Belly Squashing

Belly Squashing


Belly Squashing
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500 pound woman found her boyfriends side chick and nearly crushed her to death.
USSBBW Squashing SSBBW BBW - 600 lbs.
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SSBBW Nickole Pope, SSBBW Yummy Yuliyanka & MC Doctor Scott East Linda, CA 2012.
Lifechanger/Psychosexual Therapist Simone Bienne warns of the dangers of squashing, where somebody derives pleasure from being crushed by their obese ...
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Ssbbw Squashing - смотреть видео онлайн
SSBBW SQUASHING A SKINNY GIRL by amir618 on DeviantArt
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Mrs. Bertha Carter and Mr. Steve Carter were far from any other normal married couple , being in their mid thirties they tried living their life to the fullest in spite of all the intimate problems they had to face due their obvious size difference. At 6'4 Bertha weighed in at an astonishing 690 pounds, she was the absolute definition of a behemoth in human form, although Steve was just as tall as her but he only packed a quarter of his wife's weight, nine years ago when he married Bertha she was beautiful and curvaceous , in fact it was her curves which made him fall for her in the first place, but now they were long gone and were replaced by pure fat. This caused lack of sexual pleasure among the couple hence getting in often heated arguments which resulted in a toxic relation between the two. Bertha was a housewife, she had hired multiple maids to handle all the housework as her size prevented her from moving much. Whereas Steve was one of the best designers in the fashion
Cole was just kinda your average guy. Five foot eight, not tall, not short, about one hundred and sixty pounds, not fat not athletic, of average build. Anyway, Cole was walking along his local mall just bored trying to kill a day, when he saw an absolute goddess further down the way. She was easily nine feet tall, and over four hundred pounds with cheeks easily as big as he was and a belly twice that big. Cole knew he had to shoot his shot with this woman so he went up to introduce himself.
“H-hello” he said from behind the gigantic woman, her ass right next to his face.
She turned around to face him, needing to lean over to get a
(Super Smash Bros/Big Princess Bigger Queen/Commission)

Pit's heart pounded ever so furiously inside his chest as he wandered down the Smash Mansion's farthest-most corridor. At the end of the hall was a door that would lead directly into Wii Fit Trainer's personal gym. She had the place built there after putting in a personal request to Master Hand about it. The gym was a wide, open space, big enough for a woman of WFT's impeccable size. When she had been a thinner woman, she had used that place to help her hone her skills, practice her techniques, and sneak in a little yoga here and there. Now that she was much larger and more inclined to
The crowd cheered in thunderous echoes. Natalie had just came from working out some. She felt working up a sweat made the competition alot more lightheaded when they had to smell her unbearable stench, but for the crowd and the majority of the men who came to see her, they wouldn't have any problems with it. Natalie wasn't here to entertain, but to win. Although her popularity was high, wrestling came first for her. She did wave at the crowd and give them a good view at her butt as she purposely stretched another time. Kelly had already been out in the ring stretching and had her applause. The two stared eachother down, each of significant we
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Excellent work. Really great job setting up the relationship between them. Can’t wait to read more.
Lisa was perfect girl in every way. She basically had a physique that could make any guy fall for her. She was about 5'4'' 87 lbs 19 years of age. Her white origin perfectly complemented her skinny look. She had long blonde hairs which went all the way too her small rounded ass, her small perky boobs and her toned waist made her torso look very attractive.
Lisa lived alone in her apartment. Her parents had a family Business in England hence they were always (for the most part of the year) out of U.S. Her father was a very successful Businessman. Her mother handled accounts and finance stuffs of their business hence both of them were pretty busy people.
She went to an well renowned university in Detroit where she was pursuing art & design. Lisa had the best grades among her colleagues. Well today was no different. " Got A+ again, didn't you? How do you manage to get such good grades every fucking time. I worked so fucking hard for this shit and manged only a C, Damn you truly are beauty with brains except you got dumped by Mark the other day " said Rachel. Despite having a pretty face and the body of a supermodel Lisa got cheated on by her boyfriend Mark for some petty reasons. It was very clear that Rachel statement pissed off Lisa. "Why did you have to bring Mark into this, god, I hate him so so much. Two years of relationship meant nothing to him he left off in an instant." "Well if I were you Lisa , I would be using this time to explore my wild fantasies and see what I actually want since summer vacation are about to start in a day or two." Rachel inadvertently sparked something in Lisa's head. The bell rang which meant the classes for today was over. " Oh well I gotta go now see you around Rach thanks for the semi pep talk." Lisa left in a hurry.
