Belly Sperm Inflation

Belly Sperm Inflation


Belly Sperm Inflation
NSFW Water/Blueberry Inflation Game where a scientist woman accidentally inflates a plant girl.
A game about birds, bees, flowers and trees.
A short farming simulation game with a pregnancy expansion theme.
Alice is invited to a tea party where things quickly get out of hand.
An in-progress inflation dungeon game.
make sure your wife only eats insects by shooting everything else
Start alone and confused in a dangerous place, and go on to carve out a piece of the world for yourself.
She's a bomb genie with an explosive appetite.
A sweet belly bloating visual novel
Survive an onslaught of delicious Italian cuisine.
Ever wanted to stuff your, and everyone else’s bellies to the brim with food, air, and water? Your search ends here!
[DEMO] Belly RPG adventure with many ways to fill your belly!
Ever wanted to see a hot girl inflate herself on stream?
Stuff or cumflate camgirls with whatever the viewers send in through portals!
Escape the slime onslaught, or give into the blissful pleasure?
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I am an inflator myself and I would like to know in-depth about air and water inflations.
When I take enemas I use the hose from the shower and fill my belly.
For air inflation I use a pump and bloat my tummy slowly.
I am a very skinny guy and I wonder if I should gain weight to be able to become bigger.
So should I gain? And I would apreciate some special tips like positioning, anything to put on my skin while inflating to stretch it more , etc...
I am also into belly stuffing.
Any special tip on how to get bigger or easy belly fattening is welcome.
I would like to chat with you
and I would enjoy inflating live at the same time via skype... and to be honest I like girl company while inflating.
I am waiting for your comments filled with your experiences and answers! ^.^
Hello, i've put lots of advice on my YouTube channel. What i'd like to know is how the heck anyone ever manages to inflate anally because i've never succeeded.
Anyway, briefly, do it on an empty stomach, breathe out while you're doing it and lie down and relax. You can use certain relaxant herbs such as cramp bark orally about an hour before hand (not legal everywhere though) and lavender oil. Keep practicing, do it a little bigger each times and use air rather than water because water is osmotically dangerous and not compressible - there are no very compressible fluids. However, i do it by mouth so most of my advice is probably not relevant to you.
stange, while i have inflated orally i found it to be a lot harder. the way i do it is i try to blw air while keeping my mouth closed, it helps if i simultaneously pump air into my mouth with a bicycle pump. although it gets really uncomfortable for me.
anally all i had to do was pump air in there with a hose and when it cramps a bit i just hold it and let it settle. rinse and repeat. ive at times been able to get so much air in there that it actually goes into my stomach (atleast it feels that way, for some reason its really difficult to burp out.) my first time it was horrible, cramped really early and i didnt even look bloated. i tried it again after a few days and had the same experience. what made it work for me was trying water, it was crampless and i weighed about 8 pounds heavier. it was an amazing experience but i could only hold it for about a minute after i was full, and by full i mean that i could feel myself streching and reaching that.. err critical point. anyways after that inflating anally was easy :P
Anyway, briefly, do it on an empty stomach, breathe out while you're doing it and lie down and relax. You can use certain relaxant herbs such as cramp bark orally about an hour before hand (not legal everywhere though) and lavender oil. Keep practicing, do it a little bigger each times and use air rather than water because water is osmotically dangerous and not compressible - there are no very compressible fluids. However, i do it by mouth so most of my advice is probably not relevant to you.
Thanks for the advice...
Inflating isnt difficult at all, just slowly put a hose in your butt and slowly inflate. At first you will not get pretty big but later you can become like a preggo, thats why I want to gain.
I would love to see you inflate sometime! In my own experience, which I like drinking glasses of water instead of enemas, I like to try and stop for about thirty minutes if I'm lightheaded, but I'm a bit ameature myself.
Can you please quickly explain inflating orally in a few words? Like a basic technique, I'd like to try it.
I sometimes will inflate with air but I have never did an enema inflation. Does it feel better than air?
Water's compressibility (or lack thereof) makes it better for a beginner, I find. It more clearly defines your limit, and what you put in is equal to how big you will get, and it's much easier to expel when you're done, as most of my pain comes from deflation because the air bubbles would come out painstakingly slowly, and it continues to swell inside you, making you bigger than you wanted, causing a lot of cramping.
