Бензо фури

Бензо фури

Бензо фури

Бензо фури

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It is similar in structure to MDA , but differs in that the 3,4- methylenedioxyphenyl ring system has been replaced with a benzofuran ring. It may appear as a tan grainy powder. While the drug never became particularly popular, it briefly entered the rave and underground clubbing scene in the UK before its sale and import were banned. It falls under the category of research chemicals , sometimes called 'legal highs. The potent agonism of the 5-HT 2B receptor makes it likely that 6-APB would be cardiotoxic with chronic or long-term use, as seen with other 5-HT 2B receptor agonists such as the withdrawn serotonergic anorectic fenfluramine. The pharmacokinetics of 6-APB have not been studied, however, some information can be extracted from user reports. These suggest an slow onset of 20— minutes. The drugs maximum effects last 3—4 hours, followed by a comedown phase of up to 24 hours. Although limited literature is available, there is some data on metabolism of 6-APB in rats. Its Phase I metabolism involves hydroxylation of the furan ring, then cleavage of the ring, followed by a reduction of the unsaturated aldehyde from the previous step. The resulting aldehyde may then takes two paths. It is either oxidized to a carboxylic acid or reduced to an alcohol , and then hydroxylated. Phase II metabolism consists of glucuronidation. The most prevalent metabolites in rats were 3-carboxymethylhydroxyamphetamine and 4-carboxymethylhydroxyamphetamine. Marquis , Liebermann , Mecke , and Froehde reagents. Exposing compounds to the reagents gives a colour change which is indicative of the compound under test. A batch seized by the DEA contained a 2: The synthesis by Briner et al. Both isomers were separated via silica gel column chromatography , then catalytically converted to their respective 2-propanones , and then reductively aminated to 6-APB and 4-APB. Both of which were converted to their HCl ion-pairs for further examination. Users report a feeling a sense of euphoria and energy. The effect has been most closely compared with those of ecstasy. Adverse effects include loss of appetite, jaw tension, hallucinations , paranoia , tachycardia , cardiac arrhythmias , insomnia , anxiety disorder , panic disorder , psychotic depression , substance-induced psychosis , stimulant psychosis , and depersonalization disorder. Certain countries contain a 'substantially similar' catch-all clause in their drug law, such as New Zealand and Australia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nugteren-van Lonkhuyzen; Antoinette J. Brunt; Laura Hondebrink December Dextrallorphan Dextromethorphan Dextrorphan Racemethorphan Racemorphan. Diphenidine Ephenidine Fluorolintane Methoxphenidine. Apomorphine Aporphine Bromocriptine Cabergoline Lisuride Memantine Nuciferine Pergolide Phenethylamine Piribedil Pramipexole Ropinirole Rotigotine Salvinorin A Also indirect D 2 agonists, such as dopamine reuptake inhibitors cocaine , methylphenidate , releasing agents amphetamine , methamphetamine , and precursors levodopa. Glaucine Isoaminile Noscapine Pukateine. Retrieved from ' https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 24 October , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Бензо фури

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Легальный наркотик Benzo Fury оказался опаснее кокаина и амфетамина

What You Need To Know. Overview Page Including References: Drugs are never going to leave our society and there has never been a society free from drugs. Therefore, it only makes sense to provide real education free from propaganda. Rather, we operate with the intention of reducing the harm some substances can bring. Feel free to ask questions! Keep this in mind if using 6-APB. Some days I wake up with nearly crippling anxiety for no apparent reason. This was one of those days unfortunately and after suffering through my physical Ivo - Benzo Fury. Spuiten en Slikken - Benzo Fury. Er komen constant nieuwe drugs soorten bij. Dit keer is het de beurt aan Benzo Fury. Geraldine gaat het voor ons testen. Get a Test Kit: Freestone nut benzo trip. Benzo Fury in United Kingdom. Benzo Fury Official Distributors. Know who the official benzo fury distributors are and avoid loosing money buying sub standard and counterfeit benzo fury products. There is only one Sam cross vs benzo fury. I do not recomend buying this legal high. Wifey - Benzo Fury. Mutation - Benzo Fury. Benzo fury - moves like afrojack. My trip report on 6-apb. Fucking amazing shit but lasts a really long time 12 hours. Websites I mentioned and recommend:

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