Berserk Rape

Berserk Rape


Berserk Rape

Comment deleted by user · 6 mo. ago
For fans of the manga Berserk and its adaptations.
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Currently, I have finished reading volume 6 of Berserk's Maximum edition (2 normal volumes in 1). Being near the end of the Golden Age, there's a little issue that bugs me about Berserk.
I understand the intention behind these moments, but my problem is that it is being something a bit common. I mean that there have been several villains who, as soon as they see Casca, already want to rape her.
Not only with her. Almost every female character in Berserk has been mistreated in this way (verbally or physically).
I understand that Miura intends to give us a reason to hate villains and to show how incredibly painful women's lives were during the Middle Ages.
But, it no longer seems like such an unusual event and something you expect from the new ugly bastard around the corner.
Does anyone else feel that this topic is overexploited or is it just me? I'm on Volume 6 of Maximum Berserk, so whoever is catch up with the series, can you tell me if it gets worse or not?
Well to be fair from what I’ve read real history was like that too
Personally, I don't feel it toxic or exploitative because it's never a casual thing when it happens and the bad guys are never part of a joke or used to lighten tension unlike some other newer manga of the same genre. But I get it rape makes me feel really uncomfortable too I don't like it one bit, but beserk handles the topic without kid gloves and is not ment to a normal or positive thing.
Naw. That's how yesterday and today is.
Image reading a comic book series that starts with a man fucking a demon then being surprised by lots of rape.
Look! I spotted a sheltered person reading a senin manga. If you just realized how many people got raped in me2 in modern times , think about how it would be in medieval times. This kinda thing still happens in countries that is ran by gangs and drug lords
It goes both ways!! Slan interactions with guys was a mix of torture and sexual energy and she always talks about the mix of all these human emotions. Same with Farnes when she was crazy. Rape and sex is just used as a complex and real human emotion for story telling , I don’t agree with this view that you think it is depicting women as object of rape in a hedonistic way
I know what you mean. It happens too often. One of the worst cases of tonal whiplash I've ever seen occurred when Wyald threatens to violate Casca and then he is comedicly castrated by Guts. While I think people are right in suggesting that rape is honest to the historical European setting Miura was seeking to emulate. However, I think you have the right of it by saying the theme of rape is overused. From what you wrote, it sounds like you're completely against rape as a storytelling device in berserk, in which case, I also agree with you. Guts' victimization and by Donovan and the emotional fallout that creates with Gambino sear a painfully vivid image of Guts' childhood into the mind of the audience. But at its worst it's crass and trashy. I love Berserk, but it's dishonest to say Miura didn't make mistakes over the 30+ years he ran Berserk, and his overuse of rape is definitely that.
The entire series is sexually themed. How can you avoid using the most thematic trope in your arsenal when describing what sexual assault is like? Like the penis monsters in Cassia's dream sequence were so obvious but that's the point. Especially in that scene, most demons are manifestations of human emotion so tend towards looking like sexually themed things.
Like why did the horse try to rape Fair the second it transformed? Was that "overuse of rape" or was it intended to be a thematic choice to depict the hopelessness of the situation?
The beauty of the story is the reality of the problems the characters face and how they power through anyways. It’s a reflection of life itself. We are put into a world of evil and must face ourselves and our struggles as the characters do. No matter how disturbing and painful the experiences.
Rape is only used a few times in the series.
Yup and in a manner which is well contextualised and plot line relevant. Whenever I come on this sub, it seems someone is taking exception to this aspect of the manga and taking it out of context as if the entire series is one long rape fest 🤦‍♂️
Never read about the inquisition or any colonization history for that matter. Rape if any is being downplayed when compared to the real world. Even today.

