Best Ashe crosshair in Overwatch 2

Best Ashe crosshair in Overwatch 2


Ashe has returned to the DPS hero lineup in Overwatch 2 and she has not changed much from the original game. Players that mastered Ashe in the original won’t have to re-learn much about her.

But, one new element every player has to deal with is the specific 메이저토토사이트 aiming crosshair they run for each hero in Overwatch 2, including Ashe.

If players are looking for a simple reticle to choose from, then they should go with the crosshairs. While Ashe does shoot a rifle, similar 메이저사이트 to Widowmaker, she can shoot up to 12 bullets at a time with her primary weapon.

This means that players want some extra outlines on their reticle to gauge where some of the outer shots will land instead of a standard dot.

While players can use a simple crosshair and be done, they can also take a look at our in-depth crosshair settings for Ashe to truly get the most out of this DPS hero토토사이트추천

Ashe’s crosshair in Overwatch 2

Type: Crosshairs

Show Accuracy: Off

Color: Player preference, but something bright is recommended

Thickness: 1

Crosshair Length: 10

Center Gap: 0

Opacity: 100%

Outline Opacity: 0%

Dot Size: 2

Dot Opacity: 0%

Scale with Resolution: On

This is among the most simple crosshairs players can make, but it’s important to know why certain values were chosen.

We went with a large crosshair length to give players the 메이저토토 most space from the middle dot to get a good idea of where to aim when shooting Ashe’s rifle. However, we made the dot small so players can also get a precise idea of where to aim if they choose to shoot a single shot. Other than that, this crosshair doesn’t have much to it.

Players that want to practice with Ashe and this crosshair can hop into an aim training course within Overwatch 2. We’ve previously recommended a few of the best ones you can find in Overwatch 2.

These courses will help players master Ashe’s aim in the heat of Overwatch battles and also allow them to make any adjustments to the crosshair if needed.

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