Being Horny For My Cousin

Being Horny For My Cousin


Being Horny For My Cousin



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Being Horny For My Cousin Is An Excuse I Can Ride

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Duration: 19:16
Views: 13K
Submitted: 5 years ago

Year: 2016

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Being Horny For My Cousin Is An Excuse I Can Ride Out To The End! (Motion Comic Version)
Popular circle toriihime's hot summer CG novel is adapted into a motion comic.
He went home to the countryside for summer vacation. His cousin Ai was happy to see him after all these years. "Let's play together, Oniichan," she said. Her invitation made his d*ck twitch in his pants, abandoning common sense. They took a stroll and he made his move. She took it well! Under the summer sky. In the bath, in the shed... cousins come together.

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Open Discussions about Sexuality and Related Issues.

Okay, so obviously the title says it all. I'll try to keep it shortish... Basically my cousin is 17 and I am 19, her being a girl and me a guy. I am sexually attracted to her.. Fairly strongly, from a strict sexual stance. And I feel really sick about it, as if I am thinking something utterly perverted and wrong. These attractions started when I was maybe 15 or 16. So at 16 she was 14. Due to big issues with my immediate family, I went to stay with my aunty (my cousins mum) when I was about 7 for about a year. When I left there to live with another aunty, my cousin visited very often and we would constantly be together (just as cousins do, play video games,.go to the park.etc.) My cousin and I are thus very close, I see her alot like a little sister in a way (which sickens me and makes me feel intensely guilty when I think about the feelings I get). Anyway, I can't remember the time it started. It just kinda did. Earlieast time I can remember a growing sense.of attraction was when my aunty had house extensions built to accomodate me and my little brother. Her and I were in my new room unpacking stuff and she was wearing short shorts, which was turning me on. I sat on the floor against my wall and she was on the adjacent wall (like where it meets at a 90 degree point). My knees were up but she moved closer as we talked..I wasn't focused on sexual feelings, just talking. She put her legs down (her knees were up too) and the back of her thighs rested on my feet. They were so soft as I instinctuvely pulled my feet out. So smooth, it really turned me on alot. She just giggled and apologised. Now, alot of people consider her to be really hot, and she's Greek mixed with other European races (my biggest turn on being European girls, since I'm majority Italian myself heh), and she's my type, so that doesn't ###$ help me. ######6 disgusting. I have always had a fixation on her legs. A very strong one, and on her arse too (right now I feel extremely guilty writing this). At 16 I masturbated to her constantly. I would imagine feeling those soft thighs and ######6 her. It would make me cum hard. A real turn on. ###$ my life. I'm certain she got an idea about my feelings, as she would playfully mess around with me to see if it would turn me.on (she would stare at my privates). Of course, it did. Lucky for me in those positions the erection I would get would be easily hideable, and I would tell her stop, that I was bored or whatever. Time went past and I grew a bit, and with the guilt I felt I stopped masturbating over her (I would do so alot but it slowed down dramatically). I would just jack myself off over more normal things, like hot chicks from school, hot teachers, whatever. I wasn't allowed to have a phone and there was no PC in my room so porn was out of the question, except when I'd sneak a friends porno DVD on my xbox. Regardless of that, I ended up getting a girlfriend, who was a girl from school, an extremely close friend who I grew an immense bond with. I was almost 17 when I had my very first kiss with a girl, with her. I also lost my virginity with her at 17 1/2. During school I wanked over her because ###$, she was so beautiful and without disrespect to her absolutely ######6 sexy. I wanked over her a bit, and came VERY hard when I did so, but stopped as I felt very guilty, like a pervert, because she was such a close and meaningful friend. (I'm writing all this becausd on reflection I considered myself to have a healthy sexual outlook and a postive mindframe towards affection and love.) After school her and I talked more and we got into a relationship, which lasted for over a year. We had a very strong bond and extremesly immense emotional affection, we considered each other soulmates and the sex (though rare due to her mum) was great as we had an extrenely strong physical attraction plus an extremely immense emotional,.lovong and affectionate bond). She ended up splitting up with me literally out of nowhere (November 2012), and I had absolutely no ######6 way to vent to anyone. So, I talked with my little cousin. She was honestly the only person I talked with, as I had shut out all my friends completely when I was with my ex. I couldn't really explain my depression etc. to my cousin because that $#%^ would've been pretty retarded, but I still had another human to talk with as I was extremely lonely. Anyway, after this, my previous feelings have come back a bit. Just this morning I masturbated to my cousin. When I do, I just imagine those soft legs and that arse, and imagine eating her out. When I do jack off over her I never ever imagine kissing her. That to me is the ultimate no way, purely disgusting and wrong area, I can't imagine kissing her, which is ironic considering I'm imagining kissing her, you know what.. Ehem. ######6 disgusted in myself, but you know what they say... A hard dick has no consciense. Two nights ago her and I met at her dads house (hes overseas) and she cooked me some dinner and we smoked some pot, laid back and watched UFC and Family Guy. Had a great time. My sexual desires were occasional, but mild; I enjoyed her company as my cousin far more than looking at her in that way. We sat on Omegle on her laptop and she sat right next to me, pressed against me a bit and her legs leaning on mine (we were both wearing long pants). I wasn't uncomfortable but didn't get a boner or feel sexual, so I felt okay by that. Technically, biologically, she isn't my REAL cousin (her mum was adopted into our family), so maybe she releases pheremones that my body just digs immensely? Still, I see her as nothing less than my cousin and in a way as a little sis, so the shame and guilt still hits me very hard. Maybe it's just strict body attraction? She's kinda small too...Smaller than me, which makes me feel disgustinng.. Like I'm.some big guy and she's a tiny girl. Even though I'm.not that big and she's not that small. Honestly, when I get hard and she's on my mind I just want to ###$ her so badly, really make her enjoy it and feel her.. ^ THAT'S how I ###$ feel. Since my ex, I've had absolutely ONE other sexual interaction, with a young escort at a brothel, about 3 weeks ago. She was 19, really hot, and we shared alot of similarities. How do I know? Because I spent $160 to talk, due to the fact that my dick couldn't get hard due to the lack.of affection and love I have grown to yearn, and the lack.of connection. I felt awful being there and apologised to her, and spent the next 30 mins having her stroke my chest while we talked about life. That's low. If we were alone amd she approached me sexually, I don't know how I'd react. (She never would, I'm just saying hypothetically). In my mind I'd reject her. But in real life? Man, I don't know. It's scary. I feel disgusting. But I can't help.but fantasise about her, her legs, her arse and body.. Sorry for such a long ######6 read. I guess I'm ven
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