Best Beard Hair Transplantation Services with the Help of Experienced Surgeons

Best Beard Hair Transplantation Services with the Help of Experienced Surgeons

Panacea Global Hair Services

Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services offer the best services of Hair Transplant in New Delhi at reasonable prices and not just for hair transplant services, we provide state-of-the-art beard hair transplant services.

We have a very famous team of experts who are professionally termed dermatologists and they use their experience and skills to treat patients who suffer from a wide variety of hair issues.

Hair Transplant in New Delhi

The beard is an important part of a man’s facial beauty and with the latest Bollywood celebrities and cricketers sporting the beards on their faces as a symbol of competence, manliness, and of course, a fashion trend, the youngsters today have also gained a lot of confidence by sporting the beards in a fearless display of masculinity.

A light stubble, or a well-styled yet trimmed beard is often associated with manly traits like boldness, strength, and robustness.

But, ever wondered what a male goes through if he is facing beard issues or not having a healthy beard?

Ever wondered how badly the confidence of that boy or man is affected and what toll it takes on his mental health?

But, don't worry, as you can get your beard and confidence back with our state-of-the-art and modern beard hair transplant services.

Restoring the Pride of the Face

Yes, a beard is like the pride of the face and thus it is extremely demotivating for any man whose stubble starts to grow in an irregular fashion.

Today, it is the age of a stylish beard and the answer to the problems pertaining to a beard is a Beard Transplant with the help of experts doctors and surgeons through Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services.

If you avail of hair transplant services from Panacea, then the Hair Transplant Side Effects are also very less and minute.

Now, the procedure of beard transplant also is just similar to the process followed in other hair transplants.

Now, you must be thinking that is it possible to restore the hair of your beard with a beard implant, just like a hair transplant?

The good news is that yes, it is absolutely possible as you can try a beard hair transplant if the facial hair follicles are not growing in a desirable manner.

Hair Transplant Side Effects

What is a Beard Implant?

In a beard hair transplant, hair is taken from one part of the body and then placed on the beard for enhancing the growth of the beard.

This process starts off with the doctor evaluating the skin and hair to ensure that the person can undergo a beard transplant without any side effects or not.

Just like there are various Advantages of Getting a Hair Transplant, similarly, there are various plus points of getting a beard hair transplant as well.

There are mainly three types of stages involved in a successful beard hair transplant and they are mentioned below-


In this process, the first step of the doctor or the surgeon is that the patient will get the part of his head shaved that is being harvested.

Before the process of harvesting begins, you will be given a dose of local anaesthetic, so that there is no pain during harvesting.


After the process of harvesting is complete, the surgeon will simply inject the anaesthetic into the region of the face where the implants need to be placed.

The surgeon implants several hair follicles in the facial skin, and this helps in shaping the beard in a manner that adheres to the agreement made between you and the doctor prior to the surgery.


The recovery phase involves a day's time and there may be the formation of tiny crusts on your beard.

You can start shaving normally after a week or after 10 days after the transplant.

So, avail the best service of beard hair transplant from Panacea Global Hair & Skin Services at reasonable prices.

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