On her way to her apartment she thought hard on what Rachel said, may be she might needed something that would cheer her up besides she did had a burring fantasy which no one knew about. Lisa always wanted to get squashed and crushed by an SSBBW. The though of being under one and be dominated and crushed turned her on. She never spoke about it to any one not even to her closest friends. She always was a bit hesitant to try it out but today Lisa finally made up her mind.
She quickly went to her apartment threw her bag, took a shower and changed into her cute tank top and sweat pants. Lisa opened her laptop and started browsing through the SSBBW forums and profiles in hope of turning her fantasy into a reality. After an hour long searching she finally found what she was looking for, a website which offered sessions to its clients who were willing to pay a good amount. the site offered various ssbbw's to choose from. Lisa went through every women portfolios very carefully until she came across this mountain of a girl. Her name was Norma and as per the website Norma was from Toledo Ohio and stood 6'4" barefoot, and weighed in at a scale-crushing 725lbs. Norma was the biggest SSBBW on the website. The girl was in a complete awe by seeing the stats of this women. She was already moist by seeing the behemoths size and imagining being crushed by such women. This is it, thought Lisa she can finally turn her dream into reality.
Lisa deposited an amount of $1300 on Norma's page which then shared the email address & Phone number of the 755lb women. She decided to contact her through phone, she didn't want to waste any time. Lisa wanted to scheduled her session as soon as possible. The phone rang for about 10 seconds Lisa's heart skipped a beat when she heard a deep husky voice on the other side "Hello? Norma Smith speaking". Never in her life she had heard such deep voice. The poor girl was shaking, her heart rate increased rapidly she took a few deep breaths, and then finally spoke " h-hello I.. am Lisa Hayden I... erm... wanted to have a squashing session." Every sensible part of her screamed it could be too much for her to swallow. " Okay let me check I did receive a deposit a minute ago. Ah! yes Lisa is it right? from Detroit? " Lisa was having trouble in forming up words she could barely think straight due to all the mixed emotion she had. "yeah... ye...yes , yes that is correct " The behemoth on the other side replied " Well then lets see , got clients coming over on Saturday, you can come to my place on Sunday morning ." She was still panting "s-sure I.. c-can come on Sunday...." " You should also bring along an Id proof which states that you are at least 18 or above, one more thing how tall are you and how much you weigh?" Lisa replied " 5'4" 87 pounds." The gargantuan women took a long pause before bursting out in laughter. Behemoth Norma couldn't believe what she heard just now, did this chick had a death wish or something. Lisa on the other side was a bit confused but soon realized why the 755lb women couldn't stop laughing. "Boy oh boy this should be fun you do realize I am almost 10 times your size I can squash you like a pancake." Lisa's eyes went wide she was completely turned on, it increased her desire of being crushed by this mammoth even more. "Y-Yes I am well aware. I-I want to test my limits. I.. am looking.. forward to meet you." "Okay looks like we are all set then see you in a couple of days Oh! one more thing make sure you are at you full energy before arriving , see you soon goodnight." Lisa climaxed hard after the behemoth hung up. Her mind was filled with so many emotions she was aroused excited moist afraid panicked tensed all at the same time.
Sunday came quickly. Today was Lisa's BIG day. She got up early took a shower and changed into a sporty black crop top with denim shorts which complemented her small boobs and showed off her toned little waist she had. She wanted to look as cute as possible for the 755lb crusher. Norma had already texted her location to Lisa. It was about an hour drive from her place. She left her apartment booked an uber which took her straight to enormous crushers place. The entrance had huge doors which were at least 7 feet tall it was clear that the doors were heavily reinforced. She took a few deep breathes calmed herself down and pressed the door bell. She stood there for about twelve seconds until a enormous women opened the doors , the women completely filled every inch of the doorway. Lisa's mouth dropped open in surprise , it didn't took her long to figure out who she was. Lisa couldn't fathom how big Norma was, her online pictures didn't even came close to what she looked in person. The behemoth was way bigger than she thought. She was already moist. Norma completely towered the skinny girl who was shaking violently. " Lisa Hayden?" boomed the women in deep voice. She was wearing an extra extra long shirt more like a bra which barely covered her boobs that were spilling out of them it seemed like her bra/shirt could snap any moment and a grey pants which couldn't held her belly from hanging down to her tree trunk like thighs. her butt felt like it could rip off her pants and explode at any minute."Yes.. its me ... h-hello...Norma" gasped Lisa. " Come on in girl I've been waiting for you for a while now." Said the 755lb women cheerfully, what Norma didn't say was she herself was very excited. She had never squashed someone so small . The thought of squashing some one so skinny as Lisa sent shivers down the behemoth women's spine.
