Best Erotic Tumblr

Best Erotic Tumblr


Best Erotic Tumblr

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With Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter leading the social media platforms, Social networking sites like Tumblr survive using their uniqueness.
Tumblr, one of the largest microblogging, Image-board platforms, which garners over 400 million views allows its users to post photos, videos, and short text blogs. 
It also allows you to manage your blog from a user-friendly dashboard and follow other blogs.
Micro-blogging took off when conventional blogging was just getting into the seasoned stage for users to express themselves.
The idea of blogging and instant messaging clubbed together became an instant hit with the soaring popularity of the likes of Twitter, 4Chan, and of-course Tumblr.
Inspired from the platform, several Tumblr alternatives have sprouted up in the recent years.
Earlier Tumblr was owned by Yahoo, but in 2017, it was sold to Verizon Media. Which later started implementing stricter policies on Tumblr.
It all started with an incident involving under-age NSFW content, which led to the Tumblr app being removed from the Apple iOS AppStore.
The Tumblr NSFW content fans and communities have reacted with deep regret, and a year later, they still struggle to rebuild the communities affected/removed due to the enforcement of the new rule and are looking for its alternatives.
Here are the best sites like Tumblr that still have NSFW content. Some are of the threads in these Tumblr alternatives are banned in few countries, which can you access using best VPN services around .
The front-page of the Internet, as everyone calls it. Reddit started with a simple link submission forum where users submitted third-party links with a custom title and the ability to comment, discuss the thread with other members.
You can use their mobile application provides a better user experience on the updated interface of the platform. Their recent feature update has added messaging with the option to create group message rooms.
An anonymous posting based image-board website which started focusing primarily on Animes and the discussions around it.
The microblogging website later mushroomed into 72 topics, each having its own board. A board is a discussion thread on specific issues. New boards keep on adding from time to time on an experimental basis.
Users don’t need to register or create an account on the platform since posting is anonymous. However, if users wish to keep an identity tagged to their post and prevent impersonations, they can use trip code , which provides registration of sorts, or as FAQ section calls it “ pseudo-registration .”
Filling captcha can be infuriating for religious users of 4chan. There is a 4chan pass available for users to buy for supporting the website. It cost $20 and provides limited privilege like bypassing typing a captcha , reduced post cooldown timers, and the ability to bypass country blocks(with IP range). was started by Evan Williams, the co-founder of Twitter and Blogspot. The online publishing platform aims to bring amateur and professionals on the same platform to whoever wishes to echo their voices and ideas.

The idea behind Medium is to keep it on the simpler side. Creating and publishing content via their editor is effortless, thanks to their clutter-free minimal editor.
The oldest alternative to Tumblr and it has been around almost a decade before the micro-blogging site took-off. It started by the then-teenager founder Tom Fulp in the guise of a fanzine( a magazine by fans ) to 100 odd subscribers, under the name New Ground Remix.
Pinterest is a visually driven social media-website that means that you need to post an image, video or GIF with the link to pin it(post) to the website.

When you share something on Pinterest, it is posted on the site as a pin as a social bookmark. Sharing someone else’s pin is known as repin . The website also provides an option to create a group of pins, called boards to collect pins related to a topic in a place, just like a real-life board with pins.

