Best Blowjob Stories

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Illustration by Katherine Killeffer
FYI. This story is over 5 years old.
Riding in Cars with Boys and Blowing Them: True Stories of Road Head
People share their best, worst, and most dangerous experiences going 69 mph down blowjob highway.
Except for a Cornell Daily Sun article from last year, there are relatively few accounts of road head on the Internet. Why? The practice, especially in areas where you have to drive to get pretty much anywhere, like the Midwest and California, is not necessarily a rite of passage, but it does inspire stories: While a routine blowjob is nothing to write home about, a blowjob in a moving vehicle could kill you.
That's part of the appeal: Not only could you get caught, but you could also crash and die. There was " The Road Head Song ," a mock rap about getting road head 24/7, but spoiler alert: The cartoon music video does not have a happy ending. It might be less dangerous than texting and driving, but it all depends on how he can handle his head. The Cornell Daily Sun article offers tips for the ideal blowjob on the go; I guess the college-kid writer had had a bad experience and needed to let the world know that, duh, sucking a dick while someone is driving requires some precautionary measures. "Pick the right car," "get your hair under control" (this is the only time that laundry-day bun on the top of your head will be sexy), "foreplay is your friend" (even when stationary), and "when you are about to finish, you should probably just pull over."
When I put out a call for road head stories, I initially got radio silence. Maybe no one wanted to admit they'd done something that could put themselves and other drivers in danger. Eventually, though, some penis suckers coughed up the goods. And one choked on a dick.
When I was 16, I started dating a senior who was tall, had shaggy blonde hair (a "skater cut"), and blue eyes. He was a Minnesota pure-breed. Our short-lived relationship mostly consisted of driving around, smoking pot, and fooling around in the back seat or in his room. I would give him road head most times we hung out because we were always in his car. He lived so far away (a 25-minute drive, which in high school seemed far).
One time in particular, I remember I was giving him head while we drove through the "downtown" of our suburban shit hole, a downtown which consisted of a four-lane rode with a large strip mall on both sides. We were hotboxing, and I started to blow him. We pull up to a light, and while I'm sucking him he starts laughing. I pull my head up and peer out over the top of the door through the window. I see another car next to us; in the driver's seat is a man whose seat is leaned way back. One of his arms is outstretched and resting on top of the steering wheel. Then I see the shoulders of a woman start to emerge, then the back of her head, then the rest of her body as she sits back into her seat. She whips her head around. The woman and I look at each other for a moment while my then-boyfriend and the other man are looking at each other. The woman cracks a smile and bursts out laughing.
I want to say that it was a surreal moment, realizing that I had just seen another woman doing the exact same thing, but then the light changed and the man drove off. My boyfriend laughed uncontrollably for the next ten minutes, recounting what had just happened in the way that stoned people do. "Do you remember that time a few minutes ago when we saw another guy getting road head while I was getting road head!?"
The last time I gave road head, I was in the drive-thru for In-N-Out. This guy I was casually dating and I were coming home from a bar. I was really drunk, really hungry, and apparently really horny. Anyway, we'd just left the bar, and I demanded he take me to In-N-Out because I needed a grilled cheese (he doesn't eat fast food and has a ton of dietary restrictions, so he didn't get to order anything). He drove me to the In-N-Out on Venice Boulevard, by the Expo Line. Their lines are ridiculous at all hours. While we were in line I started to tease him as a joke, but then ended up wanting to have sex, so I gave him head and swallowed right in time to order a grilled cheese (without onions) and fries from one of those attendants that walks up to your car. He drove me to my house and I ate all my food on the way there. It was beautiful.
The first time someone went down on me while I was driving was unexpected and exciting. I had just introduced my boyfriend at the time to my group of friends at a bonfire, and on the way back he wanted to suck me off. I pulled the driver's seat of the car way back, pulled myself out of my jeans, and he began. I was constantly on watch for other cars, knowing if anyone was driving close enough behind us they would know what was going on. So we're puttering along the road, me half enjoying a BJ, half being a nervous wreck of a lookout, and just when I finally relax enough to enjoy this awesome moment I pass a police car on the side of the road. I'm playing it cool, watching what I'm doing, and about another mile down the road, the most terrible thing I can imagine happening at the time happens. I cum.
Immediately, blue lights in the rearview mirror.
As I'm pulling over, he quickly jumps up, and I'm trying to put myself back together. The officer walks up to my window with his flashlight and wants to know why we are out so late and if we've been drinking. I was being pulled over for a busted taillight; meanwhile my pants are half buttoned and I'm a wet mess. He let me go with a warning, but I was sure he knew what was happening.
