Belling The Catgirl

Belling The Catgirl


Belling The Catgirl
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the Scottish nobleman known as Archibald "Bell the Cat", see Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus .

^ Ben Edwin Perry (1965). Babrius and Phaedrus . Loeb Classical Library . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. pp. 545, no. 613. ISBN 0-674-99480-9 .

^ "Belling The Cat" . Fables of Aesop . 2016-07-05 . Retrieved 2021-03-04 .

^ "To Bell the Cat" Retrieved 9 November 2007.

^ David Reid, David Hume of Godscroft's History of the House of Angus , vol. 1 (STS: Edinburgh, 2005), p. 26.

^ Macdougall, Norman (1982). James III: A Political Study . Edinburgh: John Donald. pp. 287–8. ISBN 0859760782 .

^ "21. De cato et muribus (1687), illustrated by Francis Barlow" . . Retrieved January 26, 2011 .

^ Laura (15 May 2009). "Christianizing Aesop: The Fables of Odo of Cheriton" . Journey to the Sea . Retrieved 26 January 2011 .

^ Ysopet-Avionnet, the Latin and French texts , University of Illinois 1919; fable LXII, pp.190–2; this is archived online

^ Les contes moralisés de Nicole Bozon Paris, 1889, pp.144–5; archived here

^ William's Vision of Piers Plowman by William Langland , edited by Ben Byram-Wigfield (2006), Prologue, lines 146–181; online text here Archived 2011-08-07 at the Wayback Machine

^ "The Parliament of the Rats and Mice" . . Retrieved 26 January 2011 .

^ Poésies morales et historiques d'Eustache Deschamps , Paris 1832, pp. 188-9

^ Robert Landru, Eustache Deschamps , Fédération des sociétés d'histoire et d'archéologie de l'Aisne, vol. XV 1969, p.126

^ Fable 195

^ View on Wikimedia Commons

^ "Elizur Wright's translation" . . Retrieved 26 January 2011 .

^ Kriloff's Fables , translated by C.Fillingham Coxwell, London 1920, pp.38–9; archived online

^ "Lyrics | LM.C – Bell The Cat (English)" . SongMeanings . Retrieved 26 January 2011 .

^ "Available on YouTube" . 18 November 2007. Archived from the original on 2021-12-12 . Retrieved 26 January 2011 .

^ "Who will bell the cat?" . . OCLC . Retrieved 6 April 2022 .

^ "Who Will Bell the Cat?" . Publishers Weekly . PWxyz LLC. February 19, 2018 . Retrieved April 6, 2022 .

^ Exhibited at the 1888 Salon; photo online

^ "See online" . Retrieved 17 August 2012 .

^ "In the Musée Denon de Chalon-sur-Saône" . . Retrieved 17 August 2012 .

^ "In the Musée La Fontaine at Château Thierry" . Retrieved 17 August 2012 .

^ George Baxley. "" . . Retrieved 17 August 2012 .

^ View online Archived 2012-03-25 at the Wayback Machine

^ The score is printed in: John Metz, The Fables of La Fontaine: A Critical Edition of the Eighteenth-Century , Pendragon Press 1986, p.45

^ Op.85, 1879, Score at Gallica

^ Liedernet

^ Op. 123, Liedernet

^ Bibliographie de la France , 14 March 1846, 127

^ "Pierre Perret chante 20 fables inspirées de Jean de La Fontaine Perret, Pierre, 1934-..." .

^ Track available on Jamendo

Belling the Cat is a fable also known under the titles The Bell and the Cat and The Mice in Council . In the story, a group of mice agree to attach a bell to a cat's neck to warn of its approach in the future, but they fail to find a volunteer to perform the job. The term has become an idiom describing a group agreeing to perform an impossibly difficult task.

