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Benzylpiperazine chemical structure Benzylpiperazine. Benzylpiperazine BZP is a recreational drug with euphoric , stimulant properties. Its mechanism of action is believed to be similar to MDMA and the effects produced by BZP are comparable to those produced by amphetamine. Adverse effects have been reported following its use including psychosis , renal toxicity, and seizures. It does not appear to be very addictive and no deaths have been reported following a sole ingestion of BZP. It is banned in a few countries, including the United States , Australia and in parts of Europe. However, its legal status is less restrictive in some other countries such as the United Kingdom , New Zealand and Canada. The first mention of benzylpiperazine was a paper received for publication in August studying the removal of benzyl groups from piperazines from work done as early as The majority of the early work with the piperazines were investigations into their potential use as anthelmintics with the earliest clinical trials in the literature relating to piperazine being articles in the British Medical Journal in the s. It next crops up in the literature in the s when it was investigated as a potential antidepressant medication, but rejected when research reported that BZP had amphetamine -like effects and was liable to abuse. In the early s , the United States Drug Enforcement Administration noted the drug was being used recreationally in California. It also reported that BZP was being used as an adulterant in illicit drugs. Since benzylpiperazine has become increasingly popular in New Zealand where they initially had a complete lack of regulation; quickly becoming widely used subsequently the New Zealand Government created a new schedule limiting the sale of party pills to those 18 years and older; restricted advertising, packaging, and labelling; and required package health warnings. In early pills containing the active ingredients BZP and TFMPP first began to appear in the city of Vancouver , Canada, where they quickly gained popularity with late-night partygoers as a safer alternative to the illicit street drugs currently available there. BZP based 'Legal Highs' are marketed to Canadians under the name 'Lovely' and the pills are often referred to as 'Lovelies' by the locals. BZP is a piperazine derivative which comes as either the hydrochloride salt or a free base. The hydrochloride salt is a white solid while the base form is a slightly yellowish-green liquid. BZP base is corrosive and causes burns. Where legal, BZP is often produced in small specialist laboratories. The raw materials can be purchased from various chemical supply agencies and formed into tablets or capsules using relatively cheap production techniques. The resulting product can be marketed at extremely high markup end-user prices can be as high as times the bulk cost of raw ingredients. BZP is often marketed ostensibly as a 'dietary supplement' to avoid meeting stricter laws that apply to medicines and drugs, despite the fact that BZP has no dietary value. As of late the Misuse of Drugs Act ensured it can no longer be classified or marketed as a dietary supplement in New Zealand. BZP has been shown to have a mixed mechanism of action, acting on the serotonergic and dopaminergic receptor systems in a similar fashion to MDMA. BZP also acts as a non-selective serotonin receptor agonist on a wide variety of serotonin receptors; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[11\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] binding to 5HT 2A receptors may explain its hallucinogenic effects at high doses, while partial agonist or antagonist effects at the 5HT 2B receptors may explain some of BZPs peripheral side effects, as this receptor is expressed very densely in the gut, and binding to 5HT 3 receptors may explain the common side effect of headaches, as this receptor is known to be involved in the development of migraine headaches. The effects of BZP are largely similar to amphetamines , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[14\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] with one study finding that former amphetamine addicts were unable to distinguish between dextroamphetamine and BZP administered intravenously. The perception of certain sensations such as taste, colour or music may be subjectively enhanced. The average duration is longer than that of dextroamphetamine, typically lasting hours with reports as long as 8 hours depending on the dose. Upon ingestion of between 50 mg and mg of BZP, the user may experience any or all of the following:. Anecdotal evidence from online sources claim tolerance to the central action of BZP will develop quickly. As with most sympathomimetic stimulants there appear to be significant side effects associated with BZP use. BZP reportedly produces insomnia and a mild to severe hangover after the drug effect wears off, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[16\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] however, some manufacturers in New Zealand have started including recovery pills which contain 5-HTP and vitamins which allegedly ease these hangovers. The major side effects include dilated pupils, dryness of the mouth, extreme alertness, pruritus , confusion , agitation , tremor, dystonia , headache , dizziness , anxiety, insomnia , vomiting , chest pain , tachycardia , hypertension , palpitations , collapse, hyperventilation , hyperthermia , and problems with urine retention. The majority of the toxic effects information came from a study conducted between 1 April to 1 September The study recorded all presentations associated with party pill use at the Emergency Department of Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand by recording them on a