Artists, creators of Tumblr can give Ello a try. The creators’ network started as a Facebook styled community, which later transformed into more like a Pinterest style image-centric social media website for creators. 
Pillowfort gives a similar look-wise feel of Tumblr. It is in beta-phase and charges a small fee ($5) for creating an account. There is an option for trial through a demo-mode for users to peek inside the discrete social media forum.
DeviantArt is an online community that features digital art, photography, videography, among other forms of art. It has communities feed similar to Tumblr. The feed can be sorted by different categories. Posts are called deviations.
There are none that even if I had to nitpick from the haven for artists.
Mastodon is an open-source alternative to Tumblr. The inter-connected decentralized social network has micro-blogging like Twitter, a Reddit like community space. After creating an account Qoto, you have to use the login credentials(especially the Qoto id) for joining different communities. Qoto has a Twitter-like interface itself.
Twitter is a micro-blogging and social media website with a similar vertical home news feed like Tumblr. Users who like a post can re-share it with their followers using the retweet feature. The home feed has posts from the other user, handles followed by you, and tweets from around the world can be followed by searching hashtags. Users can write a tweet (post) with a character limit of 280(except for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese).
Ghost is a self-hosted media platform that is a good Tumblr replacement. It allows you to host your website and platform sans any content restriction. The idea of Ghost propagated into a successful product through a kickstart funding campaign funded within a short period. Several leading content marketing teams such as Buffer, Unsplash also rely on Ghost for publishing content.
Take advantage of the seamless portal for members to sign up for the protected content. Users just have to put their email and get content delivered straight to their inbox.
Turn your members into paying subscribers through the easy Stripe payment integration with support for over 135 support countries. Readers from around the world can pay for subscriptions in their own curries without worrying about conversion and other fees.
Setting it up requires a bit of a learning curve which is not for beginners. For self-hosting, a server is needed that has to be managed by the owner. On the other hand, you will need to shell out the greens for using the managed platform.
Dreamwidth is a community-driven online journal platform for artists, similar to Tumblr, with threads structure inspired from 4chan. You can create your profiles, add friends, and post content. An explore section is also around with different interests to which you can either subscribe or search through the explore menu. After their recent update, OpenIDs have become easier to use on the platform to log in and keep your account.
Now the section of NSFW content is known as Adult Concepts. Users can still tag their posts as NSFW and 18+, but they cannot be flagged by fellow users. As long as the content adheres to the sitewide guidelines, the moderators will not remove it.
There are no third-party advertisements on the platform, which makes the experience better for the users. Unlike Reddit, where video ads are a nuisance in your free, you will find it free from any kind of advertisements that generally hinder the experience.
A unique platform designed for artists without charging any fee. You can join for free or pay to help in paying the servers costs. There are minimal restrictions for your artistic expressions.
When you click on a photo posted by a user, it opens in another tab. A photo display box or viewer would have made things much easier on the mobile.
This may seem like an unconventional suggestion, but groups on Facebook have been growing at an exponential rate for years now. The communities have mushroomed into full-fledged content hubs, driven by their individual users. You can create communities with similar interests and let others join them to post content that adheres to the platform’s policies.
Now you can ask different questions, consent to the rules, and do other things before letting a member join the group. Deny the ones that do not agree to the rules and terms of the group.
Never run into the problem of language. Facebook supports over 100 languages for users from around the world. You can even post in your language, and the in-built translator on the platform will translate into your preferred language.
The Facebook app is a full-fledged experience that keeps you engaged on smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices. You can also create group chats for the group and engage with other users.
Sometimes groups and communities get flagged falsely. This results in the deletion of the groups without a chance for the admins and users to make a case.
Pixiv started an online community for Japanese artists to showcase their work. Consider it as a DeviantArt for the Japanese style of illustrations, which are inspired by the manga, anime aspects. It clocks over 4 billion page views monthly, housing 50 million-plus members on the platform. This Tumblr alternative has more than 100 million submissions on the site, in different genres and categories.
Several leading and indie Manga artists publish their first copy of a new series on the platform. You can follow different artists, categories, and genres. Along with that, set a watchlist to monitor any further releases by your favorite artists. The wagon doesn’t stop there, and you can also request new work, teasers from them.
As a creator, this is your chance not just to showcase your work but sell it on the marketplace. Booth.PM, an integrated marketplace, allows small and independent artists to sell their artwork to make an income. Select an art category, set a price, and upload your artwork—all the prices in the Japanese currency Yen.
Read different categories of manga, novels, illustrations, comics, and more on the site itself. Every piece of literature is divided into chapters, seasons, and episodes. You can read them in the in-built reader that facilitates reading.
Similar to Hubpages, you can write about your passion or anything in mind. Publish it for the world to read on a group of sites under the Hubpages umbrella. Readers can comment and provide feedback, opinion on the piece. You can log in by registering an account or through Facebook. The latter will require your email and a unique password along with it.
This is not a get-rich-quick scheme; let’s get that out of the way. Publish a couple of articles and then sign up for the monetization program. As more people read your articles, some may click on the ads. This will generate revenue for you, out of which Hubpages will keep a cut to keep the site up and running. The payout is after the earning reaches a certain threshold.
Unlike several other Tumblr alternatives, the content feed on Hubpages can be filtered out according to your configuration. People and topics can be hidden, along with distinct categories.
Blogs can be difficult to set up on a self-hosted platform. Let Hubpages take care of that by providing you a space and a page to do that. Churn amazing content to garner exposure and views while the platform takes care of the stuff behind the curtains.
The presence of multiple ad blocks on the site is often a deal breaker. Regular users may find it obtrusive and a vibe-kill to fight through those ads for viewing the content.
Over to You
So these were some of the best alternatives to Tumblr, in addition to these, you can also use WordPress or Google’s Blogger if you are looking to start a blog.