Although often attributed to Aesop , it was not recorded before the Middle Ages and has been confused with the quite different fable of Classical origin titled The Cat and the Mice . In the classificatory system established for the fables by B. E. Perry , it is numbered 613, which is reserved for Mediaeval attributions outside the Aesopic canon . [1]

The fable concerns a group of mice who debate plans to nullify the threat of a marauding cat. One of them proposes placing a bell around its neck, so that they are warned of its approach. The plan is applauded by the others, until one mouse asks who will volunteer to place the bell on the cat. All of them make excuses. The story is used to teach the wisdom of evaluating a plan on not only how desirable the outcome would be but also how it can be executed. It provides a moral lesson about the fundamental difference between ideas and their feasibility, and how this affects the value of a given plan. [2]

The story gives rise to the idiom to bell the cat , which means to attempt, or agree to perform, an impossibly difficult task. [3] Historically 'Bell the Cat' is frequently claimed to have been a nickname given to fifteenth-century Scottish nobleman Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus in recognition of his part in the arrest and execution of James III 's alleged favourite , Thomas (often misnamed as Robert) Cochrane . In fact the earliest evidence for this use is from Hume of Godscroft's history of the Douglases published in 1644, [4] and therefore is more reflective of perception of the idiom in the seventeenth century than the fifteenth. [5]

The first English collection to attribute the fable to Aesop was John Ogilby 's of 1687; in this there is a woodcut (by Francis Barlow ), followed by a 10-line verse synopsis by Aphra Behn with the punning conclusion:

Good Councell's easily given, but the effect
Oft renders it uneasy to transact. [6]

One of the earliest versions of the story appears as a parable critical of the clergy in Odo of Cheriton 's Parabolae . [7] Written around 1200, it was afterwards translated into Welsh, French and Spanish. Some time later the story is found in the work now referred to as Ysopet-Avionnet , which is largely made up of Latin poems by the 12th century Walter of England , followed by a French version dating from as much as two centuries later. It also includes four poems not found in Walter's Esopus ; among them is the tale of "The Council of the Mice" ( De muribus consilium facientibus contra catum ). The author concludes with the scornful comment that laws are of no effect without the means of adequately enforcing them and that such parliamentary assemblies as he describes are like the proverbial mountain in labour that gives birth to a mouse. [8]

The fable also appeared as a cautionary tale in Nicholas Bozon 's Anglo-Norman Contes Moralisés (1320), referring to the difficulty of curbing the outrages of superior lords. [9] It was in this context too that the story of a parliament of rats and mice was retold in William Langland 's allegorical poem Piers Plowman . [10] The episode is said to refer to the Parliament of 1376 which attempted unsuccessfully to remedy popular dissatisfaction over the exactions made by nobles acting in the royal name. [11]
Langland's French contemporary, the satirical Eustache Deschamps , also includes the story among his other moral ballades based on fables as " Les souris et les chats ". [12] It has been suggested that in this case too there is a political subtext. The poem was written as a response to the aborted invasion of England in 1386 and contrasts French dithering in the face of English aggression. [13] The refrain of Deschamps' ballade, Qui pendra la sonnette au chat (who will bell the cat) was to become proverbial in France if, indeed, it does not record one already existing.

In the following century, the Italian author Laurentius Abstemius made of the fable a Latin cautionary tale titled De muribus tintinnabulum feli appendere volentibus (The mice who wanted to bell the cat) [14] in 1499. A more popular version in Latin verse was written by Gabriele Faerno and printed posthumously in his Fabulae centum ex antiquis auctoribus delectae (100 delightful fables from ancient authors, Rome 1564), a work that was to be many times reprinted and translated up to start of the 19th century. Titled simply "The Council of the Mice", it comes to rest on the drily stated moral that 'a risky plan can have no good result'. The story was evidently known in Flanders too, since 'belling the cat' was included among the forty Netherlandish Proverbs in the composite painting of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1559). In this case a man in armour is performing the task in the lower left foreground. [15] A century later, La Fontaine's Fables made the tale even better known under the title Conseil tenu par les rats (II.2). [16]

In mediaeval times the fable was applied to political situations and that British commentaries on it were sharply critical of the limited democratic processes of the day and their ability to resolve social conflict when class interests were at stake. This applies equally to the plot against the king's favourite in 15th century Scotland and the direct means that Archibald Douglas chose to resolve the issue. While none of the authors who used the fable actually incited revolution, the 1376 Parliament that Langland satirised was followed by Wat Tyler 's revolt five years later, while Archibald Douglas went on to lead a rebellion against King James. During the Renaissance the fangs of the fable were being drawn by European authors, who restricted their criticism to pusillanimous conduct in the face of rashly proposed solutions. A later exception was the Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov , whose adaptation of the story satirises croneyism. In his account only those with perfect tails are to be allowed into the assembly; nevertheless, a tailless rat is admitted because of a family connection with one of the lawmakers. [17]