prospective data collection form. Patients with mild to moderate toxicity experienced symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, dystonia, and urinary retention. Significantly fourteen toxic seizures were recorded with two patients suffering life-threatening toxicity with status epilepticus and severe respiratory and metabolic acidosis. They concluded that BZP appears to induce toxic seizures in neurologically normal subjects. However, well over 20 million pills containing BZP have been consumed in New Zealand with no available record attributing deaths or lasting injuries to a single ingestion of BZP. Additionally a retrospective study carried out at an Auckland emergency department found that BZP presentations only made a minor contribution to their overdose database with most cases not producing any significant toxicity. Ben was put into an induced coma in an effort to prevent him from dying. In the first case in Zurich in a year-old took two BZP tablets as well as ecstasy and drank more than 10 litres of water in a hour period, subsequently dying of cerebral edema due to hyponatremia resulting from water intoxication. It is uncertain what role the BZP may have had in these deaths; death from hyponatremia is a well known consequence of drinking too much fluid after consuming MDMA, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[17\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[24\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] it is likely that the additional hyponatremic effects from the BZP may have increased the hyponatremic effects from the MDMA, to the point that death resulted. The drug was classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States in , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[8\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] following a report by the DEA which incorrectly stated that BZP was 10 to 20 times more potent than amphetamine, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[27\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] when in fact BZP is ten times less potent than dexamphetamine. BZP is banned in all Australian states. Victoria, the last state in which it was legal, changed its classification on September 1 Both Australia and Japan admit that their scheduling decisions were made primarily in response to the Schedule 1 classification given to BZP in the USA, although some instances of BZP use had been reported by law enforcement authorities in both countries. BZP is also banned in Denmark and Sweden. Any products containing salts of piperazine would be licensable under the Medicines Act \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[30\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] and consequently anyone manufacturing and supplying it legally must hold the relevant licenses to do so. BZP is not a salt of piperazine , but mislabelling of BZP products as containing 'piperazine blend' perhaps in a poorly judged attempt by marketers to conceal the identity of the active ingredient from competitors has resulted in some prosecutions of suppliers in the UK by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. Research into the long term effects of BZP use are scarce. To date, the drug has been considered to be of low risk of harm to users, but more information is required, and the New Zealand government is considering introducing tighter restrictions in BZP and TFMPP are legal and uncontrolled recreational drugs in many countries such as Canada, Ireland , New Zealand and the United Kingdom, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[32\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] and are not controlled under any UN convention, so the compounds themselves are legal throughout most of the world, although in most countries their use is restricted to pharmaceutical manufacturing and recreational use is unknown. The results will be published in June Games Movies TV Wikis. Contents \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ show \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. New Zealand Medical Association. URL accessed on Piperazine in the treatment of threadworms in children; report on a clinical trial. British Medical Journal 2 Activity of piperazine, in vitro, against Ascaris lumbricoides. Comparison of the effects of dexamphetamine and 1-benzylpiperazine in former addicts. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 6 3: BZP party pills in New Zealand. N Z Med J Forensic Sci Int Nephrotoxicity of BZP-based herbal party pills: Effects of 'Legal X' piperazine analogs on dopamine and serotonin release in rat brain. Ann N Y Acad Sci Studies on the biochemical mode of action of EGYT, a new antidepressant. Pol J Pharmacol Pharm 39 2: Synthesis and evaluation of phenyl- and benzoylpiperazines as potential serotonergic agents. J Med Chem 29 5: Reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of 1-benzylpiperazine and trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine in rhesus monkeys. Drug Alcohol Depend 77 2: Toxic effects of BZP-based herbal party pills in humans: Fatal brain edema after ingestion of ecstasy and benzylpiperazine. Dtsch Med Wochenschr Br J Anaesth 96 6: Legal party pill use in New Zealand: Chronic benzylpiperazine BZP exposure produces behavioral sensitization and cross-sensitization to methamphetamine MA. Drug Alcohol Depend 88 National Drug Intelligence Center. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Retrieved from ' http: Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. Remove the custom ad blocker rule s and the page will load as expected. DEA Schedule 1 drug; legal in some countries. See also Sympathomimetic amines. This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia view authors.



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