I used to give road head to my first high school boyfriend all the time—speeding down the highways in his mom's BMW M3. Growing up in the Midwest lends itself to it; we would any old time. It was totally reckless, but he loved it, and I definitely have kept doing it in relationships since, if much more occasionally. We hooked up in his car in the school parking lot when he wasn't driving, so it seemed a natural transition. It was so thrilling how fast he would drive; the fastest we ever hit was when another M3 pulled up next to us—I wasn't going down on him at the time—but I swear we hit like 130. The most salient feeling was hoping no one driving by could see—or you know, kind of hoping they would.
The last time I gave road head I was in my early 20s. My boyfriend was driving his mom's minivan. I forget where we were going, what we were doing, or why I even felt inspired to start; what I do remember is him slamming on the breaks to avoid hitting a car in front of us. His dick punched me in the back of my throat, but that was nothing compared to the pain he endured. It probably would have been less scarring to rear end whoever was in front of us.
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Erin Cossetta ,
September 16th 2014

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I never had sex in high school but like every guy I watched a lot of porn, so my conception of what sex was really like was kind of off. But anyways, I was obsessed with the idea of cumming on a girl’s face. It’s what I thought about every time I jerked off. Finally freshman year this girl was going down on me and SHE actually said that’s what she wanted. I think the blow job lasted 60 seconds after that, I was so excited, and it was one of the best orgasms ever, because it’s something I wanted for so long.
I broke up with my girlfriend and I was really upset about it. I wasn’t interested in trying to find a new girlfriend at that point but one of my friends, this girl I’d known for a long time was over one night and we were just getting drunk and hanging out like always when suddenly she knelt in front of me and unzipped my pants. She said she felt really bad for me and wanted to “give me a present.” What happened next was 30 minutes of experiencing the best oral skills I’ve ever come across, and it was kind of sweet that she cared, even though we weren’t romantically interested in each other. We never talked about it again and things were surprisingly not-awkward between us. It’s probably my favorite blow job ever.
The one girl I saw for awhile that would stick her finger up my butt and stimulate my prostate. I’m probably never going to ask a girl to do this, but she just did it on her own and it was fucking incredible.
Two girls. It happened in college. We were all wasted. One of them worked my shaft while the other kept the tip in her mouth. This is 8 years ago now and I still get off to it.
In high school I was at a movie with my girlfriend and her family. Her parents were in the row in front of us and she went down on me. I didn’t stop her but it was sooooo uncomfortable. I was grossed out and I couldn’t come.
When we were still dating my now wife said she wanted to give me head while I watched porn for my birthday. She literally knelt in front of me while I fucked her face and watched porn. I had the most intense orgasm. Unfortunately, she didn’t like it and said she didn’t want to try it again.
My best blow job ever was the hottest girl that ever went down on me. I had a crush on her for a really long time and finally at a party we started hooking up. Having my dick in her pretty mouth… I didn’t last long. She still wouldn’t go out with me though.
I knew I was gay in high school and I thought this guy hung out with was too. He was always dropping hints that he wanted to hook up so on night when we were hanging out watching football (lol) I got in front of him and started the process of going down on him. He pushed me off him so hard I cut the back of my head on his coffee table. Never talked to me again. He’s out now.
Um, this girl like… kept her tongue out while I was all the way inside her mouth. When she moved it, it touched my balls. It was magic.
Love my current gf but she does not GAF about blow jobs. Haven’t gotten one in forever. Makes me miss my ex who wasn’t as hot, but was very enthusiastic about sex. Always seemed to enjoy going down on me. For all I know she was having the time of her life.
The first and only time I ever did 69. I love going down on women so doing that while getting off was hot.
Once when I was drunk I showed my then gf how I jerk off. The next day she went down on me trying to mimic that. Her blow jobs became A+ after that. I’m not sure how to get my new girlfriend to do this.
I never thought swallowing was that big of a deal until I was with my (otherwise wonderful) girlfriend I have now who hates it. She always makes sure to have somewhere to spit it out. Makes me fantasize about my high school girlfriend who would make a big show out of how much she loved to swallow.
My ex-girlfriend who I was dating at the time walked in on me getting a bj from her sister. Won’t forget that one.
My gf and I were messing around and she ended up blowing me while her hands were handcuffed behind her back with these toy handcuffs. I was completely in control — how fast we went, how deep, everything. It was the hottest bj ever.
Um one time I deepthroated this girl and I don’t know what happened but a whole bunch of spit suddenly came up, like from her gag reflex. Maybe it’s wrong but it felt awesome.
I’ve been married over 10 years, so they are unfortunately a thing of the past for me. I’d be happy with a terrible blow job, honestly, but the one I always fantasize about was the last girlfriend I had before my wife. She gave me blow jobs all the time. Once we were on vacation staying in this fancy hotel in Chicago and we can back drunk. She hit the stop elevator button and blew me in the elevator. I was positive they had a security camera in there which actually made it even hotter, although I spent the rest of the night stressed out we were going to get kicked out of the hotel.
