Best College Essay Ideas for Students

Best College Essay Ideas for Students

Brady Parker

The best thing about college is the freedom to choose your own topic to write my essay. Sometimes, professors assign us the topics themselves. However, they also give us the option to choose the topics to see how creative students are.

Some people find it challenging to and hire a professional essay writer free to help them out.


On the other hand, we have also provided you with a list of some great topic ideas for you to write my college essay. You can choose them as it is or can also modify them according to your preference. These include:

  • Activity is the only way to knowledge.
  • An open society should have open borders.
  • A Palestinian Hunger Strike Turns into a Purpose
  • From Homeschool to the Football Field
  • Any advice to an incoming high school student
  • One thing you want to accomplish in college
  • US President Truman decided to drop atomic bombs on Japan
  • Pressure on women to marry
  • The 19th-century origins of Christmas carols
  • Smoking at public places must be banned
  • Acquiring habits from family members
  • History of child labor
  • Most influential females
  • Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity: What Is More Dangerous?
  • Reconstruction Era vs. Antebellum Era
  • Similarities between Star Trek and Star Wars
  • Dogs vs. cats
  • Middle Colonies vs. Southern Colonies
  • Capitalism vs. Communism
  • The best place in the local area.
  • A place where you would like to live your whole life.
  • Works of art you admire.
  • The job of your dream.
  • Your biggest disappointment.
  • Books that made a great impression on you.
  • What annoys you?
  • Your family traditions.
  • Are you addicted to technology?
  • What modern songs inspire you?
  • Could you live without money?
  • Do you like commercials?
  • What is your best method of studying?
  • The biggest challenge you have overcome.
  • Do you remember your first birthday party?
  • Tell how you learn something new.
  • Have you ever encountered a wild animal?
  • Tell about the first time you were home alone.
  • How you cooked a meal for the first time?
  • Tell how you helped someone.
  • How you overcame fear?
  • Describe the accidents you witnessed.
  • How you got hurt?
  • Vaccinations: Mandatory for Public School Entrance
  • Fantastic concerts you attended.
  • Describe terrifying nightmares.
  • Your reaction when provoked.
  • Experience of being a leader.
  • A friendship breakup experience.
  • What could you live without?
  • Why are you concerned about environmental issues?
  • How much money do you need for happiness?
  • What does your ethnic identity mean to you?
  • Significance of personal growth.
  • Male and female roles in your family.
  • Your attitude to feminism.
  • Explain what does it mean to be a Human.
  • Most precious moments of your life.
  • What is more critical: wealth or happiness?
  • Your attitude to getting a tattoo.
  • Is it important to be crazy about fashion?
  • Global and political perspectives as essay subjects
  • Teenagers’ concerns
  • Memorable meals
  • Outdoor activities
  • How you met a special person in your life?
  • A person you admire most.
  • My Self-Proclaimed Identity
  • My Foreign Exchange Experience
  • How can we improve health standards?
  • Ways to prevent air and water pollution
  • Tolerance is the crucial element at the workplace
  • Importance of the Democratic system of government


Such impressive ideas can help you draft the best college essay. If you are worried and confused, reach out to write my essay for me cheap.

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