Benefits of Tea

Benefits of Tea

Marie Safel

Tea is one of the most invigorating and popular beverages around the world. This hot beverage is a regular entertainer, a source of living, a refreshing drink, an excuse for discussions, a part of gossip culture and a household tradition in India. It is inseparable from the socio-cultural and socio-economic being of the country. India is the largest tea drinking country in the world. Over the years, tea drinking has become an integral aspect of the India culture, a way of life. It transcends all cultures, castes, genders, customs and traditions to get the status of a brew that everyone drinks with equal fervor.

The Indian Tea Industry is about 172 years old. It occupies an important place in the national economy. Tea is India’s primary beverage, with almost 85% of the total households consuming it. India is the world’s largest producer and consumer of tea, accounting for 27% of its production worldwide.

A number of scientific researchers have investigated the possible health benefits of tea. There’s a growing body of evidence that suggests drinking tea could ward off serious conditions, such as cancer, obesity and dehydration. From green tea to hibiscus, from white tea to chamomile, teas are packed with health benefits. A few of them are as stated below:

·  It hydrates the body: Although water is the prime fluid for rehydrating the body after exercise or a long day in general, some scientists believe that drinking tea could be equally useful. Although high in caffeine, tea is still great for hydration as it provides a rich and flavorsome source of water.

·  It has anti-inflammatory properties: Inflammation has been linked to everything from diabetes to cognitive declination. In fact, it has been implicated as the root of almost all chronic diseases. Research has shown that tea can be beneficial for all those battling inflammatory bowel disease as well as other inflammation-driven diseases.

·  It helps in boosting memory: Many scientists believe that certain types of tea, such as green tea, can strengthen memory cells in the brain, and offer protection from the development of dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease.

·  It is hydrating: It was previously thought that teas (and coffee) promote dehydration by acting like a diuretic, causing the body to lose more fluid. However, recent research has found that drinking up to six to eight cups of tea a day is as hydrating as the same amount of water. 

·  It helps in boosting metabolism: The polyphenols present in black, oolong, and green tea's have been proven to increase calorie expenditure and reduce body fat. Interestingly, tea actually promotes one type of fat: brown fat. This fat is metabolically active and contains more mitochondria than white fat, which help in boosting metabolism.

· It can improve insulin sensitivity: Diabetes is a worldwide health concern, with significant risks of complications, early death, and poorer quality of life. Research shows that tea can improve insulin sensitivity, protect pancreatic cells from further damage, and decrease inflammation, all benefiting those at risk for or already diagnosed with diabetes.

The medicinal benefits of chai tea, no matter the variety, have been known for thousands of years. With modern science is backing a lot of these benefits, it is safe to say that the prevalent tea culture is here to stay.

Order tea online – San-cha Tea boutiques are known for offering the extensive varieties of all kinds of teas viz. herbal tea, white tea, black tea etc.

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