I dated this super bossy girl who was actually kind of a bitch — but it turned me on. One night she sat with her legs crossed on my bed while she instructed me to jerk myself off. It was a huge turn on. She finally got in on the action as I was getting close to orgasm.
After a night of drinking a girl threw up on my dick. Won’t forget that one.
This girl I know had HUGE boobs and let me alternate between titty fucking her and straddling her face. I want to find a girl like that again.
I had a girlfriend who had a blow job instruction at a bachelorette thing she went to. She came home with all these weird creams and tricks and stuff. Whatever she did was super weird, but really good, there was like a cooling mint thing and then she hummed with me in her mouth. Weird but awesome.
You’re going to laugh, but it was the time my girlfriend was dressed up for Halloween. She was wearing a Princess Leia costume. It was my teenage fantasy realized.
The first time I experimented with another dude. He knew what he was doing more than a woman ever could.
I met this girl camping and my group and her group started drinking together at a fire one night. We left and went into the woods and she blew me. We didn’t even know each other’s names. It was fucking hot.
It wasn’t a singular event, but a few years ago I was dating this girl who would always give me head while I sat on the couch watching football on Sundays. It was weird because I wasn’t focusing on her for some of the time — and weird when I would wake up excited that it was Sunday, but not sure for which reason.
I have a very stressful job, but sometimes I can work from home. I was in my office one morning getting on a conference call with my boss and our biggest client. My girlfriend new I was really stressed out about the call and that it involved a lot of listening as my boss presented an evaluation of the campaign we just finished with the client. She let herself into the office, unzipped my pants, and provided me with some stress relief. It was so great after all the shit I went through related to that client to cum in my hot girlfriends mouth instead of worrying more about his stupid company.
I got a blow job from a professor in college. I’m not kidding. She was in her 40’s but sexy in a MILF/professor way. I went to her office hours and she shut the door, while she was helping me she put her hand on my leg so I made a move. We ended up hooking up in her office while someone could have knocked on the door. It only happened once but it was the hottest thing ever.
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My best friend gave me a blowjob and I don't know what to do about it. It started off at some college party a few months ago. We got drunk and had to get a ride to my place. He stays far away in the boondocks and the designated driver didn't want to drive that far so I told my best friend he can sleep by my house. While we were laying down and watching TV I told him about how my girlfriend gave me head for the first time last night. Next thing I know, he's giving me an example of when his ex-girlfriend sucked him off and he starts nuzzling his nose in my pelvis area. One harmless example lead to another and my penis ended up in his mouth.
originally written 09.30.2008  •  updated 01.21.2014  •  
At the moment, I didn't think much about how it will affect us. I just let him and he did it for a very long time. It was almost about a full half-hour when I came. He swallowed and everything. And then it hits me that my BEST FRIEND just gave me a blowjob. He went to the bathroom to wash his mouth and stuff and while he was doing that I just laid down and fell asleep in order to avoid talking about it.
When we woke up the next morning he was already awake and playing Playstation. We started laughing about how trashed we were last night and he sneaks in a question about how much I remember from last night. I told him not much and then I left it alone. I don't think he believed me. Ever since then, it's been extremely awkward between us. Whenever he comes over we never really talk about stuff like we used to and most times I'd find reasons to uninvite him. I even went as far as saying I have to walk my dog. There's no way he can't tell I'm purposely avoiding him.
Honestly, I can deal with the fact that he's gay . I always wondered about him because he can never really keep a girlfriend and he seems more attached to his guy friends than his own flavor-of-the-week girlfriend. Speaking of his "girlfriends", he's recently been parading his heterosexuality around me. He's supposedly having sex with different girls everyday. It's not that hard to believe since the girls he mention are attracted to him and they're also promiscuous. It's just that he's really starting to lose respect for me. I don't know how to tell him that without him thinking I'm secretly crushing on him or something. I really do miss him. We've been best buds since 4th grade and now he's a stranger in every sense of the word. I'm scared that if I force him to admit that he's gay then he's going to shut me out forever.
How should I confront him about our friendship and everything else that happened over the past few months?
It seems like there are a few layers going on here: your concern about your friendship with this guy, confusion about what happened between you and whether/how to address it, and some thoughts about your friend's possible sexual orientation . The first thing I want to let you know (even though you did not quite ask it) is that same-sex experimentation with adolescents and young adults is really common. Young adults are still forming their sexuality and figuring out what range of behaviors and attractions feel good for them. Experimentation between friends--regardless of any party's sexual orientation--is a common part of growing up for many folks. Unfortunately we still live in a heterosexist society and that can keep people from really being open and talking about their same-sex experiences.
But now on to more of what you're actually asking! When thinking about sexuality I often break it down into smaller categories: orientation, behavior, and identity . Orientation is who we're attracted to. When we're fantasizing, who are we thinking about? Who are we emotionally and physically drawn to? That might give some insight into at least a piece of our orientation (though it's not always so cut and dry). Behavior is different; it's what we're
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