Ankle Replacement in India by Dr Tanveer Bhutani - Best Orthopedic Doctor in Ludhiana

Ankle Replacement in India by Dr Tanveer Bhutani - Best Orthopedic Doctor in Ludhiana

Dr Tanveer Bhutani

Benefits Of Consulting A Professional Before Ankle Replacement

Ankle implant technique faces many failure in early decade. With the development of technique it has become a successful treatment now. Ankle replacement in India is recommended to the patients who have arthritis of the ankle. Ankle fusion is a process in which the pain of the ankle gets cured but the motion of the joint stops whereas in ankle replacement pain of the joint gets relieved and it also maintains motion of the arthritis joint.

The desicion of ankle replacement is primarily based on the pain that can interfear in regular activities of a person. If the pain is un-bearable and is even not treatable with medications, it is the right time to consult a professional

A professional can guide you the best about the surgery because before any surgery medical conditions involving the heart, lung or kidney need to be checked. Any infection present in the body is need to be treated before the surgery and if you are smoker, you have to discontinue smoking. Your surgeon must be aware of your allergies and medication you have been taking. Surgery itself takes around 3 hours and patient will be discharged from the hopsital after 4-5 days dependng upon the condition of the patient.

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