There still remains the perception of a fundamental opposition between consensus and individualism. This is addressed in the lyrics of "Bell the Cat", [18] a performance put out on DVD by the Japanese rock band LM.C in 2007. [19] This is the monologue of a house cat that wants to walk alone since "Society is by nature evil". It therefore refuses to conform and is impatient of restriction: "your hands hold on to everything – bell the cat". While the lyric is sung in Japanese, the final phrase is in English. Another modernised adaptation based on this fable, that updates the moral, has been published by Patricia McKissack in her Who Will Bell the Cat? (illustrated by Christopher Cyr). [20] [21]

Several French artists depicted the fable during the 19th century, generally choosing one of two approaches. Gustave Doré and the genre painter Aurélie Léontine Malbet (fl.1868–1906) [22] pictured the rats realistically acting out their debate. The illustrator Grandville , [23] along with the contemporaries Philibert Léon Couturier [ fr ] (1823–1901) [24] and Auguste Delierre (1829–1890), [25] caricature the backward practice and pomposity of provincial legislatures, making much the same point as did the Mediaeval authors who first recorded the tale. At the end of the century a publishing curiosity reverts to the first approach. This was in the woodblock print by Kawanabe Kyōsui that appeared in the collection of La Fontaine's fables that was commissioned and printed in Tokyo in 1894 and then exported to France. [26] In the upper left-hand corner a cat is seen through a warehouse window as it approaches across the roofs while inside the rats swarm up the straw-wrapped bales of goods. At its summit the chief rat holds the bell aloft. An earlier Japanese woodblock formed part of Kawanabe Kyōsai 's Isoho Monogotari series (1870–80). This shows an assembly of mice in Japanese dress with the proposer in the foreground, brandishing the belled collar. [27]

