Belly Riders

Belly Riders


Belly Riders


11. January 2021 14. November 2021

Bellyriding , Women with Animals

bellyriding , stallion

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This is my twelfth story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did.
Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:
Marisa Gonzalez was 25 and lived a life of mixed blessings. She had been a reporter since she left college. Her father had more or less never paid any attention to her, so she had lived almost all her life with no real paternal supervision. Her father was a rich, white industrialist from Germany, and he had imparted almost nothing onto his daughter other than a lighter complexion and an unheard of height. She was almost six foot tall, compared to her Mother who was only 5’3″. She always had stood head and shoulders above the men in her town, and as such she had always been dissatisfied.
Marisa’s love life had never been spectacular, although all the men hit on her. But the few times she had had sex, she had to fake everything. She wanted them to feel good inside her, but for some reason they had always been lacking in an indescribable way. Her friends thought that she was a lipstick lesbian – tall, thin and gorgeous. But really she was a bit of a loner in her personal life. Instead she had become closer to her Mother than anyone else in her life. When Marisa moved on her own her Mother became her best friend and the two moved out to the outskirts of Rio De Janeiro, where Marisa bought herself a small secluded piece of property. It was a nice place to get way from the hustle and bustle of her daily life as a beat reporter.
Her Mother, Rosetta, had been extremely close to Marisa since the divorce from her father. Other than monthly allowances that her father sent in the mail, Marisa had had no communication from her wealthy but inattentive father for years. Her father had run a construction company when Brazil was in a large economic boom, so he had enough money to throw at the problem his wife had created – Marisa. She knew she wasn’t wanted, which was a blow to her fragile ego. So she had stopped talking to him entirely and instead just focused on her schooling and then later her career. Her Mother was completely supportive.
Marisa had been one of the most up and coming reporters in Rio when she started, fresh out of school. She mostly worked the paper, but every once in a while she also did TV. Her height and striking features stood out in a crowd and the few times she had gone on camera it had worked well on TV. But for some reason she had lost some of her edge. So she started thinking about ways to get it back. She had nothing to fall back on, no man, no father, nothing. Her Mother didn’t work either, so that meant all the bills were paid for by Marisa. Even though she was gorgeous and famous, Marisa had never managed to land a guy worth having. Her father wasn’t worth having either. Sure, her allowance was enough to keep her fed and then some. But she wanted more from life.
One day, reading through the paper she happened across an old picture of the Carneval, and in it, although barely noticeable was a picture of a belly rider. Marisa had known about belly riding for many years, as did many Brazilians, but she had forgotten it was such an open and acceptable practice even just a few decades earlier. It got her thinking. She knew it was still practiced, in samba schools around the outskirts of Rio. She also knew it was against the law now. But yet it was still practiced. Her vague train of thought suddenly turned into a story potential. She didn’t wait to finish breakfast, she told Rosetta goodbye and she raced to the office.
When she got there she found her boss and asked him if he would mind if she did a story on belly riding. It’s history, the laws, and how it is still practiced. In her mind she was picturing an hour long expose. And sure enough her boss began to agree. It did sound like a great idea. So he gave her the okay to start thinking up the story idea and push forward with it. With that she nearly skipped out of his office. That was it – she was on the fast track now. This story nearly wrote itself. She sat down at her desk with a fresh peice of paper and a pencil and started jotting notes.
But soon she began to realize she really didn’t know all that much about belly riding other than some vague conversations she had had with people over coffee. Her pretentious friends would laugh about having spotted a belly rider, but that’s about all she could get out of those conversations – that indeed belly riders did exist. Interesting, but almost useless information. No, she needed to get more familiar with the concept, if she had any hope of learning more, or doing an entire hour long expose.
She left early to go home and brainstorm. She liked talking to her Mother, who was more like her best friend than anything. Rosetta was great to talk to, and Marisa know her Mother would give her good advice. She sat down at the kitchen table and called Rosetta in. Marisa explained, “I’d like to do a news paper article on belly riding.” “So, what’s the problem?” “Well, I don’t know anything about it, honestly.” “Why do you want to do a story on them?” “I don’t know. People will be interested! Besides, I need this.”