Facebook Groups

I am divorced, so with that comes some sort of weird socialized thing to A, hate your ex, and B, believe that anytime you see your ex, you’re supposed to be doing better than your ex. It’s supposed to be exactly like First Wives’ Club, where Goldie Hawn loses 30 pounds and takes all of his money and rises to stardom while the husband eats cold pasta because his too young for him wife can’t cook and then he gets an ulcer and has that gross thing where the stomach fat hangs over his belt like like a sad Panda. This is all ultimately to teach the ex a lesson, like, “Well geewhizz you are the best thing since sliced bread. It couldn’t possibly be that the combination of our two personal dysfunctions could not healthfully coexist. YOU ARE AMAZING AND I WAS SCUM TO LET YOU GO! YOU ARE PERFECT I SUCK, PLEASE DON’T EVER CONSIDER ANY PERSONAL GROWTH FROM OUR RELATIONSHIP, IT WAS ALL MEEEEE!” Besides being totally untrue (unlike everything else in movies, because it’s 2013 and Marty McFly promised me a hoverboard), that’s what the movies have told us we are supposed to achieve. We are to run into our ex and hair flip and say, “YEAH I’M A DOCTOR NOW AND MEGAN FOX PROPOSITIONED ME THIS ONE TIME, BUT I TURNED HER DOWN BECAUSE I HAVE STANDARDS.” (You don’t). So anyway, we all grow up with our failed relationships, thinking we will run into our ex and hoping it is when our ex is fat and sad and our asses look good enough to wear those yoga pants with words across the butt and like — ACTUALLY look good in them. And the sickest part about this social idea is that we are supposed to still think this no matter how happy we are in our current relationship (and let me tell you, I found gold in them thar hills in this department). But it never actually happens like that. It happens when you are having a period break out and you’re at the grocery store to get three things you forgot from your real grocery store trip (which was totally normal and sane), and you have this basket with eggs, white wine, and box of tampons and you skipped a shower because “oh who cares that it’s been three days and my hair sticks up like Cameron Diaz in ‘There’s Something About Mary’? It’s just the grocery store.” And your ex is there with a cart full of craft beer and kale and no he did not see you just stand and debate whether buying an entire tube of salami was a good idea (because you’d probably eat it in 15 minutes) for what seemed longer than reading a Harry Potter book. OR DID HE? This, however, is merely an example. There are worse ways to run into your ex. How, might you ask? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE WORSE!? I know. I know, and it’s true. You can go out to celebrate a birthday party with your friend at an all 90s themed night at a local bar. ANOTHER friend can get you to dress up as Ginger Spice because NINETIES DANCE PARTY DUH and you make the Spice Girl entourage complete. You will literally walk into a crowded bar with a miracle push up bra and a sparkly mini dress that you stuffed yourself into like a sausage in a defective casing, complete with Snooki hair bump because Ginger Spice was apparently a seer and wore that hair HIGH. You. Look. Like. An. Asshole. You look kind of like what a hooker looks like if a 17 year old screenplay writer had written the part of “hooker” into a script after watching 400 hours of 80s movies (I know this is too many decades to keep track of). Do you run into your ex at the 90s themed bar dance party after four Moscow Mules that you downed in quick succession so you could try to dance (you can’t) because your friends WON’T STOP ASKING? NO. NO, you do not. The birthday boy is bored with listening to Blackstreet because we all got pretty bored with listening to Blackstreet by 1999, and wants to go do what every red blooded American grown up wants to do. Go look at boobs. You’re an accommodating friend. You oblige. Yes! Let’s go look at boobs. The boobs purveyed to you, however, are not of a proper caliber (just because