Is there too much sexual assault in Berserk?
Comment deleted by user · 10 mo. ago
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I wanna say that I think characters like Guts and Casca are dealt with very seriously and depicted as horrifying. But there are a lot of scenes that seem to show people getting raped and overly sexualized during it. I don’t inherently have a problem with this because it’s fiction, but I could see how people who have dealt with sexual assault could be outright offended or heavily affected by it. I’d love to recommend the whole manga to tons of people because the story, characters and fights are absolutely amazing and profound, but I’m worried about recommending it to friends that may have hidden sexual assault issues because of the outright abundance of them. While Casca and Guts are certainly depicted with depth, there are tons of scenes showing random characters getting raped for shock value, as well as the sexualization of them during it. Even though there is tons of blood and gore, experiencing sexual assault is a very real thing that happens to many people (it’s not like you can experience getting murdered). What do you guys think about this and does it affect who you recommend this manga to?
let the people who have been assaulted speak for themselves. I think they know how they feel best
This is very true. I guess at the very least letting them know that this content is there before they read it is a good warning.
It's adult seinen manga. You shouldn't even think of recommending to someone under 18.
Of course but I was more talking about people possibly being sensitive to the content mentioned rather than age.
I’ve thought a lot about this. For reference I’m in therapy right now dealing with PTSD from an assault so I have a little ground to speak on.
Berserk is incredibly weird when it comes to rape. I don’t think I’ve ever read an assault victim as fully realized as Guts is. The level of accuracy when it comes to the symptoms of sexual assault PTSD is like… spot on. His distance from others, his hatred of being touched, the scene where he flashes back to being raped while having sex with Casca, a million other tiny things, it all just feels incredibly real, and dealt with so tenderly. And to have your legendary powerful, hyper masculine protagonist dealing with those things? I’ve never seen anything like it and I treasure Guts so much because of it. Seriously, reading Berserk and seeing the way Guts faces his trauma has been a huge part of my recovery journey.
The way Miura handles Casca’s rape I don’t really have much of an opinion on. I think it works pretty well for the story and we never got to see Casca’s full recovery from it so I can’t really judge the way that’s handled.
But then like, there are so many rapes in the manga that feel almost… fetishy? Like… it always seems to be specifically young blonde women getting raped by big monsters or whatever and it happens quite a lot. It never felt particularly triggering because it’s always so cartoonish, but at a certain point you do sort of stop and go what the fuck.
And it’s so incredibly weird trying to reconcile that with the super empathetic way Miura handles Guts’ rape. Why would someone who clearly has so much empathy for victims of sexual assault constantly be writing rapes into his story as background flare on a near fetishistic level?
Ultimately, I think Miura just wanted to create the absolute most fucked up horrible world possible, and he used rape a lot because it gets that across. It’s very very weird that apart from Guts and Casca it always seems to be young blonde women, but I guess you can just chock that up to be some kind of weird symbolism? Idk. It’s weird lol!
I struggle with recommending Berserk to people for the same reason you do. But that being said, I’ve seen a Lot of movies/shows/comics/mangas that have rape in them, and while almost none of them are as gratuitous as Berserk is, none of them are as thoughtful or empowering either. It’s a very very very strange dichotomy and I will always be kind of baffled by it. So, all in all, I would only recommend Berserk to someone I think has the emotional intelligence to understand that extremely strange dichotomy, and not to someone who’s going to see things in black and white.
I think one of the reasons for the amount of rape in Berserk is its theme of power. Power over others, or over yourself. There are few ways you can more brutally assert your dominance over someone else than rape. And on the flipside, it depicts helplessness. Death is simple, an escape. Rape is horrible, and foreverlasting. You dont heal from rape, you survive it. It fits rather well with the struggling theme of Berserk as well.
Great analysis. Berserk is a great story for sure, that said, I feel like Miura didn’t have to depict some much sexual assault in order to tell the story & still have the narrative, characters & scenarios be compelling
Why would someone who clearly has so much empathy for victims of sexual assault constantly be writing rapes into his story as background flare on a near fetishistic level?
If I had to make a guess? Because he thought it was hot, and because he didn't see the dichotomy you're seeing.
Sometimes a thing is in a story for no other reason than that the author wanted it there, and, personally, I think a lot the assaults in Berserk are like that.
Of course, that doesn't preclude a more nuanced or thoughtful depiction, even in the same work. Some of the sexual violence in Berserk is explored with nuance and empathy, because that's what Miura wanted, and some of it is lurid and exploitative, because that's also what Miura wanted. The two lenses don't really contradict, they just... are.
Murder has the possibility of offending those who have had attempts on their life. Thievery has the possibility of offending those who have been stolen from. Physical assault have the possibility of offending those who have been physically assaulted. No book can or even ought to avoid offense. The real question is why people get so riled up about sexual assault more so that even more serious crimes like murder.
Because of PTSD that sexual assault victims suffer? Why is this even a question?
That isn’t the answer. Analysis of the tropes Berserk adheres to is only a positive.
Maybe? But that just shows how realistic it is. It wasn't uncommon for invading knights to have a go at the peasant women. Medieval times were pretty barbaric among other things.
My philosophy is if you're disgusted by it. Good. that shows you're human.
I would like to recommend this manga to everyone, but I cant, because its not FOR everyone.
Some people cant stomach grotesque content. For some the sexual stuff might be too much, for others the occasional depictions of torture or simple primitive human warfare might be too much.
I do not think there is too much of anything in Berserk. What is there, is there for a reason. It might lead to the manga being too graphic for certain people, but thats ok. Nobody HAVE to read Berserk. I would say its a loss for anyone that doesnt read it, but by they same logic you could say that Star Wars is not for everyone. Some people have a severe lack of imagination. The mere thought of "the force" or any such mumbo jumbo in a science fiction movie (even though Star Wars is science fantasy imo) would be enough to turn them off. Does that mean that you should remove the Force from Star Wars? Of course not.
Sometimes it seems gratuitous but I would say the gore/violence is used more than the sexual assault. It all adds up to the larger piece which is: this world is terrible for our characters and there’s threats beyond comprehension always around the corner. That’s what makes the good moments so good and gives everything so much depth. There’s also the argument of Muira putting forth that sex is inherently violent as so much of life is. I think there’s a lot of depth but I do personally think it happened a bit too much.
Bro I recommend to those who knows all ecchi stuff and can handle these things very easily. But yupp there are lot of ecchi scenes. I guess that and the story goes good and that what makes it Berserk. And its Seinen so u can't recommend it to any kid.
Yes, there are plenty of it. Sometimes it is too much for me at the point of losing value. “Ohh no, another villain wants to rape Casca… again” and usually I skip the dialogues of the 10th time it happens.
I think that is an overused resource. There are plenty of reasons behind it.
At the end it is what it is and some people won’t be able to deal with it, some will be ok with it, probably some will like it and others like me will be tired of it and will skip some repetitive, Copy-paste scenes.
But in the situation it is usually believable to me, the world pre falconia is a pretty evil place
You clearly haven't read other seinen mangas. Berserk's nothing compared to what I've read. Heard of azumi? I couldn't finish that god awful manga.