Rosetta sat down and looked Marisa in the eye, “So? What are you going to do?” Marisa shrugged, “I don’t know, Mom. I was hoping you’d have some advice.” Rosetta nodded and leaned back in her chair, letting her eyes wander around the ceiling, clearly thinking deeply. Minutes passed and Rosetta said nothing. Marisa was used to this – that was how Rosetta was. She was always very thoughtful in her answers. Finally after almost four minutes of silence Rosetta said, “I know what you should do, but you won’t like it.”
“What? Tell me.” Rosetta paused and said, “If you want to learn about belly riding, you should try it.” Marisa nearly laughed but then she saw that Rosetta wasn’t kidding, “What do you mean, I should try it?” “I mean, you should find a horse and ride it so that you know how it works. Only then can you talk to belly riders and ask them the questions your paper’s audience will want to hear.” Marisa shook her head, she couldn’t do that, “No, I mean, I can’t have sex with a horse.”
Rosetta shrugged, “Why?” “I don’t know… people will freak out!” Marisa’s Mother smiled, amused that the reason for protesting was not that Marisa was upset by the idea, but by others and how they might see her, “Not if they don’t know. I didn’t say you had to tell anyone. No one has to know.” Marisa looked at Rosetta and smiled, and shook her head, “You’re crazy, you know that? How would that even work?” Rosetta smiled, “Don’t worry about that. I can handle that…” Rosetta paused, looked at her watch and said, “I have to go run an errand. I’ll be back in an hour.” Marisa watched as Rosetta stood, grabbed her coat and left the house. Marisa knew Rosetta better – she was a trouble maker, and without a doubt she was off causing trouble.
Marisa was left to ponder what her Mother was up to. Could Marisa really have sex with a horse? No, there was no chance. The thought even disgusted her. She had no interest in it whatsoever. But she was curious as to why these women found it so appealing that they’d give up their lives for the chance to stay under a horse. Marisa shrugged it off, and went upstairs to think and try to gather her thoughts. She decided Rosetta was no help and that she’d have to figure this problem out herself.
An hour later she heard Rosetta open the door downstairs and call up to her. Marisa walked to the top of the stairs and looked down, “Hey, Mom, what’s up?” Rosetta said, “Can you come down for a moment?” Marisa shook her head, fearing whatever Rosetta had in store. Rosetta waited for Marisa to come down and then opened the front door. When Marisa followed her outside she saw, much to her surprise, Rosetta had brought a horse home. It wasn’t just any horse, it was absolutely massive. It was the biggest horse Marisa had ever seen, by far! It was standing, tied to the railing of the house. More embarrassingly still, there was a belly riding saddle slung beneath it.
“Oh my god, Mom!” Marisa hit her short Mother on the shoulder. Rosetta laughed, “Don’t worry, he’s yours for as long as you need him to be. A girl down the road works at a stable, and owes me a few favors. You could probably keep him for a month or so until your assignment is over.” “Did you really walk him all the way up the street? What about the neighbors? They’ll know I’m belly riding.” “Oh, I didn’t see anyone. Don’t worry.” That wasn’t much consolation to Marisa, but she tried to convince herself that no one knew – other than whomever it was that owed Rosetta favors. Rosetta continued, “Believe it or not it was tough finding the right horse for you.” “Why?” “Because of how tall you are!” “Oh! Why would that matter?” “Well, this stallion is also huge, if you hadn’t noticed.”
Marisa tried to guage how big the stallion was, but having not seen that many horses up close, she wasn’t quite sure exactly how big he was in comparison. However, she did note that he seemed disproportionately huge, “Yeah, I guess so.” “That’s a good thing. You wouldn’t fit at all under a normal horse, and also, he’s better endowed.” “MOM!” “I’m just saying, only a few women have been able to have sex with him, but you’re so tall, I think you could manage it.” Marisa blushed that her own Mother had thought that much about the size of her pussy and what horse dick would be the best fit.