What my old master/boyfriend and I did, and this is recommended to be done as a pair but it can be done with greater difficulty alone, we would go into the shower, he would get this bottle with a peculiar nozzle made just right for anal insertion (although it was probably just made for indefinite drafts of water), turned on the warm water, filled the bottle, had me bend over and be tied to the bath part (because that was our thing), inserted the bottle into me and let the good ol' first law decide what happened next. I would get pretty big after a while, and it was relatively painless.
Start with water is my recommendation. After you get good with that, start with air. I use moisturizer to soften my belly before inflation, and warm water which I use to inflate warms and softens inside and allows for more stretch.
Also, I find it easier because I used to be pretty fat, and have lost a lot of weight since then, so my skin has this nice restitution about it as a result. If you're going to gain weight to get bigger, plan on losing it again. Slim people, when they inflate, it tends to be more noticable.
hello every one. im new to these sites. im also new to inflating my belly. as my name suggests i like the furry inflation stuff. anyway ive been inflating/bloating for at least two months. i tried the water inflation about two hours ago. i've seen youtube videos on it and i'd like to know what kind of set up they use? well what usually works the best. i tried it with a 20oz pepsi bottle and some surgical tubeing. poked hole in cap, stuck tube through.... rest is history. any ideas on a faucet set up?
Come to think of it, it would be useful to know what the safe limits re water intoxication are. There are also fluids used medically which are specifically formulated to avoid electrolyte imbalances. It might come down to what you're used to, but i would always consider using water to be too dangerous even to think about doing it, although of course many people freak out similarly with air inflation. Having done that for thirty years makes me rather laid back about it.
Agree about the deflation pain. In fact, that's probably worse if you inflate orally because much of the air ends up somewhere deep in the gut and has to find its way out. It's time-consuming and painful, and also, let's face it, post-orgasmic and therefore not at all fun.
yo people whats up? just curious is anyone on the site? if so i'd like to talk about belly inflation indepth with a few fellow inflators? my Fa account is danieldr4gonz. looking forward to talking to anyone who finds me.
Hello. I'm new here and would like to have an inflation buddy. Some tips to inflate are like putting a air hose into anus and let the air fill ya up. I really would like u to inflate me huge.
binflatbelly what is your Skype name? I really want to know how to belly bloat. I have tried it and it hasn't worked well for me. 
New inflator here as well, and I was wondering, which is best for a first try, and what would I need to do it? air or water, and what would i need?
Hey furryinflator! You should probably look into suit inflation… it's easier, safer, and if you don't have a fur suit you could save money getting an inflatable animal suit that way you don't have to buy two suits!
New to the site, being playing with water inflation (anal) for more that 20 years but only got into air inflations about a year ago. I've started using air to help get the water out.
I really enjoy the feeling of a nice full belly from both. I noticed when I signed up there were a few interest that I did not understand so hopefully I can find new ways to full my belly.
Hi, I am new to inflation, wondering if u would give me the steps for body inflation analy with a bike pump
Or orally will be fine too, the reason I need to now this with a bike pump is because I only have that to use
This should answer a lot of your questions.
Also, try not to resurrect dead threads. Thanks.
Thank u for that I will check it out right away
I just looked at it and I already read that, but thanks anyway’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 
Welcome to obscure and desolate fetish sites.
(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)
When I die, I'm going to have that put on my tombstone. I'm being serious. ... Okay not really, But it's a contender!’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 
How do u get ur butt inflated by air pump, plz tell me
The human buttocks is a semi-solid mass of the glutial muscles and fat cells, not a pair of empty balloon-like sacks. They simply don't work that way. You can't inflate your butt with an air pump. It's physically impossible, until prostetics technology catches up with the imagination that is.
And again, please refrain from reopening old threads. If you have a question, start a new thread.
We're not gonna try if you aren't going to take this seriously. Use proper spelling or don't bother wasting our time.
(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)
what is the easiest way to water inflate
Hey, be patient. This isn't instant messaging or text. Forums take time.
To answer your question, it depends on what you mean by "best." A typical enema or a deep colonic are considered the "safest" methods, but there are a handful of others as well.
Wowzers, I get to use this twice today!’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