In the 18th century the fable was one among many set by Louis-Nicolas Clérambault in the fables section of Nouvelles poésies spirituelles et morales sur les plus beaux airs (1730–37). [28] In the following century the text of La Fontaine's fable was set for male voices by Louis Lacombe [29] and by the Catalan composer Isaac Albéniz for medium voice and piano in 1889. [30] In 1950 it was set for four male voices by Florent Schmitt . [31] But while La Fontaine's humorously named cat Rodilardus, and antiquated words like discomfiture ( déconfiture ), may fit an art song, there have also been faithful interpretations in the field of light music. A popular composer of the day, Prosper Massé, published such a setting in 1846. [32] More recently there has been Pierre Perret 's interpretation as part of his 20 Fables inspirées de Jean de la Fontaine (1995), [33] and a jazz arrangement on Daniel Roca's 10 Fables de La Fontaine (2005). [34] Log in Sign up Log out
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As often in this book, the moon stands for ‘visionary’ schemes, here also referred to in the Application. – The Bewick Society
A complete collection of Aesop's Fables
Aesop Fables / 5 July 2016 by DaBoss
The mice met in council to figure out how to defeat the Cat. One suggested a bell for the Cat to warn them. Problem: Nobody would volunteer to bell the Cat.
It is easy to propose impossible remedies.
Once upon a time all the Mice met together in Council, and discussed the best means of securing themselves against the attacks of the cat. After several suggestions had been debated, a Mouse of some standing and experience got up and said, “I think I have hit upon a plan which will ensure our safety in the future, provided you approve and carry it out. It is that we should fasten a bell round the neck of our enemy the cat, which will by its tinkling warn us of her approach.” This proposal was warmly applauded, and it had been already decided to adopt it, when an old Mouse got upon his feet and said, “I agree with you all that the plan before us is an admirable one: but may I ask who is going to bell the cat?”
Samuel Croxall (The Mice in Council)
Many things appear sensible in speculation, which are afterwards found to be impracticable. And since the execution of any thing is that which is to complete and finish its very existence, what raw counsel!ors are those who advise, what precipitate politicians those who proceed to the management of things in their nature incapable of answering their own expectations, or their promises to others. At the same time, the fable teaches us, not to expose ourselves in any of our little coffeehouse committees, by determining what should be done upon every occurrence of mal-administration, when we have neither commission nor power to execute it. He that upon such occasions, adjudges, as a preservative for the state, that this or that should be applied to the neck of those who have been enemies to it, will appear full as ridiculous as the Mouse in the fable, when the question is asked, who shall put it there? In reality, we do but expose ourselves to the hatred of some, and the contempt of others, when we inadvertently utter our impracticable speculations, in respect of the public, either in private company, or authorised assemblies.
Thomas Bewick (The Mice in Council)
The Mice called a general council, and after the doors were locked, entered into a free consultation about ways and means how to render themselves more secure from the danger of the Cat. Many schemes were proposed, and much debate took place upon the matter. At last, a young Mouse, in a fine florid speech, broached an expedient, which he contended was the only one to put them entirely out of the power of the enemy, and this was, that the Cat should wear a bell about her neck, which, upon the least motion, would give the alarm, and be a signal for them to retire into their holes. This speech was received with great applause, and it was even proposed by some, that the Mouse who had made it should have the thanks of the assembly. Upon which, an old Mouse, who had sat silent hitherto, gravely observed, that the contrivance was admirable, and the author of it, without doubt, very ingenious; but he thought it would not be so proper to vote him thanks, till he should further inform them how the bell was to be fastened about the Cat’s neck, and who would undertake the task.
It is easy for visionary projectors to devise schemes, and to descant on their utility, which, after all, are found to be so impracticable, or so difficult, that no man of solid judgment can be prevailed upon to attempt putting them into execution. In all matters where the good of the community is at stake, new projects should be carefully examined in all their bearings, that the ruinous consequences which might follow them may be avoided. All business of this import ought to be left to the decision of such men only as are distinguished for their good sense, probity , honour, and patriotism. When these have examined them in all their different bearings, we may place confidence in their labours, and adopt their plans; but the Fable teaches us not to listen to those rash and ignorant politicians, who are always foisting their schemes upon the public upon every occurrence of mal-administration, without looking beneath the surface, or considering whether they be practicable or otherwise.
The Mice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the Cat. At least they wished to find some way of knowing when she was coming, so they might have time to run away. Indeed, something had to be done, for they lived in such constant fear of her claws that they hardly dared stir from their dens by night or day.
Many plans were discussed, but none of them was thought good enough. At last a very young Mouse got up and said:
“I have a plan that seems very simple, but I know it will be successful. All we have to do is to hang a bell about the Cat’s neck. When we hear the bell ringing we will know immediately that our enemy is coming.”
All the Mice were much surprised that they had not thought of such a plan before. But in the midst of the rejoicing over their good fortune, an old Mouse arose and said:
“I will say that the plan of the young Mouse is very good. But let me ask one question: Who will bell the Cat?”
It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it.
Townsend version (The Mice in Council)
The mice summoned a council to decide how they might best devise means of warning themselves of the approach of their great enemy the Cat. Among the many plans suggested, the one that found most favor was the proposal to tie a bell to the neck of the Cat, so that the Mice, being warned by the sound of the tinkling, might run away and hide themselves in their holes at his approach. But when the Mice further debated who among them should thus “bell the Cat,” there was no one found to do it.
SOME mice who saw fit once a quarter to meet, To arrange the concerns of their city; Thought it needful to choose, as is common with us, First a chairman and then a committee.
When the chairman was seated, the object he stated For which at that meeting they sat; Which was, it should seem, the concerting a scheme To defeat the designs of the cat.
Dr. Nibble-cheese rose, and said, “I would propose, To this cat that we fasten a bell: He who likes what I’ve said, now will hold up his head; He who does not, may hold up his tail.”
So out of respect, they their noses erect, Except one who the order reversed; Ayes, all then but one, but yet nought could be done, Until he had his reasons rehearsed.
“I shall not,” said this mouse, “waste the time of the house In long arguments; since, as I view it, The scheme would succeed, without doubt, if indee
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