Lisa some how squeezed her way in and saw a huge room which had a long iron table a wooden sofa and a king size bed. She suddenly turned around and saw the enormous women hovering behind her " Damn you got a great ass down there." The tiny women realized what was just happened all those effort to look cute and sexy came to fruition, The massive women was checking her out. " Thanks for the complement Norma, you yourself got a great body, look at you I wished I had boobs like yours. " She tried her best to hide her excitement but her tone gave it away. The SSBBW could tell that this chick was turned on. " Thanks, now if you want me to squash you with all of my 755+ pounds without holding anything back I would like you to sign this contract " Lisa didn't understood what the behemoth meant "u..m... why.. what for, I am sorry I don't understand" Norma replied with a deep yet assuring voice " well you see It is a safety contract basically what that means is if I so happen to break your rib or pelvis bone or two or worst case if you die under me I wont be held accountable." The poor girl hear skipped a beat, she was panting her legs started to shake violently, it was not fear that made her tremble, it was pure excitement, she never felt so horny in her entire life. The tiny girl was not going to back down from this even if it meant it could kill her. " Okay I understand now, I have no problem in signing." The behemoth women handed over the contract to the tiny girl. She signed every single page and handed her back. "Now we've got that settled, its time that we get started. Let me Norma Smith introduce you to my squash room, As you might have noticed I got a bed a sofa and a iron table. Each offer different extremes and levels of squashing " Lisa carefully tried to understand everything that the behemoth was saying. " For your case, I will suggest that we start by squashing you on the bed first. If you fell you can handle my full weight on the bed then we will be moving to the next stage that is the sofa which has way less padding than compared to the bed, if you somehow manage to survive my full 755lb on sofa with no injury (which I doubt) , we will proceed to the final and last stage which is the Iron Table by this point you will be completely drained out and tiered, if you feel like you can take it I can squash you on the iron table as well. Again I am only suggesting, you can start however you want." The poor girl eyes went wide her head was spinning with all the mixed emotion she was having. She was even more turned on. Her urge of being squashed increased more. "I-I will do as per your suggestion...., it is my first time we should be doing this gradually" said the skinny women. "Exactly, at any point if you feel like you couldn't handle or you think its too much just tap or pinch me. Okay. For now I want you lay straight on the bed and oh take off your shorts as the button might graze deep into your skin." The 755lbs women was not wrong. Her weight could easily create pressure to pierce small objects like buttons deep into someones skin. The tiny girl did what she was told to do she undid her shorts and gently led it slide down revealing her red lacy panties, she also removed her top just too make the behemoth women eyes filled with Lust. If Norma said she wasn't pleased by the sight, she would be lying. The gargantuan women cant take her eyes off of her. The tiny girl laid down on the bed topless waiting to be crushed by 755lb. Her dream was about to come true.
"Perfect," boomed the enormous women. The giant crusher turned her ass around and hovered over the 87lbs women. She slowly started to lower her weight on the tiny girl. The bed started to creak. The skinny girl was panting her heart rate increased rapidly. "Bring it Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..." Norma made sure that her ass doesn't cover Lisa face and stays in free air but from chest to all the way to her knees were engulfed by the enormous ass. The poor girls face immediately started to turn purple all of her air was forced out by the crusher weight. " That is about half of my weight , you sure you can handle this" Lisa could not believe what she heard just now this women could double the weight , she had already reached her limits, but did she really wanted to tap before experiencing her full weight. No! definitely not , she wanted to feel all of her weight. "yeaa-aaaa-hhhhh" with that the poor girl had used up her last remaining breath. " Brace for impact ha-ha" In a split second the gigantic women lowered all off her weight on the tiny girls body. Lisa started kicking as she couldn't breathe here face turned bright purple her forehead veins were clearly visible. All of Norma's 755lb was now resting on the 87lb women. Her back was being pressed deeper & deeper into the mattress. She could slightly feel the metal surface of the bed. After few seconds all motion came to an halt her kicking and moving subsided. She was now being crushed by a pure 755lb SSBBW. " How you doing down there, can you breathe?" Lisa wanted to scream she wanted Norma to get off of her. The poor girl even tried in vain to push the colossal woman. She had completely forgotten about the tapping. Her skinny frame was completely done. She thought she was about to pass out. The colossal women realized something was wrong, all of a sudden she lifted her 755lb off her. The tiny women coughed rapidly as her lungs filled in with air still breathing quite heavily. she clinched her waist with her right hand and moaned. Her body felt like it was run over by an bus. Her ribs felt sore. She was in