“I can’t fuck a horse, Mom.” “Why?” “I just can’t.” “It’s not going to kill you. Just try it once. You can jump in the saddle, let the horse do it’s thing and then you’ll have enough information to start writing your story.” “There’s got to be another way.” “If you want to talk to belly riders, you’ve got to know what to say, or they won’t trust you.” Marisa sighed; she really didn’t want to try it, but her Mother seemed insistent. “Okay, just this once. But we won’t tell anyone else, right?” “Right.” Rosetta smirked.
Marisa stood there dumbly looking at Rosetta before Rosetta smiled politely and said, “Okay, off with the clothes, kiddo. You won’t be needing those.” Marisa had almost forgotten the whole point of belly riding, “Oh, right.” She quickly unbuttoned her blouse, and slid her skirt over her hips. She unhooked her bra, and slid her panties down her bottom. She stepped out of them. She had taken off her shoes when she got home, so she stood in the grass bare foot and nude in every way. Thankfully it was a warm day, because she felt her nipples tighten up, even though it wasn’t cold at all.
She walked over to the belly riding saddle underneath the stallion and she laughed as she realized she was so new to this that she had no idea how she was supposed to get into it. Rosetta helped her figure it out and after a minute of struggling she managed to seat herself in the saddle. Just as both Rosetta and Marisa feared, although the stallion was absolutely the largest either of them had seen, Marisa was so tall, her head simply wouldn’t fit, like a normal belly rider might, snugly under the horse’s chest.
Marisa shook her head, “I’m too big for anything! Even a horse! How can I live when I can’t even have sex with a horse because of my height?” Rosetta frowned sensing her daughter’s hidden frustration about her height, “No you aren’t too tall, sweetheart. You’re just right. Just you wait. We’ll figure something out.” Both women thought for a bit until Rosetta got an idea and made a small adjustment to the saddle by moving some of the straps, loosening some and pulling some tighter so that the saddle was twisted slightly to the side, so Marisa’s head stuck out from the side of the horse where her long dark hair gracefully dangled down to the ground. She felt a little funny hanging diagonally from under the horse rather than from directly underneath it, but she had a wonderful view of the sky from that position. Rosetta smiled at her handy work, “Comfy?”
“Strangely, yes. I guess someone must have taller women in mind when they made this saddle. That was easier than I thought it would be.” “Or some tall woman like yourself has had the desire to belly riding and all subsequent saddles have been made to accommodate taller women. Given that belly riding spans many cultures and regions, I’d imagine you aren’t the only tall woman who had accepted horse seed.” Marisa didn’t like those words, she wasn’t attempting to do anything but get good research information, but she was gracious anyway, “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
Rosetta went around tying her wrists and ankles to the stallion, “See? That wasn’t so bad! You’re not too tall to have sex with a horse.” Having her hands and ankles tied felt dangerous at first, to Marisa, but she realized her Mother would never hurt her. Marisa knew she should be turned on, but she really wasn’t – she was so nervous and concerned about her body. Rosetta began to rub the horse’s sheath, slowly getting it to extend.
Marisa knew she wasn’t even wet, although spreading her legs that far apart, and letting her Mother see her exposed and open vagina in all it’s glory was a little exciting, Marisa even had to admit that to herself. Marisa wasn’t really an exhibitionist, but being naked in front of her mother was definitely more fun than being naked in her room alone. However, the idea of having sex with a horse was, for some reason, only slightly sexually exciting. To her it seemed more clinical. This was just something she needed to do for work. This was no different in Marisa’s mind than smashing her face in a pie for a pie eating contest or some other ridiculous thing she did for the paper. That was until Rosetta parted her daughter’s pubic hair with the horse’s penis and touched it to Marisa’s labia for the first time.