Berserk (1997) Series: Sexual Assault Timestamps and Descriptions
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(This is for people who want to watch Berserk (1997), but skip the sexual assault scenes. I've tried to write it in a way that is as spoiler-free as possible.)
(04:51 - 6:28) A young girl is sexually harassed by a group of armored men, but it's mostly through heavy implication. There's some great classic revenge right afterwards.
(12:10 - 14:00) A man has a trauma nightmare that is later revealed to be due to a prior sexual assault he suffered as a child, but the aforementioned event is not shown.
(19:12 - 20:02) A man reluctantly undresses a woman while she is unconscious, but it is strictly in the effort of saving her life. It is revealed that the female character fainted due to weakness caused by menstruation.
(04:29 - 04:48) A woman is physically restrained by a man (while she is nude) for lashing out in a fit of anger, and she shouts in distress.
(07:21 - 09:00) A young girl is tackled and has her shirt slashed open by a much older man who intends to further sexually assault her. She gets some great revenge on him, too.
(19:46 - 21:20) A woman is pinned down and verbally threatened by men who intend to sexually assault her.
(00:55 - 01:23) (02:42 - 03:28) Continuing the previous scene, the woman once again has her shirt torn open by one of her assaulters. Cue more revenge.
(18:50 - 19:38) This one is complicated. An intimate scene occurs between a man and a 16-year-old girl. Though this was considered culturally appropriate in the world's setting, there is a moment where the girl initially does not consent to a kiss, but appears to consent to the rest of the encounter.
(18:28 - 20:53) A woman is explicitly molested and raped while barely conscious. A man hacks off his arm with a sword in an attempt to save her, but is quickly pinned down and forced to watch.
If you think this is a valuable resource, I just ask that you share it somewhere; particularly if you know anyone you think would really enjoy Berserk, but these scenes would have been preventing them from watching.
If there's any scenes that I missed, please let me know and I'll add them to this post.
Finally, if you're the kind of person who somehow has a problem with the idea of people being offended or triggered by these scenes, please don't bother commenting. You're not going to be changing anyone's mind, and the rest of us have heard all of your tropes before. Seriously, why even bother?
Came here from a very excellent YouTube video that used this as a source and I've gotta tell ya that it's, one, extremely well done, and two, thank you for it.
I watched before I knew and would gladly have watched without seeing but having everything implied, as your time stamps really do.
Your efforts have been and are appreciated, OP.
Thanks for your kind words; appreciate ya 🖤
Was waiting for all the incels to come after you haha.
I just got here and jesus fucking christ the comments. No, you don't need to read/watch those scenes in detail to neither enjoy berserk nor follow the plot. And you don't get to tell people how they must consume some piece of art/entertainment in order to "truly" enjoy it. Enough with your entitlement.
You should not read this series unless you can read it in its entirety. This is a gruesome tale that is filled with realistic and supernatural terror. This is not a series for people that have issues reading or watch sexual assault.
The scene in episode 25 particularly will not be good at all and it is very relavent to the plot.
I don't 'mind' people being 'triggered' by these scenes, but first off: it seems pretty strange to be speaking for other people. How large do you think the pool of people is that think they'd enjoy Berserk, if it wasn't for the sexual assaults giving them PTSD symptoms? If you are that easily triggered, which I'm not making light of if you have real PTSD, then it's probably for the best you don't watch/read Berserk. You'll never avoid everything that might trigger someone with real PTSD. That is, if your PTSD is apparently triggered by story-elements. I'm not saying it can't be triggered by that, but usually it is loud sounds, or anything that somewhat connects to a difficult, past experience. You could be triggered by a blue sky if the sky was blue on the day you were assaulted, for instance. It is so arbitrary that I'm not sure anyone will be helped by this list, but I might be wrong.
If you're going to make this list as a public service, why not do it for violence instead? Most cases of PTSD are violence related (mostly due to military personnel). I'd wager Berserk appeals more to men and boys (not an outrageous claim, I think) and since most military personnel are men, making a censor list about violence would seem more logical to me. Though still a bit superfluous. Why the bias slant towards sexual assaults and rapes? That's what makes it seem to me that this action is somewhat ideologically driven, instead out of a real sense of wanting to be helpful/create something useful.
You might argue violence is inherent to Berserk and you can't
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