you personally live in a hovel doesn’t mean you don’t want to see the palace at Versailles when you visit Paris, if you know what I mean), so you get bored, go outside, bum a cigarette from someone because by now you’ve had six drinks to forget the horror of how you look. And what do you say upon entering the strip club, to seal your fate? “Oh man. I hope I don’t run into my ex. He luuuurbs the boobies, and he lives around here.” And THAT, my dears, is when it happens. Your ex isn’t even supposed to know you smoke when you’re drunk and you bum cigarettes from well meaning gentlemen who are about to witness a terribly painful interaction and have their OWN story. He walks onto the back patio, lights up his OWN cigarette, makes eye contact, and says: “Well, this is awkward.” This is not just an ex ex. This is the ex I coparent with and have three children with. So someday, when my children are grown, the only bonus to this story is that I get to tell them this with while they yell at me how gross and awkward of a human being I am and I am the new family embarrassment and they are off the hook for the next 5 years. The conversation in our heads silently was probably this: “DO THE CHILDREN KNOW YOU SMOKE? HOW OFTEN DO YOU GO OUT DRINKING LIKE SOME KIND OF HEATHEN? SHOULD I BE WORRIED? ARE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC? ARE YOU A SEX ADDICT? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? ARE WE ABOUT TO HAVE A HUMAN INTERACTION? I DON’T KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE THAT!” But we didn’t say any of that. He was gracious as I stumbled all over the patio like a comic book character with the hiccups drawn around her, we had a laugh, I threw in a jab about knowing our run in HAD to be at a strip club (and I said it about 6 times, one for each drink), and we parted our merry ways, never to speak about it again. Worth noting is that I tried miserably to do the Goldie Hawn thing (“I write a BLOG! I SHOUULSHD WRITES ABOUT THISSH!”) and learned my fucking lesson, so I’ll be unsocializing myself from now on, thankyouverymuch. I was feeling pretty good about the exchange, thinking, “Look at us! How mature! How friendly! How adult! Who needs sweatpants with words on em and a 17 year old butt? And hahahaHAAAA he was alone at a strip club!” Until I got home, looked in the mirror, and realized….. Oh fuck. 
My big brother used to work at a fancy hotel chain in downtown Portland. Once I got word that he got a personal/friends/and family discount on these $250 rooms for $50 a night, as a young, dick 20 year old kid, I decided to take full and total advantage of him. “BUT I’M FAMILY, GODDAMNIT. YOU WERE NEVER THERE FOR MEEEEE. WHINE WHINE WHINE.”
So occasionally I would guilt him into booking me a room on his discount, never really fully realizing the extent of his favor like a wildly self absorbed asshole, and cause shenanigans in downtown Portland with my college friends.
One time, me and sixish (I’m sorry, I don’t remember all of you) piled into this room for a wild Portland party night, packing beer and Boone’s Farm supplied from my bestie’s of- age boyfriend, pretending to be like a bunch of spoiled rich kids who were really going to just go bum smokes on the street and walk around and ooh and ahh and the city, since we were a gaggle of kids from the capital college town with NOTHING to do.
So out of all the things to do in Portland, before Voodoo Doughnuts existed? We decided we would all get married at the Church of Elvis. The Church of Elvis is an iconic Portland landmark in which resides doll heads, Elvis memorabilia to the hilt, and where you can get married. Not in any wedding ceremony, but in a non-legal ceremony where you marry as many people as you want and are forced to carry a huge “JUST MARRIED” sign around the block while people honk and wave at you. I was about to be Mrs. Rhodes Darrah Jewett Bowen, and that kind soul who supplied all of our booze. But t
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