extreme pain. Never in her wildest dream she though being squashed could be so much painful yet so pleasureful. The behemoth women turned around and saw the half naked skinny girl coughing and laying motion less on the bed trying to catch her breath. " Aggghhh.... Oh my god... That...That w-was amazing... I thought I...I was about t-to die... my entire body f-feels like..... got hit by a.. head are so heavy and powerful Norma" said Lisa while still trying to catch her breath. " That is what happens when some one ten times your weight sits on you but you know what, you did pretty good considering it was your first time. I have never squashed someone so skinny and small as you, my one thigh is bigger than your entire body. you are bony yet comfortable to sit on." Norma had taken a liking towards Lisa. The behemoth women enjoyed every second of it, usually she makes her clients either pass out on bed or sits on them until they had finally quit but Lissa was a complete different case , she did not wanted to hurt or make her pass out nor she wanted to tire her out. The enormous woman wanted the skinny one to feel every part of her. " Thank you Norma, you truly are amazing. I want you to squash me even more now. I never felt so helpless before, my ribs felt like they were about to snap. My spine feels sore. I completely forgot to tap even if I wanted to tap my arms were stuck. You can easily kill someone if you ever wanted to". The tiny girl was moist , she sat upright on the bed finally breathing normally still coughing all of her pain were gradually subsiding. " My bad should have told you to keep your arms above your head, anyways ready for round two?" said the massive women. Without any delay the tiny girl laid back on the bed "of course I'm ready ". The massive women gave a smile turned around and removed her bottoms and revealed her humongous ass. The tiny girls eyes went wide in awe. The gigantic women's ass was almost the same width as that of the poor girls height. " Arms up here it comes". She lander her full weight with a thud on Lisa "Agggghhhhhhh..." with that all of her air was rushed out from her lungs. Once again her face turned purple she felt being pressed deeper and deeper into the soft mattress. The skinny girl was completely flattened but at least she had her arms and face in clear air. She tried to cope with all of the 755lb which was now resting on top of her. "oops! seems like I landed my full weight on you " giggled the mammoth. The poor girl was really struggling. Her body hadn't fully recovered from the last squashing she received. Norma could feel the chick struggling underneath " Want me to get up." The tiny girl smiled and slowly nodded her head. The gigantic women was in disbelieve not only did this skinny chick didn't want her to get up, she also smiled back at her. Never had someone given a smile while being crushed by all of her 755 pounds. This girl was insane. Norma lifted all of her weight and landed back again. This time she was concentrating all of her weight on the poor girls chest. The poor girl eyes went wide, her expressions suddenly changed. She started kicking and flailing her arms around. She had reached her limits " Aww.. where did that smile go now, aww am I crushing your chest you know what to do if you want to breathe." The skinny girl felt an excruciating pain under her left rib, everything started to get dark around her. The weight was too much for her ,she started to tap.
The gigantic women lifted up her weight and turned around. The 87lb girl was finally able to breathe again. She rolled over and began to cough and pant. It was clear that she was in extreme pain. Her chest turned bright red. She clinched her ribs with both her hands. " aggggghhhh that h-hurts.... a lot....woo-woooww... that... *agghhh* was awesome. I...I thought m-my ribs... were done..... God my body hurts..."said the tiny girl while still trying to catch her breath. " Look at you, you are all red and tiered out seems like that chest sitting really did a number on you, don't worry all of your bones are still intact. I got carried away should have went easy on you, I am so sorry." The tiny girl rolled over her back looked at the gigantic women eyes and said "please Norma don't be sorry. I am totally fine its just my body needs a few minutes to recover." Lisa was finally able to breathe normally again although her chest was still sore. " I figured as much there's no rush take your time relax, you handled my weight better than those dudes ever could. I am really surprised Lisa you are quite a tough women." Lisa felt proud of herself. She was more hornier than ever. " Thank-you, I might be skinny but I am way strong. Your so heavy its amazingly soft yet terrifying at the same time. I could have never imagined that someone could inflict so much pain without even trying. I want to be squashed more." The enormous women beamed with a smile, she was happy that she didn't scared the poor girl. " You are quite fun to squash, it's been a while since I had so much fun in squashing someone. Looks like you survived the first stage. So wanna feel what it is like to be butt-droped by 755 pounds on a sofa?" The tiny women was in awe, her panty was soaking wet. Why wouldn't she want to be butt-droped by this humongous women " u...m... o-okay. "
Love love love love this! I could easily read 30-50 more parts of this.
This is the BEST SSBBW squashing skinny girl story I have ever read! I absolutely can't wait until the next part :)
I love this! The story was well paced and I would love to see more!

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