It felt like an electric shock against her thatch of pubic hair, and instinctively, Marisa let her legs slack a little to make it easier for her Mother. Still though, Marisa wasn’t immediately wet. Rosetta pushed hard, trying to spread Marisa’s labia far enough so that the horse would enter her. The two women struggled in unison to allow the horse passage into Marisa’s warm hole. They both tensed and pushed. Marisa was getting more and more turned on and more and more frustrated. Did she really seriously want to feel the horse inside her? She shrugged off that thought – this was just for her career. But a thought suddenly entered her brain. This was the first time she had ever struggled to get any penis into her. Normally she was left totally unsatisfied by her lovers in terms of length and girth.
After another minute, Marisa noticed that her pussy had turned from dry as the sahara to extremely wet – maybe even too wet. Rosetta kept slipping the giant penis head off of Marisa’s vulva as she attempted to mate her daughter to the animal. It was an extremely frustrating experience for all involved. Then, suddenly it was like magic – the horse pushed hard, right at the perfect second and Marisa’s eyes flew open. The horse’s head pushed beyond her vaginal lips several inches into her. It was extremely uncomfortable for Marisa. “Oh my GOD! MOM! Whoa! I had no idea how big he’d be! Ow!” Marisa struggled to allow the horse further access, but everything in her body was screaming that this animal was just too big for her. Yet something deep within her forced her to push onward, taking inch after inch into her engorged pussy. For the first time in her life something had managed to overwhelm her over sized pussy, and it had still barely entered her, with many inches forthcoming!
She gently rocked her hips, allowing the horse’s huge member to slip further and further into her crevasse. She couldn’t imagine how a huge an animal could be that big so that her normally huge pussy couldn’t easily accomidate it. She had fisted herself several times but it was totally unsatisfying – she wanted a big hard cock, not her own fist. Strangely this penis was even bigger than her own fist had been. With a wince of pain she felt the horse’s penis butt up against her cervix. She stiffened, trying not to move her long body. She knew he was seated all the way inside of her, but she didn’t know what to do. She wanted to move, but she didn’t at the same time. She couldn’t get over the size of this creature’s penis. It was just massive. She knew she was holding her breath as her loins slowly and gently relaxed enough to get over the discomfort. She sighed, “Wow, okay. It’s in. I can’t believe how huge he is, Mom. You were right. God!” Rosetta nodded and stood up. She went over to the banister and grabbed a small box that Marisa hadn’t noticed was sitting there all along.
Rosetta took out a small syringe and injected the horse near it’s penis above it’s sheath. Marisa looked inquisitive, “What’s that?” “Papervine. Belly riders give it to their stallions so they can ride longer. Nothing to worry about, the horse doesn’t even notice the shot.” Marisa tried to pay attention, trying to mentally note everything she was seeing and experiencing. The smell of the horse and the saddle. The feel of the straps around her wrists and ankles. The feel of the skin of the giant phallus against her vaginal lips. The hot feeling of her chest as she became more and more sexually frustrated. It was all going into her mental diary.
Rosetta said, “Okay, now, let’s walk you around.” Marisa nodded, like a soldier would, undertaking a dangerous mission. She took this very seriously, as Rosetta untied the stallion’s reigns from the banister and gently coaxed him to walk forward. The horse took the first step. Marisa felt her insides jiggle as the massive erection in her moved. Marisa thought to herself that it felt strange but very good all at once. The next step was even better… and the next. Soon she was having trouble concentrating on the fact that the horse was walking at all, and she felt more like she was flying with an engorged penis thrust into her.
She lost all track of where she was as Rosetta slowly walked the horse around the large house in large concentric circles. She could lean her head back and see the world from the side and underneath the horse upside down. It felt very disorienting but she knew that this was how real belly riders navigated, so it must be something they got used to. Suddenly Marisa’s eyes opened wide and her whole body felt like it was going to explode! She began to climax out of nowhere. She was almost scared of how powerful her orgasm was as she humped her butt upwards violently and involuntarily. She winced and moaned loudly for several seconds, feeling her chest flush and her breasts jiggle. As fast as her climax came it subsided. She fell back into her saddle and shook her head trying to shake off the sensation that had just overcame her with a huff and several deep breaths.
Rosetta smiled
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