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Communities > Parenting Teens (12-17) > My 12yr old daughter is inflating her belly on purpose.

I just recently found out that my daughter has been inflating her belly. This does not seem normal to me. I had notcied for the last 6 months or so, that her belly appeared differently from day to day, sometimes flat, sometimes really bloated. I had figured it was just her starting her period. But a couple months ago I found and air pump in her room cleaning, it was hidden in her jewelry box under the bed. I hadn't thought much of it at the time, other than 'Why would she have this here?" well a few days ago i noticed her going to the refrigerator for something to drink. I was past her bedtime, and when she turned around to walk back to her room, she looked pregnant. So yesturday i got on her computer, as I usually never do, don't want to be a nosey mom, and i found a folder that has dozens of videos of her inflating her belly like a balloon. She always wears clothes, but this is very strange isn't it?

I looked up online about this, thinking my daughter had some very bizarre disorder, but instead found that alot of girls do this same thing. and they seem normal enough as well.

Now what I am really worried about is safety, could this cause some kind of permanent harm, and should I have a councelor look at her. If this is actually some kind of normal thing, i don't want to critisise or make her feel bad for doing it. But I just really don't know what to do about this.

Thanks, Abigail

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Jul 17, 2016

its completly safe if shes been doing it for a long time she knows when to stop inflateing her belly just let her do it

I will be honest:
Yes, it can be dangerous to inflate your belly.

But if your daughter knows when she needs to stop, and dont takes more than she can handle whitout pain it should be okay.
I mean, there are a lot of people who do this, and some of them get really, REALLY huge whitout any damage or pain. Its just a thing of training how big her belly will get. You said she looked pregnant one time? That sounds like she is doing it for a longer time now and is used to the pressure and air in her body.
There is just one thing that needs to be clear:
Where does she stick the hose? Her butt, or her *****?
Well, i think if shes already used to it, it doesnt really matter.

So, let her go. Just be sure she knows her limit.

I'm sorry but I am so confused. Why would a child do this? If there is even a small risk of it being dangerous she should stop, for the simple fact that there is no reason to do it. I am so confused by this.

Jul 29, 2016

As said above, its not dangerous if she knows her limits.
Inflation is one of the more innocent fetishes out there, (trust me, there are much, much worse). Maybe talk to her about it, make sure she does push herself to far.

Hi My name is Kim and I am an R.N. I know some find strange but this not as bad or as
other said strange. you do need to talk about to her and with doctor if she is having any issue.
If not at lease talk find the reason and know find out what she knows about what she is doing.  
Also know that by you finding out you could have her go into hiding her fetish that seem to adapted some earlier than some.
  As an R.N. i work in a surgical unlit and have well inflated many people  low air flow and slowly for surgeries.
  She should know not to induce air into vaginal canal as that would be very bad. if she doing water enemas as well she need to know to use pure water.
Too much water can cause issue like water intoxication.
  There instructions to what to use and is safe listed on many sites.
My thought are talk to her  don't act scared but to see what you can do to see if she can give the reason it and educate her on the pro and cons as
Yes if she was to use too fast a flow she could do some damage but she would feel pain and know to stop.
IF she is making video she is most likely sharing them so she may have friends doing this.She need to stop if posting them. What get posted stays posted.
Now if you find any adult got her into this and has been get the video bust that idiot..
There are adults as you know look to traik young people into things. IF there is an adult connection bust them. If ot old young male bust them.
IF it is her friends that same age  leave it They will grow out of it .
If you expos her friends it will have a ripple effect on all. If you feel the need to talk to her friends parents think on it and watch what you say. People freak out on things kids do.  They can grow out of this as they get owner but yes you want to know and let know it is ok to talk to you about it.

As a R.N. of over 27 years i seen many strange behavior. I see people who do the coming to the ER but not for that reason they over inflated  but has come up.
One time when a girl came in after inflating her self and slip and broke her arm in her bathroom.
.I look at her said when are you due she laugh and reached under gown and let out the air.. (one big fart) The whole ER was all laughing at it. It was the not the last one over time.

Again Talk do not freak out and be clear she needs to be open and honest so you can know if she has issues at anytime. As an R.N. I can say the human body is amazing and people do a lot to theirs . Belly inflation by now you can see is big  manly in young adult and older. She learn about it and is trying it. she will at best grow out of as she get older . If not she will be better if does not get labeled unbalance or see you freaking out or is sent to psychiatrist. It is not a mental issue.
Good luck  Keep us posted.. Love on her be some she can trust and she will open up.

Yes, I guess it's a dangerous situation. I think you should  talk to her about that.

.Belly inflation (as you described it) is very dangerous.If she uses air,it can cause a rupture on the Colon Maximus(Large Intestine).If she uses water,it can also cause rupture,but also kidney damage and water poisoning(if not ingested properly).If she uses water and air,it can cause air mixing with blood(through the veins and capilars on the large intestine).And air mixing with blood leads to death.You need to explain her the dangers of this.My suggestion is to hide(or better throw away) the air pump,and control her intake of liquids.This is a dangerous fetish,only girls with experience and really strong stomach's do.I hope I helped a bit.

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