need to see.”
You want to your best friend to be straight with you. A girl and a guy BFF's approach can be very different.
Having a girl BFF: Your girl BFF will usually think long and hard about how to approach a situation so she doesn't let you down. She'll also help you out in a very thoughtful way, because she values your feelings.
Having a guy BFF: Your guy friend may be more straight and to the point. He might not be thinking as much about your feelings off the bat; he just wants to tell you truth. Brutal honesty is so great.
One thing that isn't different between having a girl BFF and a guy BFF is they're both always there for me when I need them.
No matter the gender, they're still your best friend for a lifetime.
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It can get kind of weird sometimes, but at the end of the day, if it works out, they make amazing friends. Here's to the guys and girls out there who continue to defy the rules, and to my own guy best friend.
This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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I overanalyze every aspect of life from relationships, to what I wear, to the weather. It can become exhausting. I am mentally drained from the constant analysis of my decisions while being physically sore from switching actions every three seconds. The glasses that grant me the opportunity to view more clearly expanded into these rigid lenses I metaphorically use to view the world. There are these moments where I close my eyes and beg the world to slow down. To make the world simple again. It is important to accept the world's vagueness; allow yourself to enjoy specific moments rather than dwell on every consequence or every reason. There is a time to ask why, however, isn't it better to just not sometimes? Details make things messy despite how contradictory that might sound. When you truly think about it, all actions are performed by people; every person has a whole lifetime behind them. Throughout that lifetime, baggage is collected. Perfection is unattainable.
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Separation anxiety in pets is a real thing and recognizing the warning signs is important.
Since March, Covid-19 required most of the world to quarantine in their homes. Majority of people ended up working from home for nearly five months. This meant pet owners were constantly with their pets giving them attention, playing with them, letting them out etc. Therefore, when the world slowly started to open up again and pet owners began returning to normal life work schedules away from the home, pet owners noticed a difference in the way their pet acted. Many pets develop separation anxiety especially during this crazy time when majority people were stuck inside barely leaving the house.
Separation Anxiety in Pets Can Lead to:
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